from simtbx.nanoBragg import sim_data from scitbx.matrix import sqr, rec from cctbx import uctbx from dxtbx.model import Crystal ucell = (70, 60, 50, 90.0, 110, 90.0) symbol = "C121" a_real, b_real, c_real = sqr(uctbx.unit_cell(ucell).orthogonalization_matrix()).transpose().as_list_of_lists() C = Crystal(a_real, b_real, c_real, symbol) # random raotation rotation = Rotation.random(num=1, random_state=101)[0] Q = rec(rotation.as_quat(), n=(4, 1)) rot_ang, rot_axis = Q.unit_quaternion_as_axis_and_angle() C.rotate_around_origin(rot_axis, rot_ang) S = sim_data.SimData(use_default_crystal=True) S.crystal.dxtbx_crystal = C spectrum = S.beam.spectrum wave, flux = spectrum[0] Nwave = 5 waves = np.linspace(wave-wave*0.002, wave+wave*0.002, Nwave) fluxes = np.ones(Nwave) * flux / Nwave lambda0_GT = 0 lambda1_GT = 1 S.beam.spectrum = list(zip(waves, fluxes)) S.detector = sim_data.SimData.simple_detector(180, 0.1, (1024, 1024)) S.instantiate_diffBragg(verbose=0, oversample=0, auto_set_spotscale=True)
def load(self): # some parameters # NOTE: for reference, inside each h5 file there is # [u'Amatrices', u'Hi', u'bboxes', u'h5_path'] # get the total number of shots using worker 0 if rank == 0: print("I am root. I am calculating total number of shots") h5s = [h5py_File(f, "r") for f in self.fnames] Nshots_per_file = [h["h5_path"].shape[0] for h in h5s] Nshots_tot = sum(Nshots_per_file) print("I am root. Total number of shots is %d" % Nshots_tot) print("I am root. I will divide shots amongst workers.") shot_tuples = [] for i_f, fname in enumerate(self.fnames): fidx_shotidx = [(i_f, i_shot) for i_shot in range(Nshots_per_file[i_f])] shot_tuples += fidx_shotidx from numpy import array_split print("I am root. Number of uniques = %d" % len(set(shot_tuples))) shots_for_rank = array_split(shot_tuples, size) # close the open h5s.. for h in h5s: h.close() else: Nshots_tot = None shots_for_rank = None h5s = None #Nshots_tot = comm.bcast( Nshots_tot, root=0) if has_mpi: shots_for_rank = comm.bcast(shots_for_rank, root=0) #h5s = comm.bcast( h5s, root=0) # pull in the open hdf5 files my_shots = shots_for_rank[rank] if self.Nload is not None: my_shots = my_shots[:self.Nload] # open the unique filenames for this rank # TODO: check max allowed pointers to open hdf5 file my_unique_fids = set([fidx for fidx, _ in my_shots]) my_open_files = { fidx: h5py_File(self.fnames[fidx], "r") for fidx in my_unique_fids } Ntot = 0 self.all_bbox_pixels = [] for img_num, (fname_idx, shot_idx) in enumerate(my_shots): if img_num == args.Nmax: #print("Already processed maximum number images!") continue h = my_open_files[fname_idx] # load the dxtbx image data directly: npz_path = h["h5_path"][shot_idx] # NOTE take me out! if args.testmode: import os npz_path = os.path.basename(npz_path) img_handle = numpy_load(npz_path) img = img_handle["img"] if len(img.shape) == 2: # if single panel>> img = np.array([img]) #D = det_from_dict(img_handle["det"][()]) B = beam_from_dict(img_handle["beam"][()]) # get the indexed crystal Amatrix Amat = h["Amatrices"][shot_idx] amat_elems = list(sqr(Amat).inverse().elems) # real space basis vectors: a_real = amat_elems[:3] b_real = amat_elems[3:6] c_real = amat_elems[6:] # dxtbx indexed crystal model C = Crystal(a_real, b_real, c_real, "P43212") # change basis here ? Or maybe just average a/b a, b, c, _, _, _ = C.get_unit_cell().parameters() a_init = .5 * (a + b) c_init = c # shoe boxes where we expect spots bbox_dset = h["bboxes"]["shot%d" % shot_idx] n_bboxes_total = bbox_dset.shape[0] # is the shoe box within the resolution ring and does it have significant SNR (see is_a_keeper = h["bboxes"]["keepers%d" % shot_idx][()] # tilt plane to the background pixels in the shoe boxes tilt_abc_dset = h["tilt_abc"]["shot%d" % shot_idx] try: panel_ids_dset = h["panel_ids"]["shot%d" % shot_idx] has_panels = True except KeyError: has_panels = False # apply the filters: bboxes = [ bbox_dset[i_bb] for i_bb in range(n_bboxes_total) if is_a_keeper[i_bb] ] tilt_abc = [ tilt_abc_dset[i_bb] for i_bb in range(n_bboxes_total) if is_a_keeper[i_bb] ] if has_panels: panel_ids = [ panel_ids_dset[i_bb] for i_bb in range(n_bboxes_total) if is_a_keeper[i_bb] ] else: panel_ids = [0] * len(tilt_abc) # how many pixels do we have tot_pix = [(j2 - j1) * (i2 - i1) for i1, i2, j1, j2 in bboxes] Ntot += sum(tot_pix) # actually load the pixels... #data_boxes = [ img[j1:j2, i1:i2] for i1,i2,j1,j2 in bboxes] # Here we will try a