def main(args): train_x, train_y, test = make_datasets(path, args.train_size, args.test_size) eyes = Eyes() model = eyes.build_graph() model.summary() plot_model(model, to_file='model.png') tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir=args.log_path, histogram_freq=10) earlystop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0, patience=0, verbose=1, mode='auto') history =, y=train_y, epochs=args.epochs, verbose=1, batch_size=args.batch_size, validation_split=0.5, callbacks=[earlystop]) model.save_weights(args.save_weights) result = model.predict(test[:10]) imshow(result)
class Chuntao(Robot): def __init__(self, kickstart): self.eyes = Eyes(kickstart) self.brain = Brain(kickstart) self.feet = WheelFeet(kickstart) super(Chuntao, self).__init__() def _set_brain(self): self._senses.append(self.brain) def _set_eyes(self): frameQueue = QueueFactory().getQueue('simple') self._senses.append(self.eyes) self.eyes.setFrameQueue(frameQueue) self.brain.setQueue('frameQueue', frameQueue) def _set_feet(self): feetCommandQueue = QueueFactory().getQueue('simple') self._senses.append(self.feet) self.feet.setCommandQueue(feetCommandQueue) self.brain.setQueue('feetCommandQueue', feetCommandQueue) def _set_senses(self): self._set_eyes() print "eye" self._set_feet() print "feet" self._set_brain() print "brain" def manualFeetControl(self, *par): self.brain.feetControl(*par)
def eyes_py(id): global polePosX, polePosY, dispar, sadws # 初期化宣言 : このソフトウェアは"eyes_py_node"という名前 rospy.init_node('eyes_py_node', anonymous=True) # インスタンスの作成 eyes = Eyes(id) # 処理周期の設定 r = rospy.Rate(PUB_RATE) print("[eyes3] start") # ctl + Cで終了しない限りwhileループで処理し続ける while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #================================================== # Loop ret0, imgL = ret1, imgR = if dispMode == 1: cv2.imshow( "Left Camera", imgL ) cv2.imshow( "Right Camera", imgR ) #-- Create DiparityMap -- disparity = GetDisparityMap() #-- Cal Pole Distance -- capL_target = GetBlueDetect( imgL ) Lx, Ly, Lw, Lh = cv2.boundingRect( capL_target ) capR_target = GetBlueDetect( imgR ) Rx, Ry, Rw, Rh = cv2.boundingRect( capR_target ) # Xは左右中心の更に中心 Lpos = Lx + (Lw / 2) Rpos = Rx + (Rw / 2) polePosX = (Lpos + Rpos) / 2 # Yは片側基準でOK polePosY = Ly + (Lh / 2) # from disparity to dist # Z = f x T / um / disparity poleDist = 6.6 * 62 / 0.003 / disparity[polePosY][polePosX] print polePosX, polePosY, poleDist if dispMode == 1: cv2.rectangle( imgL, (Lx, Ly), (Lx + Lw, Ly + Lh), (0, 0, 255), 1 ) cv2.imshow( "Left Pole", imgL ) cv2.rectangle( imgR, (Rx, Ry), (Rx + Rw, Ry + Rh), (0, 0, 255), 1 ) cv2.imshow( "Right Pole", imgR ) #================================================== # メイン処理 eyes.main() # Sleep処理 r.sleep()
def __init__(self, body, image): self.body = body self.hindbrain = Hindbrain() view_distance = image.get('behaviour', {}).get('target range', 200) self.eyes = Eyes(view_distance=view_distance) self.self_image = image self.parse_behaviour(image.get('behaviour', {})) self.wander_value = 0
def __init__(self, maze, pacman, game_controller): self.CHAR_WIDTH = 100 self.CHAR_HEIGHT = 100 self.maze = maze self.pacman = pacman self.gc = game_controller self.x = maze.WIDTH/2 self.y = maze.TOP_HORIZ self.velocity = 2 self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 self.eyes = Eyes() self.looking = (0, 0) self.WIN_PROXIMITY = 80 self.WALL_TOLERANCE = 2
def set_objects(self): Builder.load_file("main.kv") self.size = (Window.width, Window.height) self.eyes = Eyes(box=[ self.game_area.x, self.game_area.y + 65, self.game_area.width, self.game_area.height - 175 ]) self.nose = Nose(box=[ self.game_area.x, self.game_area.y + 65, self.game_area.width, self.game_area.height - 175 ]) self.mouth = Mouth(box=[ self.game_area.x, self.game_area.y + 65, self.game_area.width, self.game_area.height - 175 ]) self.game_area.add_widget(self.eyes, index=1) = True self.game_area.add_widget(self.mouth, index=1) = True # self.auto_bring_to_front(self.mouth) # nekoja vakva kombinacija da se napravi :) self.game_area.add_widget(self.nose, index=1) = True
