예제 #1
def parallels(latitudes, color=(0, 0, 0), linewidth=1, opacity=1):
    Draw parallels on the Earth.


    * latitudes : list
        The latitudes where the parallels will be drawn.
    * color : tuple
        RGB color of the lines. Defaults to black.
    * linewidth : float
        The width of the lines
    * opacity : float
        The opacity of the lines. Must be between 0 and 1


    * lines : list
        List of the Mayavi surface elements of each line

    lons = numpy.linspace(0, 360., 100)
    parallels = []
    for lat in latitudes:
        x, y, z = utils.sph2cart(lons, numpy.ones_like(lons)*lat, 0)
        lines = mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, color=color, opacity=opacity,
        lines.actor.property.line_width = linewidth
    return parallels
예제 #2
파일: myv.py 프로젝트: xunzhong/fatiando
def parallels(latitudes, color=(0, 0, 0), linewidth=1, opacity=1):
    Draw parallels on the Earth.


    * latitudes : list
        The latitudes where the parallels will be drawn.
    * color : tuple
        RGB color of the lines. Defaults to black.
    * linewidth : float
        The width of the lines
    * opacity : float
        The opacity of the lines. Must be between 0 and 1


    * lines : list
        List of the Mayavi surface elements of each line

    lons = numpy.linspace(0, 360., 100)
    parallels = []
    for lat in latitudes:
        x, y, z = utils.sph2cart(lons, numpy.ones_like(lons) * lat, 0)
        lines = mlab.plot3d(x,
        lines.actor.property.line_width = linewidth
    return parallels
예제 #3
def meridians(longitudes, color=(0, 0, 0), linewidth=1, opacity=1):
    Draw meridians on the Earth.


    * longitudes : list
        The longitudes where the meridians will be drawn.
    * color : tuple
        RGB color of the lines. Defaults to black.
    * linewidth : float
        The width of the lines
    * opacity : float
        The opacity of the lines. Must be between 0 and 1


    * lines : Mayavi surface
        The Mayavi surface element of the lines

    lats = numpy.linspace(-90, 270., 100)
    x, y, z = [], [], []
    for lon in longitudes:
        coords = utils.sph2cart(numpy.ones_like(lats)*lon, lats, 0)
    x, y, z = numpy.array(x), numpy.array(y), numpy.array(z)
    lines = mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, color=color, opacity=opacity,
    lines.actor.property.line_width = linewidth
    return lines
예제 #4
파일: myv.py 프로젝트: KICIOLLO/fatiando
def points(points, color=(0, 0, 0), size=200., opacity=1, spherical=False):
    Plot a series of 3D points.

    .. note:: Still doesn't plot points with physical properties.


    * points : list
        The list of points to plot. Each point is an [x, y, z] list with the
        x, y, and z coordinates of the point
    * color : tuple = (r, g, b)
        RGB of the color of the points
    * size : float
        The size of the points in meters
    * opacity : float
        Decimal percentage of opacity
    * spherical : True or False
        If True, will assume the points are in [lon, lat, height] format (in
        degrees and meters)


    * glyph
        The Mayavi Glyph object corresponding to the points

    if spherical:
        lon, lat, height = numpy.transpose(points)
        x, y, z = utils.sph2cart(lon, lat, height)
        x, y, z = numpy.transpose(points)
    glyph = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, color=color, opacity=opacity)
    glyph.glyph.glyph.scaling = False
    glyph.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.radius = size
    return glyph
예제 #5
파일: myv.py 프로젝트: xunzhong/fatiando
def points(points, color=(0, 0, 0), size=200., opacity=1, spherical=False):
    Plot a series of 3D points.

    .. note:: Still doesn't plot points with physical properties.


    * points : list
        The list of points to plot. Each point is an [x, y, z] list with the
        x, y, and z coordinates of the point
    * color : tuple = (r, g, b)
        RGB of the color of the points
    * size : float
        The size of the points in meters
    * opacity : float
        Decimal percentage of opacity
    * spherical : True or False
        If True, will assume the points are in [lon, lat, height] format (in
        degrees and meters)


    * glyph
        The Mayavi Glyph object corresponding to the points

    if spherical:
        lon, lat, height = numpy.transpose(points)
        x, y, z = utils.sph2cart(lon, lat, height)
        x, y, z = numpy.transpose(points)
    glyph = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, color=color, opacity=opacity)
    glyph.glyph.glyph.scaling = False
    glyph.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.radius = size
    return glyph
예제 #6
파일: myv.py 프로젝트: xunzhong/fatiando
def meridians(longitudes, color=(0, 0, 0), linewidth=1, opacity=1):
    Draw meridians on the Earth.


