예제 #1
def overpass_nsrid(nsrid='*',
                   bbox_scandinavia = '[bbox=3.33984375,57.468589192089325,38.408203125,81.1203884020757]'):
     # bbox_scandinavia: limit request size, should contains all of Norway.

    filename = 'overpass_api_cache_%s_%s.xml' % (nsrid, bbox_scandinavia)
    filename = filename.replace(',', '')
    filename = filename.replace('*', '-')
    filename = filename.replace('[', '')
    filename = filename.replace(']', '')
    filename = filename.replace('=', '')
    logger.debug('cached overpass filename "%s"', filename)
    cached, outdated = file_util.cached_file(filename, old_age_days=1)
    if cached is not None and not(outdated):
        return cached
    r = request_session.get('http://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi_meta?*[no-barnehage:nsrid=%s]%s' % (nsrid, bbox_scandinavia))
    ret = r.content

    if r.status_code == 200:
        file_util.write_file(filename, ret)
        return ret
        logger.error('Invalid status code %s', r.status_code)
        return None
예제 #2
def generate_mix_features(source_dir_path,
    # print "script: extract_feature.py,  lineNumber:", sys._getframe().f_lineno, ",  func:", sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
    for root, _, files in os.walk(source_dir_path):
        for file in files:
            data = file_util.read_file(source_dir_path + "\\" + file)
            # #---------------test function-------------------------
            # denoised_data = data_process.denoise(data, settings.THRESHOLDS)

            # file_util.write_file('denoised'+'\\'+file, denoised_data)
            fp = extract_feature.get_feature_from_matrix(
                data, group_size, bin_number)
            # fp = extract_feature.get_feature_from_matrix(denoised_data, group_size, bin_number)
            fp_dict = dict()
            for i, row in enumerate(fp):
                row = data_process.normalize(row)  #归一化
                fp_dict[i] = row

            mix_fp_temp = list_util.merge(fp_dict[0], fp_dict[1])
            mix_fp = list_util.merge(mix_fp_temp, fp_dict[2])
            target_file = os.path.join(target_dir_path,
                                       file[:-4] + "_" + ".txt")
            file_util.write_file(target_file, mix_fp)
예제 #3
def download(root_url, directory, filename):
    url = os.path.join(root_url, directory, filename) # should probably use some html join, but I know the input...
    filename = os.path.join(directory, filename)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    content = response.read()
    file_util.write_file(filename, content)
    return filename
예제 #4
파일: initr.py 프로젝트: Kashomon/pyrite
def copy_template_file(out_dir, out_file, opts, in_file=None, rdir=None): 
  in_path, out_path = create_in_out_pair(out_dir, out_file, in_file, rdir)

  if not out_file == psettings.JQUERY:
    fname = in_file or out_file
    rendered = templater.render_base_templates(in_path, fname, opts)
    file_util.write_file(out_path, rendered)
    file_util.copy_file_safe(in_path, out_path) 
def barnehagefakta_get_json(nbr_id, old_age_days=5, cache_dir='data', keep_history=True):
    """Returns json string for the given nbr_id, caches result to file in directory cache_dir. 
    If the cached result is older than old_age_days a new version is fetched.
    By default (if keep_history is True) changes in the response will detected 
    and archived for further processing. 

    In other words:
    (1) The first time this is called, barnehagefakta.no/api/barnehage/{nbr_id} is visited, 
    the response is stored in cache_dir/barnehagefakta_no_nbrId{nbr_id}.json, 
    the file may consist of only the string '404' if the request returned 404.
    (2a) Calling the function again with the same {nbr_id} within old_age_days, 
    will simply return the content of the previously stored file
    (2b) Calling the function again with the same {nbr_id} after old_age_days has passed,
    will visit barnehagefakta again, refreshing and returning the local .json file.
    If the responce has changed from last time, the previous result is archived as

    May raise requests.ConnectionError if the connection fails.
    filename = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'barnehagefakta_no_nbrId{0}.json'.format(nbr_id))
    cached, outdated = file_util.cached_file(filename, old_age_days)
    if cached is not None and not(outdated):
        return cached
    # else, else:

    url = 'http://barnehagefakta.no/api/barnehage/{0}'.format(nbr_id)
    # try:
    r = request_session.get(url)
    # except requests.ConnectionError as e:
    #     logger.error('Could not connect to %s, try again later? %s', url, e)
    #     return None
    logger.info('requested %s, got %s', url, r)
    ret = None
    if r.status_code == 200:
        ret = r.content
    elif r.status_code == 404:
        ret = '404'
        logger.error('Unknown status code %s', r.status_code)
    if ret is not None:
        if keep_history and cached is not None and not(equal_json_responses(ret, cached)): # avoid overriding previous cache
            d = datetime.utcnow()
            # note: the date will represent the date we discovered this to be outdated
            # which is not all that logical, but we just need a unique filename (assuming old_age_days > 1).
            logger.warning('Change in response for id=%s, archiving old result', nbr_id)
            file_util.rename_file(filename, d.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-OUTDATED")) # move old one
            #return ret, cached

