def generateStatModel(pathShapes, pathToTiles, pathToStats, pathToCmdStats, pathWd, pathConf): AllCmd = [] modTiles = GM.getModel(pathShapes) cfg = Config(pathConf) Stack_ind = fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf) classifier = Config(file(pathConf)).argTrain.classifier for mod, Tiles in modTiles: allpath = "" for tile in Tiles: pathToFeat = pathToTiles + "/" + tile + "/Final/" + Stack_ind allpath = allpath + " " + pathToFeat + " " # hpc case #if pathWd != None: # pathToStats = "$TMPDIR" if classifier == "svm": cmd = "otbcli_ComputeImagesStatistics -il " + allpath + " -out " + pathToStats + "/Model_" + str( mod) + ".xml" else: cmd = "echo 'random forest does not need stats'" AllCmd.append(cmd) fu.writeCmds(pathToCmdStats + "/stats.txt", AllCmd) return AllCmd
def outStats(config, tile, sample, workingDirectory): Testpath = Config(file(config)).chain.outputPath Nruns = int(Config(file(config)).chain.runs) featuresPath = Config(file(config)).chain.featuresPath stackName = fu.getFeatStackName(config) statsName = ["ValidNOK", "ValidOK", "AppNOK", "AppOK"] """ 1 valid NOK 2 valid OK 3 app NOK 4 app OK """ confStep = 1 confMin = 1 confMax = 100 cloudAllTile = Testpath + "/final/PixelsValidity.tif" src_ds = gdal.Open(cloudAllTile) if src_ds is None: print 'Unable to open %s' % cloudAllTile sys.exit(1) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() maxView = np.amax(srcband) Cloud = raster2array(Testpath + "/final/TMP/" + tile + "_Cloud_StatsOK.tif") for seed in range(Nruns): Classif = raster2array(Testpath + "/final/TMP/" + tile + "_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif") confidence = raster2array(Testpath + "/final/TMP/" + tile + "_GlobalConfidence_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif") difference = raster2array(Testpath + "/final/TMP/" + tile + "_seed_" + str(seed) + "_CompRef.tif") diffHisto = getDiffHisto(confMin, confMax, confStep, confidence, difference) statsTile = Testpath + "/final/TMP/" + tile + "_stats_seed_" + str(seed) + ".cfg" stats = open(statsTile, "a") stats.write("AllDiffStats:'" + ",".join(statsName) + "'\n") stats.close() for i in range(len(statsName)): hist, bin_edges = histo(diffHisto[i + 1], bins=np.arange(confMin, confMax + 1, confStep)) hist_str = " ".join([str(currentVal) for currentVal in hist]) bin_edges_str = " ".join([str(currentVal) for currentVal in bin_edges]) genStatsDiff(statsTile, statsName[i], hist_str, bin_edges_str) histNView, binsNview = histo(Cloud, bins=np.arange(0, maxView + 1, 1)) hist_str = " ".join([str(currentVal) for currentVal in histNView]) bin_edges_str = " ".join([str(currentVal) for currentVal in binsNview]) genStatsDiff(statsTile, "TileValidity", hist_str, bin_edges_str)
def generateSamples_classifMix(folderSample, workingDirectory, trainShape, pathWd, featuresPath, samplesOptions, annualCrop, AllClass, dataField, pathConf, configPrevClassif): currentTile, bindingPy = trainShape.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0], Config( file(pathConf)).GlobChain.bindingPython targetResolution, validityThreshold = Config( file(pathConf)).chain.spatialResolution, Config( file(pathConf)).argTrain.validityThreshold previousClassifPath, projOut = Config( file(configPrevClassif)).chain.outputPath, Config( file(configPrevClassif)).GlobChain.proj projOut = int(projOut.split(":")[-1]) stack = "/Final/" + fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf) userFeatPath = Config(file(pathConf)).chain.userFeatPath if userFeatPath == "None": userFeatPath = None featImg = featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/" + stack if bindingPy == "True": featImg = fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "ST_MASK")[0] nameNonAnnual = trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_NonAnnu.shp") nonAnnualShape = workingDirectory + "/" + nameNonAnnual nameAnnual = trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_Annu.shp") AnnualShape = workingDirectory + "/" + nameAnnual nonAnnualCropFind = filterShpByClass(dataField, nonAnnualShape, AllClass, trainShape) annualCropFind = filterShpByClass(dataField, AnnualShape, annualCrop, trainShape) gdalDriver = "SQLite" SampleSel_NA = workingDirectory + "/" + nameNonAnnual.replace( ".shp", "_SampleSel_NA.sqlite") stats_NA = workingDirectory + "/" + nameNonAnnual.replace( ".shp", "_STATS.xml") if nonAnnualCropFind: cmd = "otbcli_PolygonClassStatistics -in " + featImg + " -vec " + nonAnnualShape + " -field " + dataField + " -out " + stats_NA print cmd os.system(cmd) verifPolyStats(stats_NA) cmd = "otbcli_SampleSelection -in " + featImg + " -vec " + nonAnnualShape + " -field " + dataField + " -instats " + stats_NA + " -out " + SampleSel_NA + " " + samplesOptions print cmd os.system(cmd) allCoord = getPointsCoordInShape(SampleSel_NA, gdalDriver) else: allCoord = [0] nameAnnual = trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_Annu.sqlite") annualShape = workingDirectory + "/" + nameAnnual validityRaster = fu.FileSearch_AND(previousClassifPath + "/final/TMP", True, currentTile, "Cloud.tif")[0] classificationRaster = fu.FileSearch_AND( previousClassifPath + "/final/TMP", True, currentTile + "_seed_0.tif")[0] maskFolder = previousClassifPath + "/classif/MASK" if annualCropFind: genAS.genAnnualShapePoints(allCoord, gdalDriver, workingDirectory, targetResolution, annualCrop, dataField, currentTile, validityThreshold, validityRaster, classificationRaster, maskFolder, trainShape, annualShape) MergeName = trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_selectionMerge") sampleSelection = workingDirectory + "/" + MergeName + ".sqlite" if nonAnnualCropFind and annualCropFind: createSamplePoint(SampleSel_NA, annualShape, dataField, sampleSelection, projOut) elif nonAnnualCropFind and not annualCropFind: shutil.copy(SampleSel_NA, sampleSelection) elif not nonAnnualCropFind and annualCropFind: shutil.copy(annualShape, sampleSelection) samples = workingDirectory + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace( ".shp", "_Samples.sqlite") if bindingPy == "False": folderSample + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace( ".shp", "_Samples.sqlite") if not os.path.exists( folderSample + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_Samples.sqlite")): cmd = "otbcli_SampleExtraction -in " + featImg + " -vec " + sampleSelection + " -field " + dataField + " -out " + samples print cmd os.system(cmd) else: AllRefl = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "REFL.tif")) AllMask = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "MASK.tif")) datesInterp = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "DatesInterp")) realDates = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "imagesDate")) print AllRefl print AllMask print datesInterp print realDates # gapFill + feat features = [] concatSensors = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("ConcatenateImages") for refl, mask, datesInterp, realDates in zip(AllRefl, AllMask, datesInterp, realDates): gapFill = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ImageTimeSeriesGapFilling") nbDate = fu.getNbDateInTile(realDates) nbReflBands = fu.getRasterNbands(refl) comp = int(nbReflBands) / int(nbDate) print datesInterp if not isinstance(comp, int): raise Exception("unvalid component by date (not integer) : " + comp) gapFill.SetParameterString("in", refl) gapFill.SetParameterString("mask", mask) gapFill.SetParameterString("comp", str(comp)) gapFill.SetParameterString("it", "linear") gapFill.SetParameterString("id", realDates) gapFill.SetParameterString("od", datesInterp) gapFill.Execute() concatSensors.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", gapFill.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) features.append(gapFill) # sensors Concatenation + sampleExtraction sampleExtr = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SampleExtraction") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("ram", "128") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("vec", sampleSelection) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("field", dataField) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("out", samples) # if len(AllRefl) > 1: # concatSensors.Execute() # sampleExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in",concatSensors.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) # else: # sampleExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in",features[0].GetParameterOutputImage("out")) # sampleExtr.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() if len(AllRefl) > 1: concatSensors.Execute() allFeatures = concatSensors.GetParameterOutputImage("out") else: allFeatures = features[0].GetParameterOutputImage("out") if userFeatPath: print "Add user features" userFeat_arbo = Config(file(pathConf)).userFeat.arbo userFeat_pattern = (Config( file(pathConf)).userFeat.patterns).split(",") concatFeatures = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ConcatenateImages") userFeatures = fu.getUserFeatInTile(userFeatPath, currentTile, userFeat_arbo, userFeat_pattern) concatFeatures.SetParameterStringList("il", userFeatures) concatFeatures.Execute() concatAllFeatures = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ConcatenateImages") concatAllFeatures.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", allFeatures) concatAllFeatures.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", concatFeatures.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) concatAllFeatures.Execute() allFeatures = concatAllFeatures.GetParameterOutputImage("out") sampleExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in", allFeatures) sampleExtr.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() if pathWd: shutil.copy( samples, folderSample + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_Samples.sqlite")) os.remove(SampleSel_NA) os.remove(sampleSelection) os.remove(stats_NA)