def __init__(self, port=DEFAULT_PORT, logdir='/var/log/xm'): """Creates a new istance of the body. By default it's composed by a thread-safe version of `Legs`, `Mouth` and `Eyes`. Args: port (str): serial port `Legs` will connect to. logdir (str): path where to store logs. """ self.safe_legs = LockAdapter(Legs(port)) eye_log = '{}-eyes.log'.format(str( self.safe_mouth = Mouth() self.safe_eye = Eyes(log=open(os.path.join(logdir, eye_log), 'w')) self.circuits = {} self.add_circuit('forward', target=self.safe_legs.forward, pre=[move_synapse]) self.add_circuit('backward', target=self.safe_legs.backward, pre=[move_synapse]) self.add_circuit('left', target=self.safe_legs.left, pre=[move_synapse]) self.add_circuit('right', target=self.safe_legs.right, pre=[move_synapse]) self.add_circuit('stop', target=self.safe_legs.stop) self.add_circuit('set_speed', target=self.safe_legs.set_speed, pre=[speedvalue_synapse]) self.add_circuit('set_movetime', target=self.safe_legs.set_movetime, pre=[movetime_synapse]) self.add_circuit('say', target=self.safe_mouth.say, pre=[say_synapse]) self.add_circuit('shutup', target=self.safe_mouth.shutup) self.add_circuit('open_eyes', self.add_circuit('close_eyes', target=self.safe_eye.close)
class Pinky(GameCharacter): def __init__(self, maze, pacman, game_controller): self.CHAR_WIDTH = 100 self.CHAR_HEIGHT = 100 self.maze = maze self.pacman = pacman self.gc = game_controller self.x = maze.WIDTH / 2 self.y = maze.TOP_HORIZ self.velocity = 2 self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 self.eyes = Eyes() self.looking = (0, 0) self.WIN_PROXIMITY = 80 self.WALL_TOLERANCE = 2 def draw_self(self, x, y): """Draw Pinky to the screen""" noStroke() fill(1.0, 0.5, 0.6) ellipse(x, y, 100, 100) bottom_half = createShape() bottom_half.beginShape() bottom_half.vertex(x, y) bottom_half.vertex(x + 100, y) bottom_half.vertex(x + 100, y + 50) bottom_half.vertex(x + 50, y + 25) bottom_half.vertex(x, y + 50) bottom_half.endShape() shape(bottom_half, -50, 0) self.eyes.display(x, y - 15, self.looking) def update(self): """Carry out necessary updates for each frame before drawing to screen""" # Check if Pinky is at an intersection on_vert = ((abs(self.x - self.maze.LEFT_VERT) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE) or (abs(self.x - self.maze.RIGHT_VERT) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE)) on_horz = ( (abs(self.y - self.maze.TOP_HORIZ) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE) or (abs(self.y - self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE)) # Check whether Pinky is up or down/left or right of Pacman up_down_part = self.pacman.y - self.y left_right_part = self.pacman.x - self.x # Update Pinky's eyes to look at Pacman self.update_eyes(up_down_part, left_right_part) # If Pinky gets close to Pacman, tell the GameController # that Pinky wins if (abs(up_down_part) < self.WIN_PROXIMITY and abs(left_right_part) < self.WIN_PROXIMITY): self.gc.pinky_wins = True # Make Pinky chase Pacman if on_vert and on_horz: if abs(up_down_part) > abs(left_right_part): self.y_add = self.velocity * (up_down_part / abs(up_down_part)) self.x_add = 0 elif abs(up_down_part) < abs(left_right_part): self.x_add = self.velocity * \ (left_right_part/abs(left_right_part)) self.y_add = 0 # If the player wins, stop Pinky moving if self.gc.player_wins: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = 0 # Move Pinky self.x = self.x + self.x_add self.y = self.y + self.y_add def update_eyes(self, up_down_part, left_right_part): """Set self.looking value based on position of Pinky w/r/t Pacman""" if up_down_part and abs(up_down_part) > 5: y = up_down_part / abs(up_down_part) else: y = 0 if left_right_part and abs(left_right_part) > 5: x = left_right_part / abs(left_right_part) else: x = 0 self.looking = (x, y)
def test_constructor(): """Test Eyes constructor""" es = Eyes() assert es.left_eye.direction == es.right_eye.direction == (0, 0)
class Brain(object): def __init__(self, body, image): self.body = body self.hindbrain = Hindbrain() view_distance = image.get('behaviour', {}).get('target range', 200) self.eyes = Eyes(view_distance=view_distance) self.self_image = image self.parse_behaviour(image.get('behaviour', {})) self.wander_value = 0 def update(self, list_of_game_objects): self.eyes.update(list_of_game_objects) self.memory.update() self.action_getter.update() self.goal_getter.update() self.action = self.action_getter.action def parse_behaviour(self, behaviour_dict): if behaviour_dict.get('goap', False): self.action_getter = ActionPlanner(self.self_image, self.eyes, self.body) else: self.action_getter = ActionGetter(self.self_image, self.eyes, self.body) if behaviour_dict.get('pathfind', False): self.memory = Memory(self.body, self.eyes) self.goal_getter = PathFindingGoalGetter(self.body, self.eyes, self.memory) elif