def eyes_py(id): global polePosX, polePosY, dispar, sadws # 初期化宣言 : このソフトウェアは"eyes_py_node"という名前 rospy.init_node('eyes_py_node', anonymous=True) # インスタンスの作成 eyes = Eyes(id) # 処理周期の設定 r = rospy.Rate(PUB_RATE) print("[eyes3] start") # ctl + Cで終了しない限りwhileループで処理し続ける while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #================================================== # Loop ret0, imgL = ret1, imgR = if dispMode == 1: cv2.imshow( "Left Camera", imgL ) cv2.imshow( "Right Camera", imgR ) #-- Create DiparityMap -- disparity = GetDisparityMap() #-- Cal Pole Distance -- capL_target = GetBlueDetect( imgL ) Lx, Ly, Lw, Lh = cv2.boundingRect( capL_target ) capR_target = GetBlueDetect( imgR ) Rx, Ry, Rw, Rh = cv2.boundingRect( capR_target ) # Xは左右中心の更に中心 Lpos = Lx + (Lw / 2) Rpos = Rx + (Rw / 2) polePosX = (Lpos + Rpos) / 2 # Yは片側基準でOK polePosY = Ly + (Lh / 2) # from disparity to dist # Z = f x T / um / disparity poleDist = 6.6 * 62 / 0.003 / disparity[polePosY][polePosX] print polePosX, polePosY, poleDist if dispMode == 1: cv2.rectangle( imgL, (Lx, Ly), (Lx + Lw, Ly + Lh), (0, 0, 255), 1 ) cv2.imshow( "Left Pole", imgL ) cv2.rectangle( imgR, (Rx, Ry), (Rx + Rw, Ry + Rh), (0, 0, 255), 1 ) cv2.imshow( "Right Pole", imgR ) #================================================== # メイン処理 eyes.main() # Sleep処理 r.sleep()
def eyes_py(id): global sidebudsPosX, sidebudsPosY, dispar, sadws # 初期化宣言 : このソフトウェアは"eyes_py_node"という名前 rospy.init_node('eyes_py_node', anonymous=True) # インスタンスの作成 eyes = Eyes(id) # 処理周期の設定 r = rospy.Rate(PUB_RATE) print("[eyes2] start") # ctl + Cで終了しない限りwhileループで処理し続ける while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #================================================== # Loop ret0, imgL = ret1, imgR = if dispMode == 1: cv2.imshow("Left Camera", imgL) cv2.imshow("Right Camera", imgR) #-- Create DiparityMap -- disparity = GetDisparityMap() ################################################### #-- Look for SideBuds -- sbsJpg = cv2.imread('./SideBuds_1.JPG', 0) grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(imgL, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) result = cv2.matchTemplate(grayImg, sbsJpg, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) unused_minVal, unused_maxVal, unused_minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc( result) top_left = maxLoc w, h = sbsJpg.shape[::-1] bottom_right = (top_left[0] + w, top_left[1] + h) if dispMode == 1: cv2.rectangle(imgL, top_left, bottom_right, (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.imshow("SideBuds", imgL) sidebudsPosX = top_left[0] + (w / 2) sidebudsPosY = top_left[1] + (h / 2) #-- Cal SideBuds Distance -- sidebudsPosDist = 6.6 * 62 / 0.003 / disparity[sidebudsPosY][ sidebudsPosX] print sidebudsPosX, sidebudsPosY, sidebudsPosDist ################################################### #-- Cal weed Center -- targetL = GetGreenDetect(imgL) targetR = GetGreenDetect(imgR) # target Position Lx, Ly, Lw, Lh = cv2.boundingRect(targetL) Rx, Ry, Rw, Rh = cv2.boundingRect(targetR) if dispMode == 1: cv2.rectangle(imgL, (Lx, Ly), (Lx + Lw, Ly + Lh), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.imshow("Weed L", imgL) cv2.rectangle(imgR, (Rx, Ry), (Rx + Rw, Ry + Rh), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.imshow("Weed R", imgR) # Xは左右中心の更に中心 Lpos = Lx + (Lw / 2) Rpos = Rx + (Rw / 2) weedPosX = (Lpos + Rpos) / 2 # Yは片側基準でOK weedPosY = Ly + (Lh / 2) # from disparity to dist # Z = f x T / um / disparity weedPosDist = 6.6 * 62 / 0.003 / disparity[weedPosY][weedPosX] print weedPosX, weedPosY, weedPosDist #================================================== # メイン処理 eyes.main() # Sleep処理 r.sleep()