def generateSamples_cropMix(folderSample, workingDirectory, trainShape, pathWd, featuresPath, samplesOptions, prevFeatures, annualCrop, AllClass, dataField, pathConf): currentTile = trainShape.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] bindingPy = Config(file(pathConf)).GlobChain.bindingPython samplesClassifMix = Config(file(pathConf)).argTrain.samplesClassifMix userFeatPath = Config(file(pathConf)).chain.userFeatPath if userFeatPath == "None": userFeatPath = None stack = "/Final/" + fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf) NA_img = featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/" + stack A_img = prevFeatures + "/" + currentTile + "/" + stack if bindingPy == "True": NA_img = fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "ST_MASK")[0] A_img = fu.FileSearch_AND(prevFeatures + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "ST_MASK")[0] # Step 1 : filter trainShape in order to keep non-annual class nameNonAnnual = trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_NonAnnu.shp") nonAnnualShape = workingDirectory + "/" + nameNonAnnual filterShpByClass(dataField, nonAnnualShape, AllClass, trainShape) # Step 2 : filter trainShape in order to keep annual class nameAnnual = trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_Annu.shp") annualShape = workingDirectory + "/" + nameAnnual annualCropFind = filterShpByClass(dataField, annualShape, annualCrop, trainShape) # Step 3 : nonAnnual stats stats_NA = workingDirectory + "/" + nameNonAnnual.replace( ".shp", "_STATS.xml") cmd = "otbcli_PolygonClassStatistics -in " + NA_img + " -vec " + nonAnnualShape + " -field " + dataField + " -out " + stats_NA print cmd os.system(cmd) verifPolyStats(stats_NA) # Step 4 : Annual stats stats_A = workingDirectory + "/" + nameAnnual.replace(".shp", "_STATS.xml") cmd = "otbcli_PolygonClassStatistics -in " + A_img + " -vec " + annualShape + " -field " + dataField + " -out " + stats_A if annualCropFind: print cmd os.system(cmd) verifPolyStats(stats_A) # Step 5 : Sample Selection NonAnnual SampleSel_NA = workingDirectory + "/" + nameNonAnnual.replace( ".shp", "_SampleSel_NA.sqlite") cmd = "otbcli_SampleSelection -in " + NA_img + " -vec " + nonAnnualShape + " -field " + dataField + " -instats " + stats_NA + " -out " + SampleSel_NA + " " + samplesOptions print cmd os.system(cmd) # Step 6 : Sample Selection Annual SampleSel_A = workingDirectory + "/" + nameAnnual.replace( ".shp", "_SampleSel_A.sqlite") cmd = "otbcli_SampleSelection -in " + A_img + " -vec " + annualShape + " -field " + dataField + " -instats " + stats_A + " -out " + SampleSel_A + " " + samplesOptions if annualCropFind: print cmd os.system(cmd) SampleExtr_NA = workingDirectory + "/" + nameNonAnnual.replace( ".shp", "_SampleExtr_NA.sqlite") SampleExtr_A = workingDirectory + "/" + nameAnnual.replace( ".shp", "_SampleExtr_A.sqlite") if bindingPy == "False": # Step 7 : Sample extraction NonAnnual cmd = "otbcli_SampleExtraction -in " + NA_img + " -vec " + SampleSel_NA + " -field " + dataField + " -out " + SampleExtr_NA print cmd os.system(cmd) # Step 8 : Sample extraction Annual cmd = "otbcli_SampleExtraction -in " + A_img + " -vec " + SampleSel_A + " -field " + dataField + " -out " + SampleExtr_A if annualCropFind: print cmd os.system(cmd) else: # Step 7 : Sample extraction NonAnnual concatSensors = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("ConcatenateImages") AllRefl = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "REFL.tif")) AllMask = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "MASK.tif")) datesInterp = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "DatesInterp")) realDates = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "imagesDate")) features = [] for refl, mask, datesInterp, realDates in zip(AllRefl, AllMask, datesInterp, realDates): gapFill = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ImageTimeSeriesGapFilling") nbDate = fu.getNbDateInTile(realDates) nbReflBands = fu.getRasterNbands(refl) comp = int(nbReflBands) / int(nbDate) if not isinstance(comp, int): raise Exception("unvalid component by date (not integer) : " + comp) gapFill.SetParameterString("in", refl) gapFill.SetParameterString("mask", mask) gapFill.SetParameterString("comp", str(comp)) gapFill.SetParameterString("it", "linear") gapFill.SetParameterString("id", realDates) gapFill.SetParameterString("od", datesInterp) # gapFill.SetParameterString("ram","1024") gapFill.Execute() concatSensors.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", gapFill.