behaviour_dict.get('fast pathfind', False): self.memory = DumbMemory(self.body, self.eyes) self.goal_getter = FastPathFindingGoalGetter( self.body, self.eyes, self.memory) else: self.memory = DumbMemory(self.body, self.eyes) self.goal_getter = GoalGetter(self.body, self.eyes) = behaviour_dict.get('target') self.target_range = behaviour_dict.get('target range') def seek(self, target_position, collision): vector_to_target = self.hindbrain.calculate_vector_to_target( self.body.coords, self.body.velocity, target_position) avoid_vector = self.hindbrain.avoid(self.body.coords, vector_to_target, collision, target_position=target_position) arrive_factor = self.hindbrain.arrive_factor(self.body.coords, self.body.velocity, target_position) return normalise_vector(vector_to_target + avoid_vector) * arrive_factor def flee(self, scary_thing, collision): vector_to_target = self.hindbrain.calculate_vector_to_target( self.body.coords, self.body.velocity, scary_thing) vector = -vector_to_target avoid_vector = self.hindbrain.avoid(self.body.coords, vector, collision, target_position=None) return normalise_vector(vector + avoid_vector) def wander(self, goal, collision): if collision is not None: vector = self.hindbrain.calculate_vector_to_target( self.body.coords, self.body.velocity, collision['intersection']) return -vector change_chance = 0.07 turn_force = 0.7 if random.uniform(0, 1) < change_chance: self.wander_value = random.choice([-2, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2 ]) * turn_force wander_force = (normalise_vector( perpendicular_vector(self.body.velocity))) * self.wander_value vector = normalise_vector(self.body.velocity + wander_force) if vector.sum() == 0: vector = np.array((1, 0)) return vector def stop(self, goal, collision): return self.hindbrain.stop(self.body.coods, self.body.velocity) def get_goal_vector(self, list_of_game_objects): goal = self.goal_getter.goal_position(self.action) collision = self.eyes.look_for_collisions(self.body.coords, self.body.velocity, self.self_image['radius']) if goal is not None: if self.action.behaviour() == 'seek': vector =, collision) elif self.action.behaviour() == 'flee': vector = self.flee(goal, collision) elif self.action.behaviour() == 'stop': vector = self.stop(goal, collision) else: vector = self.wander(goal, collision) return vector
from eyes import Eyes from colorama import Style if __name__ == '__main__': try: print(Eyes.banner()) print( print('') Eyes.eyes() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nBye") print(Style.RESET_ALL) exit(0) else: from api import API
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from datetime import datetime from models import * from eyes import Eyes from minerador import Minerador import os import time eyes = Eyes(True) eyes.auth() miner = Minerador(eyes) reauth_in = 10 aux_reauth = 1 processos = == None) for processo in processos.iterator(database): sigilo = True print('{} Obtendo {}'.format(, processo.numero)) try: miner.get_processo(processo.numero) data = miner.get_data() miner.get_files(data['eventos']) except Exception as e: print('Falha ao obter dados do processo: {} \n e: {}'.format( processo.numero, str(e))) eyes.takeSs() print('Screenshot salva') continue try: for k, v in data['adicionais'].items():
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Face Tracker main application """ # Importing packages from servo import Servo from eyes import Eyes from cv2 import waitKey import time # Create objects camera = Eyes() body = Servo() outX = 90 outY = 90 def translate(x, lowerIn, upperIn, lowerOut, upperOut): """Map in value range to another range""" y = (x - lowerIn) / (upperIn - lowerIn) * (upperOut - lowerOut) + lowerOut return y def millis(): """ Returns current time in milliseconds.""" return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='(%(threadName)-10s) %(asctime)s %(message)s', ) scaring = threading.Event() doneplaying = threading.Event() closedevent = threading.Event() closedevent.set() openevent = threading.Event() light = Light(args=('74:DA:EA:90:FD:87',)) spk = Speaker(args=('/home/pi/sounds',doneplaying)) eyes = Eyes(args=(), kwargs={'lefteye': 12, 'righteye': 13}) def open_callback():'Open callback') openevent.set() if scaring.is_set(): spk.cancel() # threading.Timer(5, lambda: eyes.turnoff()).start() eyes.turnoff() light.fullon() def close_callback(): openevent.clear()'Turning light back "on"')
