예제 #1

from gramps.gen.const import USER_PLUGINS
from gramps.gui.glade import Glade
from gramps.gui.managedwindow import GrampsWindowManager, ManagedWindow
from gramps.gui.plug import tool

# Internationalisation
from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
    _trans = glocale.get_addon_translator(__file__)
except ValueError:
    _trans = glocale.translation
_ = _trans.gettext

import gramps.gen.constfunc

# Handlers and signal class

class GladeHandlers():
    Experimental try for event functions via python and .glade files

    def on_quit_clicked():
예제 #2
 def register(ptype, **kwargs):
     global plugins
     kwargs["ptype"] = PTYPE_STR[ptype] # need to take care of translated types
 # get current build numbers from English listing
 fp_in = open(r("../addons/%(gramps_version)s/listings/addons-en.txt"), "r", encoding="utf-8")
 addons = {}
 for line in fp_in:
     dictionary = eval(line)
     if dictionary["i"] in addons:
         print("Repeated addon ID:", dictionary["i"])
         addons[dictionary["i"]] = dictionary
 # go through all gpr's, check their build versions
 for gpr in glob.glob(r('''*/*.gpr.py''')):
     local_gettext = glocale.get_addon_translator(
         gpr, languages=["en", "en.UTF-8"]).gettext
     plugins = []
     with open(gpr.encode("utf-8", errors="backslashreplace")) as f:
         code = compile(f.read(),
                        gpr.encode("utf-8", errors="backslashreplace"),
         exec(code, make_environment(_=local_gettext),
              {"register": register})
     for p in plugins:
         gpr_version = p.get("version", None)
         id = p.get("id", None)
         if id not in addons:
             print("Missing in listing:", id)
             add_version = addons[id]["v"]
             if gpr_version != add_version:
예제 #3
def listing(LANG):
    Listing files ../listing/{lang}.fr

    if 'GRAMPSPATH' in os.environ:
        GRAMPSPATH = os.environ['GRAMPSPATH']
        GRAMPSPATH = '../../../..'

        sys.path.insert(0, GRAMPSPATH)
        os.environ['GRAMPS_RESOURCES'] = os.path.abspath(GRAMPSPATH)
        from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
        from gramps.gen.plug import make_environment, PTYPE_STR
    except ImportError:
        raise ValueError("Where is 'GRAMPSPATH' or 'GRAMPS_RESOURCES'?")

    LOCALE = glocale.get_language_list()


    listings = []
    need = False

    # change the method

    fp = open('../listings/addons-%s.txt' % LANG, 'w')

    for addon in sorted(ADDONS):

        tgz_file = '%s.addon.tgz' % addon
        tgz_exists = os.path.isfile('../download/' + tgz_file)
        gprs = glob.glob('%(addon)s/*gpr.py' % {'addon': addon})
        for gpr in gprs:
            gpr_file = gpr
            print(gpr_file, gprs)
            gpr_exists = os.path.isfile(gpr_file)

        mo_file = "%s/locale/%s/LC_MESSAGES/addon.mo" % (addon, LANG)
        mo_exists = os.path.isfile(mo_file)

        if tgz_exists and gpr_exists:
            gpr = open(gpr_file.encode('utf-8',

            plug = dict([file.strip(), None] for file in gpr
                        if file.strip())

            name = ident = ptype = description = version = target = ''

            if mo_exists:
                LANGUAGE = LANG +".UTF-8"
                LANGUAGE = os.environ['LANGUAGE']

            # print(plug)

            for p in plug:

                # print(repr(p))

                if repr(p).startswith("'register("):
                    ptype = p.replace("register(", "")
                    ptype = ptype.replace(",", "")

                    # incomplete dirty hack!

                    print(glocale._get_translation(), LANG+".UTF-8")

                    if LANG != LOCALE[0]:
                        # mixup between LOCALE[0] and 'en' (avoid corruption)
                        # need 'en.UTF-8' !
                        local_gettext = glocale.get_addon_translator(gpr_file, languages=[LANGUAGE]).ugettext
                        local_gettext = glocale.get_addon_translator(gpr_file, languages=[LANG, "en"]).ugettext
                        ptype = make_environment(_ = local_gettext)[ptype]

