def do_launch(args): if not args.launchpad_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') if not args.fworker_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') if not args.queueadapter_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_qadapter.yaml')): args.queueadapter_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_qadapter.yaml') launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file( args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad( strm_lvl=args.loglvl) fworker = FWorker.from_file( args.fworker_file) if args.fworker_file else FWorker() queueadapter = load_object_from_file(args.queueadapter_file) args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl if args.command == 'rapidfire': rapidfire(launchpad, fworker, queueadapter, args.launch_dir, args.nlaunches, args.maxjobs_queue, args.maxjobs_block, args.sleep, args.reserve, args.loglvl) else: launch_rocket_to_queue(launchpad, fworker, queueadapter, args.launch_dir, args.reserve, args.loglvl, False)
def do_launch(args): if not args.launchpad_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') elif not args.launchpad_file: args.launchpad_file = LAUNCHPAD_LOC if not args.fworker_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') elif not args.fworker_file: args.fworker_file = FWORKER_LOC if not args.queueadapter_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_qadapter.yaml')): args.queueadapter_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_qadapter.yaml') elif not args.queueadapter_file: args.queueadapter_file = QUEUEADAPTER_LOC launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file( args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad( strm_lvl=args.loglvl) fworker = FWorker.from_file( args.fworker_file) if args.fworker_file else FWorker() queueadapter = load_object_from_file(args.queueadapter_file) args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl if args.command == 'rapidfire': rapidfire(launchpad, fworker=fworker, qadapter=queueadapter, launch_dir=args.launch_dir, nlaunches=args.nlaunches, njobs_queue=args.maxjobs_queue, njobs_block=args.maxjobs_block, sleep_time=args.sleep, reserve=args.reserve, strm_lvl=args.loglvl, timeout=args.timeout, fill_mode=args.fill_mode) else: launch_rocket_to_queue(launchpad, fworker, queueadapter, args.launch_dir, args.reserve, args.loglvl, False, args.fill_mode, args.fw_id)
def test_has_inserted(self): self.lp.add_wf(self.wf_stop_early) rapidfire( self.lp, fworker=FWorker( env={ "db_file": os.path.join(db_dir, "db.json"), "vasp_cmd": ["echo", "fake"], } ), ) formula = self.get_task_collection(coll_name="tasks").distinct("formula_pretty") self.assertEqual(set(formula), {"Y2Mg(PO4)2", "YPO4"}) self.lp.add_wf( rapidfire( self.lp, fworker=FWorker( env={ "db_file": os.path.join(db_dir, "db.json"), "vasp_cmd": ["echo", "fake"], } ), ) # Check that all of the inserted pretty formulas are present formula = self.get_task_collection(coll_name="tasks").distinct("formula_pretty") self.assertEqual( set(formula), {"Y2Mg(PO4)2", "Y2Mg3(PO4)2", "YMg2PO4", "YMgPO4", "YPO4"} )
def rlaunch(): m_description = 'This program launches one or more Rockets. A Rocket grabs a job from the central database and ' \ 'runs it. The "single-shot" option launches a single Rocket, ' \ 'whereas the "rapidfire" option loops until all FireWorks are completed.' parser = ArgumentParser(description=m_description) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='command', dest='command') single_parser = subparsers.add_parser('singleshot', help='launch a single Rocket') rapid_parser = subparsers.add_parser('rapidfire', help='launch multiple Rockets (loop until all FireWorks complete)') single_parser.add_argument('-f', '--fw_id', help='specific fw_id to run', default=None, type=int) single_parser.add_argument('--offline', help='run in offline mode (FW.json required)', action='store_true') rapid_parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='num_launches (int or "infinite"; default 0 is all jobs in DB)', default=0) rapid_parser.add_argument('--sleep', help='sleep time between loops (secs)', default=None, type=int) parser.add_argument('-l', '--launchpad_file', help='path to launchpad file', default=LAUNCHPAD_LOC) parser.add_argument('-w', '--fworker_file', help='path to fworker file', default=FWORKER_LOC) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_dir', help='path to a directory containing the config file (used if -l, -w unspecified)', default=CONFIG_FILE_DIR) parser.add_argument('--loglvl', help='level to print log messages', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('-s', '--silencer', help='shortcut to mute log messages', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_interrupt) # graceful exist on ^C if not args.launchpad_file and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') if not args.fworker_file and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl if args.command == 'singleshot' and args.offline: launchpad = None else: launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file(args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad(strm_lvl=args.loglvl) if args.fworker_file: fworker = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file) else: fworker = FWorker() # prime addr lookups _log = get_fw_logger("rlaunch", stream_level="INFO")"Hostname/IP lookup (this will take a few seconds)") get_my_host() get_my_ip() if args.command == 'rapidfire': rapidfire(launchpad, fworker, None, args.nlaunches, -1, args.sleep, args.loglvl) else: launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker, args.fw_id, args.loglvl)
def get_fworker(fworker): if fworker: my_fwkr = fworker elif FWORKER_LOC: my_fwkr = FWorker.from_file(FWORKER_LOC) else: my_fwkr = FWorker() return my_fwkr
