def _getVideoUrl6( self, video_page_url ):
		movie_id = video_page_url ).group(1)
		# Get HTML page...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData = httpCommunicator.get( "" % movie_id )
		# Debug
		if (self.DEBUG) :
			f = open(os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile" ), "plugin_data", "video", sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__plugin__, "video_page.html" ), "w")
			f.write( htmlData )
		# Parse HTML response...
		params     = dict(part.split('=') for part in htmlData.split('&'))
		umfilename = urllib.unquote( params[ "umfilename" ] )
		# Video URL...
		video_url = "" % umfilename

		# Return value
		video_urls = []
		video_urls.append( video_url )
		return video_urls
	def getVideos( self ) :
		# Get HTML page...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( "" % ( (self.current_page - 1 ) * 20 ) )
		# Debug
		if (self.DEBUG) :
			f = open(os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile" ), "plugin_data", "video", sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__plugin__, "page_%i.html" % self.current_page), "w")
			f.write( htmlData )

		# Parse response...
		soupStrainer  = SoupStrainer ( "div", { "id" : "top_media" } )
		beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData, soupStrainer )
		# Parse movie entries...
		div_top_media = beautifulSoup.find ("div", { "id" : "top_media_yesterday" } )
		videos = self.parseMediaDiv( div_top_media )
		if len( videos ) == 0 :
			div_top_media = beautifulSoup.find ("div", { "id" : "top_media_week" } )
			videos = self.parseMediaDiv( div_top_media )
		for video in videos :
			# Add to list...
			listitem        = xbmcgui.ListItem( video[ "title" ], iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=video[ "thumbnail" ] )
			listitem.setInfo( "video", { "Title" : video[ "title" ], "Studio" : "GameTrailers", "Plot" : video[ "plot" ], "Genre" : video[ "date" ], "Overlay" : video[ "overlay" ] } )
			plugin_play_url = '%s?action=play&video_page_url=%s' % ( sys.argv[ 0 ], urllib.quote_plus( video[ "video_page" ] ) )
			xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), url=plugin_play_url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False)

		# Get the number of entries...
		div_reviewlist_barshort2 = div_top_media.find( "div", { "class" : "reviewlist_barshort2" } )
		div_reviewlist_bartext   = div_reviewlist_barshort2.find( "div", { "class" : "reviewlist_bartext" } )
		reviewlist        = div_reviewlist_bartext.string.strip()
		reviewlist_result = reviewlist )
		entry_no_start    =
		entry_no_end      =

		# Next page entry...
		listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem (__language__(30503), iconImage = "DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage = os.path.join(self.IMAGES_PATH, 'next-page.png'))
		xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = "%s?action=list-top20&plugin_category=%s&page=%i" % ( sys.argv[0], self.plugin_category, self.current_page + 1 ), listitem = listitem, isFolder = True)

		# Disable sorting...
		xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
		# Label (top-right)...
		xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), category=( "%s   (" + __language__(30501) + ")" ) % ( self.plugin_category, entry_no_start, entry_no_end ) )
		# End of directory...
		xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
	def _getVideoUrl2(self, video_page_url ):		
		# Get HTML page...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( video_page_url )

		# Parse HTML page...
		beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData )
		embed         = beautifulSoup.find( "embed" )
		if embed == None :
			return []

		filename      = embed[ "flashvars" ][ 9: ]		
		url           = re.compile( "(.+?)&" ).search( filename ).group( 1 )
		# Get XML data....
		if not url.startswith( "http" ) :
			wins_xml_url = "" % url
		else :
			wins_xml_url = url		
		usock        = urllib.urlopen( wins_xml_url )
		xmldoc       = xml.dom.minidom.parse( usock )

		# Debug
		if (self.DEBUG) :
			f = open(os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile" ), "plugin_data", "video", sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__plugin__, "wins_xml_reply.xml" ), "w")
			f.write(  xmldoc.toxml() )
		# Get the movie url...
		fileinfoNode = xmldoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( "fileinfo" )[0]
		sdNode       = fileinfoNode.getElementsByTagName( "sd" )[0]
		sdFlvNode    = sdNode.getElementsByTagName( "flv" )[0]
		video_url    = sdFlvNode.childNodes[0].nodeValue
		if self.video_quality == "1" :
			hdNode    = fileinfoNode.getElementsByTagName( "hd" )[0]
			hdFlvNode = hdNode.getElementsByTagName ( "flv" )[0]
			if hdFlvNode.childNodes[0].nodeValue :
				video_url = hdFlvNode.childNodes[0].nodeValue
		# Return value
		video_urls = []
		video_urls.append( video_url )
		return video_urls
	def getVideos( self ) :
		# Get HTML page...
		url              = "" % ( self.current_page )
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( url )