                    # need to match translations build by Gramps program

                        ptype = PTYPE_STR[ptype]
                        # fallback and corruption with LOCALE[0]
                        print(' wrong PTYPE: %s' % ptype)
                        print(local_gettext('Tool')) # always corrupted by the locale
                        print("LANGUAGE='%(language)s', LANG='%(lang)s'" % {'language': os.environ['LANGUAGE'], 'lang': os.environ['LANG']})

                if not (repr(p).startswith("'include_in_listing = False,"
                        ) or repr(p).startswith("'status = UNSTABLE,")):
                    need = True
                    print("Ignoring: '%s'" % addon)

                if repr(p).startswith("'id") or repr(p).startswith('"id'
                    ident = p.replace('id', '')
                    ident = ident.replace('=', '')
                    ident = ident.replace(',', '')
                    ident = ident.strip()
                    #ident = repr(ident)

                if repr(p).startswith("'name") \
                    or repr(p).startswith('"name'):
                    name = p.replace('name', '')
                    name = name.replace('=', '')
                    name = name.replace(',', '')
                    name = name.strip()
                    name = name.replace('_(', '')
                    name = name.replace(')', '')
                    name = name.replace('"', '')
                    name = glocale._get_translation().ugettext(name)
                        if name == local_gettext(name):
                            print(addon, name, local_gettext(name))
                        name = repr(local_gettext(name))
                        print('Cannot use local_gettext on', repr(p))
                    # ugly workaround for name_accell (Export GEDCOM Extensions)
                    name = name.replace('_accell   ', '')
                    name = name.replace('(GED2', '(GED2)')

                if repr(p).startswith("'description"):
                    description = p.replace('description', '')
                    description = description.replace('=', '')
                    description = description.replace(',', '')
                    description = description.strip()
                    description = description.replace('_(', '')
                    description = description.replace(')', '')
                    description = description.replace('"', '')
                    description = glocale._get_translation().ugettext(description)
                        if description == local_gettext(description):
                            print(addon, description, local_gettext(description))
                        description = repr(local_gettext(description))
                        print('Cannot use local_gettext on', repr(p))

                if repr(p).startswith('"version'):
                    version = p.replace('version', '')
                    version = version.replace('=', '')
                    version = version.replace(',', '')
                    version = version.replace("'", "")
                    version = version.replace('"', '')
                    version = version.strip()
                    version = repr(version)

            # workaround #7395~c38994
            if description == '':
                description = "''"
                print(description, addon)

            if need:
                plugin = {
                    'n': name,
                    'i': ident,
                    't': repr(ptype),
                    'd': description,
                    'v': version,
                    'g': "'4.2'",
                    'z': repr(tgz_file),

                #if name or ident or version or target == "":

                          % plugin)

                # print(plugin)


        # for plugin in sorted(listings, key=lambda p: p["z"]):
            # fp.write('{"t":%(t)s,"i":%(i)s,"n":%(n)s,"v":%(v)s,"g":%(g)s,"d":%(d)s,"z":%(z)s}\n' % plugin)

예제 #4
def is_listing(LANG):
    Listing files ../listing/{lang}.fr

    if 'GRAMPSPATH' in os.environ:
        GRAMPSPATH = os.environ['GRAMPSPATH']
        GRAMPSPATH = '../../../..'

        sys.path.insert(0, GRAMPSPATH)
        os.environ['GRAMPS_RESOURCES'] = os.path.abspath(GRAMPSPATH)
        from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
        from gramps.gen.plug import make_environment, PTYPE_STR
    except ImportError:
        raise ValueError("Where is 'GRAMPSPATH' or 'GRAMPS_RESOURCES'?")

