예제 #1
    def scan_info(self,config,this,info,fullthis,fullinfo):
        Take a ConfigParser instance config and scan info into 
        config.info. This is called recursively if needed.

            config    : the configuration object
            this      : the current item to be parsed
            info      : where this item is to go
            fullthis  : the full name of this
            fullinfo  : the full (top level) version of info.
        from eoldas_ConfFile import assoc_to_flat
        # find the keys in the top level
        # loop over 
        thiss = np.array(this.split('.'))
        # just in case .. is used as separator
        ww = np.where(thiss != '')
        thiss = thiss[ww]
        nextone = ''
        for i in xrange(1,len(thiss)-1):
            nextone = nextone + thiss[i] + '.'
        if len(thiss) > 1:
            nextone = nextone + thiss[-1]
        # first, check if its already there
        if not hasattr(info,thiss[0]):
            info[thiss[0]] = ParamStorage()
            info[thiss[0]].helper = []
        # load up the info
        if len(thiss) == 1:
            for option in config.options(fullthis):
                fulloption = option
                # option may have a '.' separated term as well
                options = np.array(option.split('.'))
                # tidy up any double dot stuff
                ww = np.where(options != '')
                options = options[ww]
                # need to iterate to make sure it is loaded 
                # at the right level
                # of the hierachy
                this_info = info[this]
                # so now this_info is at the base
                for i in xrange(len(options)-1):
                    if not hasattr(this_info,options[i]):
                        this_info[options[i]] = ParamStorage()
                        this_info[options[i]].helper = []
                    this_info = this_info[options[i]]
                option = options[-1]
                this_info[option] = array_type_convert(fullinfo,\
                if option[:6] == 'assoc_':
                    noption = option[6:]
                    this_info[noption] = assoc_to_flat(\
                    is_assoc = True
                    is_assoc = False
                if not hasattr(this_info,'helper'):
                    this_info.helper = []
                ndot = len(fullthis.split('.'))
                pres = ''
                for i in xrange(1,ndot):
                    pres += '  '
                if type(this_info.helper) == str:
                    this_info.helper += "\n%s%s.%-8s = %-8s" % \
                elif type(this_info.helper) == list:
                    this_info.helper.append("%s%s.%-8s = %-8s" % \
                if is_assoc:
                    if type(this_info.helper) == str:
                        this_info.helper += "\n%s%s.%-8s = %-8s" % \
                    elif type(this_info.helper) == list:
                        this_info.helper.append("%s%s.%-8s = %-8s" % \
            if thiss[-1][:6] == 'assoc_' and thiss[0] in fullinfo.dict():
                # only do this operation when at the top level
                noption = thiss[-1][6:]
                option = thiss[-1]
                this_info = info
                fulloption = thiss[0]
                this_info = this_info[thiss[0]]
                for i in xrange(1,len(thiss)-1):
                    this_info = this_info[thiss[i]]
                    fulloption = '%s.%s' % (fulloption,thiss[i])
                fulloption = '%s.%s' % (fulloption,noption)
                #this_info[noption] = assoc_to_flat(fullinfo.parameter.names\
                #                                   ,this_info[option],\
                #                                   this_info[noption])
                if  not 'names' in this_info.dict():
                    this_info.names = fullinfo.parameter.names

                if not option in this_info.dict():
                    this_info[option] = [0]*len(this_info.names)
                if not noption in this_info.dict():
                    this_info[noption] = [0]*len(this_info.names)
                this_info[noption] = assoc_to_flat(this_info.names\

                ndot = len(fullthis.split('.'))
                pres = ''
                for i in xrange(1,ndot):
                    pres += '  '
                if type(this_info.helper) == str:
                    this_info.helper += "\n%s%-8s = %-8s" % (pres,\
                elif type(this_info.helper) == list:
                    this_info.helper.append("%s%-8s = %-8s" % (pres,\
예제 #2
    def scan_info(self, config, this, info, fullthis, fullinfo):
        Take a ConfigParser instance config and scan info into 
        config.info. This is called recursively if needed.