def test_category_pt2(self): task1 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "Task 1"') task2 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "Task 2"') fw1 = Firework(task1, fw_id=1, name='Task 1') fw2 = Firework(task2, fw_id=2, name='Task 2') self.lp.add_wf(Workflow([fw1, fw2])) self.assertFalse(self.lp.run_exists(FWorker(category="dummy_category"))) self.assertTrue(self.lp.run_exists(FWorker(category="__none__"))) self.assertTrue(self.lp.run_exists(FWorker())) # can run any category self.assertFalse(self.lp.run_exists(FWorker(category=["dummy_category", "other category"])))
def mlaunch(): m_description = 'This program launches multiple Rockets simultaneously' parser = ArgumentParser(description=m_description) parser.add_argument('num_jobs', help='the number of jobs to run in parallel', type=int) parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='number of FireWorks to run in series per parallel job (int or "infinite"; default 0 is all jobs in DB)', default=0) parser.add_argument('--sleep', help='sleep time between loops in infinite launch mode (secs)', default=None, type=int) parser.add_argument('-l', '--launchpad_file', help='path to launchpad file', default=LAUNCHPAD_LOC) parser.add_argument('-w', '--fworker_file', help='path to fworker file', default=FWORKER_LOC) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_dir', help='path to a directory containing the config file (used if -l, -w unspecified)', default=CONFIG_FILE_DIR) parser.add_argument('--loglvl', help='level to print log messages', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('-s', '--silencer', help='shortcut to mute log messages', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--nodefile', help='nodefile name or environment variable name containing the node file name (for populating FWData only)', default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument('--ppn', help='processors per node (for populating FWData only)', default=1, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.launchpad_file and args.config_dir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') if not args.fworker_file and args.config_dir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file(args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad(strm_lvl=args.loglvl) if args.fworker_file: fworker = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file) else: fworker = FWorker() total_node_list = None if args.nodefile: if args.nodefile in os.environ: args.nodefile = os.environ[args.nodefile] with open(args.nodefile, 'r') as f: total_node_list = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] launch_multiprocess(launchpad, fworker, args.loglvl, args.nlaunches, args.num_jobs, args.sleep, total_node_list, args.ppn)
def do_launch(args): if not args.launchpad_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') elif not args.launchpad_file: args.launchpad_file = LAUNCHPAD_LOC if not args.fworker_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') elif not args.fworker_file: args.fworker_file = FWORKER_LOC if not args.queueadapter_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_qadapter.yaml')): args.queueadapter_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_qadapter.yaml') elif not args.queueadapter_file: args.queueadapter_file = QUEUEADAPTER_LOC launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file( args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad( strm_lvl=args.loglvl) fworker = FWorker.from_file( args.fworker_file) if args.fworker_file else FWorker() queueadapter = load_object_from_file(args.queueadapter_file) args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl if args.command == 'rapidfire': rapidfire(launchpad, fworker=fworker, qadapter=queueadapter, launch_dir=args.launch_dir, nlaunches=args.nlaunches, njobs_queue=args.maxjobs_queue, njobs_block=args.maxjobs_block, sleep_time=args.sleep, reserve=args.reserve, strm_lvl=args.loglvl, timeout=args.timeout, fill_mode=args.fill_mode) else: launch_rocket_to_queue(launchpad, fworker, queueadapter, args.launch_dir, args.reserve, args.loglvl, False, args.fill_mode)
def test_wf(self): wf_1 = get_simulated_wf(self.wf_1) wf_2 = get_simulated_wf(self.wf_2) wf_3 = get_simulated_wf(self.wf_3) wf_4 = get_simulated_wf(self.wf_4) wf_5 = get_simulated_wf(self.wf_5) wf_6 = get_simulated_wf(self.wf_6) wf_1_ids = self.lp.add_wf(wf_1) wf_2_ids = self.lp.add_wf(wf_2) wf_3_ids = self.lp.add_wf(wf_3) wf_4_ids = self.lp.add_wf(wf_4) wf_5_ids = self.lp.add_wf(wf_5) wf_6_ids = self.lp.add_wf(wf_6) # get fw ids that can be used to identify the workflows from the DB fw_wf_1 = list(wf_1_ids.values())[0] fw_wf_2 = list(wf_2_ids.values())[0] fw_wf_3 = list(wf_3_ids.values())[0] fw_wf_4 = list(wf_4_ids.values())[0] fw_wf_5 = list(wf_5_ids.values())[0] fw_wf_6 = list(wf_6_ids.values())[0] fw_ids = [fw_wf_1, fw_wf_2, fw_wf_3, fw_wf_4, fw_wf_5, fw_wf_6] # Use scratch directory as destination directory for testing fworker = FWorker(env={"run_dest_root": self.scratch_dir}) rapidfire(self.lp, fworker=fworker) for i in fw_ids: wf = self.lp.get_wf_by_fw_id(i) is_completed = [s == "COMPLETED" for s in wf.fw_states.values()] self.assertTrue(all(is_completed))
def test_eels_wflow_abatom_by_idx(self): # for the sake of test just copy xmu to eels xmu_file_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(module_dir, "../../test_files/xmu.dat")) feff_bin = f"cp {xmu_file_path} eels.dat" wf = get_wf_eels( self.absorbing_atom, self.structure, feff_input_set="ELNES", edge="L1", user_tag_settings=self.user_tag_settings, use_primitive=False, feff_cmd=feff_bin, db_file=">>db_file<<", ) self.assertEqual(len(wf.as_dict()["fws"]), 1) self.lp.add_wf(wf) # run rapidfire( self.lp, fworker=FWorker(env={"db_file": os.path.join(db_dir, "db.json")})) d = self.get_task_collection().find_one({"spectrum_type": "ELNES"}) self._check_run(d)
def from_dict(cls, m_dict): fworker = FWorker.from_dict(m_dict['fworker']) if m_dict['fworker'] else None action = FWAction.from_dict(m_dict['action']) if m_dict.get('action') else None trackers = [Tracker.from_dict(f) for f in m_dict['trackers']] if m_dict.get('trackers') else None return Launch(m_dict['state'], m_dict['launch_dir'], fworker, m_dict['host'], m_dict['ip'], trackers, action, m_dict['state_history'], m_dict['launch_id'], m_dict['fw_id'])
