예제 #1
def fetch_Landsat8_scene_list():
    Simple downloads and extracts the most recent version of the scene_list
    text file for reference


    :return scene_list_text_data:   returns a text data object with all
                                    the data on scene inventory on amazon WS.

    print("Updating scene list")
    # define save path for new scene list
    directory = site.getsitepackages()[1]
    gz_path = "{0}/dnppy/landsat/metadata/scene_list.gz".format(directory)
    txt_path = "{0}/dnppy/landsat/metadata/scene_list.txt".format(directory)

    # download then extract the gz file to a txt file.
    download_url("http://landsat-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/scene_list.gz", gz_path)
    with gzip.open(gz_path, 'rb') as gz:
        content = gz.read()
        with open(txt_path, 'wb+') as f:

    # build a new text data object from the fresh scene list
    scene_list_text_data = textio.text_data()
    scene_list_text_data.read_csv(txt_path, delim=",", has_headers=True)

    return scene_list_text_data
예제 #2
def fetch_Landsat8_scene_list():
    Simple downloads and extracts the most recent version of the scene_list
    text file for reference


    :return scene_list_text_data:   returns a text data object with all
                                    the data on scene inventory on amazon WS.

    print("Updating scene list")
    # define save path for new scene list
    directory  = site.getsitepackages()[1]
    gz_path    = "{0}/dnppy/landsat/metadata/scene_list.gz".format(directory)
    txt_path   = "{0}/dnppy/landsat/metadata/scene_list.txt".format(directory)

    # download then extract the gz file to a txt file.
    download_url("http://landsat-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/scene_list.gz", gz_path)
    with gzip.open(gz_path,'rb') as gz:
        content = gz.read()
        with open(txt_path, 'wb+') as f:

    # build a new text data object from the fresh scene list
    scene_list_text_data = textio.text_data()
    scene_list_text_data.read_csv(txt_path, delim = ",", has_headers = True)

    return scene_list_text_data
예제 #3
def fetch_MPE(start_dto, end_dto, outdir, area=None):
    Fetches Multisensor Precipitation Estimates data from
    weather/noaa server at:

        start_dto        datetime object for start date of desired range
        end_dto          datetime object for end date of desired range
        outdir           output directory where files should be saved (str)
        area             area of interest, either "conus", "ak" or "pr"
                         for continental us, alaska, or puerto rico respectively

    # set defaults
    if area is None:
        area = "conus"

    server = "http://water.weather.gov"

    # use start and end datetimes to build list of dates
    dates = []
    output_files = []
    date_delta = end_dto - start_dto

    for i in range(date_delta.days + 1):
        dates.append(start_dto + timedelta(days=i))

    # try to download all files for dates
    for date in dates:
        workdir = "/".join([
            server, "precip", "p_download_new",

        filename = "nws_precip_{0}_{1}{2}{3}.nc".format(
            area, str(date.year),
            full_url = "/".join([workdir, filename])
            outname = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            download_url(full_url, outname)
            print("Downloaded '{0}'".format(filename))

            print("Could not find MPE data for '{0}' on {0}".format(
                area, date))

    return output_files
예제 #4
def fetch_Landsat8_tile(amazon_url, tilename, outdir, bands=None):
    This function makes use of the amazon web service hosted Landsat 8 OLI data.
    It recieves an amazon web url for a single landsat tile, and downloads the desired files

    :param amazon_url:  url to amazons page hosting these landsat tiles
    :param tilename:    landsat tile name
    :param outdir:      output directory to place landsat data
    :param bands:       list of bands to download when not all are desired, options include
                        any of [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,"QA"]. The MTL file is ALWAYS downloaded.

    :return tilepath:   returns a filepath to the new landsat tile folder with .TIFs in it

    if bands is None:
        bands = map(str, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, "QA"])
        bands = map(str, (core.enf_list(bands)))

    # create the scene name from the input parameters and use that to generate the scene's unique url
    connection = urllib.urlopen(amazon_url)
    page = connection.read().split("\n")

    print("Downloading landsat tile {0}".format(tilename))

    for line in page:
        if "<li><a href=" in line:

            # pull filename from html code
            filename = line.split('"')[1]

            # pull out band information
            band_id = filename.replace(tilename + "_",
                                       "").split(".")[0].replace("B", "")
            good_band = band_id in bands
            mtl_file = "MTL" in band_id

            # download desired files.
            if good_band or mtl_file:
                link = amazon_url.replace("index.html", filename)
                savename = os.path.join(outdir, tilename, filename)

                # try twice if filepath doesn't already exist
                if not os.path.isfile(savename):
                        download_url(link, savename)
                        download_url(link, savename)
                    print("\tDownloaded {0}".format(filename))
                    print("\t Found {0}".format(filename))

    return os.path.join(outdir, tilename)
예제 #5
def fetch_MPE(start_dto, end_dto, outdir, area = None):
    Fetches Multisensor Precipitation Estimates data from
    weather/noaa server at [http://water.weather.gov/precip/p_download_new/]

    :param start_dto:       datetime object for start date of desired range
    :param end_dto:         datetime object for end date of desired range
    :param outdir:          output directory where files should be saved (str)
    :param area:            area of interest, either "conus", "ak" or "pr"
                            for continental us, alaska, or Puerto Rico respectively

    :return output_files:   list of output files fetched by this function

    # set defaults
    if area is None:
        area = "conus"

    server = "http://water.weather.gov"

    # use start and end datetimes to build list of dates
    dates = []
    output_files = []
    date_delta = end_dto - start_dto

    for i in range(date_delta.days +1):
        dates.append(start_dto + timedelta(days = i))

    # try to download all files for dates
    for date in dates:
        workdir = "/".join([server, "precip","p_download_new",

        filename = "nws_precip_{0}_{1}{2}{3}.nc".format(area,
            full_url = "/".join([workdir, filename])
            outname = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            download_url(full_url, outname)
            print("Downloaded '{0}'".format(filename))

            print("Could not find MPE data for '{0}' on {0}".format(area, date))

    return output_files
예제 #6
def fetch_Landsat8_tile(amazon_url, tilename, outdir, bands = None):
    This function makes use of the amazon web service hosted Landsat 8 OLI data.
    It recieves an amazon web url for a single landsat tile, and downloads the desired files

    :param amazon_url:  url to amazons page hosting these landsat tiles
    :param tilename:    landsat tile name
    :param outdir:      output directory to place landsat data
    :param bands:       list of bands to download when not all are desired, options include
                        any of [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,"QA"]. The MTL file is ALWAYS downloaded.

