def __init__(self, id_lst="",, 1, 1),, 12, 31), do_update=False): if len(id_lst) > 0: print("Number of stock_id: %s" % len(id_lst)) self.id_lst = id_lst self.from_date = from_date self.to_date = to_date from_date_str = from_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") to_date_str = to_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") sql_str = "WHERE stock_id in (" for id_str in self.id_lst: sql_str = sql_str + "" + str(id_str) + "" + "," sql_str = sql_str[:-1] sql_str = sql_str + ")" sql_str = sql_str + " AND date >= '" + from_date_str + "' AND date <= '" + to_date_str + "'" sql_str = sql_str + " ORDER BY stock_id, date" # [IMPORTANT] else: from_date_str = from_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") to_date_str = to_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") sql_str = "WHERE date >= '" + from_date_str + "' AND date <= '" + to_date_str + "'" sql_str = sql_str + " ORDER BY stock_id, date" # [IMPORTANT] self.df = self.crud.read_tbl_by_df(sql_str) self.id_lst = self.df["stock_id"].drop_duplicates().values self.id_json_lst = [] for i in self.id_lst: tmp_json = { "stock_id": int(i), "date_len": len(self.df.loc[self.df["stock_id"] == int(i), ["date"]]) } self.id_json_lst.append(tmp_json) if do_update: print("Update stock charts...") for cur_id in self.df["stock_id"].drop_duplicates().values: try: start = time.time() dcs.update_stock(str(cur_id)) scud.update_charts_stats(str(cur_id), True) elapsed_time = time.time() - start print("* Update time:{0}".format(elapsed_time) + "[sec]") except Exception as e: print("Error occured >>>>> %s" % str(cur_id)) # Tmp code ---------------------------------- self.df = self.df.rename(columns={ 'end_price': 'close_price', 'start_price': 'open_price' }) # Tmp code ---------------------------------- # self.set_sup_res_line(100) self.set_array()
def get_predict_price_by_models(self, update_fl=False): # try: start = time.time() tolal_cols = ["stock_id", "date", "open_price", "high_price", "low_price", "close_price", "output"] target_cols = ["open_price", "high_price", "low_price", "close_price", "output"] s_lst = [] for hs in self.hs_lst: if update_fl: dcs.update_stock(hs.stock_id) scud.update_charts_stats(hs.stock_id) hs.update_ii_obj(self.d) s_lst.append(hs.stock_id) for model in self.models: tmp_pred_lst = [] r = model.input.shape.dims[1].value tmp_ii_obj = ii.investing_info(s_lst, self.d-timedelta(days=r*2), self.d-timedelta(days=1)) for hs_id in range(len(self.hs_lst)): hs = self.hs_lst[hs_id] sid = hs.stock_id tmp_df = tmp_ii_obj.df.loc[tmp_ii_obj.df["stock_id"]==int(sid), target_cols] if len(tmp_df) < r: continue # tmp_df = tmp_ii_obj.df.loc[:, tolal_cols] tmp_np = np.array(df_to_array(tmp_df, target_cols))[:,len(tmp_df)-r:len(tmp_df)] max_lst = tmp_np.max(axis=1) for i in range(len(max_lst)): tmp_np[i, :] = tmp_np[i, :] / max_lst[i] tmp_x = tmp_np.reshape(len(target_cols), r, -1).T tmp_predict = model.predict(tmp_x)[0] # tmp_pred_lst.append(tmp_predict) for i in range(len(max_lst)): tmp_predict[i] = tmp_predict[i] * max_lst[i] tmp_predict_df = pd.Series(index=tolal_cols, dtype=str) tmp_predict_df["stock_id"] = sid tmp_predict_df["date"] = self.d for c in range(len(target_cols)): tmp_predict_df[target_cols[c]] = tmp_predict[c] self.predict_price_lst = self.predict_price_lst.append(tmp_predict_df,ignore_index=True) elapsed_time = time.time() - start print ("* get_predict_price_by_models time:{0}".format(elapsed_time) + "[sec]") return self.predict_price_lst
def update_ii_obj(self,, updatedb=True): if updatedb: dcs.update_stock(self.stock_id) scud.update_charts_stats(self.stock_id) self.ii_obj = ii.investing_info([self.stock_id], d - timedelta(days=365), d, updatedb)
def get_predict_price_by_models(self, update_fl=False): start = time.time() predict_lst = [] pre_predict_lst = [] whole_id_lst = [] crud = CRUD_for_STOCK_DETAIL() for hs in self.hs_lst: if update_fl: dcs.update_stock(hs.stock_id) scud.update_charts_stats(hs.stock_id) hs.update_ii_obj(self.d) whole_id_lst.append(hs.stock_id) m=0 for model in self.models: tmp_pred_lst = [] r = model.input.shape.dims[1].value tmp_ii_obj = ii.investing_info(whole_id_lst, self.d-timedelta(days=r*2), self.d-timedelta(days=1)) arr, id_lst = tmp_ii_obj.get_arr_over_range(r, True, prediction_mgr_for_hs_arr.target_cols) print(arr) tmp_predict_lst = model.predict(arr) tmp_arr = np.insert(arr, r, tmp_predict_lst, axis=1)[:, 