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) features.append(gapFill) sampleExtr = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SampleExtraction") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("ram", "128") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("vec", SampleSel_NA) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("field", dataField) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("out", SampleExtr_NA) # if len(AllRefl) > 1: # concatSensors.Execute() # sampleExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in",concatSensors.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) # else: # sampleExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in",features[0].GetParameterOutputImage("out")) # sampleExtr.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() if len(AllRefl) > 1: concatSensors.Execute() allFeatures = concatSensors.GetParameterOutputImage("out") else: allFeatures = features[0].GetParameterOutputImage("out") if userFeatPath: print "Add user features" userFeat_arbo = Config(file(pathConf)).userFeat.arbo userFeat_pattern = (Config( file(pathConf)).userFeat.patterns).split(",") concatFeatures = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ConcatenateImages") userFeatures = fu.getUserFeatInTile(userFeatPath, currentTile, userFeat_arbo, userFeat_pattern) concatFeatures.SetParameterStringList("il", userFeatures) concatFeatures.Execute() concatAllFeatures = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ConcatenateImages") concatAllFeatures.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", allFeatures) concatAllFeatures.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", concatFeatures.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) concatAllFeatures.Execute() allFeatures = concatAllFeatures.GetParameterOutputImage("out") sampleExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in", allFeatures) sampleExtr.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() # Step 8 : Sample extraction Annual concatSensors = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("ConcatenateImages") AllRefl = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(prevFeatures + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "REFL.tif")) AllMask = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(prevFeatures + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "MASK.tif")) datesInterp = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(prevFeatures + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "DatesInterp")) realDates = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(prevFeatures + "/" + currentTile + "/tmp/", True, "imagesDate")) features = [] for refl, mask, datesInterp, realDates in zip(AllRefl, AllMask, datesInterp, realDates): gapFill = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ImageTimeSeriesGapFilling") nbDate = fu.getNbDateInTile(realDates) nbReflBands = fu.getRasterNbands(refl) comp = int(nbReflBands) / int(nbDate) if not isinstance(comp, int): raise Exception("unvalid component by date (not integer) : " + comp) gapFill.SetParameterString("in", refl) gapFill.SetParameterString("mask", mask) gapFill.SetParameterString("comp", str(comp)) gapFill.SetParameterString("it", "linear") gapFill.SetParameterString("id", realDates) gapFill.SetParameterString("od", datesInterp) # gapFill.SetParameterString("ram","1024") gapFill.Execute() concatSensors.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", gapFill.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) features.append(gapFill) sampleExtr = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SampleExtraction") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("ram", "128") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("vec", SampleSel_A) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("field", dataField) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("out", SampleExtr_A) if len(AllRefl) > 1: concatSensors.Execute() allFeatures = concatSensors.GetParameterOutputImage("out") else: allFeatures = features[0].GetParameterOutputImage("out") if userFeatPath: print "Add user features" userFeat_arbo = Config(file(pathConf)).userFeat.arbo userFeat_pattern = (Config( file(pathConf)).userFeat.patterns).split(",") concatFeatures = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ConcatenateImages") userFeatures = fu.getUserFeatInTile(userFeatPath, currentTile, userFeat_arbo, userFeat_pattern) concatFeatures.SetParameterStringList("il", userFeatures) concatFeatures.Execute() concatAllFeatures = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ConcatenateImages") concatAllFeatures.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", allFeatures) concatAllFeatures.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", concatFeatures.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) concatAllFeatures.Execute() allFeatures = concatAllFeatures.GetParameterOutputImage("out") sampleExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in", allFeatures) if annualCropFind: sampleExtr.