    :return tilepath:   returns a filepath to the new landsat tile folder with .TIFs in it

    if bands is None:
        bands = map(str, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, "QA"])
        bands = map(str, (core.enf_list(bands)))

    # create the scene name from the input parameters and use that to generate the scene's unique url
    connection = urllib.urlopen(amazon_url)
    page       = connection.read().split("\n")

    print("Downloading landsat tile {0}".format(tilename))

    for line in page:
        if "<li><a href=" in line:

            # pull filename from html code
            filename = line.split('"')[1]

            # pull out band information
            band_id   = filename.replace(tilename + "_","").split(".")[0].replace("B","")
            good_band = band_id in bands
            mtl_file  = "MTL" in band_id

            # download desired files.
            if good_band or mtl_file:
                link     = amazon_url.replace("index.html",filename)
                savename = os.path.join(outdir, tilename, filename)

                # try twice if filepath doesn't already exist
                if not os.path.isfile(savename):
                    try:    download_url(link, savename)
                    except: download_url(link, savename)
                    print("\tDownloaded {0}".format(filename))
                    print("\t Found {0}".format(filename))

    return os.path.join(outdir, tilename)
예제 #7
def fetch_Landsat8_tile(amazon_url, tilename, outdir, bands=None):
    This function makes use of the amazon web service hosted Landsat 8 OLI data.
    It recieves an amazon web url for a single landsat tile, and downloads the desired files

    defaults to downlod all bands, but users can call
        bands = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,"QA"] to control which files are downloaded.
        The MTL file is ALWAYS downloaded.

    if bands is None:
        bands = map(str, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, "QA"])
        bands = map(str, (core.enf_list(bands)))

    # create the scene name from the input parameters and use that to generate the scene's unique url
    connection = urllib.urlopen(amazon_url)
    page = connection.read().split("\n")

    print("Downloading landsat tile {0}".format(tilename))

    for line in page:
        if "<li><a href=" in line:

            # pull filename from html code
            filename = line.split('"')[1]

            # pull out band information
            band_id = filename.replace(tilename + "_",
                                       "").split(".")[0].replace("B", "")
            good_band = band_id in bands
            mtl_file = "MTL" in band_id

            # download desired files.
            if good_band or mtl_file:
                link = amazon_url.replace("index.html", filename)
                savename = os.path.join(outdir, tilename, filename)
                download_url(link, savename)
                print("\tDownloaded {0}".format(filename))
예제 #8
def fetch_Landsat8_tile(amazon_url, tilename, outdir, bands = None):
    This function makes use of the amazon web service hosted Landsat 8 OLI data.
    It recieves an amazon web url for a single landsat tile, and downloads the desired files

    defaults to downlod all bands, but users can call
        bands = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,"QA"] to control which files are downloaded.
        The MTL file is ALWAYS downloaded.

    if bands is None:
        bands = map(str,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,"QA"])
        bands = map(str,(core.enf_list(bands)))

    # create the scene name from the input parameters and use that to generate the scene's unique url
    connection = urllib.urlopen(amazon_url)
    page       = connection.read().split("\n")

    print("Downloading landsat tile {0}".format(tilename))

    for line in page:
        if "<li><a href=" in line:

            # pull filename from html code
            filename = line.split('"')[1]

            # pull out band information
            band_id   = filename.replace(tilename + "_","").split(".")[0].replace("B","")
            good_band = band_id in bands
            mtl_file  = "MTL" in band_id

            # download desired files.
            if good_band or mtl_file:
                link     = amazon_url.replace("index.html",filename)
                savename = os.path.join(outdir, tilename, filename)
                download_url(link, savename)
                print("\tDownloaded {0}".format(filename))
예제 #9
def Landsat_WELD(product, tiles, years, outdir):

     Fetch WELD data from the server at [http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/WELD]

     Weld data is corrected and processed Landsat 5 and 7 data that is distributed in the
     MODIS sinusoidal projection and grid format. Read more about WELD data.

       product     WELD product to download such as 'USWK','USMO','USYR'
       tiles       list of tiles to grab such as ['h11v12','h11v11']
       years       list of years to grab such as range(2001,2014)
       outdir      output directory to save downloaded files

    # check formats
    global dates
    tiles = core.enf_list(tiles)
    years = core.enf_list(years)
    years = [str(year) for year in years]

    # create output directories
    for tile in tiles:
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outdir,tile)):

    print '{Fetch_Landsat_WELD} Connecting to servers!'

    # Map the contents of the directory
    site= 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/WELD/WELD'+product+'.001'
        dates = list_http(site)
        print '{Fetch_Landsat_WELD} Could not connect to site! check inputs!'

    # find just the folders within the desired year range.
    for date in dates:
            y, m, d = date.split(".")
            if y in years:
        except: pass

    print 'Found ' + str(len(good_dates)) + ' days within year range'

    # for all folders within the desired date range,  map the subfolder contents.
    for good_date in good_dates:

        files = list_http(site+'/'+good_date)

        for afile in files:
            # only list files with desired tilenames and not preview jpgs
            if not '.jpg' in afile:
                for tile in tiles:
                    if tile in afile:

                        # assemble the address
                        address = '/'.join([site,good_date,afile])
                        print '{Fetch_Landsat_WELD} Downloading' + address

                        #download the file.
                        outname = os.path.join(outdir,tile,afile)
                        download_url(address, outname)
예제 #10
def download_urls(url_list, outdir, file_types=None):
    Downloads a list of files. Retries failed downloads

    This script downloads a list of files and places it in the output directory. It was
    built to be nested within "Download_filelist" to allow loops to continuously retry
    failed files until they are successful or a retry limit is reached.

