예제 #1
def perform_request_user(req, request_type, recid, data):
    """Handle user related requests."""
    response = {}
    if request_type == 'changeTagFormat':
            tagformat_settings = session_param_get(req, 'bibedit_tagformat')
        except KeyError:
            tagformat_settings = {}
        tagformat_settings[recid] = data['tagFormat']
        session_param_set(req, 'bibedit_tagformat', tagformat_settings)
        response['resultCode'] = 2
    return response
    def index(self, req, form):
        Main submission page installed on /deposit (hack in Invenio source) with the
        following features:

          * Two different themes/skins (for portal and for invenio)
          * Upload new file to start a publication submission.
          * Enter metadata for publication(s) related to a project

        URL parameters:
         * style: Theme/skin to use - "invenio" or "portal"
         * projectid: Work on publications for this project
         * delete: Delete file and publication
         * plus: ?
         * upload: Upload new file (without Uploadify backend)
        argd = wash_urlargd(
                "projectid": (int, -1),
                "delete": (str, ""),
                "publicationid": (str, ""),
                "plus": (int, -1),
                "linkproject": (int, -1),
                "unlinkproject": (int, -1),
                "style": (str, None),
                "upload": (str, ""),
                "dropbox": (str, ""),

        _ = gettext_set_language(argd["ln"])

        # Check if user is authorized to deposit publications
        user_info = collect_user_info(req)
        auth_code, auth_message = acc_authorize_action(user_info, "submit", doctype="OpenAIRE")
        if auth_code:
            if user_info["guest"] == "1":
                return redirect_to_url(
                    % (
                            {"referer": "%s%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, req.unparsed_uri), "ln": argd["ln"]}, {}
                return page(
                    body=_("You are not authorized to use OpenAIRE deposition."),
                    title=_("Authorization failure"),

        # Get parameters
        projectid = argd["projectid"]
        plus = argd["plus"]
        style = get_openaire_style(req)

        if plus == -1:
                plus = bool(session_param_get(req, "plus"))
            except KeyError:
                plus = False
                session_param_set(req, "plus", plus)
            plus = bool(plus)
            session_param_set(req, "plus", plus)

        # Check projectid
        all_project_ids = get_all_projectsids()

        if projectid not in all_project_ids:
            projectid = -1

        uid = user_info["uid"]

        ## Perform file upload (if needed)
        if argd["upload"]:
            if projectid < 0:
                projectid = 0
                upload_file(form, uid, projectid)
            except UploadError, e:
                return page(req=req, body=unicode(e), title=_("File upload error"), navmenuid="submit")
예제 #3
def perform_request_record(req, request_type, recid, uid, data):
    """Handle 'major' record related requests like fetching, submitting or
    deleting a record, cancel editing or preparing a record for merging.

    response = {}

    if request_type == 'newRecord':
        # Create a new record.
        new_recid = reserve_record_id()
        new_type = data['newType']
        if new_type == 'empty':
            # Create a new empty record.
            create_cache_file(recid, uid)
            response['resultCode'], response['newRecID'] = 6, new_recid

        elif new_type == 'template':
            # Create a new record from XML record template.
            template_filename = data['templateFilename']
            template = get_record_template(template_filename)
            if not template:
                response['resultCode']  = 108
                record = create_record(template)[0]
                if not record:
                    response['resultCode']  = 109
                    record_add_field(record, '001',
                    create_cache_file(new_recid, uid, record, True)
                    response['resultCode'], response['newRecID']  = 7, new_recid

        elif new_type == 'clone':
            # Clone an existing record (from the users cache).
            existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
            if existing_cache:
                    record = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)[2]
                    # if, for example, the cache format was wrong (outdated)
                    record = get_bibrecord(recid)
                # Cache missing. Fall back to using original version.
                record = get_bibrecord(recid)
            record_delete_field(record, '001')
            record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(new_recid))
            create_cache_file(new_recid, uid, record, True)
            response['resultCode'], response['newRecID'] = 8, new_recid
    elif request_type == 'getRecord':
        # Fetch the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Non-existing record
        # - Deleted record
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # A cache file will be created if it does not exist.
        # If the cache is outdated (i.e., not based on the latest DB revision),
        # cacheOutdated will be set to True in the response.
        record_status = record_exists(recid)
        existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
        read_only_mode = False
        if data.has_key("inReadOnlyMode"):
            read_only_mode = data['inReadOnlyMode']

