def update_sample(self, lims_id: str, sex=None, target_reads: int = None, name: str = None, **kwargs): """Update information about a sample.""" lims_sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) if sex: lims_gender = REV_SEX_MAP.get(sex) if lims_gender: lims_sample.udf[PROP2UDF["sex"]] = lims_gender if name: = name if isinstance(target_reads, int): lims_sample.udf[PROP2UDF["target_reads"]] = target_reads for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not PROP2UDF.get(key): raise LimsDataError( f"Unknown how to set {key} in LIMS since it is not defined in {PROP2UDF}" ) lims_sample.udf[PROP2UDF[key]] = value lims_sample.put()
def capture_kit(self, lims_id: str) -> str: """Get capture kit for a LIMS sample.""" step_names_udfs = MASTER_STEPS_UDFS["capture_kit_step"] capture_kits = set() lims_sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) capture_kit = lims_sample.udf.get("Bait Set") if capture_kit and capture_kit != "NA": return capture_kit for process_type in step_names_udfs: artifacts = self.get_artifacts(samplelimsid=lims_id, process_type=process_type, type="Analyte") udf_key = step_names_udfs[process_type] capture_kits = capture_kits.union( self._find_capture_kits(artifacts, udf_key) or self._find_twist_capture_kits(artifacts, udf_key)) if len(capture_kits) > 1: message = f"Capture kit error: {} | {capture_kits}" raise LimsDataError(message) if len(capture_kits) == 1: return capture_kits.pop() return None
def get_received_date(self, lims_id: str) -> """Get the date when a sample was received.""" sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) try: date = sample.udf.get("Received at") except HTTPError: date = None return date
def get_delivery_date(self, lims_id: str) -> """Get delivery date for a sample.""" sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) try: date = sample.udf.get("Delivered at") except HTTPError: date = None return date
def get_sequenced_date(self, lims_id: str) -> """Get the date when a sample was sequenced.""" sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) try: date = sample.udf.get("Sequencing Finished") except HTTPError: date = None return date
def get_sample_attribute(self, lims_id: str, key: str) -> str: """Get data from a sample.""" sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) if not PROP2UDF.get(key): raise LimsDataError( f"Unknown how to get {key} from LIMS since it is not defined in " f"{PROP2UDF}") return sample.udf[PROP2UDF[key]]
def get_prepared_date(self, lims_id: str) -> """Get the date when a sample was prepared in the lab.""" sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) try: date = sample.udf.get("Library Prep Finished") except HTTPError: date = None return date
def test_A(server_test1): # GIVEN: A lims with a sample with the udf 'customer': 'cust002' # WHEN creating a genologics Sample entity of that sample lims = Lims("", 'dummy', 'dummy') s = Sample(lims, id='ACC2351A1') # THEN the sample instance should have the udf assert s.udf['customer'] == 'cust002'
def test_D(server_test1): # GIVEN: A lims with a sample with: # name: 'maya' # Udf "Source": "blood", "Reads missing (M)": 0 # WHEN creating a genologics Lims object and filtering on the fields. lims = Lims("", 'dummy', 'dummy') samples = lims.get_samples(udf={"Source": "blood", "Reads missing (M)": 0}, name='maya') # Then the sample should be found assert samples == [Sample(lims, id='ACC2351A2')]
def save_samples(self, sample_details: ObjectifiedElement, map_samples=False): """Save a batch of samples.""" sample_uri = f"{self.get_uri()}/samples/batch/create" results = self.save_xml(sample_uri, sample_details) if map_samples: sample_map = {} for link in results.findall("link"): lims_sample = Sample(self, uri=link.attrib["uri"]) sample_map[] = lims_sample return sample_map return results
