예제 #1
    def setopts(self, **kwargs):
        """ Called by __init__ ; Set AMBER-specific options. """

        ## The directory containing TINKER executables (e.g. dynamic)
        if 'amberhome' in kwargs:
            self.amberhome = kwargs['amberhome']
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.amberhome,"sander")):
                warn_press_key("The 'sander' executable indicated by %s doesn't exist! (Check amberhome)" \
                                   % os.path.join(self.amberhome,"sander"))
            warn_once("The 'amberhome' option was not specified; using default.")
            if which('sander') == '':
                warn_press_key("Please add AMBER executables to the PATH or specify amberhome.")
            self.amberhome = os.path.split(which('sander'))[0]
        with wopen('.quit.leap') as f:
            print >> f, 'quit'

        # AMBER search path
        self.spath = []
        for line in self.callamber('tleap -f .quit.leap'):
            if 'Adding' in line and 'to search path' in line:
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, options, tgt_opts, forcefield):

        if not recharge_import_success:
            warn_once("Note: Failed to import the OpenFF Recharge package - FB Recharge_SMIRNOFF target will not work. ")

        if not toolkit_import_success:
            warn_once("Note: Failed to import the OpenFF Toolkit - FB Recharge_SMIRNOFF target will not work. ")

        super(Recharge_SMIRNOFF, self).__init__(options, tgt_opts, forcefield)

        # Store a mapping between the FB pval parameters and the expected recharge
        # ordering.
        self._parameter_to_bcc_map = None

        # Pre-calculate the expensive portion of the objective function.
        self._design_matrix = None
        self._target_residuals = None

        # Store a copy of the objective function details from the previous
        # optimisation cycle.
        self._molecule_residual_ranges = {}
        self._per_molecule_residuals = {}

        # Get the filename for the database which contains the ESP data
        # to train against.
        self.set_option(tgt_opts, "recharge_esp_store", forceprint=True)
        self.set_option(tgt_opts, "recharge_property", forceprint=True)

        assert self.recharge_property in ["esp", "electric-field"]

        # Initialize the target.
예제 #3
    def setopts(self, **kwargs):
        """ Called by __init__ ; Set AMBER-specific options. """

        ## The directory containing TINKER executables (e.g. dynamic)
        if 'amberhome' in kwargs:
            self.amberhome = kwargs['amberhome']
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.amberhome, "sander")):
                warn_press_key("The 'sander' executable indicated by %s doesn't exist! (Check amberhome)" \
                                   % os.path.join(self.amberhome,"sander"))
                "The 'amberhome' option was not specified; using default.")
            if which('sander') == '':
                    "Please add AMBER executables to the PATH or specify amberhome."
            self.amberhome = os.path.split(which('sander'))[0]

        with wopen('.quit.leap') as f:
            print >> f, 'quit'

        # AMBER search path
        self.spath = []
        for line in self.callamber('tleap -f .quit.leap'):
            if 'Adding' in line and 'to search path' in line:
예제 #4
    def normal_modes(self, shot=0, optimize=True):

        logger.error('Normal modes are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        # Copied from tinkerio.py
        if optimize:
            self.optimize(shot, crit=1e-6)
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz_2 a" % (self.name))
            warn_once("Asking for normal modes without geometry optimization?")
            self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz a" % (self.name))
        # Read the TINKER output.  The vibrational frequencies are ordered.
        # The six modes with frequencies closest to zero are ignored
        readev = False
        calc_eigvals = []
        calc_eigvecs = []
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if "Vibrational Normal Mode" in line:
                freq = float(s[-2])
                readev = False
            elif "Atom" in line and "Delta X" in line:
                readev = True
            elif readev and len(s) == 4 and all(
                calc_eigvecs[-1].append([float(i) for i in s[1:]])
        calc_eigvals = np.array(calc_eigvals)
        calc_eigvecs = np.array(calc_eigvecs)
        # Sort by frequency absolute value and discard the six that are closest to zero
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        # Sort again by frequency
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        os.system("rm -rf *.xyz_* *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
        return calc_eigvals, calc_eigvecs
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, options, tgt_opts, forcefield):

        if not evaluator_import_success:
                "Note: Failed to import the OpenFF Evaluator - FB Evaluator target will not work. "

        if not toolkit_import_success:
                "Note: Failed to import the OpenFF Toolkit - FB Evaluator target will not work. "

        super(Evaluator_SMIRNOFF, self).__init__(options, tgt_opts, forcefield)

        self._options = None  # The options for this target loaded from JSON.
        self._default_units = (
            {})  # The default units to convert each type of property to.

        self._client = None  # The client object which will communicate with an already spun up server.

        self._reference_data_set = None  # The data set of properties to estimate.
        self._normalised_weights = (
            None  # The normalised weights of the different properties.