1:r+1, :] tmp_pre_predict_lst = model.predict(tmp_arr) predict_lst = np.append(predict_lst, tmp_predict_lst) pre_predict_lst = np.append(pre_predict_lst, tmp_pre_predict_lst) for id_n in range(len(id_lst)): try: cur_arr = arr[id_n,:,0:4] cur_arr = np.insert(cur_arr, len(cur_arr), tmp_predict_lst[id_n, 0:4], axis=0) cur_arr = np.insert(cur_arr, len(cur_arr), tmp_pre_predict_lst[id_n, 0:4], axis=0) cur_id = id_lst[id_n] fig = plt.figure() d_lst = tmp_ii_obj.df["date"].values[len(tmp_ii_obj.df["date"])-r:len(tmp_ii_obj.df["date"])] d_lst = np.append(d_lst, [d_lst.max() + timedelta(days=1), d_lst.max() + timedelta(days=2)]) xdate = [x for x in d_lst] # 日付 ax = plt.subplot() ax.set_xlim(d_lst[0], d_lst[-1]) ax.grid() stock_name = crud.read_tbl_by_df("WHERE stock_id='%s'"%str(cur_id))["stock_name"].values[0] ax.set_title('Chart [%s]_%s'%(str(cur_id),stock_name)) ohlc = np.vstack((date2num(xdate), cur_arr.T)).T candlestick_ohlc(ax, ohlc, width=0.7, colorup='r', colordown='b') if not(os.path.isdir("./pred_charts/%s"%str(cur_id))): os.makedirs("./pred_charts/%s"%str(cur_id)) plt.savefig(os.path.join("./pred_charts/%s"%str(cur_id), '%s_[%s_%s]_%s.png'%(str(cur_id), str(d_lst[0]), str(d_lst[-1]), str(m))))#画像保存 plt.close() except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() m = m + 1 predict_lst = predict_lst.reshape(len(self.models), len(id_lst), -1) pre_predict_lst = pre_predict_lst.reshape(len(self.models), len(id_lst), -1) elapsed_time = time.time() - start print ("* get_predict_price_by_models time:{0}".format(elapsed_time) + "[sec]") return predict_lst, pre_predict_lst
def test_plot(s_lst, init_date, r): import numpy as np import pandas as pd import investing_info as ii from keras.models import load_model from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date from mpl_finance import candlestick_ohlc from matplotlib.dates import date2num import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import download_charts_selenium as dcs import stock_charts_updateDB as scud for cur_id in s_lst: dcs.update_stock(cur_id) scud.update_charts_stats(cur_id) m1=load_model("./tmp_30/models/full/model.ep50.h5") m2=load_model("./tmp_30/models/Tosho1bu/model.ep50.h5") m3=load_model("/Volumes/StreamS06_2TB/project_a/tmp_90/models/Tosho1bu/model.ep29.h5") pred_price_lst = pd.DataFrame() # init_date = datetime(2018,8,5) for i in range(r): from_d=datetime(2010,1,1) to_d=init_date - timedelta(days=r-i) ii_obj = ii.investing_info(s_lst, from_d, to_d) # ii_obj = ii.get_ii_obj_by_stock_market("東証一部", from_d, to_d) # p = prediction_mgr_for_ii(ii_obj, [m1]) p = prediction_mgr_for_ii(ii_obj, [m1, m2, m3]) tmp_pred_price_lst = p.get_predict_price_by_models() pred_price_lst = pred_price_lst.append(tmp_pred_price_lst) id_lst = pred_price_lst["stock_id"].drop_duplicates() for cur_id in id_lst: full_df_tmp = pred_price_lst.loc[pred_price_lst["stock_id"]==cur_id, :] # print(full_df_tmp) fig = plt.figure() # For pred graph ======= full_df_tmp = full_df_tmp.groupby("date").mean().sort_values(by=["date"], ascending=True) date_lst1 = pred_price_lst["date"].drop_duplicates() xdate1 = [x for x in date_lst1] # 日付 ax1 = plt.subplot(211) df_tmp1 = full_df_tmp.loc[:, ['open_price', 'high_price','low_price', 'close_price']] ax1.set_xlim(date_lst1.values[0], date_lst1.values[-1]) # x軸の範囲 ax1.grid() # グリッド表示 ax1.set_title('Predicted_plot') ochl1 = np.vstack((date2num(xdate1), df_tmp1.values.T)).T candlestick_ohlc(ax1, ochl1, width=0.7, colorup='g', colordown='r') # fig.autofmt_xdate() # x軸のオートフォーマット # plt.savefig(os.path.join("./pred_real_charts", str(cur_id) + '_pred.png'))#画像保存 # fig2 = plt.figure() # For real graph ======= tmp_ii_obj = ii.investing_info([cur_id], date_lst1.values[0], date_lst1.values[-1]) date_lst2 = tmp_ii_obj.df["date"].drop_duplicates() xdate2 = [x for x in date_lst2] # 日付 ax2 = plt.subplot(212) df_tmp2 = tmp_ii_obj.df.loc[:, ['open_price', 'high_price','low_price', 'close_price']] ax2.set_xlim(tmp_ii_obj.df.loc[:,"date"]. values[0], tmp_ii_obj.df.loc[:,"date"]. values[-1]) # x軸の範囲 ax2.grid() # グリッド表示 ax2.set_title('Real_plot') ochl2 = np.vstack((date2num(xdate2), df_tmp2.values.T)).T candlestick_ohlc(ax2, ochl2, width=0.7, colorup='g', colordown='r') # fig.autofmt_xdate() # x軸のオートフォーマット fig.tight_layout() # タイトルとラベルが被るのを解消 plt.savefig(os.path.join("./pred_real_charts", str(cur_id) + '_real.png'))#画像保存