예제 #1
def main():

    # SETUP #

    # Get input args
    newsgroups_root_dir = argv[1]
    feat_def_path = argv[2]
    class_def_path = argv[3]
    training_data_path = argv[4]

    # Generate index
    #index_newsgroups(newsgroups_root_dir, "idx_save.pkl")
    ii = InvertedIndex()

    # Write out feature/term pairs to feat_def_path
    feature_id = 0
    with open(feat_def_path, 'w') as outf:
        for item in ii.items:
            outf.write(str(feature_id) + " " + str(item) + "\n")
            feature_id += 1

    # Read back in the feature/term pairs for later
    with open(feat_def_path, 'r') as inf:
        ft_pairs = inf.readlines()

    # Put the ft_pairs into a dictionary for quick lookup
    ft_dict = {}
    for pair in ft_pairs:
        ft_dict[pair.split()[1].strip()] = pair.split()[0]

    # Map the different newsgroups to a given class
    # This is fairly manual...
    with open(class_def_path, 'w') as outf:
        for dir in listdir(newsgroups_root_dir):
            outf.write(class_def_helper(dir) + " " + dir + "\n")


    # Create the training data
    # For each document:
    # Find its containing folder, and extract class from class def
    # For each term in document
    # Compute tfidf, tf or idf
    current_file_id = 1
    with open(training_data_path + ".TFIDF", 'w') as outf:
        # Compute tf-idf
        # Go through each document in newsgroups dir
        for root, _, files in walk(newsgroups_root_dir):
            # Find and write out the class label
            local_dir = root.split(sep)[-1]

            # For each file...
            for file in files:
                outf.write(class_def_helper(local_dir) + " ")
                print(root, file)

                # Get the words from the doc
                stemmed_token_list = preprocess_doc(root + sep + file)

                # Put all the info into a set (for uniqueness)
                data_set = set()

                # Now that we've re-done all that, find idfs
                for word in stemmed_token_list:
                    # Skip blank stopwords
                    if word == "": continue

                    # Get the term ID
                    #outf.write(ft_dict[word] + ":")

                    # Calculate and write out TF-IDF
                    # Note current_file_id is our doc_id
                    tf = ii.find(word).posting[current_file_id].term_freq()
                    idf = ii.idf(word)
                    #outf.write(str(log10(1 + tf) * idf) + " ")
                    data_set.add(ft_dict[word] + ":" +
                                 str(log10(1 + tf) * idf))

                # Write newline to signify end of file
                outf.write(" ".join(
                    sorted(data_set, key=lambda x: int(x.split(':')[0]))) +

                # Increment our current doc
                current_file_id += 1

    current_file_id = 1
    with open(training_data_path + ".TF", 'w') as outf:
        # Compute tf
        # Go through each document in newsgroups dir
        for root, _, files in walk(newsgroups_root_dir):
            # Find and write out the class label
            local_dir = root.split(sep)[-1]

            # For each file...
            for file in files:
                outf.write(class_def_helper(local_dir) + " ")
                print(root, file)

                # Get the words from the doc
                stemmed_token_list = preprocess_doc(root + sep + file)

                # Put all the info into a set (for uniqueness)
                data_set = set()

                # Now that we've re-done all that, find idfs
                for word in stemmed_token_list:
                    # Skip blank stopwords
                    if word == "": continue

                    # Get the term ID
                    #outf.write(ft_dict[word] + ":")

                    # Write the TF
                    # Note current_file_id is our doc_id
                    # outf.write(str(ii.find(word).posting[
                    # current_file_id].term_freq()) + " ")
                    data_set.add(ft_dict[word] + ":" + str(

                # Write newline to signify end of file
                # outf.write("\n")
                outf.write(" ".join(
                    sorted(data_set, key=lambda x: int(x.split(':')[0]))) +
                # outf.flush()

                # Increment our current doc
                current_file_id += 1

    current_file_id = 1
    with open(training_data_path + ".IDF", 'w') as outf:
        # Compute idf
        # Go through each document in newsgroups dir
        for root, _, files in walk(newsgroups_root_dir):
            # Find and write out the class label
            local_dir = root.split(sep)[-1]

            # For each file...
            for file in files:
                outf.write(class_def_helper(local_dir) + " ")
                print(root, file)

