예제 #1
파일: mpqa_load.py 프로젝트: aadamson/is13
def mpqa(filename):
    f = open(filename, 'rb')
    data, dicts = cPickle.load(f)
    sentences, labels = data
    shuffle([sentences, labels], 69)

    n = len(sentences)
    training_size = int(floor(n * 0.8))
    training_end = training_size-1
    train_set = (sentences[0:training_end], labels[0:training_end])

    valid_size = int(floor(n * 0.1))
    valid_end = training_size + valid_size - 1
    valid_set = (sentences[training_size:valid_end], labels[training_size:valid_end])

    test_size = int(floor(n * 0.1))
    test_begin = valid_end + 1
    test_end = valid_end + test_size - 1
    test_set = (sentences[test_begin:test_end], labels[test_begin:test_end])


    return (train_set, valid_set, test_set, dicts)
예제 #2
    # instanciate the model
    rnn = model(nh=s['nhidden'],

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s['clr'] = s['lr']
    for e in xrange(s['nepochs']):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s['seed'])
        s['ce'] = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s['win'])
            words = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'), \
                        minibatch(cwords, s['bs']))
            labels = train_y[i]

            for word_batch, label_last_word in zip(words, labels):
                rnn.train(word_batch, label_last_word, s['clr'])

            if s['verbose']:
                print '[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%' % (
                    e, (i + 1) * 100. / nsentences
예제 #3
    # instanciate the model
    rnn = model(    nh = s['nhidden'],
                    nc = nclasses,
                    ne = vocsize,
                    de = s['emb_dimension'],
                    cs = s['win'],
                    cue = args.c)

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s['clr'] = s['lr']
    for e in xrange(s['nepochs']):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex,train_y,train_cue], s['seed'])
        print '[learning] epoch %d' % e
        s['ce'] = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            # take the context win of both
            # merge the results
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s['win'])
            words  = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'),\
                         minibatch(cwords, s['bs']))
            if args.c:
                ccues = contextwin(train_cue[i],s['win'])
                cues_bs = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'),\
                         minibatch(ccues, s['bs']))  
            labels = train_y[i]
            if not args.c:
예제 #4
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=1,
                        help='Adjust level of verbosity.')
    parser.add_argument('-nh', '--num-hidden', dest='num_hidden', type=int, default=20,
                        help='Set dimension of hidden units.')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--depth', type=int, default=3,
                        help='Set number of stacked layers')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--lambda', dest='lam', type=float, default=0.00000001,
                        help='Set lambda value used for L2-regularization')
    parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=345,
                        help='Set PRNG seed')
    parser.add_argument('--emb-file', dest='emb_file', type=str,
                        help='Location of file containing word embeddings')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--num-epochs', dest='num_epochs', type=int, default=200,
                        help='Set number of epochs to train')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--alpha', dest='alpha', type=float, default=0.01,
                        help='Set the initial learning rate')
    parser.add_argument('--ex', dest='examples_file', type=str, default='./mpqa2data.pkl',
                    help='Path to file containing the pkled complete dataset')
    parser.add_argument('--adagrad', dest='adagrad', type=bool, default=True,
                    help='Enable adagrad')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    s = {'lr': args.alpha,
         'verbose': args.verbose,
         'decay': True, # decay on the learning rate if improvement stops
         'nhidden': args.num_hidden, # number of hidden units
         'depth': args.depth, # number of layers in space
         'seed': args.seed,
         'nepochs': args.num_epochs}

    folder = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
    if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)

    # load the dataset
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = mpqa_load.mpqa(args.examples_file)
    idx2label = dic['idx2label']
    idx2word  = dic['idx2word']

    print idx2label

    train_lex, train_y = train_set
    valid_lex, valid_y = valid_set
    test_lex,  test_y  = test_set

    vocsize = max(set([item for sublist in train_lex+valid_lex+test_lex for item in sublist])) + 1

    nclasses = len(set([item for sublist in train_y+valid_y+test_y for item in sublist]))
    nsentences = len(train_lex)

    # instantiate the model
    rnn = model(    nh = s['nhidden'],
                    nc = nclasses,
                    ne = vocsize,
                    depth = s['depth'],
                    embeddings = load_embeddings(args.emb_file, idx2word, vocsize),
                    adagrad=args.adagrad )