def test_xas_wflow_abatom_by_idx(self): if not FEFF_CMD: # fake run xmu_file_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(module_dir, "../../test_files/xmu.dat")) feff_bin = "cp {} .".format(xmu_file_path) else: feff_bin = FEFF_CMD wf = get_wf_xas(self.absorbing_atom, self.structure, feff_input_set="XANES", edge="K", feff_cmd=feff_bin, db_file=">>db_file<<", use_primitive=False, user_tag_settings=self.user_tag_settings) self.assertEqual(len(wf.as_dict()["fws"]), 1) self.lp.add_wf(wf) # run rapidfire( self.lp, fworker=FWorker(env={"db_file": os.path.join(db_dir, "db.json")})) d = self.get_task_collection().find_one({"spectrum_type": "XANES"}) self._check_run(d)
def __init__(self, state, launch_dir, fworker=None, host=None, ip=None, trackers=None, action=None, state_history=None, launch_id=None, fw_id=None): """ Args: state (str): the state of the Launch (e.g. RUNNING, COMPLETED) launch_dir (str): the directory where the Launch takes place fworker (FWorker): The FireWorker running the Launch host (str): the hostname where the launch took place (set automatically if None) ip (str): the IP address where the launch took place (set automatically if None) trackers ([Tracker]): File Trackers for this Launch action (FWAction): the output of the Launch state_history ([dict]): a history of all states of the Launch and when they occurred launch_id (int): launch_id set by the LaunchPad fw_id (int): id of the Firework this Launch is running """ if state not in Firework.STATE_RANKS: raise ValueError("Invalid launch state: {}".format(state)) self.launch_dir = launch_dir self.fworker = fworker or FWorker() = host or get_my_host() self.ip = ip or get_my_ip() self.trackers = trackers if trackers else [] self.action = action if action else None self.state_history = state_history if state_history else [] self.state = state self.launch_id = launch_id self.fw_id = fw_id
def recover_offline(args): lp = get_lp(args) fworker_name = FWorker.from_file( args.fworker_file).name if args.fworker_file else None failed_fws = [] recovered_fws = [] for l in lp.offline_runs.find({ "completed": False, "deprecated": False }, { "launch_id": 1, "fw_id": 1 }): if fworker_name and lp.launches.count({ "launch_id": l["launch_id"], "": fworker_name }) == 0: continue fw = lp.recover_offline(l['launch_id'], args.ignore_errors, args.print_errors) if fw: failed_fws.append(l['fw_id']) else: recovered_fws.append(l['fw_id']) "FINISHED recovering offline runs. {} job(s) recovered: {}".format( len(recovered_fws), recovered_fws)) if failed_fws: "FAILED to recover offline fw_ids: {}".format(failed_fws))
def from_dict(cls, m_dict): fworker = FWorker.from_dict(m_dict['fworker']) action = FWAction.from_dict( m_dict['action']) if m_dict.get('action') else None return Launch(m_dict['state'], m_dict['launch_dir'], fworker, m_dict['host'], m_dict['ip'], action, m_dict['state_history'], m_dict['launch_id'], m_dict['fw_id'])
def setUpClass(cls): cls.lp = None cls.fworker = FWorker() try: cls.lp = LaunchPad(name=TESTDB_NAME, strm_lvl='ERROR') cls.lp.reset(password=None, require_password=False) except: raise unittest.SkipTest('MongoDB is not running in localhost:27017! Skipping tests.')
def rapidfire(launchpad, fworker=None, m_dir=None, nlaunches=0, max_loops=-1, sleep_time=None, strm_lvl='INFO'): """ Keeps running Rockets in m_dir until we reach an error. Automatically creates subdirectories for each Rocket. Usually stops when we run out of FireWorks from the LaunchPad. :param launchpad: (LaunchPad) :param fworker: (FWorker object) :param m_dir: (str) the directory in which to loop Rocket running :param nlaunches: (int) 0 means 'until completion', -1 or "infinite" means to loop forever :param max_loops: (int) maximum number of loops :param sleep_time: (int) secs to sleep between rapidfire loop iterations :param strm_lvl: (str) level at which to output logs to stdout """ sleep_time = sleep_time if sleep_time else RAPIDFIRE_SLEEP_SECS curdir = m_dir if m_dir else os.getcwd() l_logger = get_fw_logger('rocket.launcher', l_dir=launchpad.get_logdir(), stream_level=strm_lvl) nlaunches = -1 if nlaunches == 'infinite' else int(nlaunches) fworker = fworker if fworker else FWorker() num_launched = 0 num_loops = 0 while num_loops != max_loops: while launchpad.run_exists(fworker): os.chdir(curdir) launcher_dir = create_datestamp_dir(curdir, l_logger, prefix='launcher_') os.chdir(launcher_dir) rocket_ran = launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker, strm_lvl=strm_lvl) if rocket_ran: num_launched += 1 elif not os.listdir(launcher_dir): # remove the empty shell of a directory os.chdir(curdir) os.rmdir(launcher_dir) if num_launched == nlaunches: break time.sleep( 0.15 ) # add a small amount of buffer breathing time for DB to refresh, etc. if num_launched == nlaunches or nlaunches == 0: break log_multi(l_logger, 'Sleeping for {} secs'.format(sleep_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) num_loops += 1 log_multi(l_logger, 'Checking for FWs to run...'.format(sleep_time))
def test_fw_env(self): t = DummyFWEnvTask() fw = Firework(t) self.lp.add_wf(fw) launch_rocket(self.lp, self.fworker) self.assertEqual(self.lp.get_launch_by_id(1).action.stored_data['data'], "hello") self.lp.add_wf(fw) launch_rocket(self.lp, FWorker(env={"hello": "world"})) self.assertEqual(self.lp.get_launch_by_id(2).action.stored_data[ 'data'], "world")