    def register(ptype, **kwargs):
        global plugins
        kwargs['ptype'] = PTYPE_STR[ptype] # related to gramps translations

    cmd_arg = LANG

    # Make the locale for for any local languages for Addon:

    for addon in ADDONS:
        for po in glob.glob('%(addon)s/po/*-local.po' % {'addon': addon}):

            # Compile

            locale = os.path.basename(po[:-9])
            os.system('mkdir -p "%(addon)s/locale/%(locale)s/LC_MESSAGES/"'
                          % {'addon': addon, 'locale': locale})
            os.system('msgfmt %(po)s -o "%(addon)s/locale/%(locale)s/LC_MESSAGES/addon.mo"'
                          % {'po': po, 'addon': addon, 'locale': locale})

    # Get all languages from all addons:

    languages = set(['en'])
    for addon in [file for file in glob.glob('*')
                  if os.path.isdir(file)]:
        for po in glob.glob('%(addon)s/po/*-local.po' % {'addon': addon}):
            length = len(po)
            locale = po[length - 11:length - 9]
            (locale_path, locale) = po.rsplit('/', 1)

    # next, create/edit a file for all languages listing plugins

    for lang in languages:
        print("----Building listing for '%s'..." % lang)
        listings = []
        for addon in ADDONS:
            for gpr in glob.glob('%(addon)s/*.gpr.py' % {'addon': addon}):


                # Make fallback language English (rather than current LANG)

                local_gettext = glocale.get_addon_translator(gpr,
                        languages=[lang, 'en.UTF-8']).gettext
                plugins = []
                with open(gpr.encode('utf-8', errors='backslashreplace'
                          )) as f:
                    code = compile(f.read(), gpr.encode('utf-8',
                                   errors='backslashreplace'), 'exec')

                    #exec(code, make_environment(_=local_gettext),
                         #{"register": register})

                for p in plugins:
                    tgz_file = '%s.addon.tgz' % gpr.split('/', 1)[0]
                    tgz_exists = os.path.isfile('../download/'
                            + tgz_file)
                    if p.get('include_in_listing', True) and tgz_exists:
                        plugin = {
                            'n': repr(p['name']),
                            'i': repr(p['id']),
                            't': repr(p['ptype']),
                            'd': repr(p['description']),
                            'v': repr(p['version']),
                            'g': repr(p['gramps_target_version']),
                            'z': repr(tgz_file),
                        print("   ignoring '%s'" % p['name'])
예제 #5
# GRAMPS modules
from gramps.gui.plug.tool import Tool
from gramps.gui.plug import MenuToolOptions, PluginWindows
from gramps.gen.plug.menu import StringOption, FilterOption, PersonOption, \
    EnumeratedListOption, BooleanOption
import gramps.gen.lib
from gramps.gen.db import DbTxn
from gramps.gen.display.name import displayer as name_displayer
import gramps.gen.plug.report.utils as ReportUtils

from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
    _trans = glocale.get_addon_translator(__file__)
except ValueError:
    _trans = glocale.translation
_ = _trans.gettext

# Tool Classes
class SetAttributeOptions(MenuToolOptions):
    """ Set Attribute options  """
    def __init__(self, name, person_id=None, dbstate=None):
        self.__db = dbstate.get_database()
        MenuToolOptions.__init__(self, name, person_id, dbstate)
from gramps.gen.config import config
from gramps.gen.db import DbTxn
from gramps.gen.display.name import displayer as name_displayer
from gramps.gen.plug import Gramplet, MenuOptions
from gramps.gen.lib import MediaRef, Person
from gramps.gen.lib.date import Today
from gramps.gui.editors.editperson import EditPerson
from gramps.gui.selectors import SelectorFactory
from gramps.gen.plug.menu import BooleanOption, NumberOption
from gramps.gui.plug import PluginWindows
from gramps.gui.widgets import SelectionWidget, Region
from gramps.gui.ddtargets import DdTargets

from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
    _ = glocale.get_addon_translator(__file__).sgettext
except ValueError:
    _ = glocale.translation.sgettext

# face detection module
import facedetection

# configuration