    * longitudes : list
        The longitudes where the meridians will be drawn.
    * color : tuple
        RGB color of the lines. Defaults to black.
    * linewidth : float
        The width of the lines
    * opacity : float
        The opacity of the lines. Must be between 0 and 1


    * lines : Mayavi surface
        The Mayavi surface element of the lines

    lats = numpy.linspace(-90, 270., 100)
    x, y, z = [], [], []
    for lon in longitudes:
        coords = utils.sph2cart(numpy.ones_like(lats) * lon, lats, 0)
    x, y, z = numpy.array(x), numpy.array(y), numpy.array(z)
    lines = mlab.plot3d(x,
    lines.actor.property.line_width = linewidth
    return lines
예제 #7
def tesseroids(tesseroids, prop=None, style='surface', opacity=1, edges=True,
    vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='blue-red', linewidth=0.1):
    Plot a list of tesseroids using Mayavi2.

    Will not plot a value None in *tesseroids*


    * tesseroids : list of :class:`fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid`
        The tesseroids
    * prop : str or None
        The physical property of the tesseroids to use as the color scale. If a
        tesseroid doesn't have *prop*, or if it is None, then it will not be
        plotted. If prop is a vector (like magnetization), will use the
        intensity (norm).
    * style : str
        Either ``'surface'`` for solid tesseroids or ``'wireframe'`` for just
        the contour
    * opacity : float
        Decimal percentage of opacity
    * edges : True or False
        Wether or not to display the edges of the tesseroids in black lines.
        Will ignore this if ``style='wireframe'``
    * vmin, vmax : float
        Min and max values for the color scale. If *None* will default to
        the min and max of *prop*.
    * cmap : Mayavi colormap
        Color map to use. See the 'Colors and Legends' menu on the Mayavi2 GUI
        for valid color maps.
    * linewidth : float
        The width of the lines (edges).


    * surface
        the last element on the pipeline

    if style not in ['surface', 'wireframe']:
        raise ValueError, "Invalid style '%s'" % (style)
    if opacity > 1. or opacity < 0:
        msg = "Invalid opacity %g. Must be in range [1,0]" % (opacity)
        raise ValueError, msg

    # mlab and tvtk are really slow to import

    if prop is None:
        label = 'scalar'
        label = prop
    # VTK parameters
    points = []
    cells = []
    offsets = []
    offset = 0
    mesh_size = 0
    celldata = []
    # To mark what index in the points the cell starts
    start = 0
    for tess in tesseroids:
        if tess is None or (prop is not None and prop not in tess.props):
        w, e, s, n, top, bottom = tess.get_bounds()
        if prop is None:
            scalar = 0.
            p = tess.props[prop]
            if isinstance(p, int) or isinstance(p, float):
                scalar = p
                scalar = numpy.linalg.norm(p)
            utils.sph2cart(w, s, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(e, s, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(e, n, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(w, n, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(w, s, top),
            utils.sph2cart(e, s, top),
            utils.sph2cart(e, n, top),
            utils.sph2cart(w, n, top),
            utils.sph2cart(0.5*(w + e), s, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(e, 0.5*(s + n), bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(0.5*(w + e), n, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(w, 0.5*(s + n), bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(0.5*(w + e), s, top),
            utils.sph2cart(e, 0.5*(s + n), top),
            utils.sph2cart(0.5*(w + e), n, top),
            utils.sph2cart(w, 0.5*(s + n), top),
            utils.sph2cart(w, s, 0.5*(top + bottom)),
            utils.sph2cart(e, s, 0.5*(top + bottom)),
            utils.sph2cart(e, n, 0.5*(top + bottom)),
            utils.sph2cart(w, n, 0.5*(top + bottom))])
        cells.extend(range(start, start + 20))
        start += 20
        offset += 21
        mesh_size += 1
    cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
    cell_array.set_cells(mesh_size, numpy.array(cells))
    cell_types = numpy.array([25]*mesh_size, 'i')
    vtkmesh = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=numpy.array(points, 'f'))
    vtkmesh.set_cells(cell_types, numpy.array(offsets, 'i'), cell_array)
    vtkmesh.cell_data.scalars = numpy.array(celldata)
    vtkmesh.cell_data.scalars.name = label
    dataset = mlab.pipeline.threshold(mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(vtkmesh))
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min(vtkmesh.cell_data.scalars)
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max(vtkmesh.cell_data.scalars)
    if style == 'wireframe':
        surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(dataset),
            vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, colormap=cmap)
        surf.actor.property.representation = 'wireframe'
        surf.actor.property.line_width = linewidth
    if style == 'surface':
        surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(dataset, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin,
        surf.actor.property.representation = 'surface'
        if edges:
            edge = mlab.pipeline.surface(mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(dataset),
                vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin)
            edge.actor.property.representation = 'wireframe'
            edge.actor.mapper.scalar_visibility = 0
            edge.actor.property.line_width = linewidth
            edge.actor.property.opacity = opacity
    surf.actor.property.opacity = opacity
    surf.actor.property.backface_culling = 1
    return surf
예제 #8
파일: myv.py 프로젝트: xunzhong/fatiando
def tesseroids(tesseroids,
               edgecolor=(0, 0, 0),
               scale=(1, 1, 1)):
    Plot a list of tesseroids using Mayavi2.

