예제 #1
#Open the files using 'with' to make sure they close no matter what, assign the files to the variables csvinput, csvoutput
with open('Georgetown_Import.ods_GT_Matrix.csv',
          'r') as csvinput, open('GT_MapBox_Import2.csv', 'w') as csvoutput:

    #Create a dictionary reader to iterate through the rows of the input file, accessing by names in 1st row
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvinput)
    #Create a dictionary writer for the output file, with mapboxHeaders as the ordered list of keys
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvoutput,
    #Write mapboxHeaders as the 1st row of the output file

    #Create a geocoder to geocode locations in Georgetown, Seattle, WA
    geocoder = myCoder(format_string="%s, Seattle WA")

    #Iterate through rows of input file, and write a line to the output file for each one
    for row in reader:
        #Get the title string
        title = row['Title']
        #Only look at rows with nonempty Title field
        if title != "":
            #Create the description string from the desired columns of input file
            description = ""
            for header in descriptionHeaders:
                if row[header] != "":
                    description += "<h2>%s</h2>\n<p>%s</p>\n" % (header,

            #Add two blank lines, then a list of the studies for the current item
descriptionHeaders = ['Goal', 'Status', 'Progress Detail', 'Challenges and barriers', 'Next Steps']
#The names of the studies
studyNames = ["1977 Neighborhood Plan","1995 Needs Assessment","1998 Neighborhood Plan","2007 Bicycle Master Plan","2007 Airport Way Visioning","2008 Duwamish Visioning"]

#Open the files using 'with' to make sure they close no matter what, assign the files to the variables csvinput, csvoutput
with open('Georgetown_Import.ods_GT_Matrix.csv', 'r') as csvinput, open('GT_MapBox_Import2.csv', 'w') as csvoutput:

	#Create a dictionary reader to iterate through the rows of the input file, accessing by names in 1st row
	reader = csv.DictReader(csvinput)
	#Create a dictionary writer for the output file, with mapboxHeaders as the ordered list of keys
	writer = csv.DictWriter(csvoutput, mapboxHeaders, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
	#Write mapboxHeaders as the 1st row of the output file

	#Create a geocoder to geocode locations in Georgetown, Seattle, WA
	geocoder = myCoder(format_string="%s, Seattle WA")
	#Iterate through rows of input file, and write a line to the output file for each one
	for row in reader:
		#Get the title string
		title = row['Title']
		#Only look at rows with nonempty Title field
		if title != "":
			#Create the description string from the desired columns of input file
			description = ""
			for header in descriptionHeaders:
				if row[header] != "":
					description += "<h2>%s</h2>\n<p>%s</p>\n" % (header, row[header])

			#Add two blank lines, then a list of the studies for the current item
			description += "<br><br>\n<h4>Study:</h4>\n<p>"
예제 #3
def splitting(targetCategory, short):
    #Open the files using 'with' to make sure they close no matter what, assign the files to the variables csvinput, csvoutput
    with open('Georgetown_Import.ods_GT_Matrix.csv', 'r') as csvinput, open(
            short + 'Comp.csv', 'w') as Compcsvoutput, open(
                short + 'Prog.csv',
                'w') as Progcsvoutput, open(short + 'Dead.csv',
                                            'w') as Deadcsvoutput:
        #Create a dictionary reader to iterate through the rows of the input file, accessing by names in 1st row
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvinput)
        #Create a dictionary writer for the output files, with mapboxHeaders as the ordered list of keys
        writerComp = csv.DictWriter(Compcsvoutput,
        writerProg = csv.DictWriter(Progcsvoutput,
        writerDead = csv.DictWriter(Deadcsvoutput,
        #Write mapboxHeaders as the 1st row of the output files

        #Create a geocoder to geocode locations in Georgetown, Seattle, WA
        geocoder = myCoder(format_string="%s, Seattle WA")

        #Iterate through rows of input file, and write a line to the output file for each one
        for row in reader:
            #Get the title string
            title = row['Title']

            #Only look at rows with nonempty Title field
            if title != "" and row['Category'] == targetCategory:
                #Create the description string from the desired columns of input file
                description = ""
                for header in descriptionHeaders:
                    if row[header] != "":
                        description += "<h2>%s</h2>\n<p>%s</p>\n" % (
                            header, row[header])

                #Add two blank lines, then a list of the studies for the current item
                description += "<br><br>\n<h4>Study:</h4>\n<p>"
                for study in studyNames:
                    #If the column for the current study is marked, add it to the description
                    if row[study] != "":
                        description += study + ", "

                #This if statement should always execute as long as every row has at least one study,
                #in which case the above for loop added an extra ", " at the end, which we need to remove:
                #If the last two characters of the description are ", " then remove them.
                if description[-2:] == ", ":
                    description = description[:-2]