def rapidfire(launchpad, fworker=None, m_dir=None, nlaunches=0, max_loops=-1, sleep_time=None, strm_lvl='INFO', timeout=None): """ Keeps running Rockets in m_dir until we reach an error. Automatically creates subdirectories for each Rocket. Usually stops when we run out of FireWorks from the LaunchPad. :param launchpad: (LaunchPad) :param fworker: (FWorker object) :param m_dir: (str) the directory in which to loop Rocket running :param nlaunches: (int) 0 means 'until completion', -1 or "infinite" means to loop until max_loops :param max_loops: (int) maximum number of loops (default -1 is infinite) :param sleep_time: (int) secs to sleep between rapidfire loop iterations :param strm_lvl: (str) level at which to output logs to stdout :param timeout: (int) # of seconds after which to stop the rapidfire process """ sleep_time = sleep_time if sleep_time else RAPIDFIRE_SLEEP_SECS curdir = m_dir if m_dir else os.getcwd() l_logger = get_fw_logger('rocket.launcher', l_dir=launchpad.get_logdir(), stream_level=strm_lvl) nlaunches = -1 if nlaunches == 'infinite' else int(nlaunches) fworker = fworker if fworker else FWorker() num_launched = 0 start_time = num_loops = 0 while num_loops != max_loops and (not timeout or ( - start_time).total_seconds() < timeout): skip_check = False # this is used to speed operation while (skip_check or launchpad.run_exists(fworker)) and \ (not timeout or ( - start_time).total_seconds() < timeout): os.chdir(curdir) launcher_dir = create_datestamp_dir(curdir, l_logger, prefix='launcher_') os.chdir(launcher_dir) rocket_ran = launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker, strm_lvl=strm_lvl) if rocket_ran: num_launched += 1 elif not os.listdir(launcher_dir): # remove the empty shell of a directory os.chdir(curdir) os.rmdir(launcher_dir) if num_launched == nlaunches: break if launchpad.run_exists(fworker): skip_check = True # don't wait, pull the next FW right away else: time.sleep(0.15) # add a small amount of buffer breathing time for DB to refresh in case we have a dynamic WF skip_check = False if num_launched == nlaunches or nlaunches == 0: break log_multi(l_logger, 'Sleeping for {} secs'.format(sleep_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) num_loops += 1 log_multi(l_logger, 'Checking for FWs to run...'.format(sleep_time)) os.chdir(curdir)
def setup_fireworks(cls): """ Sets up the fworker and launchpad if a connection to a local mongodb is available. cls.lp is set to None if not available """ cls.fworker = FWorker() try: cls.lp = LaunchPad(name=TESTDB_NAME, strm_lvl='ERROR') cls.lp.reset(password=None, require_password=False) except: cls.lp = None
def basic_fw_ex(): print("--- BASIC FIREWORK EXAMPLE ---") # setup launchpad = setup() # add Firework firetask = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "howdy, your job launched successfully!"') firework = Firework(firetask) launchpad.add_wf(firework) # launch Rocket launch_rocket(launchpad, FWorker())
def mlaunch(): m_description = 'This program launches multiple Rockets simultaneously' parser = ArgumentParser(description=m_description) parser.add_argument('num_jobs', help='the number of jobs to run in parallel', type=int) parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='number of FireWorks to run in series per parallel job (int or "infinite"; default 0 is all jobs in DB)', default=0) parser.add_argument('--sleep', help='sleep time between loops in infinite launch mode (secs)', default=None, type=int) parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='timeout (secs) after which to quit (default None)', default=None, type=int) parser.add_argument('-l', '--launchpad_file', help='path to launchpad file', default=LAUNCHPAD_LOC) parser.add_argument('-w', '--fworker_file', help='path to fworker file', default=FWORKER_LOC) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_dir', help='path to a directory containing the config file (used if -l, -w unspecified)', default=CONFIG_FILE_DIR) parser.add_argument('--loglvl', help='level to print log messages', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('-s', '--silencer', help='shortcut to mute log messages', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--nodefile', help='nodefile name or environment variable name containing the node file name (for populating FWData only)', default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument('--ppn', help='processors per node (for populating FWData only)', default=1, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.launchpad_file and args.config_dir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') if not args.fworker_file and args.config_dir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file(args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad(strm_lvl=args.loglvl) if args.fworker_file: fworker = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file) else: fworker = FWorker() total_node_list = None if args.nodefile: if args.nodefile in os.environ: args.nodefile = os.environ[args.nodefile] with open(args.nodefile, 'r') as f: total_node_list = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] launch_multiprocess(launchpad, fworker, args.loglvl, args.nlaunches, args.num_jobs, args.sleep, total_node_list, args.ppn, timeout=args.timeout)
def rapidfire(launchpad, fworker=None, m_dir=None, logdir=None, strm_lvl=None, nlaunches=0, sleep_time=60, max_loops=-1): """ Keeps running Rockets in m_dir until we reach an error. Automatically creates subdirectories for each Rocket. Usually stops when we run out of FireWorks from the LaunchPad. :param launchpad: a LaunchPad object :param fworker: a FWorker object :param m_dir: the directory in which to loop Rocket running :param nlaunches: 0 means 'until completion', -1 means 'infinity' """ curdir = m_dir if m_dir else os.getcwd() fworker = fworker if fworker else FWorker() # initialize logger l_logger = get_fw_logger('rocket.launcher', l_dir=logdir, stream_level=strm_lvl) nlaunches = -1 if nlaunches == 'infinite' else int(nlaunches) # TODO: wrap in try-except. Use log_exception for exceptions EXCEPT running out of jobs. # TODO: always chdir() back to curdir when finished...then delete cruft from MongoTests num_launched = 0 num_loops = 0 while num_loops != max_loops: while launchpad.run_exists(): os.chdir(curdir) launcher_dir = create_datestamp_dir(curdir, l_logger, prefix='launcher_') os.chdir(launcher_dir) launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker, logdir, strm_lvl) num_launched += 1 if num_launched == nlaunches: break time.sleep( 0.1 ) # add a small amount of buffer breathing time for DB to refresh, etc. if num_launched == nlaunches or nlaunches == 0: break'Sleeping for {} secs'.format(sleep_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) num_loops += 1'Checking for FWs to run...'.format(sleep_time))
