예제 #1
class eoldas_setup(object):
    This is redundant

    def __init__(self,datafile,options):
        self.options = options 
        # sort logging
        self.options.general.logdir         \
            = self.__getopt(self.options.general,'logdir',"logs")
        self.options.general.logfile        \
            = self.__getopt(self.options.general,'logfile',"logfile.log") 
        # 1.- set up logging for this particular run
        self.logger = set_up_logfile(self.options.general.logfile,\

            self.logger.error("Unable to access critical elements of the options. See help(eoldas_setup.setup) for details")
        # read conf file(s)
        self.configfile = data_file
        #config = ConfFile(self.configfile,dirs=dirs,log_name=self.logger)
        if len(config.infos) == 0:
            self.fail = True
        # not sure what to do if multiple config files???
        # just take the first one at the moment
        self.config  = config.infos[0]
        # update with cmd line options

        self.logger.info("Model sd scaling by %f over that defined in the config file" % self.config.general.model_sd)
        self.ok = self.process_config_file()

    def setup(self):
        Access and set up critical elements of the problem.

        This includes:
        The existence of:
            options.parameter.names (a list)

        options = self.options
        options.parameter.n_params = len(options.parameter.names)

        self.options = options

    def __getopt(self,options,key,value):
        if not hasattr(options,key):
            options[key] = value
        return options[key]

    def __pcheck(self,thisdict,name):
        Check that name exists in thisdict
            if name in thisdict.dict():
                return True
                return False
            return False

    def __min(self,a,b):
        Min utility for 2 numbers, ignoring None
        if a == None:
            out = b
        elif b == None:
            out = a
            out = np.min([a,b])
        if out == None:
            return 0
            return out     

        # the next critical thing is some observations
        obs = load_brdf_file (brf,self.config,bandpass_names={})
        if obs == False:
            return False


        # sets up an initial version of x_init
        # which is in the observation 'space' (ie one per obs)
        for n_par in xrange ( self.config.params.n_params ):
            #self.default_vals[n_par] = prior_mean[n_par]
            if np.all( self.obs.x_init[ :, n_par] == 0 ): # No
                self.obs.x_init [ :, n_par ] = self.default_vals [ n_par ]
        # try brfinit_files
        # which can overwrite x_init
            if self.options.preload != []:
                brfinit_files = self.options.preload
                self.brfinit_files['override'] = brfinit_files
            if self.options.preload != []:
                self.brfinit_files = ParamStorage ()
                self.brfinit_files['override'] = self.options.preload
                # this is a hack to get the same structure
                self.brfinit_files = self.brfinit_files.dict()
        thisdoys = None
        if self.brfinit_files is not None:
            # this is not consistent with having multiple files
            # and is a bit of a mess 
            for key in self.brfinit_files.keys():
                if type(self.brfinit_files[key]) == type([]):
                    initfile = self.brfinit_files[key][0]
                    initfile = self.brfinit_files[key]
                #(acovar, abandwidth, abands, anpt, anbands_max, alocation, \
                #    awhichfile, anbands, adoys, aqa, atheta_v, atheta_i,aphi_v, \
                #    aphi_i, aisobs, aobs, aobscovar, aparams_x) = \
                #    load_brdf_file(initfile)
                (thisdoys,thisparams) = self.read_parameters(initfile,confdir=confdir)
                # if fail, thisdoys is None
                #self.obs.x_init[:,:] = aparams_x[:,:]

        if thisdoys == None:
            self.brfinit_files = None
        # For convenience, we can invert the observation covariance matrices
        self.obs.obsinvcovar = []
        self.obs.real_obsinvcovar = []

        for sample_no in xrange( self.obs.npt ):
            temp_mtx = np.matrix( self.obs.obscovar[ sample_no ] ).I
            if self.config.params.scale_cost:
                self.logger.info ("Scaling obs by %f" % \
                    float(self.obs.npt*self.obs.nbands[0] ) )
                self.obs.obsinvcovar.append ( \
                        temp_mtx/float((self.obs.npt*self.obs.nbands[sample_no] )))
                self.obs.obsinvcovar.append( temp_mtx )
            self.obs.real_obsinvcovar.append (temp_mtx)    

        # if there is anything non zero in x_init, set params_x to that
        if self.obs.x_init.sum() > 0:
            self.params_x = self.obs.x_init.copy()
            self.params_x = np.zeros ((self.obs.npt, \
        # determine which params to fix, based primarily on solve_for flags
        fix_params = define_fixparams(self.parameters, \

        self.config.params.n_model_params = np.sum(fix_params==3) + np.sum(fix_params==4)