    :param url_list:   array of urls, probably as read from a text file
    :param file_types: list of file types to download. Useful for excluding extraneous
                       metadata by only downloading 'hdf' or 'tif' for example. Please note
                       that often times, you actually NEED the metadata.
    :param outdir:     folder where files are to be placed after download

    :return failed:    list of files which failed download

    failed = []
    url_list = core.enf_list(url_list)

    # creates output folder at desired path if it doesn't already exist
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    # establish a wait time that will increase when downloads fail. This helps to reduce
    # the frequency of REVERB server rejections for requesting too many downloads
    wait = 0

    for site in url_list:
        download = False
        url = site.rstrip()
        sub = url.split("/")
        leng = len(sub)
        name = sub[leng - 1]

        # Determine whether or not to download the file based on filetype.
        if file_types is not None:
            for filetype in file_types:
                if filetype in name[-4:]:
                    download = True
            download = True

        # attempt download of the file, or skip it.
        if download:

                # wait for the wait time before attempting writing a file
                download_url(url, os.path.join(outdir, name))
                print("{0} is downloaded {1}".format(name, wait))

                # reduce the wait time when downloads succeed.
                if wait >= 1:
                    wait -= wait

            # add to the fail count if the download is unsuccessful and wait longer next time.
                print("{0} will be retried! {1}".format(sub[leng - 1], wait))
                wait += 5

    print("Finished downloading urls!")
    return failed
예제 #11
def fetch_GPM_IMERG(start_dto, end_dto, outdir, product = "gis", time_res = "1day"):

    Fetches 30 minute resolution GPM IMERG data from an ftp server. Several restrictions exist
    for this relatively new dataset, please read in the input section carefully.


       start_dto    datetime object for starting time of study boundary
       end_dto      datetiem object for ending time of study boundary
       outdir       output directory to save the data
       product      either "early" , "late" or "final" for full HDF5 data stacks of the respective runs,
                    which are all at 30minute resolutions. OR product can be set equal to "gis"
                    (default) to find only tif averages of the precipitation estimates. This gis
                    tif data is only provided for data less than one year old.
       time_res     if "product"  is set to "gis", specify what time average period you want. options
                    are "30min", "3hr", "1day", "3day", "7day". Defaults to "1day"

       learn more at the link below

    # set up empty list of downloaded filepaths on local dir
    download_list = []

    # username and password info, should eventually be some DEVELOP credential.
    # this information is not at all sensitive.
    login = "******"

    # special filtering for gis type tif data to minimize data representation overlap.
    if product == "gis":
        if time_res == "30min":
            ok_minutes = [str(x).zfill(4) for x in range(0, 1440, 30)]
        elif time_res == "3hr":
            ok_minutes = [str(x).zfill(4) for x in range(0, 1440, 180)]
            ok_minutes = "0000"

    # assemble address information
    pps_server  = r"ftp://jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov"

    # set product directory
    prod_server = "/".join(["NRTPUB/imerg", product])

    # log in and list available month folders.
    foldnames, foldpaths = list_ftp(site = pps_server,
                                    dir = prod_server,
                                    username = login,
                                    password = login)

    # perform a simple quick filtering of folders that definitely don't have data we want.
    for foldname in foldnames:

    for foldname in foldnames:
        print("exploring directory '{0}'".format(foldname))
        subdir = "/".join([prod_server, foldname])
        filenames, filepaths = list_ftp(site = pps_server,
                                        dir = subdir,
                                        username = login,
                                        password = login)

        for filepath in filepaths:
            filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
            finfo = filename.split(".")
            prod       = finfo[3]
            date_cords = finfo[4]
            minutes    = finfo[5]
            time       = finfo[7]

            date_str = date_cords.split("-")[0]
            date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y%m%d") + timedelta(minutes = int(minutes))

            # see if this file meets criteria for download
            good_date = start_dto <=  date  <= end_dto

            if product == "gis":
                good_minutes = minutes in ok_minutes
                good_time    = time_res == time
                good_minutes = True
                good_time    = True

            # download the files
            if good_date and good_time and good_minutes:
                outname = os.path.join(outdir, date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), filename)
                download_url(filepath, outname, username = login, password = login)
                print("saved '{0}' in '{1}'".format(filename, outdir))

    return download_list
예제 #12
def fetch_SRTM(ll_lat,
    downloads data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

    This data can be used to create DEMs of a variety of resolutions.

    :param ll_lat:      latitude of lower left corner
    :param ll_lon:      longitude of lower left corner
    :param ur_lat:      latitude of upper right corner
    :param ur_lon:      longitude of upper right corner
    :param product:     short name of product you want. See http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/SRTM/ .
                        do not include the version number. Example: "SRTMGL1". Note
                        that version "002" data of .DEM format does not support mosaicing.
    :param outdir:      local directory to save downloaded files
    :param mosaic:      Set to TRUE to mosaic all downloaded DEM tiles as "SRTM_mosaic.tif"

    :return tile_list:   a list of all successfully downloaded tif filepaths
                        for further manipulation

    NOTE: arcmap will open the output hgt files ONLY if they are not renamed.
    turns out arcmap does some funky things when interpreting these files.

    # build empty return list
    tile_list = []

    # build list of lat/lon pairs from input corners
    lat_lon_pairs = []
    for i in range(int(ll_lat), int(ur_lat + 1)):
        for j in range(int(ll_lon), int(ur_lon + 1)):
            lat_lon_pairs.append((i, j))

    print lat_lon_pairs

    # determine product version
    if product is "SRTMGL30":
            "Download of product SRTMGL30 is supported, but arcmap does not support this filetype"
        format_string = "{2}{3}{0}{1}.{4}.dem.zip"
        version = "002"
        mosaic = None

        format_string = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.{4}.hgt.zip"
        version = "003"

    host = "http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/SRTM"
    subhost = "{0}/{1}.{2}/2000.02.11/".format(host, product, version)

    print("Connecting to host at {0}".format(subhost))

    for lat_lon_pair in lat_lon_pairs:
        lat, lon = lat_lon_pair

        # set North-south, East-West convention.
        if lat >= 0:
            NS = "N"
            NS = "S"

        if lon >= 0:
            EW = "E"
            EW = "W"

        if product is "SRTMGL30":

            if abs(lon) <= 20:
                lon = 20
            elif abs(lon) <= 60:
                lon = 60
            elif abs(lon) <= 100:
                lon = 100
                lon = 140

            if abs(lat) <= 10:
                lat = 10
            elif abs(lat) <= 40:
                lat = 40
                lat = 90

