def walkthroughSgf(countOnly, datafile, sgfContents):
    sgf = gomill.sgf.Sgf_game.from_string(sgfContents)
    # print sgf
    if sgf.get_size() != 19:
        print('boardsize not 19, ignoring')
    goBoard = GoBoard.GoBoard(19)
    doneFirstMove = False
    if sgf.get_handicap() != None and sgf.get_handicap() != 0:
        #print 'handicap not zero, ignoring (' + str( sgf.get_handicap() ) + ')'
        #handicappoints = gomill.handicap_layout.handicap_points( sgf.get_handicap(), 19 )
        numhandicap = sgf.get_handicap()
        #print sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones()
        #for move in getHandicapPoints( numhandicap ):
        for set in sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones():
            #print set
            for move in set:
                #print move
                goBoard.applyMove('b', move)
#        print( 'handicap: ' + str(numhandicap) )
        doneFirstMove = True
    # first, count number of moves...
    if countOnly:
        numMoves = 0
        countDoneFirstMove = doneFirstMove
        for it in sgf.main_sequence_iter():
            (color, move) = it.get_move()
            if color != None and move != None:
                #(row,col) = move
                if countDoneFirstMove:
                    numMoves = numMoves + 1
                    #addToDataFile( datafile, color, move, goBoard )
                countDoneFirstMove = True
        return numMoves
    #writeFileHeader( datafile, numMoves, 7, 19, 'int', 1 )
    moveIdx = 0
    for it in sgf.main_sequence_iter():
        (color, move) = it.get_move()
        if color != None and move != None:
            (row, col) = move
            if doneFirstMove:
                addToDataFile(datafile, color, move, goBoard)
            goBoard.applyMove(color, (row, col))
            moveIdx = moveIdx + 1
            doneFirstMove = True
def walkthroughSgf( countOnly, datafile, sgfContents ):
    sgf = gomill.sgf.Sgf_game.from_string( sgfContents )
    # print sgf
    if sgf.get_size() != 19:
        print( 'boardsize not 19, ignoring' )
    goBoard = GoBoard.GoBoard(19)
    doneFirstMove = False
    if sgf.get_handicap() != None and sgf.get_handicap() != 0:
        #print 'handicap not zero, ignoring (' + str( sgf.get_handicap() ) + ')'
        #handicappoints = gomill.handicap_layout.handicap_points( sgf.get_handicap(), 19 )
        numhandicap = sgf.get_handicap()
        #print sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones()
        #for move in getHandicapPoints( numhandicap ):
        for set in sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones():
            #print set
            for move in set:
                #print move
                goBoard.applyMove( 'b', move )
#        print( 'handicap: ' + str(numhandicap) )
        doneFirstMove = True
    # first, count number of moves...
    if countOnly:
        numMoves = 0
        countDoneFirstMove = doneFirstMove
        for it in sgf.main_sequence_iter():
            (color,move) = it.get_move()
            if color != None and move != None:
                #(row,col) = move
                if countDoneFirstMove:
                    numMoves = numMoves + 1
                    #addToDataFile( datafile, color, move, goBoard )
                countDoneFirstMove = True
        return numMoves
    #writeFileHeader( datafile, numMoves, 7, 19, 'int', 1 )
    moveIdx = 0
    for it in sgf.main_sequence_iter():
        (color,move) = it.get_move()
        if color != None and move != None:
            (row,col) = move
            if doneFirstMove:
                addToDataFile( datafile, color, move, goBoard )
            goBoard.applyMove( color, (row,col) )
            moveIdx = moveIdx + 1
            doneFirstMove = True
def walkthroughSgf(datafile, sgfContents):
    sgf = gomill.sgf.Sgf_game.from_string(sgfContents)
    # print sgf
    if sgf.get_size() != 19:
        print('boardsize not 19, ignoring')
    goBoard = GoBoard.GoBoard(19)
    doneFirstMove = False
    if sgf.get_handicap() != None and sgf.get_handicap() != 0:
        #print 'handicap not zero, ignoring (' + str( sgf.get_handicap() ) + ')'
        #handicappoints = gomill.handicap_layout.handicap_points( sgf.get_handicap(), 19 )
        numhandicap = sgf.get_handicap()
        #print sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones()
        #for move in getHandicapPoints( numhandicap ):
        for set in sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones():
            #print set
            for move in set:
                #print move
                goBoard.applyMove('b', move)

#        print( 'handicap: ' + str(numhandicap) )
        doneFirstMove = True
    moveIdx = 0
    for it in sgf.main_sequence_iter():
        (color, move) = it.get_move()
        #        print( 'color ' + str(color) )
        #        print( move )
        if color != None:
            if move == None:
                move = (19, 0)
            (row, col) = move
            if doneFirstMove and datafile != None:
                addToDataFile(datafile, color, move, goBoard)
            #print 'applying move ' + str( moveIdx )
            if row < 19:
                goBoard.applyMove(color, (row, col))
            #print goBoard
            moveIdx = moveIdx + 1
            doneFirstMove = True
def walkthroughSgf( datafile, sgfContents ):
    sgf = gomill.sgf.Sgf_game.from_string( sgfContents )
    # print sgf
    if sgf.get_size() != 19:
        print( 'boardsize not 19, ignoring' )
    goBoard = GoBoard.GoBoard(19)
    doneFirstMove = False
    if sgf.get_handicap() != None and sgf.get_handicap() != 0:
        #print 'handicap not zero, ignoring (' + str( sgf.get_handicap() ) + ')'
        #handicappoints = gomill.handicap_layout.handicap_points( sgf.get_handicap(), 19 )
        numhandicap = sgf.get_handicap()
        #print sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones()
        #for move in getHandicapPoints( numhandicap ):
        for set in sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones():
            #print set
            for move in set:
                #print move
                goBoard.applyMove( 'b', move )
#        print( 'handicap: ' + str(numhandicap) )
        doneFirstMove = True
    moveIdx = 0
    for it in sgf.main_sequence_iter():
        (color,move) = it.get_move()
#        print( 'color ' + str(color) )
#        print( move )
        if color != None and move != None:
            (row,col) = move
            if doneFirstMove and datafile != None:
                addToDataFile( datafile, color, move, goBoard )
            #print 'applying move ' + str( moveIdx )
            goBoard.applyMove( color, (row,col) )
            #print goBoard
            moveIdx = moveIdx + 1
            doneFirstMove = True