def DisplayShowall(self, matches): """Display all the known information about the matched hosts """ revcache={} outstr="" for kn,kv in _akcache.items(): revcache[]=kn for host in matches: output=[] keyvals={} keyorig={} keyctime={} keymtime={} # Get all the keyvalues for this host for k in KeyValue.objects.filter(hostid=host): keyname=revcache[k.keyid_id] if keyname not in keyvals: keyvals[keyname]=[] keyvals[keyname].append(k.value) keyorig[keyname]=k.origin keyctime[keyname]=k.createdate keymtime[keyname]=k.modifieddate # Generate the output string for each key/value pair for key,values in keyvals.items(): if self.namespace.origin: originstr="\t[Origin: %s]" % keyorig[key] else: originstr="" if self.namespace.times: timestr="\t[Created: %s Modified: %s]" % (keyctime[key], keymtime[key]) else: timestr="" output.append(" %s: %-15s%s%s" % (key, self.namespace.sep[0].join(values), originstr, timestr)) output.sort() # Generate the output for the hostname if self.namespace.origin: originstr="\t[Origin: %s]" % _hostcache[host].origin else: originstr="" if self.namespace.times: timestr="\t[Created: %s Modified: %s]" % (_hostcache[host].createdate, _hostcache[host].modifieddate) else: timestr="" # Output the pregenerated output outstr+="%s%s%s\n" % (_hostcache[host].hostname, originstr, timestr) if self.namespace.aliases: outstr+=" [Aliases: %s]\n" % (", ".join(getAliases(_hostcache[host].hostname))) for str in output: outstr+="%s\n" % str return outstr
def DisplayXML(self, matches): """Display hosts and other printables in XML format """ from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr outstr="" if self.namespace.showall: columns=[k.key for k in AllowedKey.objects.all()] columns.sort() else: columns=self.printout[:] cache=self.loadPrintoutCache(columns,matches) outstr+="<hostinfo>\n" outstr+=' <query date="%s">%s</query>\n' % (time.ctime(), escape(" ".join(sys.argv))) for key in columns: outstr+=" <key>\n" outstr+=" <name>%s</name>\n" % escape(key) outstr+=" <type>%s</type>\n" % _akcache[key].get_validtype_display() outstr+=" <readonlyFlag>%s</readonlyFlag>\n" % _akcache[key].readonlyFlag outstr+=" <auditFlag>%s</auditFlag>\n" % _akcache[key].auditFlag outstr+=" <docpage>%s</docpage>\n" % _akcache[key].docpage outstr+=" <desc>%s</desc>\n" % _akcache[key].desc if _akcache[key].restrictedFlag: outstr+=" <restricted>\n" rvlist=RestrictedValue.objects.filter(keyid__key=key) for rv in rvlist: outstr+=" <value>%s</value>\n" % escape(rv.value) outstr+=" </restricted>\n" outstr+=" </key>\n" for host in matches: if self.namespace.aliases: aliaslist=getAliases(_hostcache[host].hostname) if self.namespace.origin: hostorigin=' origin="%s" ' % _hostcache[host].origin else: hostorigin='' if self.namespace.times: hostdates=' modified="%s" created="%s" ' % (_hostcache[host].modifieddate, _hostcache[host].createdate) else: hostdates='' outstr+=' <host docpage="%s" %s%s>\n' % (_hostcache[host].docpage, hostorigin, hostdates) outstr+=" <hostname>%s</hostname>\n" % escape(_hostcache[host].hostname) if self.namespace.aliases and aliaslist: outstr+=" <aliaslist>\n" for alias in aliaslist: outstr+=" <alias>%s</alias>\n" % escape(alias) outstr+=" </aliaslist>\n" outstr+=" <data>\n" for p in columns: if host not in cache[p] or len(cache[p][host])==0: pass else: for c in cache[p][host]: outstr+=' <confitem key="%s"' % p if self.namespace.origin: outstr+=' origin=%s' % quoteattr(c['origin']) if self.namespace.times: outstr+=' modified="%s" created="%s"' % (c['modifieddate'], c['createdate']) outstr+='>%s</confitem>\n' % escape(c['value']) outstr+=" </data>\n" outstr+=" </host>\n" outstr+="</hostinfo>\n" return outstr