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() # Step 9 : Merge MergeName = trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_Samples") listToMerge = [SampleExtr_NA] if annualCropFind: # listToMerge = [SampleExtr_A,SampleExtr_NA] listToMerge = [SampleExtr_NA, SampleExtr_A] fu.mergeSQLite(MergeName, workingDirectory, listToMerge) samples = workingDirectory + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace( ".shp", "_Samples.sqlite") os.remove(stats_NA) os.remove(SampleSel_NA) os.remove(SampleExtr_NA) fu.removeShape(nonAnnualShape.replace(".shp", ""), [".prj", ".shp", ".dbf", ".shx"]) if annualCropFind: os.remove(stats_A) os.remove(SampleSel_A) os.remove(SampleExtr_A) fu.removeShape(annualShape.replace(".shp", ""), [".prj", ".shp", ".dbf", ".shx"]) if pathWd: shutil.copy( samples, folderSample + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_Samples.sqlite"))
def generateSamples_simple(folderSample, workingDirectory, trainShape, pathWd, featuresPath, samplesOptions, pathConf, dataField): bindingPython = Config(file(pathConf)).GlobChain.bindingPython dataField = Config(file(pathConf)).chain.dataField outputPath = Config(file(pathConf)).chain.outputPath userFeatPath = Config(file(pathConf)).chain.userFeatPath if userFeatPath == "None": userFeatPath = None tmpFolder = outputPath + "/TMPFOLDER" if not os.path.exists(tmpFolder): os.mkdir(tmpFolder) # Sensors S2 = Sensors.Sentinel_2("", Opath(tmpFolder), pathConf, "") L8 = Sensors.Landsat8("", Opath(tmpFolder), pathConf, "") L5 = Sensors.Landsat5("", Opath(tmpFolder), pathConf, "") # shutil.rmtree(tmpFolder, ignore_errors=True) SensorsList = [S2, L8, L5] stats = workingDirectory + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace( ".shp", "_stats.xml") tile = trainShape.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] stack = fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf) feat = featuresPath + "/" + tile + "/Final/" + stack if bindingPython == "True": feat = fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + tile + "/tmp/", True, "ST_MASK")[0] os.environ["ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS"] = "1" cmd = "otbcli_PolygonClassStatistics -in " + feat + " -vec " + trainShape + " -out " + stats + " -field " + dataField print cmd os.system(cmd) verifPolyStats(stats) sampleSelection = workingDirectory + "/" + trainShape.split( "/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_SampleSel.sqlite") cmd = "otbcli_SampleSelection -out " + sampleSelection + " " + samplesOptions + " -field " + dataField + " -in " + feat + " -vec " + trainShape + " -instats " + stats print cmd os.system(cmd) # if pathWd:shutil.copy(sampleSelection,folderSample) os.environ["ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS"] = "5" samples = workingDirectory + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace( ".shp", "_Samples.sqlite") if bindingPython == "True": sampleExtr = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SampleExtraction") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("vec", sampleSelection) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("field", dataField) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("out", samples) AllRefl = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + tile + "/tmp/", True, "REFL.tif")) AllMask = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + tile + "/tmp/", True, "MASK.tif")) datesInterp = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + tile + "/tmp/", True, "DatesInterp")) realDates = sorted( fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + tile + "/tmp/", True, "imagesDate")) print AllRefl print AllMask print datesInterp print realDates # gapFill + feat features = [] concatSensors = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("ConcatenateImages") for refl, mask, datesInterp, realDates in zip(AllRefl, AllMask, datesInterp, realDates): gapFill = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ImageTimeSeriesGapFilling") nbDate = fu.getNbDateInTile(realDates) nbReflBands = fu.getRasterNbands(refl) comp = int(nbReflBands) / int(nbDate) print datesInterp if not isinstance(comp, int): raise Exception("unvalid component by date (not integer) : " + comp) gapFill.SetParameterString("in", refl) gapFill.SetParameterString("mask", mask) gapFill.SetParameterString("comp", str(comp)) gapFill.SetParameterString("it", "linear") gapFill.SetParameterString("id", realDates) gapFill.SetParameterString("od", datesInterp) gapFill.Execute() # gapFill.SetParameterString("out","/ptmp/vincenta/tmp/TestGapFill.tif") # gapFill.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() # pause = raw_input("Pause1") # featExtr = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("iota2FeatureExtraction") # featExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in",gapFill.