예제 #1
class JoblibRunner:
    def __init__(self, logistic_regression, **kwargs):
        self.logistic_regression = logistic_regression
        self._parallel_pool = Parallel(**kwargs)
        self.parallel = self._parallel_pool.__enter__()

    def stop(self):
        if self.parallel is not None:
            self._parallel_pool.__exit__(None, None, None)

    def __call__(self, prob_it, **kwargs):
        logits_delayed = []
        for feats_support, gt_support in prob_it:
                delayed(self.logistic_regression)(feats_support, gt_support,
        fit_n_iters_list = []
        weights = []
        biases = []
        for result in self.parallel(logits_delayed):
            if result is None:
            weight, bias, lr_fit_n_iters = result
        return fit_n_iters_list, weights, biases
예제 #2
class JoblibPoolDummy(object):
    """joblib Parallel workers pool pretending to behave like a multiprocessing pool"""

    def __init__(self, func=None, njobs=None, **kwargs):

        from joblib import Parallel, delayed
        import multiprocessing

        if njobs is None:
            self.njobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
            self.njobs = njobs

        self.func = func
        self.parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=self.njobs, **kwargs)

    def map(self, func, iterable):
        return self.parallel(map(delayed(func), iterable))

    def vectorized_func(self, iterable):
        return self.parallel(delayed(self.func)(val) for val in list(iterable))

    def close(self):
        self.parallel.__exit__(None, None, None)
예제 #3
class MultivariateConvolutionalCodingProblem2D(_Problem):
    '''Convolutional Sparse coding by coordinate descent

    D: array-like (n_dict (K), n_dim(d), height(h_dic), width(w_dic))
        dictionary for the coding problem
    x: array-like (n_dim(d), height(h_sig), width(w_sig))
        signal to encode on the dictionary
    lmbd: float, optional (default: 0.1)
        control the sparsity of the solution
    z0: array-like (K, h_sig-h_dic+1, w_sig-w_dic+1), optional (default: None)
        initial code, if not set, start with the 0 series
    nonneg: bool, optional (default: False)
        Use the proximal operator to shrink in a non-negative
    def __init__(self, D, x, lmbd=0.1, z0=None, nonneg=False, **kwargs):
        self.D = np.array(D)
        self.x = np.array(x)
        if self.D.ndim == 3:
            self.D = self.D[:, :, None]
        if self.D.ndim == 2:
            self.D = self.D[:, None, None]
        if self.x.ndim == 2:
            self.x = self.x[:, None]
        if self.x.ndim == 1:
            self.x = self.x[None, None]
        size = None
        if z0 is None:
            size = (self.D.shape[0], self.x.shape[-2] - self.D.shape[-2] + 1,
                    self.x.shape[-1] - self.D.shape[-1] + 1)
              self).__init__(z0, size=size, **kwargs)
        self.M, self.d, self.h_dic, self.w_dic = self.D.shape
        self.lmbd = lmbd
        self.nonneg = False
        self.d = self.x.shape[0]
        self._pool = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)

        self.DD = np.mean(
            [[[fftconvolve(dk0, dk1, mode='full') for dk0, dk1 in zip(d0, d1)]
              for d1 in self.D] for d0 in self.D[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]],

        self.L = np.linalg.norm(self.DD, axis=(0, 1), ord=2).sum()

    def update_D(self, dD, D=None):
        if D is None:
            D = self.D
            if dD is not None:
                D = D + dD
        self.D = D

        self.DD = np.mean(
            [[[fftconvolve(dk0, dk1, mode='full') for dk0, dk1 in zip(d0, d1)]
              for d1 in self.D] for d0 in self.D[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]],
        self.L = np.linalg.norm(self.DD, axis=(0, 1), ord=2).sum()

    def Er(self, pt):
        '''Commpute the reconstruction error
        res = self.x - self.reconstruct(pt)
        return (res * res).sum() / (2 * self.d)

    def cost(self, pt=None):
        '''Compute the cost at the given point
        if pt is None:
            pt = self.pt
        return self.Er(pt) + self.lmbd * np.sum(abs(pt))