            config    : the configuration object
            this      : the current item to be parsed
            info      : where this item is to go
            fullthis  : the full name of this
            fullinfo  : the full (top level) version of info.
        from eoldas_ConfFile import assoc_to_flat
        # find the keys in the top level
        # loop over
        thiss = np.array(this.split('.'))
        # just in case .. is used as separator
        ww = np.where(thiss != '')
        thiss = thiss[ww]
        nextone = ''
        for i in xrange(1, len(thiss) - 1):
            nextone = nextone + thiss[i] + '.'
        if len(thiss) > 1:
            nextone = nextone + thiss[-1]
        # first, check if its already there
        if not hasattr(info, thiss[0]):
            info[thiss[0]] = ParamStorage()
            info[thiss[0]].helper = []
        # load up the info
        if len(thiss) == 1:
            for option in config.options(fullthis):
                fulloption = option
                # option may have a '.' separated term as well
                options = np.array(option.split('.'))
                # tidy up any double dot stuff
                ww = np.where(options != '')
                options = options[ww]
                # need to iterate to make sure it is loaded
                # at the right level
                # of the hierachy
                this_info = info[this]
                # so now this_info is at the base
                for i in xrange(len(options) - 1):
                    if not hasattr(this_info, options[i]):
                        this_info[options[i]] = ParamStorage()
                        this_info[options[i]].helper = []
                    this_info = this_info[options[i]]
                option = options[-1]
                this_info[option] = array_type_convert(fullinfo,\
                if option[:6] == 'assoc_':
                    noption = option[6:]
                    this_info[noption] = assoc_to_flat(\
                    is_assoc = True
                    is_assoc = False
                if not hasattr(this_info, 'helper'):
                    this_info.helper = []
                ndot = len(fullthis.split('.'))
                pres = ''
                for i in xrange(1, ndot):
                    pres += '  '
                if type(this_info.helper) == str:
                    this_info.helper += "\n%s%s.%-8s = %-8s" % \
                elif type(this_info.helper) == list:
                    this_info.helper.append("%s%s.%-8s = %-8s" % \
                if is_assoc:
                    if type(this_info.helper) == str:
                        this_info.helper += "\n%s%s.%-8s = %-8s" % \
                    elif type(this_info.helper) == list:
                        this_info.helper.append("%s%s.%-8s = %-8s" % \
            self.scan_info(config, nextone, info[thiss[0]], fullthis, fullinfo)
            if thiss[-1][:6] == 'assoc_' and thiss[0] in fullinfo.dict():
                # only do this operation when at the top level
                noption = thiss[-1][6:]
                option = thiss[-1]
                this_info = info
                fulloption = thiss[0]
                this_info = this_info[thiss[0]]
                for i in xrange(1, len(thiss) - 1):
                    this_info = this_info[thiss[i]]
                    fulloption = '%s.%s' % (fulloption, thiss[i])
                fulloption = '%s.%s' % (fulloption, noption)
                #this_info[noption] = assoc_to_flat(fullinfo.parameter.names\
                #                                   ,this_info[option],\
                #                                   this_info[noption])
                if not 'names' in this_info.dict():
                    this_info.names = fullinfo.parameter.names

                if not option in this_info.dict():
                    this_info[option] = [0] * len(this_info.names)
                if not noption in this_info.dict():
                    this_info[noption] = [0] * len(this_info.names)
                this_info[noption] = assoc_to_flat(this_info.names\

                ndot = len(fullthis.split('.'))
                pres = ''
                for i in xrange(1, ndot):
                    pres += '  '
                if type(this_info.helper) == str:
                    this_info.helper += "\n%s%-8s = %-8s" % (pres,\
                elif type(this_info.helper) == list:
                    this_info.helper.append("%s%-8s = %-8s" % (pres,\