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s['clr'] = s['lr']
    s['be'] = 0
    for e in xrange(s['nepochs']):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_y], s['seed'])
        s['ce'] = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            words = numpy.asarray(train_lex[i]).astype('int32').reshape((len(train_lex[i]), 1))
            labels = numpy.asarray(train_y[i]).astype('int32').reshape(len(train_y[i]))
            if len(words) == 0: continue

            cost, _s = rnn.train(words, labels, s['clr'])
            if args.verbose > 0 and i % nsentences/4 == 0:
                for idx in xrange(len(words)):
                    print [round(item, 3) for item in _s[idx,0,:].tolist()], labels[idx], numpy.argmax(_s[idx,0,:]), idx2word[words[idx]]
                print '[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%' % (e, (i+1)*100./nsentences), '\tCurrent cost: %.3f' % cost
        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words
        predictions_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], \
                             rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32').reshape((len(x), 1)))) \
                             for x in test_lex if len(x) > 0 ]
        groundtruth_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y if len(y) > 0 ]
        words_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex if len(w) > 0 ]

        predictions_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], \
                             rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32').reshape((len(x), 1)))) \
                             for x in valid_lex if len(x) > 0 ]
        groundtruth_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y if len(y) > 0 ]
        words_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex if len(w) > 0 ]


        predictions_test_labels = [item for sublist in predictions_test for item in sublist]
        zero_predictions = [item for item in predictions_test_labels if item == '0']
        nonzero_predictions = [item for item in predictions_test_labels if item != '0'] 

        print "Num zero_predictions: %d" % len(zero_predictions)
        print "Num nonzero_predictions: %d" % len(nonzero_predictions)

        errors = 0
        for idx in xrange(len(groundtruth_test)):
            cur_gt_labels = groundtruth_test[idx]
            cur_pred_labels = predictions_test[idx]
            for subidx in xrange(len(cur_gt_labels)):
                if cur_gt_labels[subidx] != cur_pred_labels[subidx]:
                    errors += 1

        accuracy = (1.0 - errors / float(len(predictions_test_labels)))

        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        # error_rate = accuracy([item for sublist in predictions_test for item in sublist], 
        #                                                     [item for sublist in groundtruth_test for item in sublist])
        if accuracy > best_f1:
            best_f1 = accuracy
            s['be'] = e

        #print "Nonzero prediction count: %d" % len([item for item ])
        print "accuracy after %d epochs: %g" % (e, accuracy)
예제 #5
        # language model tensors
        # lm_init_op = sess.graph.get_operation_by_name('Train/Model/states_init')
        # char_inputs_in_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('Train/Model/char_inputs_in')
        # inputs_in_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('Train/Model/inputs_in')
        # targets_in_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('Train/Model/targets_in')
        # targets_weights_in_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('Train/Model/target_weights_in')

        init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        # train with early stopping on training set
        best_f1 = -np.inf
        #        early_stop_count = 0
        for e in range(FLAGS.nepochs):
            # shuffle
            shuffle([train_x, train_ne, train_y, train_lm], FLAGS.seed)
            record['current epoch'] = e
            tic = time.time()

            # training
            for i in range(FLAGS.nsentences):
                X = np.asarray([train_x[i]])
                Y = to_categorical(
                    np.asarray(train_y[i])[:, np.newaxis],
                    nclasses)[np.newaxis, :, :]

                if FLAGS.with_lm:
                    # don't use the lm_embedding for the start token <S>
                    [_] = sess.run([train_op],
                                       inputs: X,
예제 #6
    # instanciate the model
    rnn = model(    nh = s['nhidden'],
                    nc = nclasses,
                    ne = vocsize,
                    de = s['emb_dimension'],
                    cs = s['win'] )

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s['clr'] = s['lr']
    for e in xrange(s['nepochs']):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s['seed'])
        s['ce'] = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s['win'])
            words  = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'),\
                         minibatch(cwords, s['bs']))
            labels = train_y[i]
            for word_batch , label_last_word in zip(words, labels):
                print "word_batch: ", word_batch
                print "label_last_word: ", label_last_word
                rnn.train(word_batch, label_last_word, s['clr'])
            if s['verbose']:
                print '[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%'%(e,(i+1)*100./nsentences),'completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r'%(time.time()-tic),
예제 #7
파일: elman-forward.py 프로젝트: npow/is13
    rnn = model(    nh = s.hidden_size,
                    nc = nclasses,
                    ne = vocsize,
                    de = s.emb_size,
                    cs = s.win,
                    memory_size = s.memory_size,
                    n_memory_slots = s.n_memory_slots )

