예제 #1
    def gen_purity_highscore(self):
        reply = ""
        now = time.time()

        user_line = KVStore.getAllUsers(LINE_COUNT)
        user_score = KVStore.getAllUsers(PURITY_SCORE)
        user_impure = KVStore.getAllUsers(PURITY_IMPURE_COUNT)
        user_seen = KVStore.getAllUsers(LAST_SEEN)
        purity_stats =  []
        for user in user_line:
            if user in BOT_NAMES:
            line_count = user_line[user]
            pure_score = user_score[user]
            seen_time = user_seen[user]

            # this should only be the case for users that we have not seen
            # since we started tracking when a user was last seen.
            if seen_time is None:

            # exclude silent users or users that have been idle.
            if line_count < 50 or now - seen_time > 60*60*24:

            impure_count = user_impure[user] or 0
            impure_ratio = impure_count / float(line_count)
            purity_stats.append((pure_score, impure_ratio, user))

        # sort for highest purity score to lowest purity score, for the tie
        # breaker use the most impure to the least impure, so that:
        # a generally highly pure user who makes a mistake will be lower
        # scoring than a low purity user who curses, and a low purity user
        # who has a good run will beat out a high purity suer who is just
        # doing the normal thing.
        # TODO look into making an arbitrary score that combines the two
        # factors so that we can highlight people who are acting the
        # the farthest away from their normal ebhavior.
        if not purity_stats:
            return reply

        most_pure = purity_stats[0]
        least_pure = purity_stats[-1]
        if most_pure[0] == least_pure[0]:
            # it's not worth reporting if the first and last place user
            # have the same score. (or are the same user)
            return reply

        reply += "  %s is on the spoke at %d purity" % (
            most_pure[2], most_pure[0])
        reply += ", and %s is off in the weeds at a measly %d." % (
            least_pure[2], least_pure[0])

        if len(purity_stats) > 2:
            reply += " Here's everyone else: "
            results = []
            for stat in purity_stats[1:-1]:
                results.append("%s %d" % (stat[2], stat[0]))
            reply += ", ".join(results)
            reply += "."

        return reply
예제 #2
    def gen_sex_reply(self, target, store):
        sex_count = store.getOrElse(SEX_COUNT, 0)
        line_count = store.getOrElse(LINE_COUNT, 0)
        if line_count == 0:
            reply = "I haven't the slightest."
            reply = "%s has sex on the mind about %.1f%% of the time." % (
                target, 100 * sex_count / float(line_count))

        if not target.startswith("#"):
            return reply

        # TODO this needs to be generalized.
        user_line = KVStore.getAllUsers(LINE_COUNT)
        user_stat = KVStore.getAllUsers(SEX_COUNT)
        user_seen = KVStore.getAllUsers(LAST_SEEN)
        now = time.time()

        stats = []
        for user in user_line:
            if user in BOT_NAMES:
            lines = user_line[user]
            stat = user_stat[user]
            seen = user_seen[user]

            if stat is None:
                stat = 0

            # this should only be the case for users that we have not seen
            # since we started tracking when a user was last seen.
            if seen is None:

            # exclude silent users or users that have been idle.
            if lines < 50 or now - seen > 60*60*24:

            score = (float(stat) / lines) * 100
            stats.append((score, user))

            if not stats:
                return reply

        highest = stats[0]
        lowest = stats[-1]
        if highest[0] == lowest[0]:
            # it's not worth reporting if the first and last place user
            # have the same score. (or are the same user)
            return reply

        reply += "  %s is a sexual predator and has sex on the mind %.1f%% of the time" % (
            highest[1], highest[0])
        reply += ", and %s is lonely and probably asexual at only %.1f%%." % (
            lowest[1], lowest[0])

        if len(stats) > 2:
            reply += " Here's everyone else: "
            results = []
            for stat in stats[1:-1]:
                results.append("%s %.1f%%" % (stat[1], stat[0]))
            reply += ", ".join(results)
            reply += "."

        return reply