예제 #1
 def __init__(self, palabra_window, properties):
     PalabraDialog.__init__(self, palabra_window, u"Appearance")
     self.palabra_window = palabra_window
     hbox = gtk.HBox()
     mode = constants.VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW_SOLUTION
     self.preview = GridPreview(mode=mode, cell_size=None)
     self.preview.set_size_request(200, 200)
     hbox.pack_start(self.preview, False, False, 0)
     g = Grid(3, 3)
     g.set_block(0, 2, True)
     g.set_void(2, 0, True)
     g.set_char(0, 0, "A")
     self.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL)
     self.add_button(gtk.STOCK_APPLY, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
예제 #2
파일: files.py 프로젝트: svisser/palabra
def read_ipuz(filename, warnings=True):
    results = []
    content = None
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        content = f.read()
        content = content.strip('\n')
    if content is not None:
        data = json.loads(content[5:-1])
        keys = data.keys()
        if "version" not in keys:
            raise IPUZParserError(u"Mandatory version element missing in ipuz file.")
        if "kind" not in keys:
            raise IPUZParserError(u"Mandatory kind element missing in ipuz file.")
        n_kinds = len(data["kind"])
        if n_kinds == 0:
            raise IPUZParserError(u"Mandatory kind element has no content.")
        if n_kinds > 1:
            raise IPUZParserError(u"Mandatory kind element has more than one puzzle kind.")
        kind = data["kind"][0]
        if kind != "http://ipuz.org/crossword#1":
            raise IPUZParserError(u"This type of puzzle (" + kind + ") is not supported.")
        r_meta = {}
        r_width = None
        r_height = None
        r_grid = None
        r_notepad = ""
        r_styles = {}
        r_gstyles = {}
        r_number_mode = constants.NUMBERING_AUTO
        for m in IPUZ_MY_META_ELEMS:
            if m in data:
                r_meta[IPUZ_MY_META_ELEMS[m]] = data[m]
        for m in IPUZ_META_ELEMS:
            if m in data:
                r_meta[m] = data[m]
        c_block = IPUZ_BLOCK_CHAR
        c_empty = IPUZ_EMPTY_CHAR
        for t in IPUZ_TECH_ELEMS:
            if t in data:
                if t == "block":
                    r_meta[t] = c_block = data[t]
                elif t == "empty":
                    r_meta[t] = c_empty = data[t]
                    pass # TODO
        for e in IPUZ_CROSS_ELEMS:
            if e in data:
                if e == "dimensions":
                    r_width = data[e]["width"]
                    r_height = data[e]["height"]
                elif e == "puzzle":
                    assert r_width >= 0
                    assert r_height >= 0
                    r_grid = Grid(r_width, r_height)
                    x, y = 0, 0
                    for row in data[e]:
                        for x, c in enumerate(row):
                            if isinstance(c, dict):
                                if "style" in c:
                                    style = c["style"]
                                    if "shapebg" in style:
                                        if style["shapebg"] == "circle":
                                            if (x, y) not in r_styles:
                                                r_styles[x, y] = CellStyle()
                                            r_styles[x, y]["circle"] = True
                                    if "color" in style:
                                        if (x, y) not in r_styles:
                                            r_styles[x, y] = CellStyle()
                                        rgb = hex_to_color('#' + style["color"])
                                        r_styles[x, y]["cell", "color"] = rgb
                                    if "colortext" in style:
                                        if (x, y) not in r_styles:
                                            r_styles[x, y] = CellStyle()
                                        rgb = hex_to_color(style["colortext"])
                                        r_styles[x, y]["char", "color"] = rgb
                                if "cell" in c:
                                    c = c["cell"]
                                    # fall-through
                            if c == None:
                                r_grid.set_void(x, y, True)
                            elif c == c_block:
                                r_grid.set_block(x, y, True)
                            elif c == c_empty:
                        y += 1
                elif e == "solution":
                    assert r_grid is not None
                    x, y = 0, 0
                    for row in data[e]:
                        for x, c in enumerate(row):
                            if isinstance(c, list) or isinstance(c, dict):
                                print "TODO"
                            elif c is not None and c != c_block and c != c_empty:
                                r_grid.set_char(x, y, c)
                        y += 1
                elif e == "clues":
                    assert r_grid is not None
                    clues = {}
                    for md, d in [("across", "Across"), ("down", "Down")]:
                        if d in data[e]:
                            for n, clue in data[e][d]:
                                clues[n, md] = clue
        if r_number_mode == constants.NUMBERING_AUTO:
        for d in ["across", "down"]:
            for n, x, y in r_grid.words_by_direction(d):
                if (n, d) in clues:
                    r_grid.store_clue(x, y, d, "text", clues[n, d])
        p = Puzzle(r_grid, r_styles, r_gstyles)
        p.metadata = r_meta
        p.type = constants.PUZZLE_IPUZ
        p.filename = filename
        p.notepad = r_notepad
    return results