        # Store a `Future` like object which can be queried for the results of
        # a property estimation.
        self._pending_estimate_request = None

        # Store a mapping between gradient keys and the force balance string representation.
        self._gradient_key_mappings = {}
        self._parameter_units = {}

        # Store a copy of the objective function details from the previous optimisation cycle.
        self._last_obj_details = {}

        # Get the filename for the evaluator input file.
        self.set_option(tgt_opts, "evaluator_input", forceprint=True)

        # Initialize the target.
예제 #6
    def normal_modes(self, shot=0, optimize=True):

        logger.error('Normal modes are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        # Copied from tinkerio.py
        if optimize:
            self.optimize(shot, crit=1e-6)
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz_2 a" % (self.name))
            warn_once("Asking for normal modes without geometry optimization?")
            self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz a" % (self.name))
        # Read the TINKER output.  The vibrational frequencies are ordered.
        # The six modes with frequencies closest to zero are ignored
        readev = False
        calc_eigvals = []
        calc_eigvecs = []
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if "Vibrational Normal Mode" in line:
                freq = float(s[-2])
                readev = False
            elif "Atom" in line and "Delta X" in line:
                readev = True
            elif readev and len(s) == 4 and all([isint(s[0]), isfloat(s[1]), isfloat(s[2]), isfloat(s[3])]):
                calc_eigvecs[-1].append([float(i) for i in s[1:]])
        calc_eigvals = np.array(calc_eigvals)
        calc_eigvecs = np.array(calc_eigvecs)
        # Sort by frequency absolute value and discard the six that are closest to zero
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        # Sort again by frequency
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        os.system("rm -rf *.xyz_* *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
        return calc_eigvals, calc_eigvecs
예제 #7
import os

import numpy as np

from forcebalance.nifty import printcool_dictionary, warn_once
from forcebalance.output import getLogger
from forcebalance.target import Target

    from openff.recharge.charges.charges import ChargeSettings
    from openff.recharge.esp.storage import MoleculeESPStore
    from openff.recharge.optimize import ESPOptimization
    from openff.recharge.smirnoff import from_smirnoff
except ImportError:
    warn_once("Note: Failed to import the optional openff.recharge package.")

    from openforcefield.typing.engines import smirnoff
except ImportError:
    warn_once("Note: Failed to import the optional openforcefield package. ")

logger = getLogger(__name__)

class Recharge_SMIRNOFF(Target):
    """A custom optimisation target which employs the `openff-recharge`
    package to train bond charge correction parameters against QM derived
    electrostatic potential data."""
    def __init__(self, options, tgt_opts, forcefield):
예제 #8
    def molecular_dynamics(self, nsteps, timestep, temperature=None, pressure=None, nequil=0, nsave=1000, minimize=True, anisotropic=False, threads=1, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        Method for running a molecular dynamics simulation.  

        Required arguments:
        nsteps      = (int)   Number of total time steps
        timestep    = (float) Time step in FEMTOSECONDS
        temperature = (float) Temperature control (Kelvin)
        pressure    = (float) Pressure control (atmospheres)
        nequil      = (int)   Number of additional time steps at the beginning for equilibration
        nsave       = (int)   Step interval for saving and printing data
        minimize    = (bool)  Perform an energy minimization prior to dynamics
        threads     = (int)   Specify how many OpenMP threads to use

        Returns simulation data:
        Rhos        = (array)     Density in kilogram m^-3
        Potentials  = (array)     Potential energies
        Kinetics    = (array)     Kinetic energies
        Volumes     = (array)     Box volumes
        Dips        = (3xN array) Dipole moments
        EComps      = (dict)      Energy components

        logger.error('Molecular dynamics not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        md_defs = OrderedDict()
        md_opts = OrderedDict()
        # Print out averages only at the end.
        md_opts["printout"] = nsave
        md_opts["openmp-threads"] = threads
        # Langevin dynamics for temperature control.
        if temperature != None:
            md_defs["integrator"] = "stochastic"
            md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
            md_opts["thermostat"] = None
        # Periodic boundary conditions.
        if self.pbc:
            md_opts["vdw-correction"] = ''
            if temperature != None and pressure != None: 
                md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
                md_defs["thermostat"] = "bussi"
                md_defs["barostat"] = "montecarlo"
                if anisotropic:
                    md_opts["aniso-pressure"] = ''
            elif pressure != None:
                warn_once("Pressure is ignored because temperature is turned off.")
            if pressure != None:
                warn_once("Pressure is ignored because pbc is set to False.")
            # Use stochastic dynamics for the gas phase molecule.
            # If we use the regular integrators it may miss
            # six degrees of freedom in calculating the kinetic energy.
            md_opts["barostat"] = None