        # set up the grid based on the span of unique doys
        self.unique_doys, self.quantised_doys, self.obs_shift = quantise_time ( self.obs.doys, \
                                                self.time_quant ,grid=grid)
        self.grid_n_obs = self.unique_doys.shape[0]


        self.fix_params = np.tile(fix_params, self.grid_n_obs).reshape((self.grid_n_obs,self.config.params.n_params))

        self.logger.info ("%d days, %d quantised days" % ( len(self.unique_doys), \
            len(self.quantised_doys) ) )
        self.grid_n_params = fix_params.shape[0]

        # set up a grid model representation from self.params_x
        # we will use then when loading
        # self.params_x is a full representation in obs space
        # so we expand it to the model grid space
        self.store_params = self.get_x(self.params_x,self.fix_params*0.)
        # but this may contain zeros if a parameter has not been defined so should be set to the default value
        # or maybe interpolations is better
        udoys = np.unique(self.obs.doys)
            where_udoys = np.in1d(self.unique_doys,udoys)
            where_udoys = np.zeros_like(self.unique_doys).astype(np.bool)
            for i in udoys:
                w = np.where(self.unique_doys == i)
                where_udoys[w] = True
        for i in xrange(self.grid_n_params):
            self.store_params[:,i] = np.interp(self.unique_doys,self.unique_doys[where_udoys],self.store_params[where_udoys,i])
        # override this with data from brfinit_files
        if self.brfinit_files is not None:
            # zeroth ...
            # pull out elements of thisdoys that appear in  self.unique_doys
            # first interpolate thisparams onto the grid
            store_params = self.store_params*0.
            new_thisdoys = np.zeros( self.store_params.shape[0]).astype(np.int)
            # loop over thisdoys and load where appropriate
            for (i,j) in enumerate(thisdoys):
                ww = np.where(j == self.unique_doys)
                store_params[ww,:] = thisparams[i,:] 
                new_thisdoys[ww] = j
            thisdoys = new_thisdoys
            udoys = np.unique(thisdoys)
                where_udoys = np.in1d(thisdoys,udoys)
                where_udoys = np.zeros_like(thisdoys).astype(np.bool)
                for i in udoys:
                    w = np.where(where_udoys  == i)
                    where_udoys[w] = True
            for i in xrange(self.grid_n_params):
                self.store_params[:,i] = np.interp(self.unique_doys,self.unique_doys[where_udoys],store_params[where_udoys,i])

        # deal with model uncert
        self.model_unc = np.ones((self.fix_params.shape[1])) 
        for ( i, k ) in enumerate ( self.parameters ):
            if self.model_unc_cfg [ k ] > 0:
                self.model_unc[i] = self.model_unc[i] * self.model_unc_cfg [ k ]
        self.prior_m = np.array([self.prior_mean[k] for k in self.parameters ])
        self.prior_std = np.array([self.prior_sd[k] for k in self.parameters ])

        return #( prior_mean, prior_sd, model_unc, abs_tol, scale_cost)

    def get_x( self, x_obs,  x_model, summer=False):
        return an x_model representation which has parameter values for the 
        complete model grid. The array x_obs has a representation of the 
        parameter values only for observation points, whereas x_model is 
        typically defined over the whole assimilation period/region.

        When loading parameters in this way (from observation space
        to model space, only the parameter associated with the first 
        observation at a particular point is taken (summer=False)

        When loading derivatives (e.g. when using the adjoint) we need
        to sum over all observation grid points (summer=True)
        x_obs : array-like
            The state vector representation that corresponds to the observations
        x_model : array-like
            The state vector representation that corresponds to the assimilation
        if summer == False:
            for i in np.unique(self.obs_shift).astype(np.int):
                w = np.where(self.obs_shift == i)[0][0]
                x_model[i,:] = x_obs[w,:]
            x_model[:,:] = 0.
            for i in np.unique(self.obs_shift).astype(np.int):
                w = np.where(self.obs_shift == i)[0]
                for j in w:
                    x_model[i,:] = x_model[i,:] + x_obs[j,:]
        return x_model

    def write_parameters(self,filename,params,ofmt='ASCII'):
        Write the parameters out to filename
        if ofmt == 'ASCII':
            self.logger.info ( "Saving parameters to %s" % filename)
            fp = open(filename,'w')
            fp.write("# PARAMETERS %s\n" % "".join ( [ "%s " % i  for i in self.parameters])) 
            for i in xrange(self.grid_n_obs):
                 fp.write("%f %s\n" % (self.unique_doys[i],"".join ( [ "%s " % j  for j in params[i,:]])))