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s.clr = s.lr
    for e in xrange(s.n_epochs):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s.seed)
        s.ce = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s.win)
            words  = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'),\
                         minibatch(cwords, s.bs))
            labels = train_y[i]
            for word_batch , label_last_word in zip(words, labels):
                rnn.train(word_batch, label_last_word, s.clr)
            if s.verbose:
                print '[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%'%(e,(i+1)*100./nsentences),'completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r'%(time.time()-tic),
        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words
예제 #8
    nclasses = len(set(reduce(lambda x, y: list(x) + list(y), train_y + test_y + valid_y)))

    nsentences = len(train_lex)

    # instanciate the model
    rnn = model(nh=s["nhidden"], nc=nclasses, ne=vocsize, de=s["emb_dimension"], cs=s["win"])

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s["clr"] = s["lr"]
    for e in xrange(s["nepochs"]):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s["seed"])
        s["ce"] = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s["win"])
            words = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype("int32"), minibatch(cwords, s["bs"]))
            labels = train_y[i]

            for word_batch, label_last_word in zip(words, labels):
                rnn.train(word_batch, label_last_word, s["clr"])

            if s["verbose"]:
                print "[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%" % (
                    (i + 1) * 100.0 / nsentences,
예제 #9
파일: main.py 프로젝트: wavelets/RNN-EM
    rnn = model(nh=s.hidden_size,

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s.clr = s.lr
    for e in xrange(s.n_epochs):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s.seed)
        s.ce = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s.win)
            words  = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'),\
                         minibatch(cwords, s.bs))
            labels = train_y[i]
            for word_batch, label_last_word in zip(words, labels):
                rnn.train(word_batch, label_last_word, s.clr)
            if s.verbose:
                print '[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%' % (
                    e, (i + 1) * 100. / nsentences
                ), 'completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r' % (time.time() - tic),
예제 #10
def callRNN():

    s = {'reload':False,
         'model':'the path of the model',
         'decay':True, # decay on the learning rate if improvement stops
         'win':5, # number of words in the context window
         'bs':9, # number of backprop through time steps
         'nhidden':100, # number of hidden units
         'emb_dimension':100, # dimension of word embedding
    folder = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
    if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)

    # load the dataset  训练集、开发集、测试集、词典
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = pp.preProcess(segfile, labelfile, embfile)

    #train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load.atisfold(s['fold'])

    # 字典中存在labels字典和词典 词-》编号   编号-》词
    idx2label = dict((k,v) for v,k in dic['labels2idx'].iteritems())
    idx2word  = dict((k,v) for v,k in dic['words2idx'].iteritems())
    #数据集中包括编号、每行个数、编号, 训练集4:1切分为训练和开发
    train_lex, train_ne, train_y = train_set
    valid_lex, valid_ne, valid_y = valid_set
    test_lex,  test_ne,  test_y  = test_set

    #vocsize = len(set(reduce(\
    #                   lambda x, y: list(x)+list(y),\
    #                   train_lex+valid_lex+test_lex)))
    nclasses = len(idx2word)
    nsentences = len(train_lex) 

    # instanciate the model

    print 'init model'
    rnn = model(    nh = s['nhidden'],
                    nc = nclasses,
                    ne = 1,
                    isemb = s['isemb'],
                    de = s['emb_dimension'],
                    cs = s['win'] )

    if s['reload']:
        print 'load model'
    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s['clr'] = s['lr']
    print 'start train'
    for e in xrange(s['nepochs']):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s['seed'])
        s['ce'] = e
        tic = time.time()