                # Get the words from the doc
                stemmed_token_list = preprocess_doc(root + sep + file)

                # Put all the info into a set (for uniqueness)
                data_set = set()

                # Now that we've re-done all that, find idfs
                for word in stemmed_token_list:
                    # Skip blank stopwords
                    if word == "": continue

                    # Get the term ID
                    #outf.write(ft_dict[word] + ":" + str(ii.idf(word))
                    #    + " ")
                    data_set.add(ft_dict[word] + ":" + str(ii.idf(word)))

                # Write newline to signify end of file
                outf.write(" ".join(
                    sorted(data_set, key=lambda x: int(x.split(':')[0]))) +
예제 #2
def test(index_loc, cran_loc, qrels_loc):
    ''' test your code thoroughly. put the testing cases here'''

    ##### SETUP ITEMS #####

    # Grab index file to restore II
    ii = InvertedIndex()

    # Get the document collection
    cf = CranFile(cran_loc)

    # Get ground-truth results from qrels.txt
    with open(qrels_loc) as f:
        qrels = f.readlines()

    # Index qrels into a dict
    qrel_dict = {}
    for qrel in qrels:
        qrel_split = qrel.split()
        if int(qrel_split[0]) in qrel_dict:
            qrel_dict[int(qrel_split[0])] = [int(qrel_split[1])]

    ##### INITIAL TEST ITEMS #####

    # Ensure tf is correct
    #   Find a random word and check TF value against what is manually done
    posting_list = ii.find("experiment").posting
    tf_vector = []
    for posting in posting_list:
        tf_vector.append(len(posting_list[posting].positions) \
            == posting_list[posting].term_freq())
    print("TF is computed correctly:", all(tf_vector))

    # Ensure idf is correct
    print("IDF is computed correctly:", log10(ii.nDocs / len(posting_list)) \
        == ii.idf("experiment"))

    # As both tf and idf are correct, and tf-idf is a product of the two,
    #   it is reasonable to assume tf-idf is computed correctly

    ##### BOOL QUERY TESTS #####

    # Here, I use very specific boolean queries to ensure that a
    #   limited number of documents are returned
    print("\nBOOL QUERY TESTS")

    # Ensure that the exact title of doc 8 matches for doc 8
    doc8 = "measurements of the effect of two-dimensional and three-dimensional roughness elements on boundary layer transition"
    qp1 = QueryProcessor(doc8, ii, cf)
    print("Bool query matches on exact title:", qp1.booleanQuery() == [8])

    # Ensure that bool query matches very specific AND query
    qp2 = QueryProcessor("hugoniot and infinitesimally", ii, cf)
        "Bool query matches on specific AND query ('hugoniot and infinitesimally'):",
        qp2.booleanQuery() == [329])

    # Test that an OR query is handled properly
    #   Both gravel and stagnation have completely distinct postings lists.
    #   OR should merge them.
    gravel_postings = ii.find("gravel").sorted_postings[:]
    stag_postings = ii.find("stagnat").sorted_postings[:]
    qp3 = QueryProcessor("gravel or stagnation", ii, cf)
    print("Bool query successfully handles OR ('gravel or stagnation'):",
          qp3.booleanQuery() == sorted(gravel_postings))

    # Test that NOT is handled properly
    #   The posting list for "diameter" is a subset of "slipstream" postings
    #   (oddly enough). To test this works, do "slipstream and not diameter"
    #   and we chould get slipstream's postings minus those of diameter.
    slip_postings = ii.find("slipstream").sorted_postings[:]
    diam_postings = ii.find("diamet").sorted_postings[:]
    slip_not_diam = [t for t in slip_postings if t not in diam_postings]
    print("Bool query successfully handles NOT ('slipstream and not diameter'):",
        QueryProcessor("slipstream and not diameter", ii, cf).booleanQuery() \
          == slip_not_diam)

    # Ensure AND/OR order doesn't matter
    print("Bool query can handle query regardless of AND order ('a and b' = 'b and a'):",
        QueryProcessor("slipstream and diameter", ii, cf).booleanQuery() \
          == QueryProcessor("diameter and slipstream", ii, cf).booleanQuery())
    print("Bool query can handle query regardless of OR order ('a or b' = 'b or a'):",
        QueryProcessor("slipstream or diameter", ii, cf).booleanQuery() \
          == QueryProcessor("diameter or slipstream", ii, cf).booleanQuery())

