#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs, read_requires defs = read_defs("set[\s]\(PROJECT_(.*_VERSION)\s+([^\s]+)\)") defs.update(read_requires()) content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "ignition-rndf0", "Description": "Ignition RNDF is a portable C++ library for parsing RNDF road network files", "License": "Apache-2.0", "Version": "%(MAJOR_VERSION)s.%(MINOR_VERSION)s.%(PATCH_VERSION)s", "Requires": { "ignition-math3": { "Version": "%(ignition-math3_VERSION)s", "Hints": ["@prefix@/lib/cmake/ignition-math3"], "X-CMake-Find-Args": [ "CONFIG" ] } }, "Default-Components": [ ":ignition-rndf0" ], "Components": { "ignition-rndf0": { "Type": "dylib", "Location": "@prefix@/lib/libignition_rndf.so", "Includes": [ "@prefix@/include" ], "Requires": [ "ignition-math3:ignition-math3" ] } }
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs defs = read_defs("#define PYBIND11_(VERSION[^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)") content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "pybind11", "Description": "Seamless operability between C++11 and Python", "License": "BSD-3-Clause", "Version": "%(VERSION_MAJOR)s.%(VERSION_MINOR)s.%(VERSION_PATCH)s", "Default-Components": [":module"], "Components": { "module": { "Type": "interface", "Includes": ["@prefix@/include"], "Compile-Features": ["c++11"] } }, "X-CMake-Includes": ["${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/pybind11Tools.cmake"] } """ % defs print(content[1:])
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs defs = read_defs("set\(CCD_(VERSION)\s\"([0-9\.]+)\"\)") content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "ccd", "Description": "Library for collision detection between two convex shapes", "License": "BSD-3-Clause", "Version": "%(VERSION)s", "Default-Components": [":ccd"], "Components": { "ccd": { "Type": "dylib", "Location": "@prefix@/lib/libccd.so", "Includes": ["@prefix@/include"] } } } """ % defs print(content[1:])
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs defs = read_defs("#define LCM_(VERSION[^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)") content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "lcm", "Description": "Lightweight Communications and Marshaling library", "License": "LGPL-2.1+", "Version": "%(VERSION_MAJOR)s.%(VERSION_MINOR)s.%(VERSION_PATCH)s", "Requires": { "jchart2d": { "Hints": ["@prefix@/lib/cmake/jchart2d"], "X-CMake-Find-Args": [ "CONFIG" ] } }, "Default-Components": [ ":lcm" ], "Components": { "lcm-coretypes": { "Type": "interface", "Includes": [ "@prefix@/include" ] }, "lcm": { "Type": "dylib", "Link-Flags": ["-lglib-2.0", "-lpthread"], "Location": "@prefix@/lib/liblcm.so", "Requires": [ ":lcm-coretypes" ] },
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs, read_requires defs = read_defs("set\(FCL_(\w+_VERSION)\s+([0-9]+)") defs.update(read_requires()) content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "fcl", "Description": "Flexible Collision Library", "License": ["BSD-3-Clause"], "Version": "%(MAJOR_VERSION)s.%(MINOR_VERSION)s.%(PATCH_VERSION)s", "Compat-Version": "%(MAJOR_VERSION)s.0.0", "Requires": { "ccd": { "Version": "%(ccd_VERSION)s", "Hints": ["@prefix@/lib/cmake/ccd"], "X-CMake-Find-Args": [ "CONFIG" ] }, "Eigen3": { "Version": "%(Eigen3_VERSION)s", "Hints": ["@prefix@/lib/cmake/eigen3"], "X-CMake-Find-Args": [ "CONFIG" ] }, "octomap": { "Version": "%(octomap_VERSION)s", "Hints": ["@prefix@/lib/cmake/octomap"], "X-CMake-Find-Args": [ "CONFIG" ] }
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs defs = read_defs("#define\s+EIGEN_(\w+_VERSION)\s+([0-9]+)") content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "Eigen3", "Description": "Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math", "License": ["MPL-2.0", "LGPL-2.1+", "BSD-3-Clause"], "Version": "%(WORLD_VERSION)s.%(MAJOR_VERSION)s.%(MINOR_VERSION)s", "Compat-Version": "%(WORLD_VERSION)s.0.0", "Default-Components": [ ":Eigen" ], "Components": { "Eigen": { "Type": "interface", "Includes": [ "@prefix@/include/eigen3" ] } } } """ % defs print(content[1:])
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs defs = read_defs("#define ([^\s]+_VERSION)\s+([^\s]+)") content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "NLopt", "Description": "Nonlinear Optimizer", "License": [ "BSD-2-Clause", "BSD-3-Clause", "LGPL-2.1+", "MIT" ], "Version": "%(MAJOR_VERSION)s.%(MINOR_VERSION)s.%(BUGFIX_VERSION)s", "Default-Components": [":nlopt"], "Components": { "nlopt": { "Type": "dylib", "Location": "@prefix@/lib/libnlopt.so", "Includes": ["@prefix@/include/nlopt"] } } } """ % defs print(content[1:])
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs, read_requires defs = read_defs("set\s\(SDF_(.*VERSION)\s+([0-9]+)\)") defs.update(read_requires()) content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "SDFormat", "Description": "SDF is an XML file format that describes environments, objects, and robots in a manner suitable for robotic applications", "License": "Apache-2.0", "Version": "%(MAJOR_VERSION)s.%(MINOR_VERSION)s.%(PATCH_VERSION)s", "Compat-Version": "%(MAJOR_VERSION)s.0.0", "Requires": { "ignition-math3": { "Version": "%(ignition-math3_VERSION)s", "Hints": ["@prefix@/lib/cmake/ignition-math3"], "X-CMake-Find-Args": [ "CONFIG" ] } }, "Default-Components": [ ":sdformat" ], "Components": { "sdformat": { "Type": "dylib", "Location": "@prefix@/lib/libsdformat.so", "Includes": [ "@prefix@/include" ], "Link-Flags": [ "-ltinyxml" ], "Requires": [ "ignition-math3:ignition-math3" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs defs = read_defs("set\(YAML_CPP_(VERSION_.*)\s+\"([0-9]+)\"") content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "yaml-cpp", "Description": "A YAML parser and emitter in C++", "License": "MIT", "Version": "%(VERSION_MAJOR)s.%(VERSION_MINOR)s.%(VERSION_MINOR)s", "Compat-Version": "%(VERSION_MAJOR)s.0.0", "Default-Components": [ ":yaml-cpp" ], "Components": { "yaml-cpp": { "Type": "dylib", "Location": "@prefix@/lib/libyaml_cpp.so", "Includes": [ "@prefix@/include" ] } } } """ % defs print(content[1:])
#!/usr/bin/env python from drake.tools.cpsutils import read_defs defs = read_defs("set\(OCTOMAP_(\w+_VERSION)\s([0-9]+)") content = """ { "Cps-Version": "0.8.0", "Name": "octomap", "Description": "An efficient probabilistic 3D mapping framework based on octrees.", "License": "BSD-3-Clause", "Version": "%(MAJOR_VERSION)s.%(MINOR_VERSION)s.%(PATCH_VERSION)s", "Default-Components": [ ":octomap", ":octomath" ], "Components": { "octomath": { "Type": "dylib", "Location": "@prefix@/lib/liboctomath.so", "Includes": [ "@prefix@/include" ] }, "octomap": { "Type": "dylib", "Location": "@prefix@/lib/liboctomap.so", "Includes": [ "@prefix@/include" ] } } } """ % defs print(content[1:])