            NS = NS.lower()
            EW = EW.lower()

        # build up the filename and file link
        filename = format_string.format(NS,
                                        str(abs(lat)).zfill(2), EW,
                                        str(abs(lon)).zfill(3), product)

        filelink = "{0}/{1}".format(subhost, filename)

        # decide where to put the file, then download it
        if outdir is not None:
            outpath = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            outpath = filename

        print("Downloading and extracting  {0}".format(filename))
        download_url(filelink, outpath)

        # unzip the file and reassemble descriptive name
        with zipfile.ZipFile(outpath, "r") as z:

            if version == "003":
                itemname = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.hgt".format(NS,
            elif version == "002":
                itemname = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.DEM".format(EW.upper(),

            z.extract(itemname, outdir)

        # clean up and add this file to output list
        tile_list.append(os.path.join(outdir, itemname))

    print("Finished download and extraction of SRTM data")

    if mosaic is True:

        # use gdal to mosaic these raster together
        out_mosaic = os.path.join(outdir, "SRTM_mosaic.tif")
        core.run_command("gdalwarp", tile_list, out_mosaic)
        return out_mosaic

        return tile_list
예제 #13
def fetch_TRMM(start_dto, end_dto, outdir, product_string):
    Fetches TRMM data from an FTP server.


    :param start_dto:        datetime object for start date of desired range
    :param end_dto:          datetime object for end date of desired range
    :param outdir:           output directory where files should be saved (str)
    :param product_string:   the string for the desired product, options include
                             1B11, 1B21, 1CTMI, 2A12, 2A21, 2A23, 2A25, 2B31, 3B42,
                             3G25, 3G31. The usual precip product of interest is the
                             well known 3B42 data product.

    :param output_files:     a list of new filepaths created by this function

    # set up empty structure
    dates = []
    output_files = []
    ftpsite = "ftp://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov"
    un = "*****@*****.**"

    date_delta = end_dto - start_dto

    for i in range(date_delta.days + 1):
        dates.append(start_dto + timedelta(days=i))

    for date in dates:

        # navigate to path of desired year/month/day
        workdir = '/'.join([
            'trmmdata', 'ByDate', 'V07',

        filenames, filepaths = list_ftp(site=ftpsite,

        for filename in filenames:

            if product_string in filename:
                    outname = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(filename))
                    download_url(ftpsite + filename,

                    # now extract it out of its GZ format
                    with gzip.open(outname, 'rb') as gz:
                        with open(outname.replace(".gz", ""), 'wb') as f:
                            content = gz.read()


                    print("downloaded and extracted {0}".format(
                    print("failed to download {0}".format(

    print("Finished downloading TRMM files!")

    return output_files
예제 #14
def fetch_Landsat_WELD(product, tiles, years, outdir):
    Fetch WELD data from the server at [http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/WELD].
    Weld data is corrected and processed Landsat 5 and 7 data that is distributed in the
    MODIS sinusoidal projection and grid format. Read more about WELD data.

    :param product:     WELD product to download such as 'USWK','USMO','USYR'
    :param tiles:       list of tiles to grab such as ['h11v12','h11v11']
    :param years:       list of years to grab such as range(2001,2014)
    :param outdir:      output directory to save downloaded files

    :return output_filelist: A list of full filepaths to files fetched be this function

    output_filelist = []

    # check formats
    global dates
    tiles = core.enf_list(tiles)
    years = core.enf_list(years)
    years = [str(year) for year in years]

    # create output directories
    for tile in tiles:
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outdir, tile)):
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, tile))

    print('Connecting to servers!')

    # Map the contents of the directory
    site = 'https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/WELD/WELD' + product + '.001'
        dates = list_http_e4ftl01(site)
        print('Could not connect to site! check inputs!')

    # find just the folders within the desired year range.
    good_dates = []
    for date in dates:
            y, m, d = date.split(".")
            if y in years:

    print("Found {0} days within year range".format(len(good_dates)))

    # for all folders within the desired date range,  map the subfolder contents.
    for good_date in good_dates:

        files = list_http_e4ftl01(site + '/' + good_date)

        for afile in files:
            # only list files with desired tilenames and not preview jpgs
            if not '.jpg' in afile:
                for tile in tiles:
                    if tile in afile:

                        # assemble the address
                        address = '/'.join([site, good_date, afile])
                        print("Downloading {0}".format(address))

                        #download the file.
                        outname = os.path.join(outdir, tile, afile)
                        download_url(address, outname)
예제 #15
dir_ = './images'

if not os.path.exists(dir_):

i = 1

writer = imageio.get_writer('movie.mp4', fps=30)

for img in cleaned_up_img_history:
    png_ext_file = f'f{i}.png'
    png_path = os.path.join(dir_, png_ext_file)

    if not os.path.exists(png_path):
        print(f'[{i}] downloading...', end='', flush=True)
        path = download_url(img['url'], filebasename=f'f{i}', folder=dir_)

        if path.endswith('.svg'):
            print(f'[{i}] processing (svg2png)...', end='', flush=True)

            print(f'[{i}] adding image to writer... ', end='', flush=True)
        elif path.endswith('.png'):
            print(f'[{i}] adding image to writer... ', end='', flush=True)
예제 #16
def fetch_MODIS(product, version, tiles, outdir, start_dto, end_dto,
                                                force_overwrite = False):
    Fetch MODIS Land products from one of two servers. If this function
    runs and downloads 0 files, check that your inputs are consistent
    with the naming convention at the appropriate server address.


    :param product:         MODIS product to download such as 'MOD10A1' or 'MYD11A1'
    :param version:         version number, usually '004' or '041' or '005'
    :param tiles:           list of tiles to grab such as ['h11v12','h11v11']
                            NOTE: for some MODIS products, the h and v are omitted.