        eq_opts = deepcopy(md_opts)
        if self.pbc and temperature != None and pressure != None: 
            eq_opts["integrator"] = "beeman"
            eq_opts["thermostat"] = "bussi"
            eq_opts["barostat"] = "berendsen"

        if minimize:
            if verbose: logger.info("Minimizing the energy...")
            self.optimize(method="bfgs", crit=1)
            os.system("mv %s.xyz_2 %s.xyz" % (self.name, self.name))
            if verbose: logger.info("Done\n")

        # Run equilibration.
        if nequil > 0:
            write_key("%s-eq.key" % self.name, eq_opts, "%s.key" % self.name, md_defs)
            if verbose: printcool("Running equilibration dynamics", color=0)
            if self.pbc and pressure != None:
                self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 4 %f %f" % (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep, float(nsave*timestep)/1000, 
                                                                          temperature, pressure), print_to_screen=verbose)
                self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 2 %f" % (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep, float(nsave*timestep)/1000,
                                                                       temperature), print_to_screen=verbose)
            os.system("rm -f %s.arc" % (self.name))

        # Run production.
        if verbose: printcool("Running production dynamics", color=0)
        write_key("%s-md.key" % self.name, md_opts, "%s.key" % self.name, md_defs)
        if self.pbc and pressure != None:
            odyn = self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 4 %f %f" % (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep, float(nsave*timestep/1000), 
                                                                             temperature, pressure), print_to_screen=verbose)
            odyn = self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 2 %f" % (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep, float(nsave*timestep/1000), 
                                                                          temperature), print_to_screen=verbose)
        # Gather information.
        os.system("mv %s.arc %s-md.arc" % (self.name, self.name))
        self.md_trajectory = "%s-md.arc" % self.name
        edyn = []
        kdyn = []
        temps = []
        for line in odyn:
            s = line.split()
            if 'Current Potential' in line:
            if 'Current Kinetic' in line:
            if len(s) > 0 and s[0] == 'Temperature' and s[2] == 'Kelvin':

        # Potential and kinetic energies converted to kJ/mol.
        edyn = np.array(edyn) * 4.184
        kdyn = np.array(kdyn) * 4.184
        temps = np.array(temps)
        if verbose: logger.info("Post-processing to get the dipole moments\n")
        oanl = self.calltinker("analyze %s-md.arc" % self.name, stdin="G,E,M", print_to_screen=False)

        # Read potential energy and dipole from file.
        eanl = []
        dip = []
        mass = 0.0
        ecomp = OrderedDict()
        havekeys = set()
        first_shot = True
        for ln, line in enumerate(oanl):
            strip = line.strip()
            s = line.split()
            if 'Total System Mass' in line:
                mass = float(s[-1])
            if 'Total Potential Energy : ' in line:
            if 'Dipole X,Y,Z-Components :' in line:
                dip.append([float(s[i]) for i in range(-3,0)])
            if first_shot:
                for key in eckeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2])*4.184]
                        if key in havekeys:
                            first_shot = False
                for key in havekeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2])*4.184]
        for key in ecomp:
            ecomp[key] = np.array(ecomp[key])
        ecomp["Potential Energy"] = edyn
        ecomp["Kinetic Energy"] = kdyn
        ecomp["Temperature"] = temps
        ecomp["Total Energy"] = edyn+kdyn

        # Energies in kilojoules per mole
        eanl = np.array(eanl) * 4.184
        # Dipole moments in debye
        dip = np.array(dip)
        # Volume of simulation boxes in cubic nanometers
        # Conversion factor derived from the following:
        # In [22]: 1.0 * gram / mole / (1.0 * nanometer)**3 / AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA / (kilogram/meter**3)
        # Out[22]: 1.6605387831627252
        conv = 1.6605387831627252
        if self.pbc:
            vol = np.array([BuildLatticeFromLengthsAngles(*[float(j) for j in line.split()]).V \
                                for line in open("%s-md.arc" % self.name).readlines() \
                                if (len(line.split()) == 6 and isfloat(line.split()[1]) \
                                        and all([isfloat(i) for i in line.split()[:6]]))]) / 1000
            rho = conv * mass / vol
            vol = None
            rho = None
        prop_return = OrderedDict()
        prop_return.update({'Rhos': rho, 'Potentials': edyn, 'Kinetics': kdyn, 'Volumes': vol, 'Dips': dip, 'Ecomps': ecomp})
        return prop_return
예제 #9
import numpy as np
from forcebalance.nifty import warn_once, printcool, printcool_dictionary
from forcebalance.output import getLogger
from forcebalance.target import Target