        if record_status == 0:
            response['resultCode'] = 102
        elif record_status == -1:
            response['resultCode'] = 103
        elif not read_only_mode and not existing_cache and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif not read_only_mode and existing_cache and \
                cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif not read_only_mode and record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response['resultCode'] = 105
            if data.get('deleteRecordCache'):
                delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
                existing_cache = False
                pending_changes = []
                disabled_hp_changes = {}
            if read_only_mode:
                if data.has_key('recordRevision'):
                    record_revision_ts = data['recordRevision']
                    record_xml = get_marcxml_of_revision(recid, record_revision_ts)
                    record = create_record(record_xml)[0]
                    record_revision = timestamp_to_revision(record_revision_ts)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                    # a normal cacheless retrieval of a record
                    record = get_bibrecord(recid)
                    record_revision = get_record_last_modification_date(recid)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                cache_dirty = False
                mtime = 0
            elif not existing_cache:
                record_revision, record = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                pending_changes = []
                disabled_hp_changes = {}
                cache_dirty = False
                    cache_dirty, record_revision, record, pending_changes, disabled_hp_changes= \
                        get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)
                    touch_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                    if not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision):
                        response['cacheOutdated'] = True
                    record_revision, record = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                    cache_dirty = False

            if data['clonedRecord']:
                response['resultCode'] = 9
                response['resultCode'] = 3

            revision_author = get_record_revision_author(recid, record_revision)
            last_revision_ts = revision_to_timestamp(get_record_last_modification_date(recid))
            revisions_history = get_record_revision_timestamps(recid)

            response['cacheDirty'], response['record'], response['cacheMTime'],\
                response['recordRevision'], response['revisionAuthor'], \
                response['lastRevision'], response['revisionsHistory'], \
                response['inReadOnlyMode'], response['pendingHpChanges'], \
                response['disabledHpChanges'] = cache_dirty, record, mtime, \
                revision_to_timestamp(record_revision), revision_author, \
                last_revision_ts, revisions_history, read_only_mode, pending_changes, \
            # Set tag format from user's session settings.
                tagformat_settings = session_param_get(req, 'bibedit_tagformat')
                tagformat = tagformat_settings[recid]
            except KeyError:
                tagformat = CFG_BIBEDIT_TAG_FORMAT
            response['tagFormat'] = tagformat

    elif request_type == 'submit':
        # Submit the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Missing cache file
        # - Cache file modified in other editor
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # - Invalid XML characters
        # If the cache is outdated cacheOutdated will be set to True in the
        # response.
        if not cache_exists(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 106
        elif not get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data['cacheMTime']:
            response['resultCode'] = 107
        elif cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response['resultCode'] = 105
                record_revision, record, pending_changes, disabled_changes = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)[1:]
                xml_record = print_rec(record)
                record, status_code, list_of_errors = create_record(xml_record)
                if status_code == 0:
                    response['resultCode'], response['errors'] = 110, \
                elif not data['force'] and \
                        not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision):
                    response['cacheOutdated'] = True
                    save_xml_record(recid, uid)
                    response['resultCode'] = 4
                response['resultCode'] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV['wrong_cache_file_format']
    elif request_type == 'revert':
        revId = data['revId']
        job_date = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % re_revdate_split.search(revId).groups()
        revision_xml = get_marcxml_of_revision(recid, job_date)
        save_xml_record(recid, uid, revision_xml)
        if (cache_exists(recid, uid)):
            delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
        response['resultCode'] = 4

