예제 #1
def estimate_param_scan(estimator, X, param_sets, evaluate=None, evaluate_args=None, failfast=True,
                        return_estimators=False, n_jobs=1, progress_reporter=None):
    """ Runs multiple estimations using a list of parameter settings

    estimator : Estimator object or class
        An estimator object that provides an estimate(X, **params) function.
        If only a class is provided here, the Estimator objects will be
        constructed with default parameter settings, and the parameter settings
        from param_sets for each estimation. If you want to specify other
        parameter settings for those parameters not specified in param_sets,
        construct an Estimator before and pass the object.

    param_sets : iterable over dictionaries
        An iterable that provides parameter settings. Each element defines a
        parameter set, for which an estimation will be run using these
        parameters in estimate(X, **params). All other parameter settings will
        be taken from the default settings in the estimator object.

    evaluate : str or list of str
        The given methods or properties will be called on the estimated
        models, and their results will be returned instead of the full models.
        This may be useful for reducing memory overhead.

    failfast : bool
        If True, will raise an exception when estimation failed with an exception
        or trying to calls a method that doesn't exist. If False, will simply
        return None in these cases.

    models : list of model objects or evaluated function values
        A list of estimated models in the same order as param_sets. If evaluate
        is given, each element will contain the results from these method

    estimators (optional) : list of estimator objects. These are returned only
        if return_estimators=True


    Estimate a maximum likelihood Markov model at lag times 1, 2, 3.

    >>> from pyemma.msm.estimators import MaximumLikelihoodMSM
    >>> dtraj = [0,0,1,2,1,0,1,0,1,2,2,0,0,0,1,1,2,1,0,0,1,2,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,2]  # mini-trajectory
    >>> param_sets=param_grid({'lag': [1,2,3]})
    >>> estimate_param_scan(MaximumLikelihoodMSM, dtraj, param_sets, evaluate='timescales')
    [array([ 1.24113167,  0.77454377]), array([ 2.65266703,  1.42909841]), array([ 5.34810395,  1.14784446])]

    Try also getting samples of the timescales

    >>> estimate_param_scan(MaximumLikelihoodMSM, dtraj, param_sets, evaluate=['timescales', 'timescales_samples'])
    [[array([ 1.24113167,  0.77454377]), None], [array([ 2.65266703,  1.42909841]), None], [array([ 5.34810395,  1.14784446]), None],

    We get Nones because the MaximumLikelihoodMSM estimator doesn't provide timescales_samples. Use for example
    a Bayesian estimator for that.

    # make sure we have an estimator object
    estimator = get_estimator(estimator)
    # if we want to return estimators, make clones. Otherwise just copy references.
    # For parallel processing we always need clones
    if return_estimators or n_jobs > 1 or n_jobs is None:
        estimators = [clone_estimator(estimator) for _ in param_sets]
        estimators = [estimator for _ in param_sets]

    # if we evaluate, make sure we have a list of functions to evaluate
    if _types.is_string(evaluate):
        evaluate = [evaluate]

    # set call back for joblib
    if progress_reporter is not None:
        progress_reporter._progress_register(len(estimators), stage=0,
                                             description="estimating %s" % str(estimator.__class__.__name__))

        if n_jobs > 1:
            class CallBack(object):
                def __init__(self, index, parallel):
                    self.index = index
                    self.parallel = parallel
                    self.reporter = progress_reporter

                def __call__(self, index):
                    if self.reporter is not None:
                        self.reporter._progress_update(1, stage=0)
                    if self.parallel._original_iterable:
            import joblib.parallel
            joblib.parallel.CallBack = CallBack
            def _print(msg, msg_args):
                # NOTE: this is a ugly hack, because if we only use one job,
                # we do not get the joblib callback interface, as a workaround
                # we use the Parallel._print function, which is called with
                # msg_args = (done_jobs, total_jobs)
                if len(msg_args) == 2:
                    progress_reporter._progress_update(1, stage=0)

    # iterate over parameter settings
    from joblib import Parallel
    import joblib
    pool = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)

    if progress_reporter is not None and n_jobs == 1:
        pool._print = _print
        # NOTE: verbose has to be set, otherwise our print hack does not work.
        pool.verbose = 50

    task_iter = (joblib.delayed(_estimate_param_scan_worker)(estimators[i],
                                                             param_sets[i], X,
                 for i in range(len(param_sets)))

    # container for model or function evaluations
    res = pool(task_iter)

    if progress_reporter is not None:

    # done
    if return_estimators:
        return res, estimators
        return res
예제 #2
def estimate_param_scan(estimator,
    """ Runs multiple estimations using a list of parameter settings

    estimator : Estimator object or class
        An estimator object that provides an estimate(X, **params) function.
        If only a class is provided here, the Estimator objects will be
        constructed with default parameter settings, and the parameter settings
        from param_sets for each estimation. If you want to specify other
        parameter settings for those parameters not specified in param_sets,
        construct an Estimator before and pass the object.

    param_sets : iterable over dictionaries
        An iterable that provides parameter settings. Each element defines a
        parameter set, for which an estimation will be run using these
        parameters in estimate(X, **params). All other parameter settings will
        be taken from the default settings in the estimator object.

    evaluate : str or list of str, optional
        The given methods or properties will be called on the estimated
        models, and their results will be returned instead of the full models.
        This may be useful for reducing memory overhead.

    evaluate_args: iterable of iterable, optional
        Arguments to be passed to evaluated methods. Note, that size has to match to the size of evaluate.

    failfast : bool
        If True, will raise an exception when estimation failed with an exception
        or trying to calls a method that doesn't exist. If False, will simply
        return None in these cases.

    return_estimators: bool
        If True, return a list estimators in addition to the models.

    show_progress: bool
        if the given estimator supports show_progress interface, we set the flag
        prior doing estimations.

    models : list of model objects or evaluated function values
        A list of estimated models in the same order as param_sets. If evaluate
        is given, each element will contain the results from these method

    estimators (optional) : list of estimator objects. These are returned only
        if return_estimators=True


    Estimate a maximum likelihood Markov model at lag times 1, 2, 3.