                #Close the <p> tag for the studies, and add the contents of the 'Category' column to the description
                description += "</p>\n<h5>Category:</h5>\n<p>" + row[
                    'Category'] + "</p>\n"

                #Print for testing:
                print title
                print description

                #Geocode the location from the 'Location' column -- increase timeout to 10s to avoid GeocoderTimedOut exception
                location = geocoder.geocode(row['Location'], timeout=10)
                #Get the latitude and longitude if a valid location was found (i.e. location != None),
                #and otherwise set the values to 0.
                (lat, lon) = (location.latitude,
                              location.longitude) if location else (
                                  0, 0)  #(47.55,-122.33)

                #Print for testing:
                print row['Location'] + ": (%f, %f)\n" % (lat, lon)

                #Using a dictionary writer ensures that the row contents are matched to the correct columns, even if headers are rearranged
                #Sorting the data for values in 'Progress' column
                if row['Progress'] == 'Complete':
                        'Title': title,
                        'Description': description,
                        'Lat': lat,
                        'Long': lon
                elif row['Progress'] == 'In Progress':
                        'Title': title,
                        'Description': description,
                        'Lat': lat,
                        'Long': lon
                elif row['Progress'] == 'Dead' or row[
                        'Progress'] == 'No Progress':
                        'Title': title,
                        'Description': description,
                        'Lat': lat,
                        'Long': lon
예제 #4
def splitting(targetCategory, short):
	#Open the files using 'with' to make sure they close no matter what, assign the files to the variables csvinput, csvoutput
	with open('Georgetown_Import.ods_GT_Matrix.csv', 'r') as csvinput, open(short + 'Comp.csv', 'w') as Compcsvoutput, open(short + 'Prog.csv', 'w') as Progcsvoutput, open(short + 'Dead.csv', 'w') as Deadcsvoutput:
		#Create a dictionary reader to iterate through the rows of the input file, accessing by names in 1st row
		reader = csv.DictReader(csvinput)
		#Create a dictionary writer for the output files, with mapboxHeaders as the ordered list of keys
		writerComp = csv.DictWriter(Compcsvoutput, mapboxHeaders, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
		writerProg = csv.DictWriter(Progcsvoutput, mapboxHeaders, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
		writerDead = csv.DictWriter(Deadcsvoutput, mapboxHeaders, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
		#Write mapboxHeaders as the 1st row of the output files

		#Create a geocoder to geocode locations in Georgetown, Seattle, WA
		geocoder = myCoder(format_string="%s, Seattle WA")
		#Iterate through rows of input file, and write a line to the output file for each one
		for row in reader:
			#Get the title string
			title = row['Title']

			#Only look at rows with nonempty Title field
			if title != "" and row['Category']==targetCategory:
				#Create the description string from the desired columns of input file
				description = ""
				for header in descriptionHeaders:
					if row[header] != "":
						description += "<h2>%s</h2>\n<p>%s</p>\n" % (header, row[header])

				#Add two blank lines, then a list of the studies for the current item
				description += "<br><br>\n<h4>Study:</h4>\n<p>"
				for study in studyNames:
					#If the column for the current study is marked, add it to the description
					if row[study] != "":
						description += study + ", "

				#This if statement should always execute as long as every row has at least one study,
				#in which case the above for loop added an extra ", " at the end, which we need to remove:
				#If the last two characters of the description are ", " then remove them.
				if description[-2:] == ", ":
					description  = description[:-2]

				#Close the <p> tag for the studies, and add the contents of the 'Category' column to the description
				description += "</p>\n<h5>Category:</h5>\n<p>" + row['Category'] + "</p>\n"

				#Print for testing:
				print title
				print description

				#Geocode the location from the 'Location' column -- increase timeout to 10s to avoid GeocoderTimedOut exception
				location = geocoder.geocode(row['Location'], timeout=10)
				#Get the latitude and longitude if a valid location was found (i.e. location != None), 
				#and otherwise set the values to 0.
				(lat, lon) = (location.latitude, location.longitude) if location else (0, 0) #(47.55,-122.33)

				#Print for testing:
				print row['Location'] + ": (%f, %f)\n" %(lat, lon)

				#Using a dictionary writer ensures that the row contents are matched to the correct columns, even if headers are rearranged
				#Sorting the data for values in 'Progress' column
				if row['Progress']=='Complete':
					writerComp.writerow({'Title':title, 'Description':description, 'Lat':lat, 'Long':lon})
				elif row['Progress']=='In Progress':
					writerProg.writerow({'Title':title, 'Description':description, 'Lat':lat, 'Long':lon})
				elif row['Progress']=='Dead' or row['Progress']=='No Progress':
					writerDead.writerow({'Title':title, 'Description':description, 'Lat':lat, 'Long':lon})