        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s['win'])
            words  = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'),\
                         minibatch(cwords, s['bs']))
            labels = train_y[i]

            for word_batch , label_last_word in zip(words, labels):
                rnn.train(word_batch, label_last_word, s['clr'])  #开始训练

            if s['verbose']:
                print '[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%'%(e,(i+1)*100./nsentences),'completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r'%(time.time()-tic),
        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words

        predictions_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], \
                             rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x, s['win'])).astype('int32')))\
                             for x in test_lex ]

        groundtruth_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y ]

        words_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex]

        predictions_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], \
                             rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x, s['win'])).astype('int32')))\
                             for x in valid_lex ]

        groundtruth_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y ]

        words_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex]

        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        # 调用conlleval.pl,对test和valid数据集进行结果分析,并将结果进行保存
        res_test  = conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, words_test, folder +'/test'+str(e)+'.txt')
        res_valid = conlleval(predictions_valid, groundtruth_valid, words_valid, folder + '/valid'+str(e)+'.txt')

        if not os.path.exists('result'): os.mkdir('result')

        print '第',e,'次迭代的F值为:',res_test['f1'],'开发集F值为',res_valid['f1']
        if res_valid['f1'] > best_f1:            
            best_f1 = res_valid['f1']
            if s['verbose']:
                print 'NEW BEST: epoch', e, 'valid F1', res_valid['f1'], 'best test F1', res_test['f1'], ' '*20
            s['vf1'], s['vp'], s['vr'] = res_valid['f1'], res_valid['p'], res_valid['r']
            s['tf1'], s['tp'], s['tr'] = res_test['f1'],  res_test['p'],  res_test['r']
            s['be'] = e
            subprocess.call(['mv', folder + '/test'+str(e)+'.txt', folder + '/best.test'+str(e)+'.txt'])
            subprocess.call(['mv', folder + '/valid'+str(e)+'.txt', folder + '/best.valid'+str(e)+'.txt'])
            print ''
        # learning rate decay if no improvement in 10 epochs
        if s['decay'] and abs(s['be']-s['ce']) >= 5: 
            s['clr'] *= 0.5
            print '学习率修改为=',s['clr'] 
        if s['clr'] < 1e-5: break

    print 'BEST RESULT: epoch', e, 'valid F1', s['vf1'], 'best test F1', s['tf1'], 'with the model', folder
예제 #11
def callRNN():

    s = {
        'reload': False,
        'model': 'the path of the model',
        'isemb': True,
        'lr': 0.0627142536696559,
        'verbose': 1,
        'decay': True,  # decay on the learning rate if improvement stops
        'win': 5,  # number of words in the context window
        'bs': 9,  # number of backprop through time steps
        'nhidden': 100,  # number of hidden units
        'seed': 345,
        'emb_dimension': 100,  # dimension of word embedding
        'nepochs': 20

    folder = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
    if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)

    # load the dataset  训练集、开发集、测试集、词典
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = pp.preProcess(
        segfile, labelfile, embfile)

    #train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load.atisfold(s['fold'])

    # 字典中存在labels字典和词典 词-》编号   编号-》词
    idx2label = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['labels2idx'].iteritems())
    idx2word = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['words2idx'].iteritems())

    #数据集中包括编号、每行个数、编号, 训练集4:1切分为训练和开发
    train_lex, train_ne, train_y = train_set
    valid_lex, valid_ne, valid_y = valid_set
    test_lex, test_ne, test_y = test_set

    #vocsize = len(set(reduce(\
    #                   lambda x, y: list(x)+list(y),\
    #                   train_lex+valid_lex+test_lex)))
    nclasses = len(idx2word)

    nsentences = len(train_lex)

    # instanciate the model

    print 'init model'
    rnn = model(nh=s['nhidden'],

    if s['reload']:
        print 'load model'
    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s['clr'] = s['lr']
    print 'start train'
    for e in xrange(s['nepochs']):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s['seed'])
        s['ce'] = e
        tic = time.time()

        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s['win'])
            words  = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'),\
                         minibatch(cwords, s['bs']))
            labels = train_y[i]

            for word_batch, label_last_word in zip(words, labels):
                rnn.train(word_batch, label_last_word, s['clr'])  #开始训练

            if s['verbose']:
                print '[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%' % (
                    e, (i + 1) * 100. / nsentences
                ), 'completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r' % (time.time() - tic),

        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words

        predictions_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], \
                             rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x, s['win'])).astype('int32')))\
                             for x in test_lex ]

        groundtruth_test = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y]

        words_test = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex]

        predictions_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], \
                             rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x, s['win'])).astype('int32')))\
                             for x in valid_lex ]

        groundtruth_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y]

        words_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex]