def multiple_tasks_ex(): print("--- MULTIPLE FIRETASKS EXAMPLE ---") # setup launchpad = setup() # add FireWorks firetask1 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "This is TASK #1"') firetask2 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "This is TASK #2"') firetask3 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "This is TASK #3"') fw = Firework([firetask1, firetask2, firetask3]) launchpad.add_wf(fw) # launch Rocket rapidfire(launchpad, FWorker())
def from_dict(cls, m_dict): fworker = FWorker.from_dict(m_dict["fworker"]) if m_dict["fworker"] else None action = FWAction.from_dict(m_dict["action"]) if m_dict.get("action") else None trackers = [Tracker.from_dict(f) for f in m_dict["trackers"]] if m_dict.get("trackers") else None return Launch( m_dict["state"], m_dict["launch_dir"], fworker, m_dict["host"], m_dict["ip"], trackers, action, m_dict["state_history"], m_dict["launch_id"], m_dict["fw_id"], )
def launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker=None, fw_id=None, strm_lvl='INFO'): """ Run a single rocket in the current directory :param launchpad: (LaunchPad) :param fworker: (FWorker) :param fw_id: (int) if set, a particular Firework to run :param strm_lvl: (str) level at which to output logs to stdout """ fworker = fworker if fworker else FWorker() l_dir = launchpad.get_logdir() if launchpad else None l_logger = get_fw_logger('rocket.launcher', l_dir=l_dir, stream_level=strm_lvl) log_multi(l_logger, 'Launching Rocket') rocket = Rocket(launchpad, fworker, fw_id) rocket_ran = log_multi(l_logger, 'Rocket finished') return rocket_ran
def launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker=None, logdir=None, strm_lvl=None, fw_id=None): """ Run a single rocket in the current directory :param launchpad: a LaunchPad object :param fworker: a FWorker object """ fworker = fworker if fworker else FWorker() l_logger = get_fw_logger('rocket.launcher', l_dir=logdir, stream_level=strm_lvl)'Launching Rocket') rocket = Rocket(launchpad, fworker, fw_id)'Rocket finished')
def recover_offline(args): lp = get_lp(args) fworker_name = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file).name if args.fworker_file else None failed_fws = [] recovered_fws = [] for l in lp.offline_runs.find({"completed": False, "deprecated": False}, {"launch_id": 1, "fw_id":1}): if fworker_name and lp.launches.count({"launch_id": l["launch_id"], "": fworker_name}) == 0: continue fw = lp.recover_offline(l['launch_id'], args.ignore_errors, args.print_errors) if fw: failed_fws.append(l['fw_id']) else: recovered_fws.append(l['fw_id'])"FINISHED recovering offline runs. {} job(s) recovered: {}".format(len(recovered_fws), recovered_fws)) if failed_fws:"FAILED to recover offline fw_ids: {}".format(failed_fws))
def test_basic_fw_offline(self): test1 = ScriptTask.from_str("python -c 'print(\"test1\")'", {'store_stdout': True}) fw = Firework(test1) self.lp.add_wf(fw) fw, launch_id = self.lp.reserve_fw(FWorker(), os.getcwd()) setup_offline_job(self.lp, fw, launch_id) launch_rocket(None, self.fworker) with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "FW_offline.json")) as f: fwo = json.load(f) self.assertEquals(fwo["state"], "COMPLETED") self.assertEquals(fwo["launch_id"], 1) self.assertEquals( fwo["fwaction"], { 'update_spec': {}, 'mod_spec': [], 'stored_data': { 'returncode': 0, 'stdout': u'test1\n', 'all_returncodes': [0] }, 'exit': False, 'detours': [], 'additions': [], 'defuse_children': False }) with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "FW_ping.json")) as f: fwp = json.load(f) self.assertIsNotNone(fwp["ping_time"]) l = self.lp.offline_runs.find_one( { "completed": False, "deprecated": False }, {"launch_id": 1}) self.lp.recover_offline(l['launch_id']) self.assertEqual( self.lp.get_launch_by_id(1).action.stored_data['stdout'], 'test1\n')
def rapid_fire_ex(): print("--- RAPIDFIRE EXAMPLE ---") # setup launchpad = setup() # add FireWorks firetask = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "howdy, your job launched successfully!"') fw1 = Firework(firetask) launchpad.add_wf(fw1) # re-add multiple times fw2 = Firework(firetask) launchpad.add_wf(fw2) fw3 = Firework(firetask) launchpad.add_wf(fw3) # launch Rocket rapidfire(launchpad, FWorker())
def test_wf(self): self.wf_1 = self._simulate_vasprun(self.wf_1) self.wf_2 = self._simulate_vasprun(self.wf_2) self.wf_3 = self._simulate_vasprun(self.wf_3) self.wf_4 = self._simulate_vasprun(self.wf_4) self.wf_5 = self._simulate_vasprun(self.wf_5) self.wf_6 = self._simulate_vasprun(self.wf_6) self.lp.add_wf(self.wf_1) self.lp.add_wf(self.wf_2) self.lp.add_wf(self.wf_3) self.lp.add_wf(self.wf_4) self.lp.add_wf(self.wf_5) self.lp.add_wf(self.wf_6) # Use scratch directory as destination directory for testing rapidfire(self.lp, fworker=FWorker(env={"run_dest_root": self.scratch_dir})) wf = self.lp.get_wf_by_fw_id(1) self.assertTrue(all([s == 'COMPLETED' for s in wf.fw_states.values()]))
def test_multi_fw_complex(self): dest1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'inputs.txt') dest2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'temp_file.txt') self._teardown([dest1, dest2]) try: # create the Firework consisting of multiple tasks firetask1 = TemplateWriterTask({ 'context': { 'opt1': 5.0, 'opt2': 'fast method' }, 'template_file': 'simple_template.txt', 'output_file': dest1 }) firetask2 = FileTransferTask({ 'files': [{ 'src': dest1, 'dest': dest2 }], 'mode': 'copy' }) fw = Firework([firetask1, firetask2]) # store workflow and launch it locally, single shot self.lp.add_wf(fw) launch_rocket(self.lp, FWorker()) # read inputs.txt, words.txt, dest for d in [dest1, dest2]: with open(d) as f: self.assertEqual(, 'option1 = 5.0\noption2 = fast method') finally: self._teardown([dest1, dest2])