class Pinky(GameCharacter): def __init__(self, maze, pacman, game_controller): self.CHAR_WIDTH = 100 self.CHAR_HEIGHT = 100 self.maze = maze self.pacman = pacman self.gc = game_controller self.x = maze.WIDTH/2 self.y = maze.TOP_HORIZ self.velocity = 2 self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 self.eyes = Eyes() self.looking = (0, 0) self.WIN_PROXIMITY = 80 self.WALL_TOLERANCE = 2 def draw_self(self, x, y): """Draw Pinky to the screen""" noStroke() fill(1.0, 0.5, 0.6) ellipse(x, y, 100, 100) bottom_half = createShape() bottom_half.beginShape() bottom_half.vertex(x, y) bottom_half.vertex(x+100, y) bottom_half.vertex(x+100, y+50) bottom_half.vertex(x+50, y+25) bottom_half.vertex(x, y+50) bottom_half.endShape() shape(bottom_half, -50, 0) self.eyes.display(x, y - 15, self.looking) def update(self): """Carry out necessary updates for each frame before drawing to screen""" # Check if Pinky is at an intersection on_vert = ( (abs(self.x - self.maze.LEFT_VERT) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE) or (abs(self.x - self.maze.RIGHT_VERT) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE) ) on_horz = ( (abs(self.y - self.maze.TOP_HORIZ) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE) or (abs(self.y - self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE) ) # Check whether Pinky is up or down/left or right of Pacman up_down_part = self.pacman.y - self.y left_right_part = self.pacman.x - self.x # Update Pinky's eyes to look at Pacman self.update_eyes(up_down_part, left_right_part) # If Pinky gets close to Pacman, tell the GameController # that Pinky wins if (abs(up_down_part) < self.WIN_PROXIMITY and abs(left_right_part) < self.WIN_PROXIMITY): self.gc.pinky_wins = True # When Pinky is in the intersection, it needs to decide where to go # based on Pacman's position if on_vert and on_horz: # When Pinky and Pacman are in the same column, # check the x_distance of Pinky and Pacman, # and decide the path the Pinky will go if up_down_part == 0: if left_right_part > 0: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: self.x_add = - self.velocity self.y_add = 0 # When Pinky and Pacman are in the same row, # check the y_distance of Pinky and Pacman, # and decide the path the Pinky will go if left_right_part == 0: if up_down_part > 0: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = self.velocity else: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = -self.velocity # When Pinky and Pacman are not in the same row, and not in the # same column else: # if Pinky is in the upper left part, and Pacman in the lower # right part, Pinky will move on the right first if up_down_part > 0 and left_right_part > 0: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 # if Pinky is in the upper right part, and Pacman in the lower # left part, Pinky will move down vertically first if up_down_part > 0 and left_right_part < 0: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = self.velocity # if Pinky is in the down left part, and Pacman in the upper # right part, Pinky will move up vertically first if up_down_part < 0 and left_right_part > 0: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = -self.velocity # if Pinky is in the down right part, and Pacman in the upper # left part, Pinky will move left first if up_down_part < 0 and left_right_part < 0: self.x_add = -self.velocity self.y_add = 0 if self.gc.player_wins: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = 0 # Move Pinky self.x = self.x + self.x_add self.y = self.y + self.y_add def update_eyes(self, up_down_part, left_right_part): """Set self.looking value based on position of Pinky w/r/t Pacman""" if up_down_part and abs(up_down_part) > 5: y = up_down_part/abs(up_down_part) else: y = 0 if left_right_part and abs(left_right_part) > 5: x = left_right_part/abs(left_right_part) else: x = 0 self.looking = (x, y)