        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        # 调用conlleval.pl,对test和valid数据集进行结果分析,并将结果进行保存
        res_test = conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, words_test,
                             folder + '/test' + str(e) + '.txt')
        res_valid = conlleval(predictions_valid, groundtruth_valid,
                              words_valid, folder + '/valid' + str(e) + '.txt')

        if not os.path.exists('result'): os.mkdir('result')
        rnn.save('result/' + folder + str(e))

        print '第', e, '次迭代的F值为:', res_test['f1'], '开发集F值为', res_valid['f1']
        if res_valid['f1'] > best_f1:
            best_f1 = res_valid['f1']
            if s['verbose']:
                print 'NEW BEST: epoch', e, 'valid F1', res_valid[
                    'f1'], 'best test F1', res_test['f1'], ' ' * 20
            s['vf1'], s['vp'], s['vr'] = res_valid['f1'], res_valid[
                'p'], res_valid['r']
            s['tf1'], s['tp'], s['tr'] = res_test['f1'], res_test[
                'p'], res_test['r']
            s['be'] = e
                'mv', folder + '/test' + str(e) + '.txt',
                folder + '/best.test' + str(e) + '.txt'
                'mv', folder + '/valid' + str(e) + '.txt',
                folder + '/best.valid' + str(e) + '.txt'
            print ''

        # learning rate decay if no improvement in 10 epochs
        if s['decay'] and abs(s['be'] - s['ce']) >= 5:
            s['clr'] *= 0.5
            print '学习率修改为=', s['clr']
        if s['clr'] < 1e-5: break

    print 'BEST RESULT: epoch', e, 'valid F1', s['vf1'], 'best test F1', s[
        'tf1'], 'with the model', folder
예제 #12
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=1,
                        help='Adjust level of verbosity.')
    parser.add_argument('-nh', '--num-hidden', dest='num_hidden', type=int, default=100,
                        help='Set dimension of hidden units.')
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--window', type=int, default=5,
                        help='Set size of context window (in words).')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--depth', type=int, default=3,
                        help='Set number of stacked layers')
    parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=345,
                        help='Set PRNG seed')
    parser.add_argument('--emb-dim', dest='emb_dimension', type=int, default=100,
                        help='Set size of word embeddings')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--num-epochs', dest='num_epochs', type=int, default=50,
                        help='Set number of epochs to train')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    s = {'fold':3, # 5 folds 0,1,2,3,4
         'verbose': args.verbose,
         'decay': False, # decay on the learning rate if improvement stops
         'win': args.window, # number of words in the context window
         'bs':9, # number of backprop through time steps
         'nhidden': args.num_hidden, # number of hidden units
         'depth': args.depth, # number of layers in space
         'seed': args.seed,
         'emb_dimension': args.emb_dimension, # dimension of word embedding
         'nepochs': args.num_epochs}

    folder = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
    if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)

    # load the dataset
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load.atisfold(s['fold'])
    idx2label = dict((k,v) for v,k in dic['labels2idx'].iteritems())
    idx2word  = dict((k,v) for v,k in dic['words2idx'].iteritems())

    train_lex, train_ne, train_y = train_set
    valid_lex, valid_ne, valid_y = valid_set
    test_lex,  test_ne,  test_y  = test_set

    vocsize = len(set(reduce(\
                       lambda x, y: list(x)+list(y),\

    nclasses = len(set(reduce(\
                       lambda x, y: list(x)+list(y),\
    nsentences = len(train_lex)

    # instantiate the model
    rnn = model(    nh = s['nhidden'],
                    nc = nclasses,
                    ne = vocsize,
                    de = s['emb_dimension'],
                    cs = s['win'],
                    depth = s['depth'] )