    def grad(self, pt=None, D=None, x=None):
        '''Compute the gradient at the given point
        # Get correct arguments
        x = self._get_args(x, self.x)
        pt = self._get_args(pt, self.pt)
        D = self._get_args(D, self.D)
        residual = self.reconstruct(pt) - x
        conv = delayed(MultivariateConvolutionalCodingProblem2D.multi_conv)
        _grad = self._pool(
            conv(residual, Dm, mode='valid') for Dm in D[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
        return np.mean(_grad, axis=1)

    def prox(self, pt=None, lmbd=None):
        '''Compute the proximal operator at the given point
        Can pass an additional argument to compute it for different lambda
        if pt is None:
            pt = self.pt
        if lmbd is None:
            lmbd = self.lmbd
        if self.nonneg:
            return np.maximum(pt - lmbd, 0)
            return np.sign(pt) * np.maximum(abs(pt) - lmbd, 0)

    def grad_D(self, x=None, pt=None, D=None):
        # Get correct arguments
        x = self._get_args(x, self.x)
        pt = self._get_args(pt, self.pt)
        D = self._get_args(D, self.D)

        residual = self.reconstruct(pt=pt, D=D) - x
        conv = delayed(MultivariateConvolutionalCodingProblem2D.multi_conv)
        self._grad_D = self._pool(
            conv(residual, z, mode='valid') for z in pt[:, ::-1, ::-1])
        self._grad_D = np.array(self._grad_D)
        return self._grad_D

    def multi_conv(cls, z, D, mode):
        if len(z.nonzero()[0]) == 0 or len(D.nonzero()[0]) == 0:
            if D.ndim == 3:
                K, h_dic, w_dic = D.shape
                h_sig, w_sig = z.shape[-2:]
                h_dic, w_dic = D.shape[-2:]
                K, h_sig, w_sig = z.shape
            if mode == 'valid':
                return np.zeros((K, h_sig - h_dic + 1, w_sig - w_dic + 1))
                return np.zeros((K, h_sig + h_dic - 1, w_sig + w_dic - 1))

        if D.ndim == 3 and z.ndim == 3:
            return [fftconvolve(zk, dk, mode=mode) for zk, dk in zip(z, D)]
        elif D.ndim == 3:
            return [fftconvolve(z, dk, mode=mode) for dk in D]
        return [fftconvolve(zk, D, mode=mode) for zk in z]

    def reconstruct(self, pt=None, D=None):
        '''Reconstruct the signal from the given code
        pt = self._get_args(pt, self.pt)
        D = self._get_args(D, self.D)
        conv = delayed(MultivariateConvolutionalCodingProblem2D.multi_conv)
        rec = self._pool([conv(zm, Dm, mode='full') for Dm, zm in zip(D, pt)])
        return np.sum(rec, axis=0)

    def _get_args(self, arg, default):
        if arg is None:
            return default
        return arg

    def compute_AB(self, x=None, pt=None, D=None):
        # Get correct arguments
        x = self._get_args(x, self.x)
        pt = self._get_args(pt, self.pt)
        D = self._get_args(D, self.D)

        K, h_cod, w_cod = pt.shape
        _, d, h_dic, w_dic = D.shape
        _, h_sig, w_sig = x.shape

        z = np.zeros((K + d, ) + x.shape[-2:])
        z[:K, :h_cod, :w_cod] = pt
        z[K:] = x

        zz = np.zeros((K + d, 2 * h_dic - 2 + h_cod, 2 * w_dic - 2 + w_cod))
        zz[:K, h_dic - 1:-h_dic + 1, w_dic - 1:-w_dic + 1] = pt
        zz[K:, :h_sig, :w_sig] = x
        conv = delayed(MultivariateConvolutionalCodingProblem2D.multi_conv)
        A = self._pool(
            [conv(zz, ptk, mode='valid') for ptk in pt[:, ::-1, ::-1]])
        A = np.array(A)
        self.A = A[:, :K]
        self.B = A[:, K:, :h_dic, :w_dic]

        return self.A, self.B

    def __enter__(self, *args):

    def __exit__(self, *args):

    def __reduce__(self):
        import copy
        f, a, kw = super(MultivariateConvolutionalCodingProblem2D,
        kw = copy.copy(kw)
        kw["_pool"] = None

        return f, a, kw

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state
        self._pool = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)