def playVideo( self ) :
		if (self.DEBUG) :
			print "video_page_url = " + self.video_page_url

		# Get current list item details...
		title     = unicode( xbmc.getInfoLabel( "ListItem.Title"  ), "utf-8" )
		thumbnail =          xbmc.getInfoImage( "ListItem.Thumb"  )
		studio    = unicode( xbmc.getInfoLabel( "ListItem.Studio" ), "utf-8" )
		plot      = unicode( xbmc.getInfoLabel( "ListItem.Plot"   ), "utf-8" )
		genre     = unicode( xbmc.getInfoLabel( "ListItem.Genre"  ), "utf-8" )
		# Show wait dialog while parsing data...
		dialogWait = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
		dialogWait.create( __language__(30504), title )
		# Video page URL = /player/48119.html
		if (self.PLAYER_URL_RE.match( self.video_page_url ) ) :
			video_urls = self._getVideoUrl1( self.video_page_url )
		# Video page URL = /episode/bonusround/303?ch=2&sd=1 
		elif (self.EPISODE_BONUSROUND_URL_RE.match ( self.video_page_url ) ) :
			video_urls = self._getVideoUrl2( self.video_page_url )
		# Video page URL = /video/brutal-b-roll-darksiders/49436
		elif (self.VIDEO_URL_RE.match( self.video_page_url ) ) :
			video_urls = self._getVideoUrl3( self.video_page_url )
		# Video page URL = /gametrailerstv_player.php?ep=60&ch=1&sd=1
		# Video page URL = /episode/gametrailers-tv/64&ch=2&sd=0?ep=64&ch=2&sd=0
		elif (self.GAMETRAILERS_TV_PLAYER_RE.match( self.video_page_url ) or
			  self.EPISODE_GAMETRAILER_TV_RE.match( self.video_page_url ) ) :
			video_urls = self._getVideoUrl4( self.video_page_url )
		# Video page URL = /bonusround.php?ep=15
		elif (self.BONUSROUND_PHP_URL_RE.match( self.video_page_url ) ) :
			video_urls = self._getVideoUrl5( self.video_page_url )
		# Video page URL = player/usermovies/1.html
		elif (self.USER_MOVIES_URL_RE.match( self.video_page_url ) ) :
			video_urls = self._getVideoUrl6( self.video_page_url )
		# Video page URL = /videos/1tx4bz/planetside-2-gc-2012--exclusive-beta-walkthrough--cam-
		elif (self.VIDEOS_URL_RE.match( self.video_page_url ) or \
			  self.REVIEWS_URL_RE.match( self.video_page_url ) or \
			  self.FULL_EPISODES_URL_RE.match( self.video_page_url )) :
			video_urls = self._getVideoUrl7( self.video_page_url )
		# Check video URLs...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		have_valid_url   = False
		for video_url in video_urls :
			if httpCommunicator.exists( video_url ) :
				have_valid_url = True
		# Play video...
		if have_valid_url :
			playlist = xbmc.PlayList( xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO )
			for video_url  in video_urls :
				listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( title, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=thumbnail )
				listitem.setInfo( "video", { "Title": title, "Studio" : studio, "Plot" : plot, "Genre" : genre } )
				playlist.add( video_url, listitem )
			# Close wait dialog...
			del dialogWait
			# Play video...
			xbmcPlayer = xbmc.Player( self.video_players[ self.video_player ] ) playlist )
		# Alert user...
		else :
			xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( __language__(30000), __language__(30505) )
	def _getVideoUrl3( self, video_page_url ):
		movie_id = video_page_url ).group(2)
		# Get video URL (method #1)...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( "" % movie_id )
		# Debug
		if (self.DEBUG) :
			f = open(os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile" ), "plugin_data", "video", sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__plugin__, "video_page.html" ), "w")
			f.write( htmlData )
		# Parse HTML response...
		params     = dict(part.split('=', 1) for part in htmlData.split('&'))
		umfilename = urllib.unquote( params[ "umfilename" ] )
		hasHD      = urllib.unquote( params.get("hasHD") )
		# SD preferred, but the URL is for HD...
		if self.video_quality == "0" and hasHD == "0":
			umthumbnail = urllib.unquote( params.get("umthumbnail") )
			movie_id_sd = umthumbnail ).group(1)
			# Get data...
			usock    = urllib.urlopen( "" % movie_id_sd )
			htmlData =
			# Parse response...
			params     = dict(part.split('=', 1) for part in htmlData.split('&'))
			umfilename = urllib.unquote( params[ "umfilename" ] )
		# Video URL...
		if (self.video_format == "0") :
			video_url = "" % umfilename
		elif (self.video_format == "1") :
			video_url = "" % umfilename
		elif (self.video_format == "2") :
			video_url = "" % umfilename
		# Get video URL (method #2)...
		if not httpCommunicator.exists(video_url) :
			neo_xml_url  = "" % movie_id
			usock        = urllib.urlopen( neo_xml_url )
			xmldoc       = xml.dom.minidom.parse( usock )
			video_nodes = xmldoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( "video" )
			if video_nodes != None :
				src_nodes = video_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName( "src" )
				if src_nodes != None :
					video_url = src_nodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue

		# Return value
		video_urls = []
		video_urls.append( video_url )
		return video_urls