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    best_f1 = -numpy.inf
    s['clr'] = s['lr']
    for e in xrange(s['nepochs']):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s['seed'])
        s['ce'] = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i], s['win'])
            words  = map(lambda x: numpy.asarray(x).astype('int32'),\
                         minibatch(cwords, s['bs']))
            labels = train_y[i]
            for word_batch, label_last_word in zip(words, labels):
                print word_batch
                #print label_last_word
                rnn.train(word_batch, label_last_word, s['clr'])
            if s['verbose']:
                print '[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%'%(e,(i+1)*100./nsentences),'completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r'%(time.time()-tic),
        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words
        predictions_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], \
                             rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x, s['win'])).astype('int32')))\
                             for x in test_lex ]
        groundtruth_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y ]
        words_test = [ map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex]

        predictions_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], \
                             rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x, s['win'])).astype('int32')))\
                             for x in valid_lex ]
        groundtruth_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y ]
        words_valid = [ map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex]

        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        res_test  = conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, words_test, folder + '/current.test.txt')
        res_valid = conlleval(predictions_valid, groundtruth_valid, words_valid, folder + '/current.valid.txt')

        if res_valid['f1'] > best_f1:
            best_f1 = res_valid['f1']
            if s['verbose']:
                print 'NEW BEST: epoch', e, 'valid F1', res_valid['f1'], 'best test F1', res_test['f1'], ' '*20
            s['vf1'], s['vp'], s['vr'] = res_valid['f1'], res_valid['p'], res_valid['r']
            s['tf1'], s['tp'], s['tr'] = res_test['f1'],  res_test['p'],  res_test['r']
            s['be'] = e
            subprocess.call(['mv', folder + '/current.test.txt', folder + '/best.test.txt'])
            subprocess.call(['mv', folder + '/current.valid.txt', folder + '/best.valid.txt'])
            print ''
        # learning rate decay if no improvement in 10 epochs
        if s['decay'] and abs(s['be']-s['ce']) >= 10: s['clr'] *= 0.5 
        if s['clr'] < 1e-5: break

    print 'BEST RESULT: epoch', e, 'valid F1', s['vf1'], 'best test F1', s['tf1'], 'with the model', folder
예제 #13
def run(s) :

    print s
    folder = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
    if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
    #print folder

    # load the dataset
    eval_options = []
    if s['dataset'] == 'atis':
        train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load.atisfold(s['fold'])
    if s['dataset'] == 'ner':
        train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load.ner()
    if s['dataset'] == 'chunk':
        train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load.chunk()
    if s['dataset'] == 'pos':
        train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic = load.pos()
        eval_options = ['-r']

    idx2label = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['labels2idx'].iteritems())
    idx2word = dict((k, v) for v, k in dic['words2idx'].iteritems())

    train_lex, train_ne, train_y = train_set
    valid_lex, valid_ne, valid_y = valid_set
    test_lex, test_ne, test_y = test_set

    vocsize = len(dic['words2idx'])
    nclasses = len(dic['labels2idx'])
    nsentences = len(train_lex)

    wv = None
    if 'WVFolderName' in s:
        # load word vector
        # wv = numpy.zeros((vocsize+1, s['emb_dimension']))
        # input = open(s['wv_folder'] + str(s['emb_dimension']), 'r')
        # for line in input:
        #     tokens = line.split(' ')
        #     wv[int(tokens[0])] = [float(tokens[j]) for j in xrange(1, len(tokens) - 1)]

        # load word vector
        wvnp = np.load("./../WV/" + s['WVFolderName'] + "/" + s['model']+".words" + str(s['emb_dimension']) + ".npy")
        # load vocab
        with open("./../WV/" + s['WVFolderName'] + "/" + s['model']+".words" + str(s['emb_dimension']) + ".vocab") as f:
            vocab = [line.strip() for line in f if len(line) > 0]
        wi = dict([(a, i) for i, a in enumerate(vocab)])
        iw = vocab
        wv = numpy.zeros((vocsize + 1, s['emb_dimension']))
        random_v = math.sqrt(6.0 / numpy.sum(s['emb_dimension'])) * numpy.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (s['emb_dimension']))

        miss = 0
        for i in range(0, vocsize):
            word = idx2word[i]
            if word in wi:
                wv[i] = wvnp[wi[word]]
                # print wvnp[wi[word]]
                wv[i] = random_v
                miss += 1
        print miss, '/', vocsize

    best_valid = numpy.zeros(len(s['rho'])) - numpy.inf
    best_test = numpy.zeros(len(s['rho'])) - numpy.inf
    test_f1List = [[],[],[],[],[],[] ]
    # print 111
    # print test_f1List