    Will not plot a value None in *tesseroids*


    * tesseroids : list of :class:`fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid`
        The tesseroids
    * prop : str or None
        The physical property of the tesseroids to use as the color scale. If a
        tesseroid doesn't have *prop*, or if it is None, then it will not be
        plotted. If prop is a vector (like magnetization), will use the
        intensity (norm).
    * style : str
        Either ``'surface'`` for solid tesseroids or ``'wireframe'`` for just
        the contour
    * opacity : float
        Decimal percentage of opacity
    * edges : True or False
        Wether or not to display the edges of the tesseroids in black lines.
        Will ignore this if ``style='wireframe'``
    * vmin, vmax : float
        Min and max values for the color scale. If *None* will default to
        the min and max of *prop*.
    * cmap : Mayavi colormap
        Color map to use. See the 'Colors and Legends' menu on the Mayavi2 GUI
        for valid color maps.
    * color : None or tuple = (r, g, b)
        If not None, then for all tesseroids to have this RGB color
    * linewidth : float
        The width of the lines (edges) of the tesseroids.
    * edgecolor : tuple = (r, g, b)
        RGB of the color of the edges. If style='wireframe', then will be
        ignored. Use parameter *color* instead
    * scale : (slon, slat, sz)
        Scale factors used to exaggerate on a particular direction, e.g., if
        scale = (1, 1, 2), the vertical dimension will be 2x larger than the


    * surface
        the last element on the pipeline

    if style not in ['surface', 'wireframe']:
        raise ValueError("Invalid style '%s'" % (style))
    if opacity > 1. or opacity < 0:
        raise ValueError("Invalid opacity %g. Must be in range [1,0]" %
    # mlab and tvtk are really slow to import
    if prop is None:
        label = 'scalar'
        label = prop
    # VTK parameters
    points = []
    cells = []
    offsets = []
    offset = 0
    mesh_size = 0
    celldata = []
    # To mark what index in the points the cell starts
    start = 0
    for tess in tesseroids:
        if tess is None or (prop is not None and prop not in tess.props):
        w, e, s, n, top, bottom = tess.get_bounds()
        w *= scale[0]
        e *= scale[0]
        s *= scale[1]
        n *= scale[1]
        top *= scale[2]
        bottom *= scale[2]
        if prop is None:
            scalar = 0.
            p = tess.props[prop]
            if isinstance(p, int) or isinstance(p, float):
                scalar = p
                scalar = numpy.linalg.norm(p)
            utils.sph2cart(w, s, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(e, s, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(e, n, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(w, n, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(w, s, top),
            utils.sph2cart(e, s, top),
            utils.sph2cart(e, n, top),
            utils.sph2cart(w, n, top),
            utils.sph2cart(0.5 * (w + e), s, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(e, 0.5 * (s + n), bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(0.5 * (w + e), n, bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(w, 0.5 * (s + n), bottom),
            utils.sph2cart(0.5 * (w + e), s, top),
            utils.sph2cart(e, 0.5 * (s + n), top),
            utils.sph2cart(0.5 * (w + e), n, top),
            utils.sph2cart(w, 0.5 * (s + n), top),
            utils.sph2cart(w, s, 0.5 * (top + bottom)),
            utils.sph2cart(e, s, 0.5 * (top + bottom)),
            utils.sph2cart(e, n, 0.5 * (top + bottom)),
            utils.sph2cart(w, n, 0.5 * (top + bottom))
        cells.extend(list(range(start, start + 20)))
        start += 20
        offset += 21
        mesh_size += 1
    cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
    cell_array.set_cells(mesh_size, numpy.array(cells))
    cell_types = numpy.array([25] * mesh_size, 'i')
    vtkmesh = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=numpy.array(points, 'f'))
    vtkmesh.set_cells(cell_types, numpy.array(offsets, 'i'), cell_array)
    vtkmesh.cell_data.scalars = numpy.array(celldata)
    vtkmesh.cell_data.scalars.name = label
    dataset = mlab.pipeline.threshold(mlab.pipeline.add_dataset(vtkmesh))
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min(vtkmesh.cell_data.scalars)
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max(vtkmesh.cell_data.scalars)
    if style == 'wireframe':
        surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(dataset),
        surf.actor.property.representation = 'wireframe'
        surf.actor.property.line_width = linewidth
    if style == 'surface':
        surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(dataset,
        surf.actor.property.representation = 'surface'
        if edges:
            edge = mlab.pipeline.surface(mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(dataset),
            edge.actor.property.representation = 'wireframe'
            edge.actor.mapper.scalar_visibility = 0
            edge.actor.property.line_width = linewidth
            edge.actor.property.opacity = opacity
            edge.actor.property.color = edgecolor
    surf.actor.property.opacity = opacity
    surf.actor.property.backface_culling = False
    if color is not None:
        surf.actor.mapper.scalar_visibility = 0
        surf.actor.property.color = color
    return surf