    :param outdir :         output directory to save downloaded files
    :param start_dto:       datetime object, the starting date of the range of data to download
    :param end_dto:         datetime object, the ending date of the range of data to download
    :param force_overwrite: will re-download files even if they already exist

    :return out_filepaths:  a list of filepaths to all files created by this function

    out_filepaths = []

    # check formats
    tiles = core.enf_list(tiles)

    # create output directories
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    print("Connecting to servers!")

    # obtain the web address, protocol information, and subdirectory where
    # this tpe of MODIS data can be found.
    site, isftp, Dir = _find_modis_product(product, version)

    if Dir:
        print("Connected to {0}/{1}".format(site, Dir))
        print("Connected to {0}".format(site))

    # Depending on the type of connection (ftp vs http) populate the file list
        if isftp:
            dates,_ = list_ftp(site, False, False, Dir)
            dates   = list_http_e4ftl01(site)
        raise ValueError("Could not connect to {0}/{1}".format(site,Dir))

    # refine contents down to just addresses of valid year and j_day
    good_dates = []
    for date in dates:
            date_dto = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y.%m.%d")
            if start_dto <= date_dto <= end_dto:

            print("skipping non date folder name {0}".format(date))

    print('Found {0} days within range'.format(len(good_dates)))

    # for all folders within the desired date range,  map the subfolder contents.
    for good_date in good_dates:

        if isftp:
            files,_ = list_ftp(site, False, False, Dir + '/' + good_date)

            files   = list_http_e4ftl01(site + '/' + good_date)

        for afile in files:

            # only list files with desired tile names and not preview jpgs
            if not '.jpg' in afile:
                for tile in tiles:
                    if tile in afile:

                        # assemble the address
                        if isftp:
                            address='/'.join(['ftp://'+site, Dir, good_date, afile])
                            address='/'.join([site, good_date, afile])

                        #download the file
                        outname = os.path.join(outdir, afile)
                        if not os.path.isfile(outname) and not force_overwrite:
                            download_url(address, outname)

                        print('Downloaded {0}'.format(address))

    print("Finished retrieving MODIS - {0} data!".format(product))
    print("Downloaded {0} files".format(len(out_filepaths)))

    return out_filepaths
예제 #17
def fetch_MODIS(product,
    Fetch MODIS Land products from one of two servers. If this function
    runs and downloads 0 files, check that your inputs are consistent
    with the naming convention at the appropriate server address.


    :param product:         MODIS product to download such as 'MOD10A1' or 'MYD11A1'
    :param version:         version number, usually '004' or '041' or '005'
    :param tiles:           list of tiles to grab such as ['h11v12','h11v11']
                            NOTE: for some MODIS products, the h and v are omitted.

    :param outdir :         output directory to save downloaded files
    :param start_dto:       datetime object, the starting date of the range of data to download
    :param end_dto:         datetime object, the ending date of the range of data to download
    :param force_overwrite: will re-download files even if they already exist

    :return out_filepaths:  a list of filepaths to all files created by this function

    out_filepaths = []

    # check formats
    tiles = core.enf_list(tiles)

    # create output directories
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    print("Connecting to servers!")

    # obtain the web address, protocol information, and subdirectory where
    # this tpe of MODIS data can be found.
    site, isftp, Dir = _find_modis_product(product, version)

    if Dir:
        print("Connected to {0}/{1}".format(site, Dir))
        print("Connected to {0}".format(site))

    # Depending on the type of connection (ftp vs http) populate the file list
        if isftp:
            dates, _ = list_ftp(site, False, False, Dir)
            dates = list_http_e4ftl01(site)
        raise ValueError("Could not connect to {0}/{1}".format(site, Dir))

    # refine contents down to just addresses of valid year and j_day
    good_dates = []
    for date in dates:
            date_dto = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y.%m.%d")
            if start_dto <= date_dto <= end_dto:

            print("skipping non date folder name {0}".format(date))

    print('Found {0} days within range'.format(len(good_dates)))

    # for all folders within the desired date range,  map the subfolder contents.
    for good_date in good_dates:

        if isftp:
            files, _ = list_ftp(site, False, False, Dir + '/' + good_date)

            files = list_http_e4ftl01(site + '/' + good_date)

        for afile in files:

            # only list files with desired tile names and not preview jpgs
            if not '.jpg' in afile:
                for tile in tiles:
                    if tile in afile:

                        # assemble the address
                        if isftp:
                            address = '/'.join(
                                ['ftp://' + site, Dir, good_date, afile])
                            address = '/'.join([site, good_date, afile])

                        #download the file
                        outname = os.path.join(outdir, afile)
                        if not os.path.isfile(outname) and not force_overwrite:
                            download_url(address, outname)

                        print('Downloaded {0}'.format(address))

    print("Finished retrieving MODIS - {0} data!".format(product))
    print("Downloaded {0} files".format(len(out_filepaths)))

    return out_filepaths
예제 #18
def fetch_GPM_IMERG(start_dto,
    Fetches 30 minute resolution GPM IMERG data from an ftp server. Several restrictions exist
    for this relatively new dataset, please read in the input section carefully.


    :param start_dto:   datetime object for starting time of study boundary
    :param end_dto:     datetime object for ending time of study boundary
    :param outdir:      output directory to save the data
    :param product:     either "early" , "late" or "final" for full HDF5 data stacks of the respective runs,
                        which are all at 30minute resolutions. OR product can be set equal to "gis"
                        (default) to find only tif averages of the precipitation estimates. This gis
                        tif data is ONLY provided for data less than one year old.
    :param time_res:    if "product"  is set to "gis", specify what time average period you want.
                        options are "30min", "3hr", "1day", "3day", "7day". Defaults to "1day"

    :return:            Returns a list of filepaths to freshly downloaded files

    learn more at [http://pmm.nasa.gov/data-access/downloads/gpm]

    # set up empty list of downloaded filepaths on local dir
    download_list = []

    # username and password info, should eventually be some DEVELOP credential.
    # this information is not at all sensitive.
    login = "******"

    # special filtering for gis type tif data to minimize data representation overlap.
    if product == "gis":
        if time_res == "30min":
            ok_minutes = [str(x).zfill(4) for x in range(0, 1440, 30)]
        elif time_res == "3hr":
            ok_minutes = [str(x).zfill(4) for x in range(0, 1440, 180)]
            ok_minutes = "0000"