		# Parse response...
		beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData )
		# Parse movie entries...
		lis = beautifulSoup.findAll ( "div", { "class" : "video_information" } )
		for li in lis :
			div_holder = li.find ( "div", { "class" : "holder" } )
			# Title
			h3    = div_holder.find ( "h3" )
			h4    = div_holder.find ( "h4" )
			title = "%s - %s" % ( h3.a.string.strip(), h4.a.string.strip() )
			# Thumbnail
			a_thumbnail      = div_holder.find ( "a", { "class" : "thumbnail" } )
			a_thumbnail_imgs = a_thumbnail.findAll ( "img" )
			thumbnail_url    = a_thumbnail_imgs[ -1 ] [ "src" ]
			# Video page...
			video_page_url = a_thumbnail[ "href" ]
			# Add to list...
			listitem        = xbmcgui.ListItem( title, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=thumbnail_url )
			listitem.setInfo( "video", { "Title" : title, "Studio" : "GameTrailers" } )
			plugin_play_url = '%s?action=play&video_page_url=%s' % ( sys.argv[ 0 ], urllib.quote_plus( video_page_url ) )
			xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), url=plugin_play_url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False)

		# Next page entry...
		listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem ( __language__(30503), iconImage = "DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage = os.path.join(__images_path__, 'next-page.png'))
		xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = "%s?action=list-reviews&plugin_category=%s&page=%i" % ( sys.argv[0], self.plugin_category, self.current_page + 1 ), listitem = listitem, isFolder = True)

		# Disable sorting...
		xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle = int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod = xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
		# End of directory...
		xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded = True )
	def _getVideoUrl5( self, video_page_url ):
		# Get HTML page...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData = httpCommunicator.get( video_page_url )

		# Debug
		if (self.DEBUG) :
			f = open(os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile" ), "plugin_data", "video", sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__plugin__, "play_url_5.html" ), "w")
			f.write( htmlData )

		# Parse HTML page (get number of parts)...
		soupStrainer  = SoupStrainer ( "div", { "id" : "media_div" } )
		beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData, parseOnlyThese=soupStrainer )
		episode_no =      re.compile( "myFlash.addVariable\('episode', '(.*)'\)" ).search( beautifulSoup.script.string ).group( 1 )
		part_count = int( re.compile( "myFlash.addVariable\('eppartcount', '(.*)'\)" ).search( beautifulSoup.script.string ).group( 1 ) )
		# Return value
		video_urls = []
		for part_no in range(1, part_count + 1) :
			hd_part = ""
			if self.video_quality == "1" :
				if ( 4 <= int(episode_no) and int(episode_no) <= 21 ) :
					hd_part = "_h264"

			video_url = "" % ( episode_no, part_no, hd_part )
			video_urls.append( video_url )
		return video_urls
	def getVideos( self ) :
		# Get HTML page...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData = httpCommunicator.get( "" % ( self.platform, self.current_page ) )

		# Debug
		if (self.DEBUG) :
			f = open(os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile" ), "plugin_data", "video", sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__plugin__, "page_platform_%i.html" % self.current_page), "w")
			f.write( htmlData )

		# Parse response...
		soupStrainer  = SoupStrainer ( "div", { "id" : "AllMedia" } )
		beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData, soupStrainer )
		# Parse movie entries...
		table_entries = beautifulSoup.findAll ( "table", { "width" : "100%" } )
		for table_entry in table_entries :
			table_entry_tr     = table_entry.find ("tr" )
			table_entry_tr_tds = table_entry_tr.findAll ( "td" )
			table_entry_tr_td_1            = table_entry_tr_tds[0]
			table_entry_tr_td_2            = table_entry_tr_tds[1]
			div_gamepage_content_row_thumb = table_entry_tr_td_1.find( "div", { "class" : "gamepage_content_row_thumb" } )
			# Video page URL....
			div_newlist_movie_sd_hd = div_gamepage_content_row_thumb.find( "div", { "class" : "newestlist_movie_format_SDHD" } )
			if (div_newlist_movie_sd_hd) :
				a_list = div_newlist_movie_sd_hd.findAll( "a" )
				hd_movie_page_url = a_list[0][ "href" ]
				sd_movie_page_url = a_list[1][ "href" ]
				if (self.video_quality == "1" and hd_movie_page_url) :      # HD
					video_page_url = hd_movie_page_url
					overlay        = xbmcgui.ICON_OVERLAY_HD
				else :
					video_page_url = sd_movie_page_url                      # SD
					overlay        = xbmcgui.ICON_OVERLAY_NONE
				div_newestlist_movie_sd = div_gamepage_content_row_thumb.find( "div", { "class" : "newestlist_movie_format_SD" } )
				video_page_url          = div_newestlist_movie_sd.a[ "href" ]
				overlay                 = xbmcgui.ICON_OVERLAY_NONE
			# Thumbnail URL...
			thumbnail_url  = div_gamepage_content_row_thumb.img[ "src" ]
			thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url.replace( " ", "%20" )