    from openff.evaluator import unit
    from openff.evaluator.attributes import UNDEFINED
    from openff.evaluator.client import EvaluatorClient, ConnectionOptions, RequestOptions
    from openff.evaluator.datasets import PhysicalPropertyDataSet
    from openff.evaluator.utils.exceptions import EvaluatorException
    from openff.evaluator.utils.openmm import openmm_quantity_to_pint
    from openff.evaluator.utils.serialization import TypedJSONDecoder, TypedJSONEncoder
    from openff.evaluator.forcefield import ParameterGradientKey
except ImportError:
    warn_once("Note: Failed to import the optional openff.evaluator package. ")

    from openforcefield.typing.engines import smirnoff
except ImportError:
    warn_once("Note: Failed to import the optional openforcefield package. ")

logger = getLogger(__name__)

class Evaluator_SMIRNOFF(Target):
    """A custom optimisation target which employs the `openff-evaluator`
    package to rapidly estimate a collection of condensed phase physical
    properties at each optimisation epoch."""
    class OptionsFile:
        """Represents the set of options that a `Evaluator_SMIRNOFF`
예제 #10
from forcebalance.target import Target

logger = getLogger(__name__)

    import propertyestimator
    from propertyestimator import unit
    from propertyestimator.client import PropertyEstimatorClient, ConnectionOptions, PropertyEstimatorOptions
    from propertyestimator.datasets import ThermoMLDataSet, PhysicalPropertyDataSet
    from propertyestimator.utils.exceptions import PropertyEstimatorException
    from propertyestimator.utils.openmm import openmm_quantity_to_pint
    from propertyestimator.utils.serialization import TypedJSONDecoder, TypedJSONEncoder
    from propertyestimator.workflow import WorkflowOptions
    from propertyestimator.properties import ParameterGradientKey
except ImportError:
    warn_once("Failed to import the propertyestimator package.")

    from openforcefield.typing.engines import smirnoff
except ImportError:
    warn_once("Failed to import the openforcefield package.")

class PropertyEstimate_SMIRNOFF(Target):
    """A custom optimisation target which employs the propertyestimator
    package to rapidly estimate a collection of condensed phase physical
    properties at each optimisation epoch."""
    class OptionsFile:
        """Represents the set of options that a `PropertyEstimate_SMIRNOFF`
        target will be run with.
예제 #11
    def molecular_dynamics(self,
        Method for running a molecular dynamics simulation.  

        Required arguments:
        nsteps      = (int)   Number of total time steps
        timestep    = (float) Time step in FEMTOSECONDS
        temperature = (float) Temperature control (Kelvin)
        pressure    = (float) Pressure control (atmospheres)
        nequil      = (int)   Number of additional time steps at the beginning for equilibration
        nsave       = (int)   Step interval for saving and printing data
        minimize    = (bool)  Perform an energy minimization prior to dynamics
        threads     = (int)   Specify how many OpenMP threads to use

        Returns simulation data:
        Rhos        = (array)     Density in kilogram m^-3
        Potentials  = (array)     Potential energies
        Kinetics    = (array)     Kinetic energies
        Volumes     = (array)     Box volumes
        Dips        = (3xN array) Dipole moments
        EComps      = (dict)      Energy components

            'Molecular dynamics not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        md_defs = OrderedDict()
        md_opts = OrderedDict()
        # Print out averages only at the end.
        md_opts["printout"] = nsave
        md_opts["openmp-threads"] = threads
        # Langevin dynamics for temperature control.
        if temperature != None:
            md_defs["integrator"] = "stochastic"
            md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
            md_opts["thermostat"] = None
        # Periodic boundary conditions.
        if self.pbc:
            md_opts["vdw-correction"] = ''
            if temperature != None and pressure != None:
                md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
                md_defs["thermostat"] = "bussi"
                md_defs["barostat"] = "montecarlo"
                if anisotropic:
                    md_opts["aniso-pressure"] = ''
            elif pressure != None:
                    "Pressure is ignored because temperature is turned off.")
            if pressure != None:
                warn_once("Pressure is ignored because pbc is set to False.")
            # Use stochastic dynamics for the gas phase molecule.
            # If we use the regular integrators it may miss
            # six degrees of freedom in calculating the kinetic energy.
            md_opts["barostat"] = None

        eq_opts = deepcopy(md_opts)
        if self.pbc and temperature != None and pressure != None:
            eq_opts["integrator"] = "beeman"
            eq_opts["thermostat"] = "bussi"
            eq_opts["barostat"] = "berendsen"

        if minimize:
            if verbose: logger.info("Minimizing the energy...")
            self.optimize(method="bfgs", crit=1)
            os.system("mv %s.xyz_2 %s.xyz" % (self.name, self.name))
            if verbose: logger.info("Done\n")