    # assemble address information
    pps_server = r"ftp://jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov"

    # set product directory
    prod_server = "/".join(["NRTPUB/imerg", product])

    # log in and list available month folders.
    foldnames, foldpaths = list_ftp(site=pps_server,

    # perform a simple quick filtering of folders that definitely don't have data we want.
    for foldname in foldnames:

    for foldname in foldnames:
        print("exploring directory '{0}'".format(foldname))
        subdir = "/".join([prod_server, foldname])
        filenames, filepaths = list_ftp(site=pps_server,

        for filepath in filepaths:
            filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
            finfo = filename.split(".")
            prod = finfo[3]
            date_cords = finfo[4]
            minutes = finfo[5]
            time = finfo[7]

            date_str = date_cords.split("-")[0]
            date = datetime.strptime(
                date_str, "%Y%m%d") + timedelta(minutes=int(minutes))

            # see if this file meets criteria for download
            good_date = start_dto <= date <= end_dto

            if product == "gis":
                good_minutes = minutes in ok_minutes
                good_time = time_res == time
                good_minutes = True
                good_time = True

            # download the files
            if good_date and good_time and good_minutes:
                outname = os.path.join(outdir, date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
                download_url(filepath, outname, username=login, password=login)
                print("saved '{0}' in '{1}'".format(filename, outdir))

    return download_list
예제 #19
def download_urls(url_list, outdir, filetypes = False):

    Downloads a list of files. Retries failed downloads

     This script downloads a list of files and places it in the output directory. It was
     built to be nested within "Download_filelist" to allow loops to continuously retry
     failed files until they are successful or a retry limit is reached.

       url_list        array of urls, probably as read from a text file
       filetypes       list of filetypes to download. Useful for excluding extraneous
                       metadata by only downloding 'hdf' or 'tif' for example. Please note
                       that often times, you actually NEED the metadata.
       outdir          folder where files are to be placed after download

       failed          list of files which failed download

    failed   = []
    url_list = core.enf_list(url_list)

    # creates output folder at desired path if it doesn't already exist
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    # establish a wait time that will increase when downloads fail. This helps to reduce
    # the frequency of REVERB server rejections for requesting too many downloads
    wait = 0

    for site in url_list:
        download = False
        url      = site.rstrip()
        sub      = url.split("/")
        leng     = len(sub)
        name     = sub[leng-1]

        # Determine whether or not to download the file based on filetype.
        if filetypes:
            for filetype in filetypes:
                if filetype in name[-4:]:
                    download = True
            download = True

        # attempt download of the file, or skip it.
        if download:

                # wait for the wait time before attempting writing a file
                download_url(url, os.path.join(outdir,name))
                print("{0} is downloaded {1}".format(name, wait))

                # reduce the wait time when downloads succeed.
                if wait >= 1:
                    wait -= wait

            # add to the fail count if the download is unsuccessful and wait longer next time.
                print("{0} will be retried! {1}".format(sub[leng-1], wait))
                wait += 5

    print("Finished downloading urls!")
    return failed
예제 #20
def fetch_SRTM(ll_lat, ll_lon, ur_lat, ur_lon, product, outdir=None, mosaic=None):
    downloads data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

    This data can be used to create DEMs of a variety of resolutions.

    :param ll_lat:      latitude of lower left corner
    :param ll_lon:      longitude of lower left corner
    :param ur_lat:      latitude of upper right corner
    :param ur_lon:      longitude of upper right corner
    :param product:     short name of product you want. See http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/SRTM/ .
                        do not include the version number. Example: "SRTMGL1". Note
                        that version "002" data of .DEM format does not support mosaicing.
    :param outdir:      local directory to save downloaded files
    :param mosaic:      Set to TRUE to mosaic all downloaded DEM tiles as "SRTM_mosaic.tif"

    :return tile_list:   a list of all successfully downloaded tif filepaths
                        for further manipulation

    NOTE: arcmap will open the output hgt files ONLY if they are not renamed.
    turns out arcmap does some funky things when interpreting these files.

    # build empty return list
    tile_list = []

    # build list of lat/lon pairs from input corners
    lat_lon_pairs = []
    for i in range(int(ll_lat), int(ur_lat + 1)):
        for j in range(int(ll_lon), int(ur_lon + 1)):
            lat_lon_pairs.append((i, j))

    print lat_lon_pairs

    # determine product version
    if product is "SRTMGL30":
        print ("Download of product SRTMGL30 is supported, but arcmap does not support this filetype")
        format_string = "{2}{3}{0}{1}.{4}.dem.zip"
        version = "002"
        mosaic = None

        format_string = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.{4}.hgt.zip"
        version = "003"

    host = "http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/SRTM"
    subhost = "{0}/{1}.{2}/2000.02.11/".format(host, product, version)

    print ("Connecting to host at {0}".format(subhost))

    for lat_lon_pair in lat_lon_pairs:
        lat, lon = lat_lon_pair

        # set North-south, East-West convention.
        if lat >= 0:
            NS = "N"
            NS = "S"

        if lon >= 0:
            EW = "E"
            EW = "W"

        if product is "SRTMGL30":

            if abs(lon) <= 20:
                lon = 20
            elif abs(lon) <= 60:
                lon = 60
            elif abs(lon) <= 100:
                lon = 100
                lon = 140

            if abs(lat) <= 10:
                lat = 10
            elif abs(lat) <= 40:
                lat = 40
                lat = 90

            NS = NS.lower()
            EW = EW.lower()

        # build up the filename and file link
        filename = format_string.format(NS, str(abs(lat)).zfill(2), EW, str(abs(lon)).zfill(3), product)

        filelink = "{0}/{1}".format(subhost, filename)

        # decide where to put the file, then download it
        if outdir is not None:
            outpath = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            outpath = filename

        print ("Downloading and extracting  {0}".format(filename))
        download_url(filelink, outpath)

        # unzip the file and reassemble descriptive name
        with zipfile.ZipFile(outpath, "r") as z:

            if version == "003":
                itemname = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.hgt".format(NS, str(abs(lat)).zfill(2), EW, str(abs(lon)).zfill(3))
            elif version == "002":
                itemname = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.DEM".format(
                    EW.upper(), str(abs(lon)).zfill(3), NS.upper(), str(abs(lat)).zfill(2)

            z.extract(itemname, outdir)