def basic_wf_ex(): print("--- BASIC WORKFLOW EXAMPLE ---") # setup launchpad = setup() # add FireWorks task1 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "Ingrid is the CEO."') task2 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "Jill is a manager."') task3 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "Jack is a manager."') task4 = ScriptTask.from_str('echo "Kip is an intern."') fw1 = Firework(task1, fw_id=1) fw2 = Firework(task2, fw_id=2) fw3 = Firework(task3, fw_id=3) fw4 = Firework(task4, fw_id=4) # make workflow workflow = Workflow([fw1, fw2, fw3, fw4], {1: [2, 3], 2: [4], 3: [4]}) launchpad.add_wf(workflow) # launch Rocket rapidfire(launchpad, FWorker())
def rlaunch(): m_description = 'This program launches one or more Rockets. A Rocket retrieves a job from the ' \ 'central database and runs it. The "single-shot" option launches a single Rocket, ' \ 'whereas the "rapidfire" option loops until all FireWorks are completed.' parser = ArgumentParser(description=m_description) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='command', dest='command') single_parser = subparsers.add_parser('singleshot', help='launch a single Rocket') rapid_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'rapidfire', help='launch multiple Rockets (loop until all FireWorks complete)') multi_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'multi', help='launches multiple Rockets simultaneously') single_parser.add_argument('-f', '--fw_id', help='specific fw_id to run', default=None, type=int) single_parser.add_argument('--offline', help='run in offline mode (FW.json required)', action='store_true') rapid_parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='num_launches (int or "infinite"; ' 'default 0 is all jobs in DB)', default=0) rapid_parser.add_argument( '--timeout', help='timeout (secs) after which to quit (default None)', default=None, type=int) rapid_parser.add_argument( '--max_loops', help='after this many sleep loops, quit even in ' 'infinite nlaunches mode (default -1 is infinite loops)', default=-1, type=int) rapid_parser.add_argument('--sleep', help='sleep time between loops (secs)', default=None, type=int) rapid_parser.add_argument( '--local_redirect', help="Redirect stdout and stderr to the launch directory", action="store_true") multi_parser.add_argument('num_jobs', help='the number of jobs to run in parallel', type=int) multi_parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='number of FireWorks to run in series per ' 'parallel job (int or "infinite"; default 0 is ' 'all jobs in DB)', default=0) multi_parser.add_argument( '--sleep', help='sleep time between loops in infinite launch mode' '(secs)', default=None, type=int) multi_parser.add_argument( '--timeout', help='timeout (secs) after which to quit (default None)', default=None, type=int) multi_parser.add_argument( '--nodefile', help='nodefile name or environment variable name ' 'containing the node file name (for populating' ' FWData only)', default=None, type=str) multi_parser.add_argument( '--ppn', help='processors per node (for populating FWData only)', default=1, type=int) multi_parser.add_argument('--exclude_current_node', help="Don't use the script launching node" "as compute node", action="store_true") multi_parser.add_argument( '--local_redirect', help="Redirect stdout and stderr to the launch directory", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-l', '--launchpad_file', help='path to launchpad file', default=LAUNCHPAD_LOC) parser.add_argument('-w', '--fworker_file', help='path to fworker file', default=FWORKER_LOC) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_dir', help='path to a directory containing the config file ' '(used if -l, -w unspecified)', default=CONFIG_FILE_DIR) parser.add_argument('--loglvl', help='level to print log messages', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('-s', '--silencer', help='shortcut to mute log messages', action='store_true') try: import argcomplete argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) # This supports bash autocompletion. To enable this, pip install # argcomplete, activate global completion, or add # eval "$(register-python-argcomplete rlaunch)" # into your .bash_profile or .bashrc except ImportError: pass args = parser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_interrupt) # graceful exit on ^C if not args.launchpad_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') if not args.fworker_file and os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl if args.command == 'singleshot' and args.offline: launchpad = None else: launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file( args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad( strm_lvl=args.loglvl) if args.fworker_file: fworker = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file) else: fworker = FWorker() # prime addr lookups _log = get_fw_logger("rlaunch", stream_level="INFO")"Hostname/IP lookup (this will take a few seconds)") get_my_host() get_my_ip() if args.command == 'rapidfire': rapidfire(launchpad, fworker=fworker, m_dir=None, nlaunches=args.nlaunches, max_loops=args.max_loops, sleep_time=args.sleep, strm_lvl=args.loglvl, timeout=args.timeout, local_redirect=args.local_redirect) elif args.command == 'multi': total_node_list = None if args.nodefile: if args.nodefile in os.environ: args.nodefile = os.environ[args.nodefile] with open(args.nodefile, 'r') as f: total_node_list = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] launch_multiprocess(launchpad, fworker, args.loglvl, args.nlaunches, args.num_jobs, args.sleep, total_node_list, args.ppn, timeout=args.timeout, exclude_current_node=args.exclude_current_node, local_redirect=args.local_redirect) else: launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker, args.fw_id, args.loglvl)
