def plot_metric(ax: Axes, metric: PlotMetric, gdf: GeoDataFrame) -> Axes: # type: ignore # nicely format the colorbar divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) gdf.plot( # type: ignore metric.metric, ax=ax, legend=True, cmap=metric.cmap, vmin=metric.vmin, vmax=metric.vmax, cax=cax) ax.set_title(f'{metric.metric.upper()}') return ax
def _plot_single_gdf(ax: Axes, gdf: GeoDataFrame, column_to_plot: str, title: Optional[str] = None, cmap: Optional[str] = 'viridis', vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None) -> Axes: # nicely format the colorbar divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) gdf.plot(column_to_plot, ax=ax, legend=True, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cax=cax) ax.set_title(title) return ax
def simplify_and_mapping(data_source): if data_source == 'lwm': tau = 2 buildings = extract_footprint_from_prism('../data/lwm-prism.gml') else: # Only for Manhattan, New York tau = 0.00003 buildings = ox.footprints_from_place( '{}, Manhattan, New York City'.format(data_source)) douglas_peucker_buildings = GeoDataFrame() simplified_buildings = GeoDataFrame() sum_haus = [0.0, 0.0] total_points = [0, 0] tolerance = tau * 3 / 5 def comparison(footprint, i): new_footprint = prism.simplify(footprint, tau=tau, epsilon=math.pi / 30) if new_footprint is not None: simplified_buildings.loc[i, 'geometry'] = new_footprint haus = footprint.hausdorff_distance(new_footprint) sum_haus[1] += haus total_points[1] += len(new_footprint.exterior.coords) dp_footprint = footprint.simplify(tolerance) douglas_peucker_buildings.loc[i, 'geometry'] = dp_footprint haus = footprint.hausdorff_distance(dp_footprint) sum_haus[0] += haus total_points[0] += len(dp_footprint.exterior.coords) count = 0 for geom in buildings['geometry']: if geom.geom_type == 'Polygon': comparison(geom, count) count += 1 if geom.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon': for poly in geom: comparison(poly, count) count += 1 print("Average Hausdorff Distance (Douglas Peucker):", sum_haus[0] / count) print("Average Hausdorff Distance (Indoor Simplification):", sum_haus[1] / count) print("Total Number of Points (Douglas Peucker):", total_points[0]) print("Total Number of Points (Indoor Simplification):", total_points[1]) cell_text = [[tolerance, tau], [sum_haus[0] / count, sum_haus[1] / count], [total_points[0], total_points[1]]] # mapping minx, miny, maxx, maxy = buildings.total_bounds map_scale = 50 width = maxx - minx height = maxy - miny ratio = width / height mbr = (ratio * map_scale, map_scale) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=mbr) buildings.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='green', edgecolor='grey', linewidth=0.2, alpha=0.1) douglas_peucker_buildings.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.1) simplified_buildings.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='red', alpha=0.1) ax.table(cellText=cell_text, rowLabels=[ "Distance Tolerance", "Average Hausdorff Distance", "Total Number of Points" ], colLabels=["Douglas Peucker", "Indoor Simplification"], colWidths=[0.05 / ratio, 0.05 / ratio], loc='lower right') legend_elements = [ Patch(facecolor='green', edgecolor='grey', linewidth=0.2, alpha=0.1, label='Original'), Patch(facecolor='blue', alpha=0.1, label='Douglas Peucker'), Patch(facecolor='red', alpha=0.1, label='Indoor Simplification') ] ax.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='upper right', title='Simplification Method', fontsize=map_scale, title_fontsize=map_scale) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('../examples/{}.pdf'.format(data_source), format='pdf')
postcode_dao = PostcodeDAO(session) way_dao = WayDAO(session) # Representación de las calles con GeoSeries # Extraemos todas las calles ways = [] for way in way_dao.getAll(): ways.append(to_shape(way.geom)) wgs = GeoSeries(ways) base = wgs.plot(color="blue") qfilter = {'ad_type': 'RENT', 'asset_type': 'GARAGE'} prices = session.execute( 'SELECT postcode, avg_price FROM inmosig_average_prices WHERE ad_type = :ad_type AND ' 'asset_type = :asset_type', qfilter) gdf = GeoDataFrame(columns=['geometry', 'price', 'postcode']) for price in prices.fetchall(): postcode = postcode_dao.search_by_postcode(price[0]) if postcode is not None: gdf = gdf.append( { 'geometry': to_shape(postcode.geom), 'price': float(price[1]), 'postcode': price[0] }, ignore_index=True) gdf.head() gdf.plot(ax=base, column='price', cmap='OrRd', scheme="quantiles", legend=True)