        # clean up and add this file to output list
        tile_list.append(os.path.join(outdir, itemname))

    print ("Finished download and extraction of SRTM data")

    if mosaic is True:

        # use gdal to mosaic these raster together
        out_mosaic = os.path.join(outdir, "SRTM_mosaic.tif")
        core.run_command("gdalwarp", tile_list, out_mosaic)
        return out_mosaic

        return tile_list
예제 #21
def fetch_MODIS(product, version, tiles, outdir, years, j_days = False,
                                                force_overwrite = False):
    Fetch MODIS Land products from one of two servers.


        product         MODIS product to download such as 'MOD10A1' or 'MYD11A1'
        version         version number, usually '004' or '041' or '005'
        tiles           list of tiles to grab such as ['h11v12','h11v11']
        outdir          output directory to save downloaded files
        years           list of years to grab such as range(2001,2014)
        j_days          list of days to grab such as range(31:60).
                        Defaults to all days in year
        force_overwrite will re-download files even if they already exist

    def Find_MODIS_Product(product, version):
        Subfunction to determine  server properties for MODIS data product.
        returns http/ftp handles

        the two current servers where aqua/terra MODIS data can be downloaded are

           product     modis product such as 'MOD10A1'
           versions    modis version, usually '005', '004', or '041'

           site        server address where data can be found
           ftp         ftp handle for open ftp session
           Dir         subdirectory of server to further search for files of input product.

        sat_designation = product[0:3]
        prod_ID = product[3:]

        site1 = 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/'
        site2 = 'n5eil01u.ecs.nsidc.org'

        isftp = False
        Dir   = False

        # refine the address of the desired data product
        if '10' in prod_ID:
            isftp = True
            site  = site2

        if sat_designation == 'MOD':
            if isftp:
                Dir = 'MOST/' + product + '.' + version
                site = site1+'MOLT/' + product + '.' + version

        elif sat_designation == 'MYD':
            if isftp:
                Dir = 'DP1/MOSA/' + product + '.' + version
                site = site1+'MOLA/' + product+'.' + version

        elif sat_designation == 'MCD':
            site = site1+'MOTA/' + product + '.' + version

            print('No such MODIS product is available for download with this script!')
            site = "None"

        return site, isftp, Dir

    # check formats
    tiles = core.enf_list(tiles)
    years = core.enf_list(years)
    years = [str(year) for year in years]

    if isinstance(j_days, list):
        js = [str(j_day).zfill(3) for j_day in j_days]
    elif isinstance(j_days, int) and j_days != False:
        js = [str(j_days)]
        js = [str(x).zfill(3) for x in range(367)]

    # do a quick input tile check for 6 characters.
    for tile in tiles:
        if not len(tile) == 6:
            print("Warning! your tiles appear to be invalid!")
            print("Warning! make sure they are in format 'h##v##")

    # create output directories
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    print("Connecting to servers!")

    # obtain the web address, protocol information, and subdirectory where
    # this tpe of MODIS data can be found.
    site, isftp, Dir = Find_MODIS_Product(product, version)

    if Dir:
        print("Connected to {0}/{1}".format(site, Dir))
        print("Connected to {0}".format(site))

    # Depending on the type of connection (ftp vs http) populate the file list
        if isftp:
            dates,_ = list_ftp(site, False, False, Dir)
            dates   = list_http(site)
        raise ValueError("Could not connect to {0}/{1}".format(site,Dir))

    # refine contents down to just addresses of valid year and j_day
    for date in dates:

            dto   = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y.%m.%d")
            j_day = dto.strftime("%j")
            year  = dto.strftime("%Y")

            if year in years:

                if j_days:
                    if j_day not in js:
        except ValueError:
            print("skipping non date folder name {0}".format(date))

    print('Found {0} days within range'.format(len(good_dates)))

    # for all folders within the desired date range,  map the subfolder contents.
    for good_date in good_dates:

        if isftp:
            files,_ = list_ftp(site, False, False, Dir + '/' + good_date)

            files   = list_http(site + '/' + good_date)

        for afile in files:

            # only list files with desired tile names and not preview jpgs
            if not '.jpg' in afile:
                for tile in tiles:
                    if tile in afile:

                        # assemble the address
                        if isftp:
                            address='/'.join(['ftp://'+site, Dir, good_date, afile])
                            address='/'.join([site, good_date, afile])

                        #download the file
                        outname = os.path.join(outdir, afile)
                        if not os.path.isfile(outname) and not force_overwrite:
                            download_url(address, outname)

                        print('Downloaded {0}'.format(address))

    print('Finished retrieving MODIS - {0} data!'.format(product))
예제 #22
def fetch_TRMM(start_dto, end_dto, outdir, product_string):
    Fetches TRMM data from an FTP server.


        start_dto        datetime object for start date of desired range
        end_dto          datetime object for end date of desired range
        outdir           output directory where files should be saved (str)
        product_string   the string for the desired product, options include
                            1B11, 1B21, 1CTMI, 2A12, 2A21, 2A23, 2A25, 2B31, 3B42,
                            3G25, 3G31. The usual precip product of interest is the
                            famous 3B42 data product.

        output_files    a list of new filepaths created by this function

    # set up empty structure
    dates = []
    output_files = []
    ftpsite =  "ftp://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov"
    un      =  "*****@*****.**"

    date_delta = end_dto - start_dto

    for i in range(date_delta.days +1):
        dates.append(start_dto + timedelta(days = i))

    for date in dates:

        # navigate to path of desired year/month/day
        workdir = '/'.join(['trmmdata','ByDate','V07',

        filenames, filepaths = list_ftp(site = ftpsite,
                                        dir = workdir,
                                        username = un,
                                        password = un)

        for filename in filenames:

            if product_string in filename:
                    outname = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(filename))
                    download_url(ftpsite + filename, outname, username = un, password = un)

                    # now extract it out of its GZ format
                    with gzip.open(outname, 'rb') as gz:
                        with open(outname.replace(".gz",""), 'wb') as f:
                            content = gz.read()


                    print("downloaded and extracted {0}".format(os.path.basename(filename)))
                    print("failed to download {0}".format(os.path.basename(filename)))

    print("Finished downloading TRMM files!")

    return output_files
예제 #23
def fetch_SRTM(ll_lat, ll_lon, ur_lat, ur_lon, product, outdir = None, mosaic = None):
    downloads data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

    This data can be used to create DEMS of a variety of resolutions.

        ll_lat          latitude of lower left corner
        ll_lon          longitude of lower left corner
        ur_lat          latitude of upper right corner
        ur_lon          longitude of upper right corner
        product         short name of product you want. See link below
        outdir          local directory to save downloaded files
        mosaic          Set to TRUE to mosaic all downloaded DEM tiles.

        tif_list        a list of all successfully downloaded tif filepaths
                        for further manipulation

    NOTE: arcmap will open the output hgt files ONLY if they are not renamed.
    turns out arcmap does some funky things when interpreting these files.