def mlaunch(): m_description = 'This program launches multiple Rockets simultaneously' parser = ArgumentParser(description=m_description) parser.add_argument('num_jobs', help='the number of jobs to run in parallel', type=int) parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='number of FireWorks to run in series per parallel job ' '(int or "infinite"; default 0 is all jobs in DB)', default=0) parser.add_argument('--sleep', help='sleep time between loops in infinite launch mode (secs)', default=None, type=int) parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='timeout (secs) after which to quit (default None)', default=None, type=int) parser.add_argument('-l', '--launchpad_file', help='path to launchpad file', default=LAUNCHPAD_LOC) parser.add_argument('-w', '--fworker_file', help='path to fworker file', default=FWORKER_LOC) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_dir', help='path to a directory containing the config file ' '(used if -l, -w unspecified)', default=CONFIG_FILE_DIR) parser.add_argument('--loglvl', help='level to print log messages', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('-s', '--silencer', help='shortcut to mute log messages', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--nodefile', help='nodefile name or environment variable name containing ' 'the node file name (for populating FWData only)', default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument('--ppn', help='processors per node (for populating FWData only)', default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument('--exclude_current_node', help="Don't use the script launching node as compute node", action="store_true") try: import argcomplete argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) # This supports bash autocompletion. To enable this, pip install # argcomplete, activate global completion, or add # eval "$(register-python-argcomplete mlaunch)" # into your .bash_profile or .bashrc except ImportError: pass args = parser.parse_args() if not args.launchpad_file and args.config_dir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') if not args.fworker_file and args.config_dir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file(args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad(strm_lvl=args.loglvl) if args.fworker_file: fworker = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file) else: fworker = FWorker() total_node_list = None if args.nodefile: if args.nodefile in os.environ: args.nodefile = os.environ[args.nodefile] with open(args.nodefile, 'r') as f: total_node_list = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] launch_multiprocess(launchpad, fworker, args.loglvl, args.nlaunches, args.num_jobs, args.sleep, total_node_list, args.ppn, timeout=args.timeout, exclude_current_node=args.exclude_current_node)
def rlaunch(): m_description = 'This program launches one or more Rockets. A Rocket grabs a job from the ' \ 'central database and runs it. The "single-shot" option launches a single Rocket, ' \ 'whereas the "rapidfire" option loops until all FireWorks are completed.' parser = ArgumentParser(description=m_description) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='command', dest='command') single_parser = subparsers.add_parser('singleshot', help='launch a single Rocket') rapid_parser = subparsers.add_parser('rapidfire', help='launch multiple Rockets (loop until all FireWorks complete)') multi_parser = subparsers.add_parser('multi', help='launches multiple Rockets simultaneously') single_parser.add_argument('-f', '--fw_id', help='specific fw_id to run', default=None, type=int) single_parser.add_argument('--offline', help='run in offline mode (FW.json required)', action='store_true') rapid_parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='num_launches (int or "infinite"; ' 'default 0 is all jobs in DB)', default=0) rapid_parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='timeout (secs) after which to quit (default None)', default=None, type=int) rapid_parser.add_argument('--max_loops', help='after this many sleep loops, quit even in ' 'infinite nlaunches mode (default -1 is infinite loops)', default=-1, type=int) rapid_parser.add_argument('--sleep', help='sleep time between loops (secs)', default=None, type=int) multi_parser.add_argument('num_jobs', help='the number of jobs to run in parallel', type=int) multi_parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='number of FireWorks to run in series per ' 'parallel job (int or "infinite"; default 0 is ' 'all jobs in DB)', default=0) multi_parser.add_argument('--sleep', help='sleep time between loops in infinite launch mode' '(secs)', default=None, type=int) multi_parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='timeout (secs) after which to quit (default None)', default=None, type=int) multi_parser.add_argument('--nodefile', help='nodefile name or environment variable name ' 'containing the node file name (for populating' ' FWData only)', default=None, type=str) multi_parser.add_argument('--ppn', help='processors per node (for populating FWData only)', default=1, type=int) multi_parser.add_argument('--exclude_current_node', help="Don't use the script launching node" "as compute node", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-l', '--launchpad_file', help='path to launchpad file', default=LAUNCHPAD_LOC) parser.add_argument('-w', '--fworker_file', help='path to fworker file', default=FWORKER_LOC) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_dir', help='path to a directory containing the config file ' '(used if -l, -w unspecified)', default=CONFIG_FILE_DIR) parser.add_argument('--loglvl', help='level to print log messages', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('-s', '--silencer', help='shortcut to mute log messages', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_interrupt) # graceful exit on ^C if not args.launchpad_file and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')): args.launchpad_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml') if not args.fworker_file