        file_util.write_file(filename, ret) # write
    return ret
예제 #6
파일: creator.py 프로젝트: Kashomon/pyrite
def create(arg_hash):
  # Read in the raw strings from the contents of the files. 
  input_dir = arg_hash['in_dir']
  out_dir = arg_hash['out_dir']

  if arg_hash['clean']: 
    print 'cleaning'
    initr.clean_dirs(input_dir, out_dir) 
    if not arg_hash['test']:

  options = initr.init_or_read_opts(input_dir, out_dir,

  raw_contents = []
  if os.path.isdir(input_dir):
    raw_contents = file_util.read_files(input_dir) 
    raw_contents = [ file_util.read_file(input_dir) ]

  if raw_contents == []:
    "Couldn't find any blog file(s) in: %s" % input_dir

  # Build the blog parser so we can parse the raw strings
  blog_parser = parser.buildParser("yaml", options)

  # Parse the YAML files into a blog object
  blog = blog_parser.parse(raw_contents)

  # Sort the posts by date
  # TODO(josh): Should this be internal to the blog? 

  # Create the links 

  # Display the AST (for the curious)
  # print blog.display_ast()

  # Generate the JSON representation    
  json_out = "var pyrite_data = " + (blog.generate_json().strip()) + ";" 
  # print json_out

  # Create the necessary pyrite directories 
  json_path = os.path.join(out_dir, psettings.JS_DIR, psettings.DATA_FILE)
  file_util.write_file(json_path, json_out)
예제 #7
파일: creator.py 프로젝트: vipmath/pyrite
def create(arg_hash):
    # Read in the raw strings from the contents of the files.
    input_dir = arg_hash['in_dir']
    out_dir = arg_hash['out_dir']

    if arg_hash['clean']:
        print 'cleaning'
        initr.clean_dirs(input_dir, out_dir)
        if not arg_hash['test']:

    options = initr.init_or_read_opts(input_dir, out_dir,

    raw_contents = []
    if os.path.isdir(input_dir):
        raw_contents = file_util.read_files(input_dir)
        raw_contents = [file_util.read_file(input_dir)]

    if raw_contents == []:
        "Couldn't find any blog file(s) in: %s" % input_dir

    # Build the blog parser so we can parse the raw strings
    blog_parser = parser.buildParser("yaml", options)

    # Parse the YAML files into a blog object
    blog = blog_parser.parse(raw_contents)

    # Sort the posts by date
    # TODO(josh): Should this be internal to the blog?

    # Create the links

    # Display the AST (for the curious)
    # print blog.display_ast()

    # Generate the JSON representation
    json_out = "var pyrite_data = " + (blog.generate_json().strip()) + ";"
    # print json_out

    # Create the necessary pyrite directories
    json_path = os.path.join(out_dir, psettings.JS_DIR, psettings.DATA_FILE)
    file_util.write_file(json_path, json_out)
예제 #8
    def wrapper_cached(self,
        cached, outdated = file_util.cached_file(cache_filename,
                                                 mode='r' + file_mode)
        if cached is not None and not (outdated):
            #logger.info('returning cached %s %s', cached is not None, not(outdated))
            return cached

        # # Hmm, getting some half-downloaded files with requests library, lets try urllib instead
        # try:
        #     urlretrieve(url, cache_filename)
        # except Exception as e:
        #     try: os.remove(cache_filename) # ensure we don't have a half finished download
        #     except: pass
        #     logger.error('Failure downloading %s, %s', url, e)
        #     return None

        # return file_util.read_file(cache_filename)

            r = callback(url, **kwargs)  #self.get(url, **kwargs)
        except requests.ConnectionError as e:
            logger.error('Could not connect to %s, try again later? %s', url,
            return None

        logger.info('requested %s %s, got %s', url, cache_filename, r)
        if r.status_code == 200:
            ret = r.content
            file_util.write_file(cache_filename, ret, mode='w' + file_mode)
            return ret
            logger.error('Invalid status code %s', r.status_code)
            return None
예제 #9
def update_file(filename):
    oldcontents = read_file(filename)
    if len(oldcontents) == 0:
        msg(filename, "empty")