    # build empty return list
    tif_list = []

    # build list of lat/lon pairs from input corners
    lat_lon_pairs = []
    for i in range(int(ll_lat), int(ur_lat + 1) + 1):
        for j in range(int(ll_lon), int(ur_lon + 1) + 1):
            lat_lon_pairs.append((i, j))

    print lat_lon_pairs

    # determine product version
    if product is "SRTMGL30":
        print("Download of product SRTMGL30 is supported, but arcmap does not support this filetype")
        format_string = "{2}{3}{0}{1}.{4}.dem.zip"
        version = "002"

        format_string = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.{4}.hgt.zip"
        version = "003"

    host = "http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/SRTM"
    subhost = "{0}/{1}.{2}/2000.02.11/".format(host, product, version)

    print("Connecting to host at {0}".format(subhost))

    for lat_lon_pair in lat_lon_pairs:
        lat, lon = lat_lon_pair

        # set North-south, East-West convention.
        if lat >= 0:
            NS = "N"
            NS = "S"

        if lon >= 0:
            EW = "E"
            EW = "W"

        if product is "SRTMGL30":

            if abs(lon) <= 20:
                lon = 20
            elif abs(lon) <=60:
                lon = 60
            elif abs(lon) <= 100:
                lon = 100
                lon = 140

            if abs(lat) <= 10:
                lat = 10
            elif abs(lat) <=40:
                lat = 40
                lat = 90

            NS = NS.lower()
            EW = EW.lower()

        # build up the filename and file link
        filename = format_string.format(NS, str(abs(lat)).zfill(2),
                                        EW, str(abs(lon)).zfill(3),

        filelink = "{0}/{1}".format(subhost, filename)

        # decide where to put the file, then download it
        if outdir is not None:
            outpath  = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            outpath = filename

        print("Downloading and extracting  {0}".format(filename))
        download_url(filelink, outpath)

        # unzip the file and reassemble descriptive name
        with zipfile.ZipFile(outpath, "r") as z:

            itemname = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.hgt".format(NS, str(abs(lat)).zfill(2),
                                                 EW, str(abs(lon)).zfill(3))
            z.extract(itemname, outdir)

        # clean up and add this file to output list

    if mosaic is True:

        arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(tif_list, outdir, "SRTM_mosaic.tif",
                                           number_of_bands = 1, pixel_type = "32_BIT_SIGNED")

    print("Finished download and extraction of SRTM data")

    return tif_list
예제 #24
def fetch_SRTM(lat_lon_pairs, product, outdir = None, mosaic = None):
    downloads data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

    This data can be used to create DEMS of a variety of resolutions.

        lat_lon_pairs   tupled integer values of lat,lon combinations.
                        may be a list of tuples. (N positive, E positive)
        product         short name of product you want. See link below
        outdir          local directory to save downloaded files
        mosaic          Set to TRUE to mosaic all downloaded DEM tiles.

        tif_list        a list of all successfully downloaded tif filepaths
                        for further manipulation

        lat_lons = [(37,-76), (37,-77)]    # Two tiles
        prod = "SRTMGL3"                   #3 arc second DEM product)

        download.fetch_SRTM(lat_lons, prod)

    NOTE: arcmap will open the output hgt files ONLY if they are not renamed.
    turns out arcmap does some funky things when interpreting these files.

    # build empty return list
    tif_list = []

    # sanitize input list
    lat_lon_pairs = core.enf_list(lat_lon_pairs)

    # determine product version
    if product is "SRTMGL30":
        print("Download of product SRTMGL30 is supported, but arcmap does not support this filetype")
        format_string = "{2}{3}{0}{1}.{4}.dem.zip"
        version = "002"

        format_string = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.{4}.hgt.zip"
        version = "003"

    host = "http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/SRTM"
    subhost = "{0}/{1}.{2}/2000.02.11/".format(host, product, version)

    print("Connecting to host at {0}".format(subhost))

    for lat_lon_pair in lat_lon_pairs:
        lat, lon = lat_lon_pair

        # set North-south, East-West convention.
        if lat >= 0:
            NS = "N"
            NS = "S"

        if lon >= 0:
            EW = "E"
            EW = "W"

        if product is "SRTMGL30":

            if abs(lon) <= 20:
                lon = 20
            elif abs(lon) <=60:
                lon = 60
            elif abs(lon) <= 100:
                lon = 100
                lon = 140

            if abs(lat) <= 10:
                lat = 10
            elif abs(lat) <=40:
                lat = 40
                lat = 90

            NS = NS.lower()
            EW = EW.lower()

        # build up the filename and file link
        filename = format_string.format(NS, str(abs(lat)).zfill(2),
                                        EW, str(abs(lon)).zfill(3),

        filelink = "{0}/{1}".format(subhost, filename)

        # decide where to put the file, then download it
        if outdir is not None:
            outpath  = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            outpath = filename

        print("Downloading and extracting  {0}".format(filename))
        download_url(filelink, outpath)

        # unzip the file and reassemble descriptive name
        with zipfile.ZipFile(outpath, "r") as z:

            itemname = "{0}{1}{2}{3}.hgt".format(NS, str(abs(lat)).zfill(2),
                                                 EW, str(abs(lon)).zfill(3))
            z.extract(itemname, outdir)

        # clean up and add this file to output list

    if mosaic is True:

        arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(tif_list, outdir, "SRTM_mosaic.tif",
                                       number_of_bands = 1, pixel_type = "32_BIT_SIGNED")

    print("Finished download and extraction of SRTM data")

    return tif_list