def update_sample(self, lims_id: str, sex=None, application: str = None, target_reads: int = None): """Update information about a sample.""" lims_sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) if sex: lims_gender = REV_SEX_MAP.get(sex) if lims_gender: lims_sample.udf[PROP2UDF['sex']] = lims_gender if application: lims_sample.udf[PROP2UDF['application']] = application if isinstance(target_reads, int): lims_sample.udf[PROP2UDF['target_reads']] = target_reads lims_sample.put()
def sample(self, lims_id, is_cgid=False): """Get a unique sample from LIMS.""" if is_cgid: udf_key = 'Clinical Genomics ID' lims_samples = self.get_samples(udf={udf_key: lims_id}) if len(lims_samples) == 1: return lims_samples[0] elif len(lims_samples) > 1: matches_str = ', '.join( for sample in lims_samples) message = "'{}' matches: {}".format(lims_id, matches_str) raise MultipleSamplesError(message) else: # no matching samples return None else: lims_sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) return lims_sample
def submit_dx_samples(): form = SubmitDXSampleForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): container_type = Containertype(lims, id='2') # Tube workflow = Workflow(lims, id=app.config['LIMS_DX_SAMPLE_SUBMIT_WORKFLOW']) for sample_name in form.parsed_samples: # Get or create project lims_projects = lims.get_projects(name=form.parsed_samples[sample_name]['project']) if not lims_projects: lims_project = Project.create(lims, name=form.parsed_samples[sample_name]['project'], researcher=form.researcher, udf={'Application': 'DX'}) else: lims_project = lims_projects[0] # Set sample udf data udf_data = form.parsed_worklist[sample_name] udf_data['Sample Type'] = form.parsed_samples[sample_name]['type'] udf_data['Dx Fragmentlengte (bp) Externe meting'] = udf_data['Dx Conc. (ng/ul) Externe meting'] = udf_data['Dx Exoomequivalent'] = form.parsed_samples[sample_name]['exome_count'] # Create sample container = Container.create(lims, type=container_type, name=udf_data['Dx Fractienummer']) sample = Sample.create(lims, container=container, position='1:1', project=lims_project, name=sample_name, udf=udf_data) print, # Add reagent label (barcode) artifact = sample.artifact artifact_xml_dom = minidom.parseString(artifact.xml()) for artifact_name_node in artifact_xml_dom.getElementsByTagName('name'): parent = artifact_name_node.parentNode reagent_label = artifact_xml_dom.createElement('reagent-label') reagent_label.setAttribute('name', form.parsed_samples[sample_name]['barcode']) parent.appendChild(reagent_label) lims.put(artifact.uri, artifact_xml_dom.toxml(encoding='utf-8')) lims.route_artifacts([sample.artifact], workflow_uri=workflow.uri) return render_template('submit_dx_samples_done.html', title='Submit DX samples',, form=form) return render_template('submit_dx_samples.html', title='Submit DX samples', form=form)
def capture_kit(self, lims_id: str) -> str: """Get capture kit for a LIMS sample.""" lims_sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) capture_kit = lims_sample.udf.get('Capture Library version') if capture_kit and capture_kit != 'NA': return capture_kit else: artifacts = self.get_artifacts( samplelimsid=lims_id, process_type='CG002 - Hybridize Library (SS XT)', type='Analyte') udf_key = 'SureSelect capture library/libraries used' capture_kits = set( artifact.parent_process.udf.get(udf_key) for artifact in artifacts) if len(capture_kits) == 1: return capture_kits.pop() else: message = f"Capture kit error: {} | {capture_kits}" raise LimsDataError(message)
def test_create_entity(self): with patch('', return_value=Mock(content=self.sample_creation, status_code=201)) as patch_post: l = Sample.create( self.lims, project=Project(self.lims, uri='project'), container=Container(self.lims, uri='container'), position='1:1', name='s1', ) data = '''<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'utf-8\'?> <smp:samplecreation xmlns:smp=""> <name>s1</name> <project uri="project" limsid="project" /> <location> <container uri="container" /> <value>1:1</value> </location> </smp:samplecreation>''' assert elements_equal(ElementTree.fromstring(patch_post.call_args_list[0][1]['data']), ElementTree.fromstring(data))