class Pinky(GameCharacter): def __init__(self, maze, pacman, game_controller): self.CHAR_WIDTH = 100 self.CHAR_HEIGHT = 100 self.maze = maze self.pacman = pacman self.gc = game_controller self.x = maze.WIDTH / 2 self.y = maze.TOP_HORIZ self.velocity = 2 self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 self.eyes = Eyes() self.looking = (0, 0) self.WIN_PROXIMITY = 80 self.WALL_TOLERANCE = 2 def draw_self(self, x, y): """Draw Pinky to the screen""" noStroke() fill(1.0, 0.5, 0.6) ellipse(x, y, 100, 100) bottom_half = createShape() bottom_half.beginShape() bottom_half.vertex(x, y) bottom_half.vertex(x + 100, y) bottom_half.vertex(x + 100, y + 50) bottom_half.vertex(x + 50, y + 25) bottom_half.vertex(x, y + 50) bottom_half.endShape() shape(bottom_half, -50, 0) self.eyes.display(x, y - 15, self.looking) def update(self): """Carry out necessary updates for each frame before drawing to screen""" # Check if Pinky is at an intersection on_vert = ((abs(self.x - self.maze.LEFT_VERT) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE) or (abs(self.x - self.maze.RIGHT_VERT) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE)) on_horz = ( (abs(self.y - self.maze.TOP_HORIZ) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE) or (abs(self.y - self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ) < self.WALL_TOLERANCE)) # Check whether Pinky is up or down/left or right of Pacman up_down_part = self.pacman.y - self.y left_right_part = self.pacman.x - self.x # Update Pinky's eyes to look at Pacman self.update_eyes(up_down_part, left_right_part) # If Pinky gets close to Pacman, tell the GameController # that Pinky wins if (abs(up_down_part) < self.WIN_PROXIMITY and abs(left_right_part) < self.WIN_PROXIMITY): self.gc.pinky_wins = True # TODO: # PROBLEM 2: Make Pinky chase Pacman! # Study the code above and below these lines to understand how # Pinky's movements are calculated, and how Pinky's position with # respect to Pacman is represented. # Pinky should decide at each intersection whether to go left, right # up or down depending on which direction Pacman is further away in. # START CODE CHANGES on_intersection = on_horz and on_vert if self.pacman.x_add == 0 and self.pacman.y_add == 0: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: if left_right_part and up_down_part and on_intersection: print("intersection") if abs(up_down_part) < abs(left_right_part): self.x_add = left_right_part / \ abs(left_right_part) * self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: self.y_add = up_down_part / \ abs(up_down_part) * self.velocity self.x_add = 0 elif up_down_part and on_vert: self.y_add = up_down_part / abs(up_down_part) * self.velocity self.x_add = 0 elif left_right_part and on_horz: self.x_add = left_right_part / \ abs(left_right_part) * self.velocity self.y_add = 0 # END CODE CHANGES # If the player wins, stop Pinky moving if self.gc.player_wins: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = 0 # Move Pinky self.x = self.x + self.x_add self.y = self.y + self.y_add def update_eyes(self, up_down_part, left_right_part): """Set self.looking value based on position of Pinky w/r/t Pacman""" if up_down_part and abs(up_down_part) > 5: y = up_down_part / abs(up_down_part) else: y = 0 if left_right_part and abs(left_right_part) > 5: x = left_right_part / abs(left_right_part) else: x = 0 self.looking = (x, y)
from eyes import Eyes import pprint e = Eyes() e.auth() e.searchProcesso("5002074-02.2015.404.7005") # e.acessarIntegra() # e.exibirTodosEventos() # print(e.getAdicionais()) # teste = e.getCapa() # print(teste) # e.getAssuntos() # print(e.getPartes()) # eventos = e.getEventos() # pprint.pprint(eventos) # for ev in eventos: # # pprint.pprint(ev['documentos']) # if ev['documentos']: # for doc in ev['documentos']: # if doc['tipo'] == 'html': # e.download_html(doc['url'], doc['nome']) # elif doc['tipo'] == 'pdf': # e.download_pdf(doc['url'], doc['nome']) # input("Press Enter to continue...") # # doc[] e.close()
# Drawing stuff font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # Wait until user specifies windows dimensions while len(mouseevents.clicked_positions) < 2: pass # Load settings with open('settings.json', 'r') as f: SETTINGS = json.load(f) # ROI for game window ROI_GAME = get_roi_from_mouse(mouseevents.clicked_positions) # Our eyes for the game eye = Eyes(ROI_GAME, SETTINGS) eye.tune_roi() # Extra print('[!] Calibration complete') print('[!] Loading model') # Loading trained model with open('model.pkl', 'rb') as fid: clf = cPickle.load(fid) print('[!] Loaded model') print('[!] Press "q" to quit') print('[.] Please get ready') print('[!] Press "c" to continue') while not keyevents.pressed_c:
def eyes_py(id): global sidebudsPosX, sidebudsPosY, dispar, sadws # 初期化宣言 : このソフトウェアは"eyes_py_node"という名前 rospy.init_node('eyes_py_node', anonymous=True) # インスタンスの作成 eyes = Eyes(id) # 処理周期の設定 r = rospy.Rate(PUB_RATE) print("[eyes2] start") # ctl + Cで終了しない限りwhileループで処理し続ける while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #================================================== # Loop