def runx(self): self._com = Dispatcher(moduleName='client-%s-%d' % (platform.node(), os.getpid())) self._proxy = DaemonProxy(self._opts, dispatcher=self._com, lineHandler=self.handleDaemonLine, connectHandler=self.handleDaemonConnect) self._com.connect('console:', lineHandler=self.handleStdinLine) self._printIfInteractive('example commands: "start bc", "stop bc", "get status.bc"\n') self._prompt() self._com.runForever()
def __init__(self, opts=None, dispatcher=None, lineHandler=None, connectHandler=None, **kwargs): if dispatcher == None: dispatcher = Dispatcher(moduleName='client-%s-%d' % (platform.node(), os.getpid())) if opts == None: opts, _args = commandLineOptions.getClientOptsArgs(['pyrterm']) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(opts, k, v) self._opts = opts self._lineHandler = lineHandler self._connectHandler = connectHandler self._dispatcher = dispatcher _serverLoc = opts.daemons[0].strip() self._conns = {} self._currentConn = None self._counter = 0 self._responseIdToWaitFor = None self._opened = False self._lastMatchingMessage = None
class Client: def __init__(self, opts=None): self._opts = opts self._needPrompt = True self._com = None self._proxy = None def _printIfInteractive(self, text): if self._opts.startupCommand == None: sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() def _prompt(self): self._printIfInteractive('pyrterm> ') def _queuePrompt(self): self._needPrompt = True scheduler.enterSimple(delay=0.05, action=self._checkPrompt) def _checkPrompt(self): if self._needPrompt: self._prompt() self._needPrompt = False def handleStdinLine(self, sock, line): if line == 'q' or line == 'quit': print 'user quit' raise ExitSchedulerLoop(None) elif line: self._proxy.send(line) else: self._prompt() def handleDaemonConnect(self, sock): if self._opts.startupCommand != None: self._proxy.send(self._opts.startupCommand) raise ExitSchedulerLoop(None) def makeStatusHumanReadable(self, result): statusDict = result['status'] statusPairs = statusDict.items() statusPairs.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[0].lower()) if len(statusPairs) == 1: return '%s' % statusPairs[0][1] else: out = StringIO() out.write('\n') for taskName, info in statusPairs: secondaryInfo = ['%s=%s' % (k, info[k]) for k in ('pid', 'sigName', 'sigVerbose', 'returnValue') if k in info] out.write(' %-20s %-11s %s\n' % (taskName, info['procStatus'], ' '.join(secondaryInfo))) out.write('\n') out.write(' get status.<taskName> for more details\n') return out.getvalue() def makeOkResponseHumanReadable(self, result): if isinstance(result, dict) and len(result) == 1: if 'status' in result: return self.makeStatusHumanReadable(result) else: return '%s' % result.values()[0] else: if result == None: return 'ok' else: return 'ok %s' % result def makeHumanReadable(self, line): if line.startswith('#'): return line else: cmd = json.loads(line) if (cmd and cmd[0] == 'response'): _response, _lineId, returnCode = cmd[:3] result = cmd[3:] if returnCode == 'ok': return self.makeOkResponseHumanReadable(result[0]) else: return ' '.join([returnCode] + result) else: return line def handleDaemonLine(self, sock, line): displayText = self.makeHumanReadable(line) sys.stdout.write(displayText + '\n') self._queuePrompt() def runx(self): self._com = Dispatcher(moduleName='client-%s-%d' % (platform.node(), os.getpid())) self._proxy = DaemonProxy(self._opts, dispatcher=self._com, lineHandler=self.handleDaemonLine, connectHandler=self.handleDaemonConnect) self._com.connect('console:', lineHandler=self.handleStdinLine) self._printIfInteractive('example commands: "start bc", "stop bc", "get status.bc"\n') self._prompt() self._com.runForever() @staticmethod def run(argv): opts, _args = commandLineOptions.getClientOptsArgs(argv) Client(opts).runx()