    # instanciate the model
    rnn = elman_attention.model(nh=s['nhidden'],

    # train with early stopping on validation set
    for e in xrange(s['nepochs']):
        # shuffle
        shuffle([train_lex, train_ne, train_y], s['seed'])
        s['ce'] = e
        tic = time.time()
        for i in xrange(nsentences):
            cwords = contextwin(train_lex[i])
            labels = train_y[i]

            # for j in xrange(len(words)):
            #    if j >= 2 :
            #        rnn.train(words[j], [labels[j-2], labels[j-1], labels[j]], s['clr'])

            nl, aaL = rnn.train(cwords, labels, s['dropRate'], 1)
            #if i % 1 == 0:
            #    print aaL
            # rnn.normalize()
            if s['verbose']:
                sys.stdout.write(('\r[learning] epoch %i >> %2.2f%%' % (
                    e, (i + 1) * 100. / nsentences) +
                                  ('  average speed in %.2f (min) <<' % (
                                      (time.time() - tic) / 60 / (i + 1) * nsentences)) + (' completed in %.2f (sec) <<' % (
                    (time.time() - tic)))))

        print 'start test', time.time() / 60
        # print avgSentenceLength / (nsentences)
        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words
        # evaluation // back into the real world : idx -> words

        print 'start pred train', time.time() / 60
        predictions_train = [[map(lambda varible: idx2label[varible], w)\
                              for w in rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x)).astype('int32'), s['dropRate'], 0, s['rho'])]
                             for x in train_lex]
        groundtruth_train = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in train_y]
        words_train = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in train_lex]

        #print 'start pred test', time.time() / 60
        predictions_test = [[map(lambda varible: idx2label[varible], w)\
                             for w in rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x)).astype('int32'), s['dropRate'], 0, s['rho'])]
                            for x in test_lex]
        groundtruth_test = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in test_y]
        words_test = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in test_lex]

        #print 'start pred valid', time.time() / 60
        predictions_valid = [[map(lambda varible: idx2label[varible], w)\
                              for w in rnn.classify(numpy.asarray(contextwin(x)).astype('int32'), s['dropRate'], 0, s['rho'])]
                             for x in valid_lex]
        groundtruth_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2label[x], y) for y in valid_y]
        words_valid = [map(lambda x: idx2word[x], w) for w in valid_lex]

        #print 'end pred, start eval', time.time() / 60

        # evaluation // compute the accuracy using conlleval.pl
        for i_rho in xrange(len(s['rho'])) :
            ptrain = [p[i_rho] for p in predictions_train]
            ptest = [p[i_rho] for p in predictions_test]
            pvalid = [p[i_rho] for p in predictions_valid]

            res_train = conlleval(ptrain, groundtruth_train, words_train, folder + '/current.train.txt' + str(s['seed']), eval_options)
            res_test = conlleval(ptest, groundtruth_test, words_test, folder + '/current.test.txt' + str(s['seed']), eval_options)
            res_valid = conlleval(pvalid, groundtruth_valid, words_valid, folder + '/current.valid.txt' + str(s['seed']), eval_options)

            print '                                     epoch', e, ' rho ', i_rho, '  train p', res_train[
                'p'], 'valid p', res_valid[
                'p'],'  train r', res_train[
                'r'], 'valid r', res_valid[
                'r'],'  train F1', res_train[
                'f1'], 'valid F1', res_valid[
                'f1'], 'best test F1', res_test['f1'], ' ' * 20


            if res_valid['f1'] > best_valid[i_rho]:
                best_valid[i_rho] = res_valid['f1']
                best_test[i_rho] = res_test['f1']
        for i_rho in xrange(len(s['rho'])) :
            print i_rho, s['dataset'],
            if s['model'] == 'glove':
                print s['WVFolderName'].replace('skip', 'glove'),
                print s['WVFolderName'],
            for iff1 in test_f1List[i_rho]:
                print iff1,
            print ''
        for i_rho in xrange(len(s['rho'])) :
            print s['rho'][i_rho], ' ', best_valid[i_rho] , '/' , best_test[i_rho]

        #print 'end eval', time.time() / 60

    print 'BEST RESULT: epoch', e, 'valid F1', s['vf1'], 'best test F1', s['tf1'], 'with the model', folder