def test_create_entity(self): with patch('', return_value=Mock(content=self.sample_creation, status_code=201)) as patch_post: l = Sample.create( self.lims, project=Project(self.lims, uri='project'), container=Container(self.lims, uri='container'), position='1:1', name='s1', ) data = '''<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'utf-8\'?> <smp:samplecreation xmlns:smp=""> <name>s1</name> <project uri="project" /> <location> <container uri="container" /> <value>1:1</value> </location> </smp:samplecreation>''' assert elements_equal(ElementTree.fromstring(patch_post.call_args_list[0][1]['data']), ElementTree.fromstring(data))
def sample(self, lims_id: str): """Fetch a sample from the LIMS database.""" lims_sample = Sample(self, id=lims_id) return self._export_sample(lims_sample)
def from_helix(lims, email_settings, input_file): """Upload samples from helix export file.""" project_name = 'Dx {filename}'.format('.csv').split('/')[-1]) helix_initials = project_name.split('_')[-1] # Try lims connection try: lims.check_version() except ConnectionError: subject = "ERROR Lims Helix Upload: {0}".format(project_name) message = "Can't connect to lims server, please contact a lims administrator." send_email(email_settings['server'], email_settings['from'], email_settings['to_import_helix'], subject, message) sys.exit(message) # Get researcher using helix initials for researcher in lims.get_researchers(): if researcher.fax == helix_initials: # Use FAX as intials field as the lims initials field can't be edited via the 5.0 web interface. email_settings['to_import_helix'].append( break else: # No researcher found subject = "ERROR Lims Helix Upload: {0}".format(project_name) message = "Can't find researcher with initials: {0}.".format(helix_initials) send_email(email_settings['server'], email_settings['from'], email_settings['to_import_helix'], subject, message) sys.exit(message) # Create project if not lims.get_projects(name=project_name): project = Project.create(lims, name=project_name, researcher=researcher, udf={'Application': 'DX'}) else: subject = "ERROR Lims Helix Upload: {0}".format(project_name) message = "Duplicate project / werklijst. Samples not loaded." send_email(email_settings['server'], email_settings['from'], email_settings['to_import_helix'], subject, message) sys.exit(message) container_type = Containertype(lims, id='2') # Tube # match header and udf fields udf_column = { 'Dx Onderzoeknummer': {'column': 'Onderzoeknummer'}, 'Dx Fractienummer': {'column': 'Fractienummer'}, 'Dx Monsternummer': {'column': 'Monsternummer'}, 'Dx Concentratie (ng/ul)': {'column': 'Concentratie (ng/ul)'}, 'Dx Materiaal type': {'column': 'Materiaal'}, 'Dx Foetus': {'column': 'Foetus'}, 'Dx Foetus ID': {'column': 'Foet_id'}, 'Dx Foetus geslacht': {'column': 'Foetus_geslacht'}, 'Dx Overleden': {'column': 'Overleden'}, 'Dx Opslaglocatie': {'column': 'Opslagpositie'}, 'Dx Spoed': {'column': 'Spoed'}, 'Dx NICU Spoed': {'column': 'NICU Spoed'}, 'Dx Persoons ID': {'column': 'Persoons_id'}, 'Dx Werklijstnummer': {'column': 'Werklijstnummer'}, 'Dx Familienummer': {'column': 'Familienummer'}, 'Dx Geslacht': {'column': 'Geslacht'}, 'Dx Geboortejaar': {'column': 'Geboortejaar'}, 'Dx Meet ID': {'column': 'Stof_meet_id'}, 'Dx Stoftest code': {'column': 'Stoftestcode'}, 'Dx Stoftest omschrijving': {'column': 'Stoftestomschrijving'}, 'Dx Onderzoeksindicatie': {'column': 'Onderzoeksindicatie'}, 'Dx Onderzoeksreden': {'column': 'Onderzoeksreden'}, 'Dx Protocolcode': {'column': 'Protocolcode'}, 'Dx Protocolomschrijving': {'column': 'Protocolomschrijving'}, 'Dx Einddatum': {'column': 'Einddatum'}, 'Dx Gerelateerde onderzoeken': {'column': 'Gerelateerde onderzoeken'}, } header = input_file.readline().rstrip().split(',') # expect header on first line for udf in udf_column: udf_column[udf]['index'] = header.index(udf_column[udf]['column']) # Setup email subject = "Lims Helix Upload: {0}".format(project_name) message = "Project: {0}\n\nSamples:\n".format(project_name) # Parse samples for line in input_file: data = line.rstrip().strip('"').split('","') udf_data = {'Sample Type': 'DNA isolated', 'Dx Import warning': ''} # required lims input for udf in udf_column: # Transform specific udf if udf in ['Dx Overleden', 'Dx Spoed', 'Dx NICU Spoed']: udf_data[udf] = clarity_epp.upload.utils.char_to_bool(data[udf_column[udf]['index']]) elif udf in ['Dx Geslacht', 'Dx Foetus geslacht']: udf_data[udf] = clarity_epp.upload.utils.transform_sex(data[udf_column[udf]['index']]) elif udf == 'Dx Foetus': udf_data[udf] = bool(data[udf_column[udf]['index']].strip()) elif udf == 'Dx Concentratie (ng/ul)': udf_data[udf] = data[udf_column[udf]['index']].replace(',', '.') elif udf in ['Dx Monsternummer', 'Dx Fractienummer']: udf_data[udf] = clarity_epp.upload.utils.transform_sample_name(data[udf_column[udf]['index']]) elif udf == 'Dx Gerelateerde onderzoeken': udf_data[udf] = data[udf_column[udf]['index']].replace(',', ';') elif udf == 'Dx Einddatum': date = datetime.strptime(data[udf_column[udf]['index']], '%d-%m-%Y') # Helix format (14-01-2021) udf_data[udf] = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # LIMS format (2021-01-14) else: udf_data[udf] = data[udf_column[udf]['index']] sample_name = udf_data['Dx Monsternummer'] # Set 'Dx Handmatig' udf if udf_data['Dx Foetus'] or udf_data['Dx Overleden'] or udf_data['Dx Materiaal type'] not in ['BL', 'BLHEP', 'BM', 'BMEDTA']: udf_data['Dx Handmatig'] = True else: udf_data['Dx Handmatig'] = False # Set 'Dx Familie status' udf if udf_data['Dx Onderzoeksreden'] == 'Bevestiging diagnose': udf_data['Dx Familie status'] = 'Kind' elif udf_data['Dx Onderzoeksreden'] == 'Prenataal onderzoek': udf_data['Dx Familie status'] = 'Kind' elif udf_data['Dx Onderzoeksreden'] == 'Eerstegraads-verwantenond': udf_data['Dx Familie status'] = 'Kind' elif udf_data['Dx Onderzoeksreden'] == 'Partneronderzoek': udf_data['Dx Familie status'] = 'Kind' elif udf_data['Dx Onderzoeksreden'] == 'Informativiteitstest': udf_data['Dx Familie status'] = 'Ouder' else: udf_data['Dx Import warning'] = ';'.join(['Onbekende onderzoeksreden, familie status niet ingevuld.', udf_data['Dx Import warning']]) # Set 'Dx Geslacht' and 'Dx Geboortejaar' with 'Foetus' information if 'Dx Foetus == True' if udf_data['Dx Foetus']: udf_data['Dx Geslacht'] = udf_data['Dx Foetus geslacht'] udf_data['Dx Geboortejaar'] = '' # Set 'Dx Geslacht = Onbekend' if 'Dx Onderzoeksindicatie == DSD00' if udf_data['Dx Onderzoeksindicatie'] == 'DSD00' and udf_data['Dx Familie status'] == 'Kind': udf_data['Dx Geslacht'] = 'Onbekend' # Check 'Dx Familienummer' and correct if '/' in udf_data['Dx Familienummer']: udf_data['Dx Import warning'] = ';'.join([ 'Meerdere familienummers, laatste wordt gebruikt. ({0})'.format(udf_data['Dx Familienummer']), udf_data['Dx Import warning'] ]) udf_data['Dx Familienummer'] = udf_data['Dx Familienummer'].split('/')[-1].strip(' ') sample_list = lims.get_samples(name=sample_name) if sample_list: sample = sample_list[0] if udf_data['Dx Protocolomschrijving'] in sample.udf['Dx Protocolomschrijving']: message += "{0}\tERROR: Duplicate sample and Protocolomschrijving code: {1}.\n".format(sample_name, udf_data['Dx Protocolomschrijving']) else: # Update existing sample if new Protocolomschrijving and thus workflow. # Append udf fields append_udf = [ 'Dx Onderzoeknummer', 'Dx Onderzoeksindicatie', 'Dx Onderzoeksreden', 'Dx Werklijstnummer', 'Dx Protocolcode', 'Dx Protocolomschrijving', 'Dx Meet ID', 'Dx Stoftest code', 'Dx Stoftest omschrijving' ] for udf in append_udf: sample.udf[udf] = ';'.join([udf_data[udf], str(sample.udf[udf])]) # Update udf fields update_udf = ['Dx Overleden', 'Dx Spoed', 'Dx NICU Spoed', 'Dx Handmatig', 'Dx Opslaglocatie', 'Dx Import warning'] for udf in update_udf: sample.udf[udf] = udf_data[udf] # Add to new workflow workflow = clarity_epp.upload.utils.stoftestcode_to_workflow(lims, udf_data['Dx Stoftest code']) if workflow: sample.put() lims.route_artifacts([sample.artifact], workflow_uri=workflow.uri) message += "{0}\tUpdated and added to workflow: {1}.