        # Run equilibration.
        if nequil > 0:
            write_key("%s-eq.key" % self.name, eq_opts, "%s.key" % self.name,
            if verbose: printcool("Running equilibration dynamics", color=0)
            if self.pbc and pressure != None:
                    "dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 4 %f %f" %
                    (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep,
                     float(nsave * timestep) / 1000, temperature, pressure),
                self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 2 %f" %
                                (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep,
                                 float(nsave * timestep) / 1000, temperature),
            os.system("rm -f %s.arc" % (self.name))

        # Run production.
        if verbose: printcool("Running production dynamics", color=0)
        write_key("%s-md.key" % self.name, md_opts, "%s.key" % self.name,
        if self.pbc and pressure != None:
            odyn = self.calltinker(
                "dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 4 %f %f" %
                (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep,
                 float(nsave * timestep / 1000), temperature, pressure),
            odyn = self.calltinker(
                "dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 2 %f" %
                (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep,
                 float(nsave * timestep / 1000), temperature),

        # Gather information.
        os.system("mv %s.arc %s-md.arc" % (self.name, self.name))
        self.md_trajectory = "%s-md.arc" % self.name
        edyn = []
        kdyn = []
        temps = []
        for line in odyn:
            s = line.split()
            if 'Current Potential' in line:
            if 'Current Kinetic' in line:
            if len(s) > 0 and s[0] == 'Temperature' and s[2] == 'Kelvin':

        # Potential and kinetic energies converted to kJ/mol.
        edyn = np.array(edyn) * 4.184
        kdyn = np.array(kdyn) * 4.184
        temps = np.array(temps)

        if verbose: logger.info("Post-processing to get the dipole moments\n")
        oanl = self.calltinker("analyze %s-md.arc" % self.name,

        # Read potential energy and dipole from file.
        eanl = []
        dip = []
        mass = 0.0
        ecomp = OrderedDict()
        havekeys = set()
        first_shot = True
        for ln, line in enumerate(oanl):
            strip = line.strip()
            s = line.split()
            if 'Total System Mass' in line:
                mass = float(s[-1])
            if 'Total Potential Energy : ' in line:
            if 'Dipole X,Y,Z-Components :' in line:
                dip.append([float(s[i]) for i in range(-3, 0)])
            if first_shot:
                for key in eckeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key].append(float(s[-2]) * 4.184)
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2]) * 4.184]
                        if key in havekeys:
                            first_shot = False
                for key in havekeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key].append(float(s[-2]) * 4.184)
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2]) * 4.184]
        for key in ecomp:
            ecomp[key] = np.array(ecomp[key])
        ecomp["Potential Energy"] = edyn
        ecomp["Kinetic Energy"] = kdyn
        ecomp["Temperature"] = temps
        ecomp["Total Energy"] = edyn + kdyn

        # Energies in kilojoules per mole
        eanl = np.array(eanl) * 4.184
        # Dipole moments in debye
        dip = np.array(dip)
        # Volume of simulation boxes in cubic nanometers
        # Conversion factor derived from the following:
        # In [22]: 1.0 * gram / mole / (1.0 * nanometer)**3 / AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA / (kilogram/meter**3)
        # Out[22]: 1.6605387831627252
        conv = 1.6605387831627252
        if self.pbc:
            vol = np.array([BuildLatticeFromLengthsAngles(*[float(j) for j in line.split()]).V \
                                for line in open("%s-md.arc" % self.name).readlines() \
                                if (len(line.split()) == 6 and isfloat(line.split()[1]) \
                                        and all([isfloat(i) for i in line.split()[:6]]))]) / 1000
            rho = conv * mass / vol
            vol = None
            rho = None
        prop_return = OrderedDict()
            'Rhos': rho,
            'Potentials': edyn,
            'Kinetics': kdyn,
            'Volumes': vol,
            'Dips': dip,
            'Ecomps': ecomp
        return prop_return