    elif request_type == 'cancel':
        # Cancel editing by deleting the cache file. Possible error situations:
        # - Cache file modified in other editor
        if cache_exists(recid, uid):
            if get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data['cacheMTime']:
                delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
                response['resultCode'] = 5
                response['resultCode'] = 107
            response['resultCode'] = 5

    elif request_type == 'deleteRecord':
        # Submit the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # As the user is requesting deletion we proceed even if the cache file
        # is missing and we don't check if the cache is outdated or has
        # been modified in another editor.
        existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
        pending_changes = []
        if existing_cache and cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response['resultCode'] = 105
            if not existing_cache:
                record_revision, record, pending_changes, desactivated_hp_changes = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    record_revision, record, pending_changes, desactivated_hp_changes = get_cache_file_contents(
                        recid, uid)[1:]
                    record_revision, record, pending_changes, desactivated_hp_changes = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
            record_add_field(record, '980', ' ', ' ', '', [('c', 'DELETED')])
            update_cache_file_contents(recid, uid, record_revision, record, pending_changes, desactivated_hp_changes)
            save_xml_record(recid, uid)
            delete_related_holdingpen_changes(recid) # we don't need any changes related to a deleted record
            response['resultCode'] = 10

    elif request_type == 'deleteRecordCache':
        # Delete the cache file. Ignore the request if the cache has been
        # modified in another editor.
        if cache_exists(recid, uid) and get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == \
            delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
        response['resultCode'] = 11

    elif request_type == 'prepareRecordMerge':
        # We want to merge the cache with the current DB version of the record,
        # so prepare an XML file from the file cache, to be used by BibMerge.
        # Possible error situations:
        # - Missing cache file
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # We don't check if cache is outdated (a likely scenario for this
        # request) or if it has been modified in another editor.
        if not cache_exists(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 106
        elif cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response['resultCode'] = 105
            save_xml_record(recid, uid, to_upload=False, to_merge=True)
            response['resultCode'] = 12

    return response
예제 #4
def perform_request_record(req, request_type, recid, uid, data, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
    """Handle 'major' record related requests like fetching, submitting or
    deleting a record, cancel editing or preparing a record for merging.

    response = {}

    if request_type == "newRecord":
        # Create a new record.
        new_recid = reserve_record_id()
        new_type = data["newType"]
        if new_type == "empty":
            # Create a new empty record.
            create_cache_file(recid, uid)
            response["resultCode"], response["newRecID"] = 6, new_recid

        elif new_type == "template":
            # Create a new record from XML record template.
            template_filename = data["templateFilename"]
            template = get_record_template(template_filename)
            if not template:
                response["resultCode"] = 108
                record = create_record(template)[0]
                if not record:
                    response["resultCode"] = 109
                    record_add_field(record, "001", controlfield_value=str(new_recid))
                    create_cache_file(new_recid, uid, record, True)
                    response["resultCode"], response["newRecID"] = 7, new_recid

        elif new_type == "clone":
            # Clone an existing record (from the users cache).
            existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
            if existing_cache:
                    record = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)[2]
                    # if, for example, the cache format was wrong (outdated)
                    record = get_bibrecord(recid)
                # Cache missing. Fall back to using original version.
                record = get_bibrecord(recid)
            record_delete_field(record, "001")
            record_add_field(record, "001", controlfield_value=str(new_recid))
            create_cache_file(new_recid, uid, record, True)
            response["resultCode"], response["newRecID"] = 8, new_recid
    elif request_type == "getRecord":
        # Fetch the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Non-existing record
        # - Deleted record
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # A cache file will be created if it does not exist.
        # If the cache is outdated (i.e., not based on the latest DB revision),
        # cacheOutdated will be set to True in the response.
        record_status = record_exists(recid)
        existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
        read_only_mode = False

        if data.has_key("inReadOnlyMode"):
            read_only_mode = data["inReadOnlyMode"]