per-shot refinement of the unit cell and Umatrix, as well as ncells abc # and spot scale etc.. # load some ground truth data from the simulation dumps (e.g. spectrum) h5_fname = h["h5_path"][shot_idx].replace(".npz", "") # NOTE remove me if args.testmode: h5_fname = os.path.basename(h5_fname) data = h5py_File(h5_fname, "r") tru = sqr(data["crystalA"][()]).inverse().elems a_tru = tru[:3] b_tru = tru[3:6] c_tru = tru[6:] C_tru = Crystal(a_tru, b_tru, c_tru, "P43212") try: angular_offset_init = compare_with_ground_truth( a_tru, b_tru, c_tru, [C], symbol="P43212")[0] except Exception as err: print( "Rank %d: Boo cant use the comparison w GT function: %s" % (rank, err)) fluxes = data["spectrum"][()] es = data["exposure_s"][()] fluxes *= es # multiply by the exposure time spectrum = zip(wavelens, fluxes) # dont simulate when there are no photons! spectrum = [(wave, flux) for wave, flux in spectrum if flux > self.flux_min] # make a unit cell manager that the refiner will use to track the B-matrix aa, _, cc, _, _, _ = C_tru.get_unit_cell().parameters() ucell_man = TetragonalManager(a=a_init, c=c_init) if args.startwithtruth: ucell_man = TetragonalManager(a=aa, c=cc) # create the sim_data instance that the refiner will use to run diffBragg # create a nanoBragg crystal nbcryst = nanoBragg_crystal() nbcryst.dxtbx_crystal = C if args.startwithtruth: nbcryst.dxtbx_crystal = C_tru nbcryst.thick_mm = 0.1 nbcryst.Ncells_abc = 30, 30, 30 nbcryst.miller_array = Fhkl_guess.as_amplitude_array() nbcryst.n_mos_domains = 1 nbcryst.mos_spread_deg = 0.0 # create a nanoBragg beam nbbeam = nanoBragg_beam() nbbeam.size_mm = 0.001 nbbeam.unit_s0 = B.get_unit_s0() nbbeam.spectrum = spectrum # sim data instance SIM = SimData() SIM.detector = CSPAD #SIM.detector = D SIM.crystal = nbcryst SIM.beam = nbbeam SIM.panel_id = 0 # default spot_scale = 12 if args.sad: spot_scale = 1 SIM.instantiate_diffBragg(default_F=0, oversample=0) SIM.D.spot_scale = spot_scale img_in_photons = img / self.gain print("Rank %d, Starting refinement!" % rank) try: RUC = RefineAllMultiPanel( spot_rois=bboxes, abc_init=tilt_abc, img=img_in_photons, # NOTE this is now a multi panel image SimData_instance=SIM, plot_images=args.plot, plot_residuals=args.residual, ucell_manager=ucell_man) RUC.panel_ids = panel_ids RUC.multi_panel = True RUC.split_evaluation = args.split RUC.trad_conv = True RUC.refine_detdist = False RUC.refine_background_planes = False RUC.refine_Umatrix = True RUC.refine_Bmatrix = True RUC.refine_ncells = True RUC.use_curvatures = False # args.curvatures RUC.calc_curvatures = True #args.curvatures RUC.refine_crystal_scale = True RUC.refine_gain_fac = False RUC.plot_stride = args.stride RUC.poisson_only = False RUC.trad_conv_eps = 5e-3 # NOTE this is for single panel model RUC.max_calls = 300 RUC.verbose = False RUC.use_rot_priors = True RUC.use_ucell_priors = True if args.verbose: if rank == 0: # only show refinement stats for rank 0 RUC.verbose = True if RUC.hit_break_to_use_curvatures: RUC.use_curvatures = True except AssertionError as err: print( "Rank %d, filename %s Hit assertion error during refinement: %s" % (rank, data.filename, err)) continue angle, ax = RUC.get_correction_misset(as_axis_angle_deg=True) if args.startwithtruth: C = Crystal(a_tru, b_tru, c_tru, "P43212") C.rotate_around_origin(ax, angle) C.set_B(RUC.get_refined_Bmatrix()) a_ref, _, c_ref, _, _, _ = C.get_unit_cell().parameters() # compute missorientation with ground truth model try: angular_offset = compare_with_ground_truth(a_tru, b_tru, c_tru, [C], symbol="P43212")[0] print( "Rank %d, filename=%s, ang=%f, init_ang=%f, a=%f, init_a=%f, c=%f, init_c=%f" % (rank, data.filename, angular_offset, angular_offset_init, a_ref, a_init, c_ref, c_init)) except Exception as err: print("Rank %d, filename=%s, error %s" % (rank, data.filename, err)) # free the memory from diffBragg instance RUC.S.D.free_all() del img # not sure if needed here.. del img_in_photons if args.testmode: exit() # peak at the memory usage of this rank mem = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss # peak mem usage in KB mem = mem / 1e6 # convert to GB if rank == 0: print "RANK 0: %.2g total pixels in %d/%d bboxes (file %d / %d); MemUsg=%2.2g GB" \ % (Ntot, len(bboxes), n_bboxes_total, img_num+1, len(my_shots), mem) # TODO: accumulate all pixels #self.all_bbox_pixels += data_boxes for h in my_open_files.values(): h.close() print("Rank %d; all subimages loaded!" % rank)