and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml')): args.fworker_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'my_fworker.yaml') args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl if args.command == 'singleshot' and args.offline: launchpad = None else: launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file(args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else LaunchPad( strm_lvl=args.loglvl) if args.fworker_file: fworker = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file) else: fworker = FWorker() # prime addr lookups _log = get_fw_logger("rlaunch", stream_level="INFO")"Hostname/IP lookup (this will take a few seconds)") get_my_host() get_my_ip() if args.command == 'rapidfire': rapidfire(launchpad, fworker=fworker, m_dir=None, nlaunches=args.nlaunches, max_loops=args.max_loops, sleep_time=args.sleep, strm_lvl=args.loglvl, timeout=args.timeout) elif args.command == 'multi': total_node_list = None if args.nodefile: if args.nodefile in os.environ: args.nodefile = os.environ[args.nodefile] with open(args.nodefile, 'r') as f: total_node_list = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] launch_multiprocess(launchpad, fworker, args.loglvl, args.nlaunches, args.num_jobs, args.sleep, total_node_list, args.ppn, timeout=args.timeout, exclude_current_node=args.exclude_current_node) else: launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker, args.fw_id, args.loglvl)
parser.add_argument('-w', '--fworker_file', help='path to fworker file', default=None) parser.add_argument('--logdir', help='path to a directory for logging', default=None) parser.add_argument('--loglvl', help='level to print log messages', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('--silencer', help='shortcut to mute log messages', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.launchpad_file and os.path.exists('my_launchpad.yaml'): args.launchpad_file = 'my_launchpad.yaml' if not args.fworker_file and os.path.exists('my_fworker.yaml'): args.fworker_file = 'my_fworker.yaml' args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl if args.launchpad_file: launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file(args.launchpad_file) else: launchpad = LaunchPad(logdir=args.logdir, strm_lvl=args.loglvl) if args.fworker_file: fworker = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file) else: fworker = FWorker() if args.command == 'rapidfire': rapidfire(launchpad, fworker, None, args.logdir, args.loglvl, args.nlaunches, args.sleep) else: launch_rocket(launchpad, fworker, args.logdir, args.loglvl, args.fw_id)
parser.add_argument('--logdir', help='path to a directory for logging', default=None) parser.add_argument('--loglvl', help='level to print log messages', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('--silencer', help='shortcut to mute log messages', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-r', '--reserve', help='reserve a fw', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-l', '--launchpad_file', help='path to launchpad file', default=None) parser.add_argument('-w', '--fworker_file', help='path to fworker file', default=None) rapid_parser.add_argument('-q', '--njobs_queue', help='maximum jobs to keep in queue for this user', default=10, type=int) rapid_parser.add_argument('-b', '--njobs_block', help='maximum jobs to put in a block', default=500, type=int) rapid_parser.add_argument('--nlaunches', help='num_launches (int or "infinite")') rapid_parser.add_argument('--sleep', help='sleep time between loops', default=60, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.launchpad_file and os.path.exists('my_launchpad.yaml'): args.launchpad_file = 'my_launchpad.yaml' if not args.fworker_file and os.path.exists('my_fworker.yaml'): args.fworker_file = 'my_fworker.yaml' launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file(args.launchpad_file) if args.launchpad_file else None fworker = FWorker.from_file(args.fworker_file) if args.fworker_file else FWorker() rocket_params = QueueParams.from_file(args.queue_params_file) args.loglvl = 'CRITICAL' if args.silencer else args.loglvl # TODO: the number of arguments here is crazy! if args.command == 'rapidfire': rapidfire(rocket_params, args.launch_dir, args.njobs_queue, args.njobs_block, args.loglvl, args.nlaunches, args.sleep, launchpad, fworker, args.reserve) else: launch_rocket_to_queue(rocket_params, args.launch_dir, args.loglvl, launchpad, fworker, args.reserve)
def from_dict(cls, m_dict): fworker = FWorker.from_dict(m_dict['fworker']) action = FWAction.from_dict(m_dict['action']) if m_dict.get('action') else None return Launch(m_dict['state'], m_dict['launch_dir'], fworker, m_dict['host'], m_dict['ip'], action, m_dict['state_history'], m_dict['launch_id'], m_dict['fw_id'])
import os, json from pymongo import DESCENDING, ASCENDING from fireworks.fw_config import CONFIG_FILE_DIR, SORT_FWS from fireworks.core.fworker import FWorker from fireworks.core.launchpad import LaunchPad from pymongo import ReturnDocument launchpad = LaunchPad.from_file(os.path.join(CONFIG_FILE_DIR, 'my_launchpad.yaml')) fworker = FWorker.from_file(os.path.join(CONFIG_FILE_DIR, 'my_fworker.yaml')) #print launchpad._get_a_fw_to_run(query=fworker.query, checkout=False) m_query = dict(fworker.query) m_query['state'] = 'READY' sortby = [("spec._priority", DESCENDING)] if SORT_FWS.upper() == "FIFO": sortby.append(("created_on", ASCENDING)) elif SORT_FWS.upper() == "FILO": sortby.append(("created_on", DESCENDING)) #print json.dumps(m_query, indent=4) projection = { '_id': 0, 'fw_id': 1, 'spec._fworker': 1, 'spec.task_type': 1, 'spec._queueadapter': 1, 'spec.mpsnl.about.remarks': 1, 'spec.snl.about.remarks': 1, 'spec.prev_vasp_dir': 1, 'updated_on': 1, 'state': 1 } fw_ids = [] for idoc, doc in enumerate(launchpad.fireworks.find(m_query, projection=projection, sort=sortby).limit(100)): #print doc if 'walltime' in doc['spec']['_queueadapter']: walltime = doc['spec']['_queueadapter']['walltime'] if int(walltime.split(':')[0]) > 48: launchpad.fireworks.find_one_and_update(