def spi_gamma(precip_monthly_values, month_scale, valid_min, valid_max): return distribution_fitter.fit_to_gamma(precip_monthly_values, month_scale, valid_min, valid_max)
def compute_indicator_by_lons_pooled(input_dataset, output_dataset, input_var_name, output_var_name, month_scale, valid_min, valid_max): while True: # get the longitude index we'll use from the worker queue dim1_index = worker_queue.get() # lock the thread when doing I/O lock.acquire() # slice out the period of record for the x/y point data = input_dataset.variables[input_var_name][:, dim1_index, :] # release the lock since we'll not share anything else until doing the I/O to the output dataset lock.release() # keep the original data shape, we'll use this to reshape later original_shape = input_dataset.variables[input_var_name].shape for dim2_index in range(input_dataset.variables[input_var_name].shape[2]): # only process non-empty grid cells, i.e. data array contains at least some non-NaN values if isinstance(data[:, dim2_index], and data[:, dim2_index].mask.all(): pass else: # we have some valid values to work with'Processing x/y {}/{}'.format(dim1_index, dim2_index)) # perform a fitting to gamma data[:, dim2_index] = distribution_fitter.fit_to_gamma(data[:, dim2_index], month_scale, valid_min, valid_max) # reacquire the thread lock for doing NetCDF I/O lock.acquire() # slice out the period of record for the x/y point output_dataset.variables[output_var_name][:, dim1_index, :] = np.reshape(data, (original_shape[0], 1, original_shape[2])) # release the lock since we'll not share anything else until doing the I/O to the output dataset lock.release() # communicate to the queue that this task has been completed and the item can be removed worker_queue.task_done()
def compute_indicator(input_dataset, output_dataset, input_var_name, output_var_name, month_scale, valid_min, valid_max, dim1_index, # typically lon, for example with gridded datasets dim2_index): # typically lat, for example with gridded datasets # lock the thread when doing I/O lock.acquire() # slice out the period of record for the x/y point data = input_dataset.variables[input_var_name][:, dim1_index, dim2_index] # release the lock since we'll not share anything else until doing the I/O to the output dataset lock.release() # only process non-empty grid cells, i.e. data array contains at least some non-NaN values if (isinstance(data, and data.mask.all(): pass # # create a filler data array for the time series which is all NaN values # data = np.full((data.size(),), np.NaN) else: # we have some valid values to work with #'Processing x/y {}/{}'.format(dim1_index, dim2_index)) # perform a fitting to gamma data = distribution_fitter.fit_to_gamma(data, month_scale, valid_min, valid_max) # reacquire the thread lock for doing NetCDF I/O lock.acquire() # slice out the period of record for the x/y point output_dataset.variables[output_var_name][:, dim1_index, dim2_index] = data # release the lock since we'll not share anything else until doing the I/O to the output dataset lock.release()
def spei_gamma(precip_monthly_values, temp_monthly_values, data_start_year, latitude, month_scale, valid_min, valid_max): # compute the PET values using Thornthwaite's equation pet_monthly_values = thornthwaite(temp_monthly_values, latitude, data_start_year, np.nan) # offset we add to the (P - PE values) in order to bring all values into the positive range p_minus_pe_offset = 1000.0 # get the difference of P - PE, assign the values into the temperature array (in order to reuse the memory) p_minus_pe = (precip_monthly_values - pet_monthly_values) + p_minus_pe_offset # perform the SPEI computation (fit to the Gamma distribution) and assign the values into the dataset return distribution_fitter.fit_to_gamma(p_minus_pe, month_scale, valid_min, valid_max)