        if record_status == 0:
            response["resultCode"] = 102
        elif record_status == -1:
            response["resultCode"] = 103
        elif not read_only_mode and not existing_cache and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 104
        elif (
            not read_only_mode
            and existing_cache
            and cache_expired(recid, uid)
            and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid)
            response["resultCode"] = 104
        elif not read_only_mode and record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = 105
            if data.get("deleteRecordCache"):
                delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
                existing_cache = False
                pending_changes = []
                disabled_hp_changes = {}
            if read_only_mode:
                if data.has_key("recordRevision"):
                    record_revision_ts = data["recordRevision"]
                    record_xml = get_marcxml_of_revision(recid, record_revision_ts)
                    record = create_record(record_xml)[0]
                    record_revision = timestamp_to_revision(record_revision_ts)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                    # a normal cacheless retrieval of a record
                    record = get_bibrecord(recid)
                    record_revision = get_record_last_modification_date(recid)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                cache_dirty = False
                mtime = 0
                undo_list = []
                redo_list = []
            elif not existing_cache:
                record_revision, record = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                pending_changes = []
                disabled_hp_changes = {}
                undo_list = []
                redo_list = []
                cache_dirty = False
                # TODO: This try except should be replaced with something nicer,
                #      like an argument indicating if a new cache file is to
                #      be created
                    cache_dirty, record_revision, record, pending_changes, disabled_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = get_cache_file_contents(
                        recid, uid
                    touch_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                    if not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision) and get_record_revisions(recid) != ():
                        # This sould prevent from using old cache in case of
                        # viewing old version. If there are no revisions,
                        # it means we should skip this step because this
                        # is a new record
                        response["cacheOutdated"] = True

                    record_revision, record = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                    cache_dirty = False
                    undo_list = []
                    redo_list = []
            if data["clonedRecord"]:
                response["resultCode"] = 9
                response["resultCode"] = 3
            revision_author = get_record_revision_author(recid, record_revision)
            last_revision_ts = revision_to_timestamp(get_record_last_modification_date(recid))
            revisions_history = get_record_revision_timestamps(recid)
            number_of_physical_copies = get_number_copies(recid)
            bibcirc_details_URL = create_item_details_url(recid, ln)
            can_have_copies = can_record_have_physical_copies(recid)

            response["cacheDirty"], response["record"], response["cacheMTime"], response["recordRevision"], response[
            ], response["lastRevision"], response["revisionsHistory"], response["inReadOnlyMode"], response[
            ], response[
            ], response[
            ], response[
            ] = (
            response["numberOfCopies"] = number_of_physical_copies
            response["bibCirculationUrl"] = bibcirc_details_URL
            response["canRecordHavePhysicalCopies"] = can_have_copies
            # Set tag format from user's session settings.
                tagformat_settings = session_param_get(req, "bibedit_tagformat")
                tagformat = tagformat_settings[recid]
            except KeyError:
                tagformat = CFG_BIBEDIT_TAG_FORMAT
            response["tagFormat"] = tagformat

    elif request_type == "submit":
        # Submit the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Missing cache file
        # - Cache file modified in other editor
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # - Invalid XML characters
        # If the cache is outdated cacheOutdated will be set to True in the
        # response.
        if not cache_exists(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 106
        elif not get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data["cacheMTime"]:
            response["resultCode"] = 107
        elif cache_expired(recid, uid) and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = 105
                tmp_result = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)
                record_revision = tmp_result[1]
                record = tmp_result[2]
                pending_changes = tmp_result[3]
                #                disabled_changes = tmp_result[4]

                xml_record = print_rec(record)
                record, status_code, list_of_errors = create_record(xml_record)
                if status_code == 0:
                    response["resultCode"], response["errors"] = 110, list_of_errors
                elif not data["force"] and not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision):
                    response["cacheOutdated"] = True
                    save_xml_record(recid, uid)
                    response["resultCode"] = 4
                response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["error_wrong_cache_file_format"]
    elif request_type == "revert":
        revId = data["revId"]
        job_date = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % re_revdate_split.search(revId).groups()
        revision_xml = get_marcxml_of_revision(recid, job_date)
        save_xml_record(recid, uid, revision_xml)
        if cache_exists(recid, uid):
            delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
        response["resultCode"] = 4