    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == ".py":
        # Format Python files using YAPF.
        newcontents = yapf_format(filename, oldcontents)
        # Format C/C++/ObjC/Java files using clang-format.
        newcontents = clang_format(filename, oldcontents)

    if newcontents is None:
        raise Exception("Failed to process %s" % filename)

    if newcontents != oldcontents:
        msg(filename, "fixed")
        global updatect
        updatect += 1
        write_file(filename, newcontents)
        msg(filename, "ok")
예제 #10
파일: fix_style.py 프로젝트: NexMirror/cef
def update_file(filename):
  oldcontents = read_file(filename)
  if len(oldcontents) == 0:
    msg(filename, "empty")

  if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == ".py":
    # Format Python files using YAPF.
    newcontents = yapf_format(filename, oldcontents)
    # Format C/C++/ObjC/Java files using clang-format.
    newcontents = clang_format(filename, oldcontents)

  if newcontents is None:
    raise Exception("Failed to process %s" % filename)

  if newcontents != oldcontents:
    msg(filename, "fixed")
    global updatect
    updatect += 1
    write_file(filename, newcontents)
    msg(filename, "ok")
예제 #11
파일: initr.py 프로젝트: Kashomon/pyrite
def init_indir_and_options(input_dir):
  print '------------------'
  print 'Pyrite Initializer'
  print '------------------'
  options = read_default_options()
  print 'Let\'s initialize your blog with some initial settigns'
  print 'You can change them later in the generated pyrite_options.py'
  print ''
  print 'What do you want your blog to be called?'

  blog_name = raw_input('[default=PyriteBlog]: ')
  if blog_name == '': blog_name = 'PyriteBlog'
  print ''
  print 'Your blog will be called: %s' % blog_name
  print '------------------'
  options = options.replace('MyBlogName', blog_name)

  print 'Where do you want your blog-files to be read from?'
  input_location = raw_input('[default=%s]: ' % (input_dir))
  if input_location == '': input_location = input_dir
  options = options.replace('my_in_location', input_location)

  print '\nWhere do you want your generated blog-files to be put?'
  output_location = raw_input('[default=%s]: ' % (
      os.path.join(input_dir, 'pyrite_output')))
  if output_location == '': 
    output_location = os.path.join(input_dir, 'pyrite_output')
  options = options.replace('my_out_location', output_location)
  print '------------------'
  print 'Writing your options to %s' % psettings.OPTIONS_NAME
  print '------------------'

        input_dir, psettings.OPTIONS_NAME), options)
예제 #12
        for var in required_vars:
            if not var in os.environ.keys():
                raise Exception('%s environment variable must be set' % var)

        # Windows custom toolchain requirements. See comments in gn_args.py.
        gn_args['visual_studio_path'] = os.environ['GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH']
        gn_args['visual_studio_version'] = os.environ['GYP_MSVS_VERSION']
        gn_args['visual_studio_runtime_dirs'] = os.environ['VS_CRT_ROOT']
        gn_args['windows_sdk_path'] = os.environ['SDK_ROOT']

configs = GetAllPlatformConfigs(gn_args)
for dir, config in configs.items():
    # Create out directories and write the args.gn file.
    out_path = os.path.join(src_dir, 'out', dir)
    make_dir(out_path, False)
    args_gn_path = os.path.join(out_path, 'args.gn')
    args_gn_contents = GetConfigFileContents(config)
    write_file(args_gn_path, args_gn_contents)

    # Generate the Ninja config.
    cmd = ['gn', 'gen', os.path.join('out', dir)]
    if 'GN_ARGUMENTS' in os.environ.keys():
        cmd.extend(os.environ['GN_ARGUMENTS'].split(' '))
    RunAction(src_dir, cmd)
    if platform == 'windows':
예제 #13
    for var in required_vars:
      if not var in os.environ.keys():
        raise Exception('%s environment variable must be set' % var)

    # Windows custom toolchain requirements. See comments in gn_args.py.
    gn_args['visual_studio_path'] = os.environ['GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH']
    gn_args['visual_studio_version'] = os.environ['GYP_MSVS_VERSION']
    gn_args['visual_studio_runtime_dirs'] = os.environ['VS_CRT_ROOT']
    gn_args['windows_sdk_path'] = os.environ['SDK_ROOT']

configs = GetAllPlatformConfigs(gn_args)
for dir, config in configs.items():
  # Create out directories and write the args.gn file.
  out_path = os.path.join(src_dir, 'out', dir)
  make_dir(out_path, False)
  args_gn_path = os.path.join(out_path, 'args.gn')
  args_gn_contents = GetConfigFileContents(config)
  write_file(args_gn_path, args_gn_contents)

  # Generate the Ninja config.
  cmd = ['gn', 'gen', os.path.join('out', dir)]
  if 'GN_ARGUMENTS' in os.environ.keys():
    cmd.extend(os.environ['GN_ARGUMENTS'].split(' '))
  RunAction(src_dir, cmd)
  if platform == 'windows':