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) # featExtr.SetParameterString("comp",str(comp)) # for currentSensor in SensorsList: # if in refl: # red = str(currentSensor.bands["BANDS"]["red"]) # nir = str(currentSensor.bands["BANDS"]["NIR"]) # swir = str(currentSensor.bands["BANDS"]["SWIR"]) # featExtr.SetParameterString("red",red) # featExtr.SetParameterString("nir",nir) # featExtr.SetParameterString("swir",swir) # featExtr.SetParameterString("ram","256") # featExtr.Execute() # features.append(featExtr) concatSensors.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", gapFill.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) features.append(gapFill) # sensors Concatenation + sampleExtraction sampleExtr = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SampleExtraction") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("ram", "1024") sampleExtr.SetParameterString("vec", sampleSelection) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("field", dataField) sampleExtr.SetParameterString("out", samples) if len(AllRefl) > 1: concatSensors.Execute() allFeatures = concatSensors.GetParameterOutputImage("out") else: allFeatures = features[0].GetParameterOutputImage("out") if userFeatPath: print "Add user features" userFeat_arbo = Config(file(pathConf)).userFeat.arbo userFeat_pattern = (Config( file(pathConf)).userFeat.patterns).split(",") concatFeatures = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ConcatenateImages") userFeatures = fu.getUserFeatInTile(userFeatPath, tile, userFeat_arbo, userFeat_pattern) concatFeatures.SetParameterStringList("il", userFeatures) concatFeatures.Execute() concatAllFeatures = otb.Registry.CreateApplication( "ConcatenateImages") concatAllFeatures.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", allFeatures) concatAllFeatures.AddImageToParameterInputImageList( "il", concatFeatures.GetParameterOutputImage("out")) concatAllFeatures.Execute() allFeatures = concatAllFeatures.GetParameterOutputImage("out") sampleExtr.SetParameterInputImage("in", allFeatures) sampleExtr.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() # cmd = "otbcli_SampleExtraction -field "+dataField+" -out "+samples+" -vec "+sampleSelection+" -in /ptmp/vincenta/tmp/TestGapFill.tif" # print cmd # pause = raw_input("Pause") # os.system(cmd) else: cmd = "otbcli_SampleExtraction -field " + dataField + " -out " + samples + " -vec " + sampleSelection + " -in " + feat print cmd os.system(cmd) if pathWd: shutil.copy( samples, folderSample + "/" + trainShape.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "_Samples.sqlite")) os.remove(sampleSelection) os.remove(stats)
def launchClassification(model, pathConf, stat, pathToRT, pathToImg, pathToRegion, fieldRegion, N, pathToCmdClassif, pathOut, pathWd): f = file(pathConf) cfg = Config(f) classif = cfg.argTrain.classifier mode = cfg.chain.mode outputPath = cfg.chain.outputPath classifMode = cfg.argClassification.classifMode regionMode = cfg.chain.mode pixType = cfg.argClassification.pixType bindingPy = cfg.GlobChain.bindingPython Stack_ind = fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf) AllCmd = [] allTiles_s = cfg.chain.listTile allTiles = allTiles_s.split(" ") maskFiles = pathOut + "/MASK" if not os.path.exists(maskFiles): os.system("mkdir " + maskFiles) shpRName = pathToRegion.split("/")[-1].replace(".shp", "") AllModel = fu.FileSearch_AND(model, True, "model", ".txt") AllModel = [f for f in AllModel if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.txt'] for path in AllModel: model = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1] tiles = fu.getListTileFromModel( model, outputPath + "/config_model/configModel.cfg") model_Mask = model if'model_.*f.*_', path.split("/")[-1]): model_Mask = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1].split("f")[0] seed = path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[-1].replace(".txt", "") tilesToEvaluate = tiles if ("fusion" in classifMode and regionMode != "outside") or (regionMode == "one_region"): tilesToEvaluate = allTiles # construction du string de sortie for tile in tilesToEvaluate: pathToFeat = pathToImg + "/" + tile + "/Final/" + Stack_ind if bindingPy == "True": pathToFeat = fu.FileSearch_AND( pathToImg + "/" + tile + "/tmp/", True, ".tif")[0] maskSHP = pathToRT + "/" + shpRName + "_region_" + model_Mask + "_" + tile + ".shp" maskTif = shpRName + "_region_" + model_Mask + "_" + tile + ".tif" CmdConfidenceMap = "" confidenceMap = "" if "fusion" in classifMode: if mode != "outside": tmp = pathOut.split("/") if pathOut[-1] == "/": del tmp[-1] tmp[-1] = "envelope" pathToEnvelope = "/".join(tmp) maskSHP = pathToEnvelope + "/" + tile + ".shp" confidenceMap = tile + "_model_" + model + "_confidence_seed_" + seed + ".tif" CmdConfidenceMap = " -confmap " + pathOut + "/" + confidenceMap if not os.path.exists(maskFiles + "/" + maskTif): pathToMaskCommun = pathToImg + "/" + tile + "/tmp/MaskCommunSL.shp" # cas cluster if pathWd != None: pathToMaskCommun = pathToImg + "/" + tile + "/MaskCommunSL.shp" maskFiles = pathWd nameOut = fu.ClipVectorData(maskSHP, pathToMaskCommun, maskFiles, maskTif.replace(".tif", "")) cmdRaster = "otbcli_Rasterization -in " + nameOut + " -mode attribute -mode.attribute.field " + fieldRegion + " -im " + pathToFeat + " -out " + maskFiles + "/" + maskTif if "fusion" in classifMode: cmdRaster = "otbcli_Rasterization -in " + nameOut + " -mode binary -mode.binary.foreground 1 -im " + pathToFeat + " -out " + maskFiles + "/" + maskTif print cmdRaster os.system(cmdRaster) if pathWd != None: os.system("cp " + pathWd + "/" + maskTif + " " + pathOut + "/MASK") out = pathOut + "/Classif_" + tile + "_model_" + model + "_seed_" + seed + ".tif" # hpc case if pathWd != None: out = "$TMPDIR/Classif_" + tile + "_model_" + model + "_seed_" + seed + ".tif" CmdConfidenceMap = " -confmap $TMPDIR/" + confidenceMap appli = "otbcli_ImageClassifier " pixType_cmd = pixType if bindingPy == "True": appli = "python -conf " + pathConf + " " pixType_cmd = " -pixType " + pixType cmd = appli + " -in " + pathToFeat + " -model " + path + " -mask " + pathOut + "/MASK/" + maskTif + " -out " + out + " " + pixType_cmd + " -ram 128 " + CmdConfidenceMap # Ajout des stats lors de la phase de classification if ("svm" in classif): cmd = cmd + " -imstat " + stat + "/Model_" + str( model) + ".xml" AllCmd.append(cmd) fu.writeCmds(pathToCmdClassif + "/class.txt", AllCmd) return AllCmd
landsat5.setDatesVoulues(datesVoulues) list_Sensor.append(landsat5) if not ("None" in args.ipathS2): PreProcessS2(args.config, args.ipathS2, args.opath) # resample if needed Sentinel2 = Sentinel_2(args.ipathS2, opath, fconf, workRes) datesVoulues = CreateFichierDatesReg(args.dateB_S2, args.dateE_S2, args.gapS2, opath.opathT, Sentinel2.setDatesVoulues(datesVoulues) list_Sensor.append(Sentinel2) imRef = list_Sensor[0].imRef sensorRef = list_Sensor[0].name StackName = fu.getFeatStackName(args.config) Stack = args.opath + "/Final/" + StackName allTiles = (Config(file(args.config)).chain.listTile).split() userFeatPath = Config(file(args.config)).chain.userFeatPath if userFeatPath == "None": userFeatPath = None if userFeatPath: userFeat_arbo = Config(file(args.config)).userFeat.arbo userFeat_pattern = (Config(file(args.config)).userFeat.patterns).split(",") tile = fu.findCurrentTileInString(Stack, allTiles) allUserFeatures = " ".join(fu.getUserFeatInTile(userFeatPath, tile, userFeat_arbo, userFeat_pattern)) if not os.path.exists(Stack): # Step 1 Creation des masques de bords Step = 1 if log.dico[Step]: for sensor in list_Sensor:
def launchTraining(pathShapes, pathConf, pathToTiles, dataField, stat, N, pathToCmdTrain, out, pathWd, pathlog): """ OUT : les commandes pour l'app """ cmd_out = [] f = file(pathConf) cfg = Config(f) classif = cfg.argTrain.classifier options = cfg.argTrain.options outputPath = cfg.chain.outputPath samplesMode = Config(file(pathConf)).argTrain.shapeMode dataField = Config(file(pathConf)).chain.dataField binding = Config(file(pathConf)).GlobChain.bindingPython posModel = -3 # model's position, if training shape is split by "_" Stack_ind = fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf) pathToModelConfig = outputPath + "/config_model/configModel.cfg" configModel = open(pathToModelConfig, "w") configModel.write("AllModel:\n[\n") configModel.close() for seed in range(N): pathAppVal = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathShapes, True, "seed" + str(seed), ".shp", "learn") sort = [(path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[posModel], path) for path in pathAppVal] sort = fu.sortByFirstElem(sort) # get tiles by model names = [] for r, paths in sort: tmp = "" for i in range(len(paths)): if i < len(paths) - 1: tmp = tmp + paths[i].split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] + "_" else: tmp = tmp + paths[i].split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] names.append(tmp) cpt = 0 for r, paths in sort: writeConfigName(r, names[cpt], pathToModelConfig) cpt += 1 if samplesMode == "points": pathAppVal = fu.FileSearch_AND(outputPath + "/learningSamples", True, "seed" + str(seed), ".sqlite", "learn") sort = [(path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[posModel], path) for path in pathAppVal] for r, paths in sort: print r if samplesMode != "points": cmd = buildTrainCmd_poly(r, paths, pathToTiles, Stack_ind, classif, options, dataField, out, seed, stat, pathlog) else: if binding == "True" and classif == "svm": outStats = outputPath + "/stats/Model_" + r + ".xml" if os.path.exists(outStats): os.remove(outStats) writeStatsFromSample(paths, outStats) cmd = buildTrainCmd_points(r, paths, classif, options, dataField, out, seed, stat, pathlog) cmd_out.append(cmd) configModel = open(pathToModelConfig, "a") configModel.write("\n]\n") configModel.close() fu.writeCmds(pathToCmdTrain + "/train.txt", cmd_out) return cmd_out