    elif request_type == "cancel":
        # Cancel editing by deleting the cache file. Possible error situations:
        # - Cache file modified in other editor
        if cache_exists(recid, uid):
            if get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data["cacheMTime"]:
                delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
                response["resultCode"] = 5
                response["resultCode"] = 107
            response["resultCode"] = 5

    elif request_type == "deleteRecord":
        # Submit the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # As the user is requesting deletion we proceed even if the cache file
        # is missing and we don't check if the cache is outdated or has
        # been modified in another editor.
        existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
        pending_changes = []

        if has_copies(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["error_physical_copies_exist"]
        elif existing_cache and cache_expired(recid, uid) and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["error_rec_locked_by_user"]
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["error_rec_locked_by_queue"]
            if not existing_cache:
                record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = create_cache_file(
                    recid, uid
                    record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = get_cache_file_contents(
                        recid, uid
                    record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
            record_add_field(record, "980", " ", " ", "", [("c", "DELETED")])
            undo_list = []
            redo_list = []
                recid, uid, record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list
            save_xml_record(recid, uid)
            delete_related_holdingpen_changes(recid)  # we don't need any changes
            # related to a deleted record
            response["resultCode"] = 10

    elif request_type == "deleteRecordCache":
        # Delete the cache file. Ignore the request if the cache has been
        # modified in another editor.
        if cache_exists(recid, uid) and get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data["cacheMTime"]:
            delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
        response["resultCode"] = 11

    elif request_type == "prepareRecordMerge":
        # We want to merge the cache with the current DB version of the record,
        # so prepare an XML file from the file cache, to be used by BibMerge.
        # Possible error situations:
        # - Missing cache file
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # We don't check if cache is outdated (a likely scenario for this
        # request) or if it has been modified in another editor.
        if not cache_exists(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 106
        elif cache_expired(recid, uid) and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = 105
            save_xml_record(recid, uid, to_upload=False, to_merge=True)
            response["resultCode"] = 12

    return response
    def index(self, req, form):
        Main submission page installed on /deposit (hack in Invenio source) with the
        following features:

          * Two different themes/skins (for portal and for invenio)
          * Upload new file to start a publication submission.
          * Enter metadata for publication(s) related to a project

        URL parameters:
         * style: Theme/skin to use - "invenio" or "portal"
         * projectid: Work on publications for this project
         * delete: Delete file and publication
         * plus: ?
         * upload: Upload new file (without Uploadify backend)
        argd = wash_urlargd(
            form, {
                'projectid': (int, -1),
                'delete': (str, ''),
                'publicationid': (str, ''),
                'plus': (int, -1),
                'linkproject': (int, -1),
                'unlinkproject': (int, -1),
                'style': (str, None),
                'upload': (str, ''),
                'dropbox': (str, '')

        _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln'])

        # Check if user is authorized to deposit publications
        user_info = collect_user_info(req)
        auth_code, auth_message = acc_authorize_action(user_info,
        if auth_code:
            if user_info['guest'] == '1':
                return redirect_to_url(
                    req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" %
                             'referer': "%s%s" %
                             (CFG_SITE_URL, req.unparsed_uri),
                             "ln": argd['ln']
                         }, {})))
                return page(
                        "You are not authorized to use OpenAIRE deposition."),
                    title=_("Authorization failure"),

        # Get parameters
        projectid = argd['projectid']
        plus = argd['plus']
        style = get_openaire_style(req)

        if plus == -1:
                plus = bool(session_param_get(req, 'plus'))
            except KeyError:
                plus = False
                session_param_set(req, 'plus', plus)
            plus = bool(plus)
            session_param_set(req, 'plus', plus)

        # Check projectid
        all_project_ids = get_all_projectsids()

        if projectid not in all_project_ids:
            projectid = -1

        uid = user_info['uid']

        ## Perform file upload (if needed)
        if argd['upload']:
            if projectid < 0:
                projectid = 0
                upload_file(form, uid, projectid)
            except UploadError, e:
                return page(req=req,
                            title=_("File upload error"),