			# Game title...
			h3_movie_title = table_entry_tr_td_2.find( "h3", { "class" : "MovieTitle" } )
			game_title = h3_movie_title.a.string.strip()
			# Movie title...
			table_entry_tr_td_2_div_2 = table_entry_tr_td_2.findAll ( "div" )[1] 
			movie_title = table_entry_tr_td_2_div_2.a.string.strip() 
			title = game_title + " - " + movie_title
			# Plot...			
			plot = table_entry_tr_td_2_div_2.contents[2].strip()
			plot = plot.strip("- ") 
			# Date...
			div_movie_file_size = table_entry_tr_td_2.find( "div", { "class" : "MovieFileSize" } )
			if len( div_movie_file_size.contents) > 1 :
				date = div_movie_file_size.contents[2].strip()
			else :
				date = div_movie_file_size.string.strip()
			date = date.replace( "ago ago", "ago" )
			date = date.replace( "Posted", "")
			# Add to list...
			listitem        = xbmcgui.ListItem( title, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=thumbnail_url )
			listitem.setInfo( "video", { "Title" : title, "Studio" : "GameTrailers", "Plot" : plot, "Genre" : date, "Overlay" : overlay } )
			plugin_play_url = '%s?action=play&video_page_url=%s' % ( sys.argv[ 0 ], urllib.quote_plus( video_page_url ) )
			xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), url=plugin_play_url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False)

		# Next page entry...
		listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem (__language__(30503), iconImage = "DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage = os.path.join(self.IMAGES_PATH, 'next-page.png'))
		xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = "%s?action=list-platform&platform=%s&plugin_category=%s&page=%i" % ( sys.argv[0], self.platform, self.plugin_category, self.current_page + 1 ), listitem = listitem, isFolder = True)

		# Disable sorting...
		xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
		# Label (top-right)...
		xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), category=( "%s   (" + __language__(30502) + ")" ) % ( self.plugin_category, self.current_page ) )
		# End of directory...
		xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
	def _getVideoUrl7( self, video_page_url ):
		video_urls = []
		# Video format (SD or HD)...
		rendition_size = "sd"
		if (self.video_quality == "1" ) :
		  rendition_size = "hd"

		# Get HTML page...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData = httpCommunicator.get( video_page_url )
		# Parse HTML source...
		beautifulSoup     = BeautifulSoup( htmlData )
		media_player_info = beautifulSoup.find( "div", { "class" : "module video_information-player" } )
		if (media_player_info != None) :
			data_content_id = media_player_info[ "data-contentid" ]
			# Parse RSS feed (one or more video parts)...
			url_rss  = "" % data_content_id
			data_rss = HTTPCommunicator().get( url_rss ) 
			doc_rss  = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( data_rss )

			item_nodes = doc_rss.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( "item" )
			for item_node in item_nodes :
				# Get video parts...
				media_group_node     = item_node.getElementsByTagName( "media:group" )[0]
				media_category_nodes = media_group_node.getElementsByTagName( "media:category" )
				for media_category_node in media_category_nodes :
					if (media_category_node.attributes[ "scheme" ].nodeValue == "urn:mtvn:id" ) :
						media_id = media_category_node.firstChild.nodeValue
						# Get video URL for part...
						url_xml  = "" % ( media_id, rendition_size)
						data_xml = HTTPCommunicator().get( url_xml ) 
						doc_xml  = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( data_xml )

						# Parse XML...
						rendition_node = doc_xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( "rendition" )[0]
						src_node       = rendition_node.getElementsByTagName( "src" )[0]
						video_url      = src_node.firstChild.nodeValue
						video_urls.append( video_url )
						# Cleanup...
						doc_xml = None

		# Return value
		return video_urls

# The End
	def _getVideoUrl3( self, video_page_url ):
		movie_id = video_page_url ).group(2)
		# Get video URL (method #1)...
		httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
		htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( "" % movie_id )
		# Debug
		if (self.DEBUG) :
			f = open(os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile" ), "plugin_data", "video", sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__plugin__, "video_page.html" ), "w")
			f.write( htmlData )
		# Parse HTML response...
		params     = dict(part.split('=', 1) for part in htmlData.split('&'))
		umfilename = urllib.unquote( params[ "umfilename" ] )
		hasHD      = urllib.unquote( params.get("hasHD") )
		# SD preferred, but the URL is for HD...
		if self.video_quality == "0" and hasHD == "0":
			umthumbnail = urllib.unquote( params.get("umthumbnail") )
			movie_id_sd = umthumbnail ).group(1)
			# Get data...
			usock    = urllib.urlopen( "" % movie_id_sd )
			htmlData =
			# Parse response...
			params     = dict(part.split('=', 1) for part in htmlData.split('&'))
			umfilename = urllib.unquote( params[ "umfilename" ] )
		# Video URL...
		if (self.video_format == "0") :
			video_url = "" % umfilename
		elif (self.video_format == "1") :
			video_url = "" % umfilename
		elif (self.video_format == "2") :
			video_url = "" % umfilename
		# Get video URL (method #2)...
		if not httpCommunicator.exists(video_url) :
			neo_xml_url  = "" % movie_id
			usock        = urllib.urlopen( neo_xml_url )
			xmldoc       = xml.dom.minidom.parse( usock )
			video_nodes = xmldoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( "video" )
			if video_nodes != None :
				src_nodes = video_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName( "src" )
				if src_nodes != None :
					video_url = src_nodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue

		# Return value
		video_urls = []
		video_urls.append( video_url )
		return video_urls