\n".format(, else: message += "{0}\tERROR: Stoftest code {1} is not linked to a workflow.\n".format(, udf_data['Dx Stoftest code']) else: # Check other samples from patient sample_list = lims.get_samples(udf={'Dx Persoons ID': udf_data['Dx Persoons ID']}) for sample in sample_list: if sample.udf['Dx Protocolomschrijving'] == udf_data['Dx Protocolomschrijving'] and sample.udf['Dx Foetus'] == udf_data['Dx Foetus']: udf_data['Dx Import warning'] = ';'.join(['Onderzoek reeds uitgevoerd.', udf_data['Dx Import warning']]) # Add sample to workflow workflow = clarity_epp.upload.utils.stoftestcode_to_workflow(lims, udf_data['Dx Stoftest code']) if workflow: container = Container.create(lims, type=container_type, name=udf_data['Dx Fractienummer']) sample = Sample.create(lims, container=container, position='1:1', project=project, name=sample_name, udf=udf_data) lims.route_artifacts([sample.artifact], workflow_uri=workflow.uri) message += "{0}\tCreated and added to workflow: {1}.\n".format(, else: message += "{0}\tERROR: Stoftest code {1} is not linked to a workflow.\n".format(sample_name, udf_data['Dx Stoftest code']) # Send final email send_email(email_settings['server'], email_settings['from'], email_settings['to_import_helix'], subject, message)
def submit_samples(): form = SubmitSampleForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # Create lims project lims_project = Project.create( lims, name=app.config['LIMS_INDICATIONS'][]['project_name_prefix'], researcher=form.researcher, udf={'Application':} ) = '{0}_{1}'.format(, lims_project.put() # Save attachment attachment = if attachment: temp_dir = mkdtemp() attachment_path = path.join(temp_dir, secure_filename(attachment.filename)) print attachment_path lims.upload_new_file(lims_project, attachment_path) rmtree(temp_dir) # Create Samples lims_container_type = Containertype(lims, id='2') # Tube sample_artifacts = [] for sample in form.parsed_samples: lims_container = Container.create(lims, type=lims_container_type, name=sample['name']) sample_udf_data = { 'Sample Type': 'DNA library', 'Dx Fragmentlengte (bp) Externe meting':, 'Dx Conc. (ng/ul) Externe meting':, 'Dx Exoomequivalent': sample['exome_count'], } lims_sample = Sample.create(lims, container=lims_container, position='1:1', project=lims_project, name=sample['name'], udf=sample_udf_data) print, artifact = lims_sample.artifact sample_artifacts.append(artifact) # Add reagent label (barcode) artifact_xml_dom = minidom.parseString(artifact.xml()) for artifact_name_node in artifact_xml_dom.getElementsByTagName('name'): parent = artifact_name_node.parentNode reagent_label = artifact_xml_dom.createElement('reagent-label') reagent_label.setAttribute('name', sample['barcode']) parent.appendChild(reagent_label) lims.put(artifact.uri, artifact_xml_dom.toxml(encoding='utf-8')) # Route artifacts to workflow workflow = Workflow(lims, id=app.config['LIMS_INDICATIONS'][]['workflow_id']) lims.route_artifacts(sample_artifacts, workflow_uri=workflow.uri) # Send email subject = "Clarity Portal Sample Upload - {0}".format( message = "Gebruikersnaam\t{0}\n".format( message += "Indicatie code\t{0}\n".format( message += "Lims Project naam\t{0}\n".format( message += "Pool - Fragment lengte\t{0}\n".format( message += "Pool - Concentratie\t{0}\n".format( message += "Pool - Exoom equivalenten\t{0}\n\n".format(form.sum_exome_count) message += "Sample naam\tBarcode\tExome equivalenten\tSample type\n" for sample in form.parsed_samples: message += "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\n".format(sample['name'], sample['barcode'], sample['exome_count'], sample['type']) send_email(app.config['EMAIL_FROM'], app.config['LIMS_INDICATIONS'][]['email_to'], subject, message) return render_template('submit_samples_done.html', title='Submit samples',, form=form) return render_template('submit_samples.html', title='Submit samples', form=form)