def ClassificationShaping(pathClassif, pathEnvelope, pathImg, fieldEnv, N, pathOut, pathWd, pathConf, colorpath): f = file(pathConf) cfg = Config(f) Stack_ind = fu.getFeatStackName(pathConf) if pathWd == None: TMP = pathOut + "/TMP" if not os.path.exists(pathOut + "/TMP"): os.mkdir(TMP) else: TMP = pathWd if not os.path.exists(pathOut + "/TMP"): os.mkdir(pathOut + "/TMP") classifMode, pathTest, proj = cfg.argClassification.classifMode, cfg.chain.outputPath, \ cfg.GlobChain.proj.split(":")[-1] AllTile, mode, pixType = cfg.chain.listTile.split( " "), cfg.chain.mode, cfg.argClassification.pixType featuresPath, outputStatistics, spatialResolution = cfg.chain.featuresPath, cfg.chain.outputStatistics, cfg.chain.spatialResolution allTMPFolder = fu.fileSearchRegEx(pathTest + "/TMPFOLDER*") if allTMPFolder: for tmpFolder in allTMPFolder: shutil.rmtree(tmpFolder) genGlobalConfidence(AllTile, pathTest, N, mode, classifMode, pathWd, pathConf) if mode == "outside" and classifMode == "fusion": old_classif = fu.fileSearchRegEx( pathTest + "/classif/Classif_*_model_*f*_seed_*.tif") for rm in old_classif: print rm os.remove(rm) # os.system("mv "+rm+" "+pathTest+"/final/TMP/") classification = [] confidence = [] cloud = [] for seed in range(N): classification.append([]) confidence.append([]) cloud.append([]) sort = [] if classifMode == "separate" or mode == "outside": AllClassifSeed = fu.FileSearch_AND(pathClassif, True, ".tif", "Classif", "seed_" + str(seed)) ind = 1 elif classifMode == "fusion": AllClassifSeed = fu.FileSearch_AND( pathClassif, True, "_FUSION_NODATA_seed" + str(seed) + ".tif") ind = 0 for tile in AllClassifSeed: sort.append((tile.split("/")[-1].split("_")[ind], tile)) sort = fu.sortByFirstElem(sort) for tile, paths in sort: exp = "" allCl = "" allCl_rm = [] for i in range(len(paths)): allCl = allCl + paths[i] + " " allCl_rm.append(paths[i]) if i < len(paths) - 1: exp = exp + "im" + str(i + 1) + "b1 + " else: exp = exp + "im" + str(i + 1) + "b1" path_Cl_final = TMP + "/" + tile + "_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif" classification[seed].append(path_Cl_final) cmd = 'otbcli_BandMath -il ' + allCl + '-out ' + path_Cl_final + ' ' + pixType + ' -exp "' + exp + '"' print cmd os.system(cmd) for currentTileClassif in allCl_rm: os.remove(currentTileClassif) tileConfidence = pathOut + "/TMP/" + tile + "_GlobalConfidence_seed_" + str( seed) + ".tif" confidence[seed].append(tileConfidence) cloudTile = fu.FileSearch_AND(featuresPath + "/" + tile, True, "nbView.tif")[0] ClassifTile = TMP + "/" + tile + "_seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif" cloudTilePriority = pathTest + "/final/TMP/" + tile + "_Cloud.tif" cloudTilePriority_tmp = TMP + "/" + tile + "_Cloud.tif" cloudTilePriority_StatsOK = pathTest + "/final/TMP/" + tile + "_Cloud_StatsOK.tif" cloudTilePriority_tmp_StatsOK = TMP + "/" + tile + "_Cloud_StatsOK.tif" cloud[seed].append(cloudTilePriority) if not os.path.exists(cloudTilePriority): cmd_cloud = 'otbcli_BandMath -il ' + cloudTile + ' ' + ClassifTile + ' -out ' + cloudTilePriority_tmp + ' int16 -exp "im2b1>0?im1b1:0"' print cmd_cloud os.system(cmd_cloud) if outputStatistics == "True": cmd_cloud = 'otbcli_BandMath -il ' + cloudTile + ' ' + ClassifTile + ' -out ' + cloudTilePriority_tmp_StatsOK + ' int16 -exp "im2b1>0?im1b1:-1"' print cmd_cloud os.system(cmd_cloud) if pathWd: shutil.copy(cloudTilePriority_tmp_StatsOK, cloudTilePriority_StatsOK) os.remove(cloudTilePriority_tmp_StatsOK) if pathWd: shutil.copy(cloudTilePriority_tmp, cloudTilePriority) os.remove(cloudTilePriority_tmp) if pathWd != None: os.system("cp -a " + TMP + "/* " + pathOut + "/TMP") for seed in range(N): assembleFolder = pathTest + "/final" if pathWd: assembleFolder = pathWd fu.assembleTile_Merge( classification[seed], spatialResolution, assembleFolder + "/Classif_Seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif") if pathWd: shutil.copy(pathWd + "/Classif_Seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif", pathTest + "/final") fu.assembleTile_Merge( confidence[seed], spatialResolution, assembleFolder + "/Confidence_Seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif") if pathWd: shutil.copy(pathWd + "/Confidence_Seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif", pathTest + "/final") color.CreateIndexedColorImage( pathTest + "/final/Classif_Seed_" + str(seed) + ".tif", colorpath, pixType) fu.assembleTile_Merge(cloud[0], spatialResolution, assembleFolder + "/PixelsValidity.tif") if pathWd: shutil.copy(pathWd + "/PixelsValidity.tif", pathTest + "/final")