    # Ensure that the presence of parens does not change query results
    print("Bool query can handle query regardless of parens ('slipstream and diameter'):",
        QueryProcessor("slipstream and diameter", ii, cf).booleanQuery() \
          == QueryProcessor("(slipstream and diameter)", ii, cf).booleanQuery())

    # Ensure parentheses do not change order of processing for AND-AND and OR-OR queries
    print("Bool query AND is accociative ('(a and b) and c' = 'a and (b and c)'):",
        QueryProcessor("(slipstream and diameter) and thrust", ii, cf).booleanQuery() \
          == QueryProcessor("slipstream and (diameter and thrust)", ii, cf).booleanQuery())
    print("Bool query OR is accociative ('(a or b) or c' = 'a or (b or c)'):",
        QueryProcessor("(slipstream or diameter) or thrust", ii, cf).booleanQuery() \
          == QueryProcessor("slipstream or (diameter or thrust)", ii, cf).booleanQuery())

    # Ensure parentheses properly group items
    #   Tested by doing the query "manually" by adding/orring the correct terms
    part_one = QueryProcessor("conduction and cylinder and gas", ii,
    part_two = QueryProcessor("radiation and gas", ii, cf).booleanQuery()
    expected_result = QueryProcessor("hugoniot", ii, cf).booleanQuery()
    print("Bool query parens successfully group conflicting operators:",
        QueryProcessor("(conduction and cylinder and gas) or (radiation and gas) or hugoniot", ii, cf).booleanQuery() \
          == sorted(list(set(expected_result))))

    ##### VECTOR QUERY TESTS #####

    # For this, just ensure that most of the results are in the expected list
    print("\nVECTOR QUERY TESTS")

    # Ensure vector query can match on exact title
    print("Vector query matches on exact title:",
          qp1.vectorQuery(1)[0][0] == 8)

    # Try a few example queries from query.text
    #   As long as one-fifth of t-10 are in gt_result, call it a pass
    # Note that queries with larger answer sets were chosen to
    #   ensure there were enough to get to one-fifth of ten
    qc = loadCranQry("query.text")
    poss_queries = list(qc)

    # Query 001
    result = QueryProcessor(qc["001"].text, ii, cf).vectorQuery(10)
    gt_result = qrel_dict[poss_queries.index("001") + 1]
    correct_vector = list(map(lambda x: x in gt_result,
                              [x[0] for x in result]))
    print("Vector query is at least one-fifth correct for query 001:",
          sum(correct_vector) > 2)

    # Query 128
    result = QueryProcessor(qc["128"].text, ii, cf).vectorQuery(10)
    gt_result = qrel_dict[poss_queries.index("128") + 1]
    correct_vector = list(map(lambda x: x in gt_result,
                              [x[0] for x in result]))
    print("Vector query is at least one-fifth correct for query 128:",
          sum(correct_vector) > 2)

    # Query 226
    result = QueryProcessor(qc["226"].text, ii, cf).vectorQuery(10)
    gt_result = qrel_dict[poss_queries.index("226") + 1]
    correct_vector = list(map(lambda x: x in gt_result,
                              [x[0] for x in result]))
    print("Vector query is at least one-fifth correct for query 226:",
          sum(correct_vector) > 2)

    # Query 196
    result = QueryProcessor(qc["196"].text, ii, cf).vectorQuery(10)
    gt_result = qrel_dict[poss_queries.index("196") + 1]
    correct_vector = list(map(lambda x: x in gt_result,
                              [x[0] for x in result]))
    print("Vector query is at least one-fifth correct for query 196:",
          sum(correct_vector) > 2)

    # Query 291
    result = QueryProcessor(qc["291"].text, ii, cf).vectorQuery(10)
    gt_result = qrel_dict[poss_queries.index("291") + 1]
    correct_vector = list(map(lambda x: x in gt_result,
                              [x[0] for x in result]))
    print("Vector query is at least one-fifth correct for query 291:",
          sum(correct_vector) > 2)