def exercise_ch(host, port, keyfile, certfile): url = 'https://%s' % (host) if port: url = '%s:%s' % (url, port) server = make_client(url, keyfile, certfile) print server try: print server.GetVersion() except xmlrpclib.Error, v: print 'ERROR', v
def exercise_ch(host, port, keyfile, certfile): url = "https://%s" % (host) if port: url = "%s:%s" % (url, port) server = make_client(url, keyfile, certfile) print server try: print server.GetVersion() except xmlrpclib.Error, v: print "ERROR", v
def GetVersion(self, printResult=True): server = make_client(self.url, keyfile=self.key, certfile=self.cert, verbose=self.verbose, timeout=self.timeout) try: result = server.GetVersion() except xmlrpclib.Error as v: if printResult: print "ERROR", v raise if printResult: print "GetVersion said:" pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) print pp.pformat(result) return result
def GetVersion(self, printResult=True): server = make_client(self.url, keyfile=self.key, certfile=self.cert, verbose=self.verbose, timeout=self.timeout) # As a sample of how to do make_client specifying the SSL version / ciphers (these are the defaults though): # import ssl # server = make_client(self.url, keyfile=self.key, certfile=self.cert, verbose=self.verbose, timeout=self.timeout, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, ciphers="HIGH:MEDIUM:!ADH:!SSLv2:!MD5:!RC4:@STRENGTH") try: result = server.GetVersion() except xmlrpclib.Error as v: if printResult: print "ERROR", v raise except Exception, e: if printResult: import traceback print "ERROR: %s" % traceback.format_exc() raise
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv opts = parse_args(argv)[0] level = logging.INFO if opts.debug: level = logging.DEBUG # Read in config file options, command line gets priority global config optspath = None if not opts.configfile is None: optspath = os.path.expanduser(opts.configfile) config = read_config(optspath) for (key,val) in config['gcf-test'].items(): if hasattr(opts,key) and getattr(opts,key) is None: setattr(opts,key,val) if not hasattr(opts,key): setattr(opts,key,val) # Determine the AM and CH hostnames from the config file if getattr(opts,'ch') is None: host = config['geni clearinghouse']['host'] port = config['geni clearinghouse']['port'] if not host.startswith('http'): host = 'https://%s' % host.strip('/') url = "%s:%s/" % (host,port) setattr(opts,'ch',url) if getattr(opts,'am') is None: host = config['proxy aggregate_manager']['host'] port = config['proxy aggregate_manager']['port'] if not host.startswith('http'): host = 'https://%s' % host.strip('/') url = "%s:%s/" % (host,port) setattr(opts,'am',url) logging.basicConfig(level=level) logger = logging.getLogger('gcf-test') if not opts.keyfile or not opts.certfile: sys.exit('Missing required arguments -k for Key file and -c for cert file') keyf = getAbsPath(opts.keyfile) certf = getAbsPath(opts.certfile) if not os.path.exists(certf): sys.exit("Proxy certfile %s doesn't exist" % certf) if not os.path.getsize(certf) > 0: sys.exit("Proxy certfile %s is empty" % certf) if not os.path.exists(keyf): sys.exit("Proxy keyfile %s doesn't exist" % keyf) if not os.path.getsize(keyf) > 0: sys.exit("Proxy keyfile %s is empty" % keyf)'CH Server is %s. Using keyfile %s, certfile %s',, keyf, certf)'AM Server is %s. Using keyfile %s, certfile %s',, keyf, certf) ch_server = make_client(, keyf, certf, opts.debug_rpc) am_server = make_client(, keyf, certf, opts.debug_rpc) exercise_am(ch_server, am_server, certf) return 0
class Service(object): def __init__(self, url, key=None, cert=None, timeout=None, verbose=False): self.url = url self.timeout=timeout self.verbose=verbose if isinstance(url, unicode): url2 = url.encode('ISO-8859-1') else: url2 = url type, uri = urllib.splittype(url2.lower()) if type == "https": self.key=key self.cert=cert else: self.key=None self.cert=None def GetVersion(self, printResult=True): server = make_client(self.url, keyfile=self.key, certfile=self.cert, verbose=self.verbose, timeout=self.timeout) try: result = server.GetVersion() except xmlrpclib.Error as v: if printResult: print "ERROR", v raise if printResult: print "GetVersion said:" pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) print pp.pformat(result) return result def ListAggregates(self, printResult=True): server = make_client(self.url, keyfile=self.key, certfile=self.cert, verbose=self.verbose, timeout=self.timeout) try: result = server.ListAggregates() except xmlrpclib.Error as v: if printResult: print "ERROR", v raise if printResult: print "ListAggregates said:" pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) print pp.pformat(result) return result def ComputePath(self, slice_urn, request_rspec, options, savedFile=None): """Invoke the XML-RPC service with the request rspec. Create an SCS PathInfo from the result. """ result = None if savedFile and os.path.exists(savedFile) and os.path.getsize(savedFile) > 0: # read it in try: savedSCSResults = None with open(savedFile, 'r') as sfP: savedStr = str( result = json.loads(savedStr, encoding='ascii', cls=DateTimeAwareJSONDecoder) except Exception, e: import traceback print "ERROR", e, traceback.format_exc() raise if result is None: server = make_client(self.url, keyfile=self.key, certfile=self.cert, verbose=self.verbose, timeout=self.timeout) arg = dict(slice_urn=slice_urn, request_rspec=request_rspec, request_options=options) # import json # print "Calling SCS with arg: %s" % (json.dumps(arg, # ensure_ascii=True, # indent=2)) try: result = server.ComputePath(arg) except xmlrpclib.Error as v: print "ERROR", v raise self.result = result # save the raw result for stitchhandler to print geni_result = Result(result) # parse result if geni_result.isSuccess(): return PathInfo(geni_result.value()) else: # when there is no route I seem to get: #{'geni_code': 3} MxTCE ComputeWorker return error message ' Action_ProcessRequestTopology_MP2P::Finish() Cannot find the set of paths for the RequestTopology. '. if self.result: raise StitchingServiceFailedError(None, self.result) else: raise StitchingServiceFailedError("ComputePath invocation failed: %s" % geni_result.errorString(), self.result)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv opts = parse_args(argv)[0] level = logging.INFO if opts.debug: level = logging.DEBUG # Read in config file options, command line gets priority global config optspath = None if not opts.configfile is None: optspath = os.path.expanduser(opts.configfile) config = read_config(optspath) for (key, val) in config["gcf-test"].items(): if hasattr(opts, key) and getattr(opts, key) is None: setattr(opts, key, val) if not hasattr(opts, key): setattr(opts, key, val) # Determine the AM and CH hostnames from the config file if getattr(opts, "ch") is None: host = config["clearinghouse"]["host"] port = config["clearinghouse"]["port"] if not host.startswith("http"): host = "https://%s" % host.strip("/") url = "%s:%s/" % (host, port) setattr(opts, "ch", url) if getattr(opts, "am") is None: host = config["aggregate_manager"]["host"] port = config["aggregate_manager"]["port"] if not host.startswith("http"): host = "https://%s" % host.strip("/") url = "%s:%s/" % (host, port) setattr(opts, "am", url) logging.basicConfig(level=level) logger = logging.getLogger("gcf-test") if not opts.keyfile or not opts.certfile: sys.exit("Missing required arguments -k for Key file and -c for cert file") keyf = getAbsPath(opts.keyfile) certf = getAbsPath(opts.certfile) if not os.path.exists(certf): sys.exit("Client certfile %s doesn't exist" % certf) if not os.path.getsize(certf) > 0: sys.exit("Client certfile %s is empty" % certf) if not os.path.exists(keyf): sys.exit("Client keyfile %s doesn't exist" % keyf) if not os.path.getsize(keyf) > 0: sys.exit("Client keyfile %s is empty" % keyf) # print 'a_v: %d' % opts.api_version"CH Server is %s. Using keyfile %s, certfile %s",, keyf, certf)"AM Server is %s. Using keyfile %s, certfile %s",, keyf, certf) ch_server = make_client(, keyf, certf, opts.debug_rpc) am_server = make_client(, keyf, certf, opts.debug_rpc) exercise_am(ch_server, am_server, opts.api_version) return 0
Create an SCS PathInfo from the result. """ result = None if savedFile and os.path.exists(savedFile) and os.path.getsize(savedFile) > 0: # read it in try: savedSCSResults = None with open(savedFile, 'r') as sfP: savedStr = str( result = json.loads(savedStr, encoding='ascii', cls=DateTimeAwareJSONDecoder) except Exception, e: import traceback print "ERROR", e, traceback.format_exc() raise if result is None: server = make_client(self.url, keyfile=self.key, certfile=self.cert, verbose=self.verbose, timeout=self.timeout) arg = dict(slice_urn=slice_urn, request_rspec=request_rspec, request_options=options) # import json # print "Calling SCS with arg: %s" % (json.dumps(arg, # ensure_ascii=True, # indent=2)) try: result = server.ComputePath(arg) except xmlrpclib.Error as v: print "ERROR", v raise self.result = result # save the raw result for stitchhandler to print geni_result = Result(result) # parse result if geni_result.isSuccess():