def run(stdscr): if len(sys.argv) <= 1: stdscr.addstr('For mode=\'%s\' you must supply a past-plays string in the first argument.\n' % drac_config.mode) sys.exit(1) pastPlays = sys.argv[1] for s in re.findall(' D(C|S)\?', pastPlays): stdscr.addstr('ERROR: Past plays contains an unknown city/sea!\n') stdscr.addstr('ERROR: You must supply a string given to Dracula\n') sys.exit(1) for play in re.findall('\S+', pastPlays): turnBefore = drac_actor.do_turn(stdscr,, play) if == turnBefore: += 1 if % 5 == 0 and (drac_config.mode == 't' or drac_config.mode == 'turns'): quit = False while not quit: try: stdscr.addstr(">") text = stdscr.getstr().strip() if text == "": break elif text == "players": for pl in stdscr.addstr("\t%s:\n\t\tLocation: %s\n\t\tHealth: %d\n" % (, pl.location.disp(True), elif text == "traps": for lc in if len(lc.traps) > 0: stdscr.addstr("%10s has %d trap%s\n" % (, len(lc.traps), "s" if len(lc.traps) > 1 else "")) elif text == "vamps": for lc in if len(lc.vampires) > 0: stdscr.addstr("%10s has %d vampire%s\n" % (, len(lc.vampires), "s" if len(lc.vampires) > 1 else "")) elif text.startswith("see "): text = text[4:].lower().strip() if text != "": locs = [] for lc in if text == lc.abbrev.lower(): locs.append(lc) if len(locs) == 0: for lc in if text in or text in str(lc.index): locs.append(lc) if len(locs) == 0: stdscr.addstr("No towns found matching %s\n" % text) for lc in locs: stdscr.addstr("Location: %s" % lc.disp(True)) stdscr.addstr("\tTraps: %d\tVampires: %d\n" % (len(lc.traps), len(lc.vampires))) players_on_lc = [] for pl in if pl.location == lc: players_on_lc.append( stdscr.addstr("\tPlayers: " + ', '.join(players_on_lc) if len(players_on_lc) > 0 else "Players: None" + "\n") elif text.startswith("links "): text = text[6:].lower().strip() if text != "": locs = [] for lc in if text == lc.abbrev.lower(): locs.append(lc) if len(locs) == 0: for lc in if text in or text in str(lc.index): locs.append(lc) if len(locs) == 0: stdscr.addstr("No towns found matching %s\n" % text) for lc in locs: stdscr.addstr(lc.show_links(, None)) elif text == "?" or text == "help": stdscr.addstr("====================== Help =======================\n") stdscr.addstr("| |\n") stdscr.addstr("| players : show player information |\n") stdscr.addstr("| see [town] : show town information |\n") stdscr.addstr("| links : show town connections |\n") stdscr.addstr("| traps : show where the traps are |\n") stdscr.addstr("| vamps : show where the vamps are |\n") stdscr.addstr("| q, quit : quits drac |\n") stdscr.addstr("| |\n") stdscr.addstr("====================== Help =======================\n") elif text == "q" or text == "quit": quit = True break except KeyboardInterrupt: stdscr.addstr("\n\nGame terminated\n\n") quit = True if quit: = True return if break
def run(game, stdscr): stdscr.clear() win_size = stdscr.getmaxyx() if win_size[0] < 45 or win_size[1] < 75: curses.endwin() print "Your terminal is too small. Try making it bigger." raw_input("") return curses.echo() stdscr.addstr('Preparing game...\n') stdscr.refresh() stdscr.addstr('\nWelcome to drac interactive!\n\n') stdscr.addstr('When you\'re ready to start, press [ENTER]\n') try: stdscr.getstr() stdscr.clear() except KeyboardInterrupt: return pl = 0 quit = False game.listener = InteractiveListener(stdscr) while not game.ended: if pl == 0: stdscr.addstr('###########################\n') stdscr.addstr('######## Turn %4d ########\n' % (game.turn / 5)) stdscr.addstr('###########################\n') stdscr.addstr('\nType \'?\' to see what you can do!\n\n') pl_letter = drac_common.players[pl] p = game.players[pl] game.lastValid = False while not game.lastValid: move = '' loop = True prevFirstRow = -1 while loop: try: move = 'cmd' stdscr.addstr( + ' > ') text = '' cursor_pos = stdscr.getyx() while text == '': text = stdscr.getstr().lower().strip() stdscr.move(cursor_pos[0], cursor_pos[1]) stdscr.deleteln() stdscr.move(cursor_pos[0], 0) if prevFirstRow >= 0: while stdscr.getyx()[0] - prevFirstRow > 0: stdscr.deleteln() stdscr.move(stdscr.getyx()[0] - 1, stdscr.getyx()[1]) prevFirstRow = stdscr.getyx()[0] if text != '': if text == '?' or text == 'help': stdscr.addstr('====================== Help =======================\n') stdscr.addstr('| |\n') stdscr.addstr('| <town_abbrev> : move to the specified town |\n') stdscr.addstr('| moves : see valid moves |\n') stdscr.addstr('| players : show player information |\n') stdscr.addstr('| links : show town connections |\n') if pl == 4: stdscr.addstr('| see [town] : show town information |\n') stdscr.addstr('| traps : show where the traps are |\n') stdscr.addstr('| vamps : show where the vamps are |\n') stdscr.addstr('| trail : show your trail |\n') else: stdscr.addstr('| look : show town information |\n') stdscr.addstr('| ?, help : show this help menu |\n') stdscr.addstr('| |\n') stdscr.addstr('====================== Help =======================\n') elif text == 'moves': if p.location is None: stdscr.addstr('Valid cities for you to set down in\n') for i in range((len(game.locations) + len(game.locations) % 2) / 2): stdscr.addstr('%30s %30s\n' % (game.locations[i * 2].disp(False), game.locations[i * 2 + 1].disp(False) if len(game.locations) > i * 2 + 1 else '')) else: stdscr.addstr('Valid moves:\n') seen_moves = [] if game.links: for loc in game.locations: if game.drac_links.hasanylink(game, loc.index, p.location.index, p, (game.turn / 5 + pl) % 4): seen_moves.append(loc) else: for loc in game.locations: seen_moves.append(loc) counter = 0 for move in seen_moves: stdscr.addstr('\t%25s\t' % move.disp(False)) counter += 1 if counter % 2 == 0 or counter == len(seen_moves): stdscr.addstr('\n') elif text == 'players': stdscr.addstr('Players:\n') for player in game.players: if player.location is None: stdscr.addstr('%17s hasn\'t set down yet\n' % elif player.index == 4: if pl == 4: stdscr.addstr('%17s is in %s\n' % (, player.location.disp(False))) else: m_abbrev = 'S?' if player.location.index in drac_common.seas else 'C?' if m_abbrev == 'S?': stdscr.addstr('%17s is over water (S?)\n' % else: stdscr.addstr('%17s is in a city (C?)\n' % else: stdscr.addstr('%17s is in %s\n' % (, player.location.disp(False))) elif text == 'links': if p.location is None: stdscr.addstr('You are not in a town\n') else: stdscr.addstr(p.location.show_links(game, drac_links, p)) elif text == 'trail' and pl == 4: if len(game.trail.locs) == 0: stdscr.addstr('Your trail is empty!\n') else: st = '' for i in range(len(game.trail.locs)): if i > 0: st += ' -> ' st += game.locations[game.trail.locs[len(game.trail.locs) - i - 1]].disp(False) stdscr.addstr('%s\n' % st) elif text.startswith('see') and pl == 4: if len(text) == 3: stdscr.addstr('Usage: see <town_abbrev>\n') else: text = text[4:].lower().strip() if text != '': locs = [] for lc in game.locations: if text == lc.abbrev.lower(): locs.append(lc) if len(locs) == 0: for lc in game.locations: if text in or text in str(lc.index): locs.append(lc) if len(locs) == 0: stdscr.addstr('No towns found matching %s\n' % text) for lc in locs: stdscr.addstr('\t====== Town Information ======\n\tLocation: %s\n' % lc.disp(True)) stdscr.addstr('\tTraps: %d\tVampires: %d\n' % (len(lc.traps), len(lc.vampires))) players_on_lc = [] for pla in game.players: if pla.location == lc: players_on_lc.append( stdscr.addstr('\tPlayers: ' + ', '.join(players_on_lc) + '\n' if len(players_on_lc) > 0 else 'Players: None\n') elif text == 'look': if p.location is None: stdscr.addstr('You are not in a town\n') else: stdscr.addstr('Town: %s\n' % p.location.disp(True)) pls = [] for player in game.players: if player.location == p.location and player != p: if p.index == 4 or player.index != 4: pls.append( if len(pls) == 0: stdscr.addstr('No other hunters\n') else: stdscr.addstr('Players where you are: ' + ', '.join(pls) + '\n') elif text == 'traps' and pl == 4: for lc in game.locations: if len(lc.traps) > 0: stdscr.addstr('%10s has %d trap%s\n' % (, len(lc.traps), 's' if len(lc.traps) > 1 else '')) elif text == 'vamps' and pl == 4: for lc in game.locations: if len(lc.vampires) > 0: stdscr.addstr('%10s has %d vampire%s\n' % (, len(lc.vampires), 's' if len(lc.vampires) > 1 else '')) else: move = '' for loc in game.locations: if loc.abbrev.lower() == text: move = text loop = False if move == '': for loc in game.locations: if == text: move = loc.abbrev.lower() loop = False if move == '' and pl == 4: for sp in drac_common.specials: if sp.lower() == text: move = sp loop = False if move == '': stdscr.addstr('%s is not a valid move. Type \'?\' for help.\n' % text) except KeyboardInterrupt: stdscr.addstr('\n\nGame terminated.\n') quit = True break if quit: break drac_actor.do_turn(stdscr, game, pl_letter + move.upper()) if quit: break if pl == 4: stdscr.addstr('\nPress [ENTER] when you\'re done, Dracula') stdscr.getstr() stdscr.clear() pl += 1 if pl > 4: pl = 0 if not quit: stdscr.getstr()