ret0, imgL = ret1, imgR = if dispMode == 1: cv2.imshow("Left Camera", imgL) cv2.imshow("Right Camera", imgR) #-- Create DiparityMap -- disparity = GetDisparityMap() ################################################### #-- Look for SideBuds -- sbsJpg = cv2.imread('./SideBuds_1.JPG', 0) grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(imgL, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) result = cv2.matchTemplate(grayImg, sbsJpg, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) unused_minVal, unused_maxVal, unused_minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc( result) top_left = maxLoc w, h = sbsJpg.shape[::-1] bottom_right = (top_left[0] + w, top_left[1] + h) if dispMode == 1: cv2.rectangle(imgL, top_left, bottom_right, (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.imshow("SideBuds", imgL) sidebudsPosX = top_left[0] + (w / 2) sidebudsPosY = top_left[1] + (h / 2) #-- Cal SideBuds Distance -- sidebudsPosDist = 6.6 * 62 / 0.003 / disparity[sidebudsPosY][ sidebudsPosX] print sidebudsPosX, sidebudsPosY, sidebudsPosDist ################################################### #-- Cal weed Center -- targetL = GetGreenDetect(imgL) targetR = GetGreenDetect(imgR) # target Position Lx, Ly, Lw, Lh = cv2.boundingRect(targetL) Rx, Ry, Rw, Rh = cv2.boundingRect(targetR) if dispMode == 1: cv2.rectangle(imgL, (Lx, Ly), (Lx + Lw, Ly + Lh), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.imshow("Weed L", imgL) cv2.rectangle(imgR, (Rx, Ry), (Rx + Rw, Ry + Rh), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.imshow("Weed R", imgR) # Xは左右中心の更に中心 Lpos = Lx + (Lw / 2) Rpos = Rx + (Rw / 2) weedPosX = (Lpos + Rpos) / 2 # Yは片側基準でOK weedPosY = Ly + (Lh / 2) # from disparity to dist # Z = f x T / um / disparity weedPosDist = 6.6 * 62 / 0.003 / disparity[weedPosY][weedPosX] print weedPosX, weedPosY, weedPosDist #================================================== # メイン処理 eyes.main() # Sleep処理 r.sleep()
keyevents.start() mouseevents.start() # Wait until user specifies windows dimensions while len(mouseevents.clicked_positions) < 2: pass # Load settings with open('settings.json', 'r') as f: SETTINGS = json.load(f) # ROI for game window ROI_GAME = get_roi_from_mouse(mouseevents.clicked_positions) # Our eyes for the game eye = Eyes(ROI_GAME, SETTINGS, preview=True) eye.tune_roi() # Extra ubfi print('[!] Calibration complete') print('[!] Press "q" to quit') print('[.] Please get ready') # Time for user to get anything ready print('[!] Press "c" to continue') while not keyevents.pressed_c: pass print('[!] Starting...') keyevents.end = False
class Pinky(GameCharacter): def __init__(self, maze, pacman, game_controller): self.CHAR_WIDTH = 100 self.CHAR_HEIGHT = 100 self.maze = maze self.pacman = pacman self.gc = game_controller self.x = maze.WIDTH/2 self.y = maze.TOP_HORIZ self.velocity = 2 self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 self.eyes = Eyes() self.looking = (0, 0) self.WIN_PROXIMITY = 80 self.WALL_TOLERANCE = 2 self.maze_graph = [[0,300,300,float('inf'),float('inf')], [300,0,float('inf'),300,float('inf')], [300,float('inf'),0,300,float('inf')], [float('inf'),300,300,0,float('inf')], [float('inf'),float('inf'),float('inf'),float('inf'),0]] def draw_self(self, x, y): """Draw Pinky to the screen""" noStroke() fill(1.0, 0.5, 0.6) ellipse(x, y, 100, 100) bottom_half = createShape() bottom_half.beginShape() bottom_half.vertex(x, y) bottom_half.vertex(x+100, y) bottom_half.vertex(x+100, y+50) bottom_half.vertex(x+50, y+25) bottom_half.vertex(x, y+50) bottom_half.endShape() shape(bottom_half, -50, 0) self.eyes.display(x, y - 15, self.looking) def update(self): """Carry out necessary updates for each frame before drawing to screen""" # Check whether Pinky is up or down/left or right of Pacman up_down_part = self.pacman.y - self.y left_right_part = self.pacman.x - self.x # Update Pinky's eyes to look at Pacman self.update_eyes(up_down_part, left_right_part) # If Pinky gets close to Pacman, tell the GameController # that Pinky wins if (abs(up_down_part) < self.WIN_PROXIMITY and abs(left_right_part) < self.WIN_PROXIMITY): self.gc.pinky_wins = True # If the player wins, stop moving Pinky if self.gc.player_wins: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = 0 # Move Pinky if at an intersection: if self.x == self.maze.LEFT_VERT: if self.y >= self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ - self.WALL_TOLERANCE\ and self.y <= self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ + self.WALL_TOLERANCE: self.update_graph() self.move_Pinky(2, self.dijkstras(2), up_down_part, left_right_part) elif self.y >= self.maze.TOP_HORIZ - self.WALL_TOLERANCE\ and self.y <= self.maze.TOP_HORIZ + self.WALL_TOLERANCE: self.update_graph() self.move_Pinky(0, self.dijkstras(0), up_down_part, left_right_part) elif self.x == self.maze.RIGHT_VERT: if self.y >= self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ - self.WALL_TOLERANCE\ and self.y <= self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ + self.WALL_TOLERANCE: self.update_graph() self.move_Pinky(3, self.dijkstras(3), up_down_part, left_right_part) elif self.y >= self.maze.TOP_HORIZ - self.WALL_TOLERANCE\ and self.y <= self.maze.TOP_HORIZ + self.WALL_TOLERANCE: self.update_graph() self.move_Pinky(1, self.dijkstras(1), up_down_part, left_right_part) elif self.y == self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ: if self.x >= self.maze.LEFT_VERT - self.WALL_TOLERANCE\ and self.x <= self.maze.LEFT_VERT + self.WALL_TOLERANCE: self.update_graph() self.move_Pinky(2, self.dijkstras(2), up_down_part, left_right_part) elif self.x >= self.maze.RIGHT_VERT - self.WALL_TOLERANCE\ and self.x <= self.maze.RIGHT_VERT + self.WALL_TOLERANCE: self.update_graph() self.move_Pinky(3, self.dijkstras(3), up_down_part, left_right_part) elif self.y == self.maze.TOP_HORIZ: if self.x >= self.maze.LEFT_VERT - self.WALL_TOLERANCE\ and self.x <= self.maze.LEFT_VERT + self.WALL_TOLERANCE: self.update_graph() self.move_Pinky(0, self.dijkstras(0), up_down_part, left_right_part) elif self.x >= self.maze.RIGHT_VERT - self.WALL_TOLERANCE\ and self.x <= self.maze.RIGHT_VERT + self.WALL_TOLERANCE: self.update_graph() self.move_Pinky(1, self.dijkstras(1), up_down_part, left_right_part) self.x = self.x + self.x_add self.y = self.y + self.y_add def move_Pinky(self, current, next, up_down_part, left_right_part): # if there is a direct path to catch Pacman, go directly towards him if next == 4: if up_down_part == 0: if current == 2: if left_right_part > 0: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: self.x_add = -self.velocity self.y_add = 0 elif current == 3: if left_right_part < 0: self.x_add = -self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 elif current == 0: if left_right_part > 0: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: self.x_add = -self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: if left_right_part < 0: self.x_add = -self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: if current == 2: if up_down_part > 0: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = self.velocity else: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = -self.velocity elif current == 3: if up_down_part > 0: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = self.velocity else: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = -self.velocity elif current == 0: if up_down_part < 0: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = -self.velocity else: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = self.velocity else: if up_down_part < 0: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = -self.velocity else: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = self.velocity # if there's no direct path to pacman, follow the shortest path else: if current == 0: if next == 1: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = -self.velocity elif current == 1: if next == 0: self.x_add = -self.velocity self.y_add = 0 else: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = -self.velocity elif current == 2: if next == 0: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = self.velocity else: self.x_add = self.velocity self.y_add = 0 elif current == 3: if next == 1: self.x_add = 0 self.y_add = self.velocity else: self.x_add = -self.velocity self.y_add = 0 def update_graph(self): pacman_edges = [float('inf'),float('inf'),float('inf'),float('inf'),0] pacman_x = self.pacman.x pacman_y = self.pacman.y left_vert = self.maze.LEFT_VERT right_vert = self.maze.RIGHT_VERT bottom_horiz = self.maze.BOTTOM_HORIZ top_horiz = self.maze.TOP_HORIZ # Pacman is on bottom row if pacman_y == bottom_horiz: if pacman_x >= left_vert and pacman_x <= right_vert: pacman_edges[2] = pacman_x - left_vert pacman_edges[3] = right_vert - pacman_x elif pacman_x < left_vert: pacman_edges[2] = left_vert - pacman_x pacman_edges[3] = left_vert + (left_vert - pacman_edges[2]) else: pacman_edges[3] = pacman_x - right_vert pacman_edges[2] = left_vert + (left_vert - pacman_edges[3]) # Pacman is on top row elif pacman_y == top_horiz: if pacman_x >= left_vert and pacman_x <= right_vert: pacman_edges[0] = pacman_x - left_vert pacman_edges[1] = right_vert - pacman_x elif pacman_x < left_vert: pacman_edges[0] = left_vert - pacman_x pacman_edges[1] = left_vert + (left_vert - pacman_edges[0]) else: pacman_edges[1] = pacman_x - right_vert pacman_edges[0] = left_vert + (left_vert - pacman_edges[1]) # Pacman is on left column if pacman_x == left_vert: if pacman_y >= bottom_horiz and pacman_y <= top_horiz: pacman_edges[2] = pacman_y - bottom_horiz pacman_edges[0] = top_horiz - pacman_y elif pacman_y < bottom_horiz: pacman_edges[2] = bottom_horiz - pacman_y pacman_edges[0] = bottom_horiz + (bottom_horiz - pacman_edges[2]) else: pacman_edges[0] = pacman_x - top_horiz pacman_edges[2] = bottom_horiz + (bottom_horiz - pacman_edges[0]) # Pacman is on right column elif pacman_x == right_vert: if pacman_y >= bottom_horiz and pacman_y <= top_horiz: pacman_edges[3] = pacman_y - bottom_horiz pacman_edges[1] = top_horiz - pacman_y elif pacman_y < bottom_horiz: pacman_edges[3] = bottom_horiz - pacman_y pacman_edges[1] = bottom_horiz + (bottom_horiz - pacman_edges[3]) else: pacman_edges[1] = pacman_x - top_horiz pacman_edges[3] = bottom_horiz + (bottom_horiz - pacman_edges[1]) for i in range(len(pacman_edges) - 1): self.maze_graph[i][-1] = pacman_edges[i] self.maze_graph[-1] = pacman_edges def dijkstras(self, s): dist = [ float('inf') for _ in range(len(self.maze_graph)) ] parent = [ -1 for _ in range(len(self.maze_graph)) ] n = set() dist[s] = 0 while len(n) != len(self.maze_graph): u = self.select_min(dist, n) n.add(u) for v in range(len(self.maze_graph)): if self.maze_graph[u][v] != float('inf'): self.relax(dist, parent, u, v) next_destination = 4 while parent[next_destination] != -1: next_destination = parent[next_destination] if next_destination == parent[4]: return 4 next_destination = 4 while parent[next_destination] != s: next_destination = parent[next_destination] return next_destination def select_min(self, dist, n): min_dist = float('inf') min_dist_vertex = -1 for vertex in range(len(dist)): if vertex not in n and dist[vertex] < min_dist: min_dist = dist[vertex] min_dist_vertex = vertex return min_dist_vertex def relax(self, dist, parent, u, v): if dist[u] + self.maze_graph[u][v] < dist[v]: dist[v] = dist[u] + self.maze_graph[u][v] parent[v] = u def update_eyes(self, up_down_part, left_right_part): """Set positioning of Pinky's eyes based on Pac-Man's coordinates""" if up_down_part and abs(up_down_part) > 5: y = up_down_part/abs(up_down_part) else: y = 0 if left_right_part and abs(left_right_part) > 5: x = left_right_part/abs(left_right_part) else: x = 0 self.looking = (x, y)
def __init__(self, kickstart): self.eyes = Eyes(kickstart) self.brain = Brain(kickstart) self.feet = WheelFeet(kickstart) super(Chuntao, self).__init__()
def capture_action(pred_path, cb, debug=False, log=False): """Facial detection and real time processing credit goes to: """ action_handler = ActionHandler() detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(pred_path) camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: _, frame = if frame is None: continue _, w_original, _ = frame.shape frame = resize_frame(frame) h, w, _ = frame.shape display_bounds(frame) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) rects = detector(gray, 0) for rect in rects: shape = predictor(gray, rect) shape = face_utils.shape_to_np(shape) cur_head = Head(shape, w) cur_eyes = Eyes(shape, frame) eye_action = detect_eyes(shape, cur_eyes) head_action = detect_head(shape, cur_head) COUNTER_LOG[eye_action] += 1 COUNTER_LOG[head_action] += 1 perform, action = action_handler.get_next(eye_action, head_action) if log: display_decisions(frame, head_action, eye_action) display_counters(frame, COUNTER_LOG) if perform: COUNTER_LOG[action] += 1 cb(action) if debug: cur_head.debug(frame) cur_eyes.debug(frame) cv2.imshow("Frame", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from eyes import Eyes eyes = Eyes() while True: # 普通 eyes.set_nomal() # 怒り for level in range(1,11,1): eyes.set_anger(level) for level in range(10,0,-1): eyes.set_anger(level) # 普通 eyes.set_nomal() # 驚き for level in range(5,0,-1): eyes.set_surprized(level) for level in range(1,6,1): eyes.set_surprized(level)