    >>> from pyemma.msm.estimators import MaximumLikelihoodMSM, BayesianMSM
    >>> dtraj = [0,0,1,2,1,0,1,0,1,2,2,0,0,0,1,1,2,1,0,0,1,2,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,2]  # mini-trajectory
    >>> param_sets=param_grid({'lag': [1,2,3]})
    >>> estimate_param_scan(MaximumLikelihoodMSM, dtraj, param_sets, evaluate='timescales')
    [array([ 1.24113168,  0.77454377]), array([ 2.48226337,  1.54908754]), array([ 3.72339505,  2.32363131])]

    Now we also want to get samples of the timescales using the BayesianMSM.
    >>> estimate_param_scan(MaximumLikelihoodMSM, dtraj, param_sets, failfast=False,
    ...     evaluate=['timescales', 'timescales_samples']) # doctest: +SKIP
    [[array([ 1.24113168,  0.77454377]), None], [array([ 2.48226337,  1.54908754]), None], [array([ 3.72339505,  2.32363131]), None]]

    We get Nones because the MaximumLikelihoodMSM estimator doesn't provide timescales_samples. Use for example
    a Bayesian estimator for that.

    Now we also want to get samples of the timescales using the BayesianMSM.
    >>> estimate_param_scan(BayesianMSM, dtraj, param_sets, show_progress=False,
    ...     evaluate=['timescales', 'sample_f'], evaluate_args=((), ('timescales', ))) # doctest: +SKIP
    [[array([ 1.24357685,  0.77609028]), [array([ 1.5963252 ,  0.73877883]), array([ 1.29915847,  0.49004912]), array([ 0.90058583,  0.73841786]), ... ]]

    # make sure we have an estimator object
    estimator = get_estimator(estimator)
    if hasattr(estimator, 'show_progress'):
        estimator.show_progress = show_progress
    # if we want to return estimators, make clones. Otherwise just copy references.
    # For parallel processing we always need clones
    if return_estimators or n_jobs > 1 or n_jobs is None:
        estimators = [clone_estimator(estimator) for _ in param_sets]
        estimators = [estimator for _ in param_sets]

    # if we evaluate, make sure we have a list of functions to evaluate
    if _types.is_string(evaluate):
        evaluate = [evaluate]
    if _types.is_string(evaluate_args):
        evaluate_args = [evaluate_args]

    if evaluate is not None and evaluate_args is not None and len(
            evaluate) != len(evaluate_args):
        raise ValueError(
            "length mismatch: evaluate ({}) and evaluate_args ({})".format(
                len(evaluate), len(evaluate_args)))

    # set call back for joblib
    if progress_reporter is not None and show_progress:
                                             description="estimating %s" %

        if n_jobs > 1:
                from joblib.parallel import BatchCompletionCallBack
                batch_comp_call_back = True
            except ImportError:
                from joblib.parallel import CallBack as BatchCompletionCallBack
                batch_comp_call_back = False

            class CallBack(BatchCompletionCallBack):
                def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
                    self.reporter = progress_reporter
                    super(CallBack, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

                def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
                    self.reporter._progress_update(1, stage=0)
                    super(CallBack, self).__call__(*args, **kw)

            import joblib.parallel
            if batch_comp_call_back:
                joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack = CallBack
                joblib.parallel.CallBack = CallBack

            def _print(msg, msg_args):
                # NOTE: this is a ugly hack, because if we only use one job,
                # we do not get the joblib callback interface, as a workaround
                # we use the Parallel._print function, which is called with
                # msg_args = (done_jobs, total_jobs)
                if len(msg_args) == 2:
                    progress_reporter._progress_update(1, stage=0)

    # iterate over parameter settings
    from joblib import Parallel
    import joblib, mock, six

    if six.PY34:
        from multiprocessing import get_context
            ctx = get_context(method='forkserver')
        except ValueError:  # forkserver NA
                # this is slower in creation, but will not use as much memory!
                ctx = get_context(method='spawn')
            except ValueError:
                ctx = get_context(None)
                    "WARNING: using default multiprocessing start method {}. "
                    "This could potentially lead to memory issues.".format(

        with mock.patch('joblib.parallel.DEFAULT_MP_CONTEXT', ctx):
            pool = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)
        pool = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)

    if progress_reporter is not None and n_jobs == 1:
        pool._print = _print
        # NOTE: verbose has to be set, otherwise our print hack does not work.
        pool.verbose = 50

    if n_jobs > 1:
        # if n_jobs=1 don't invoke the pool, but directly dispatch the iterator
        task_iter = (joblib.delayed(_estimate_param_scan_worker)(
        ) for i in range(len(param_sets)))

        # container for model or function evaluations
        res = pool(task_iter)
        res = []
        for i, param in enumerate(param_sets):
                _estimate_param_scan_worker(estimators[i], param, X, evaluate,
                                            evaluate_args, failfast))
            if progress_reporter is not None and show_progress:
                progress_reporter._progress_update(1, stage=0)

    if progress_reporter is not None and show_progress:

    # done
    if return_estimators:
        return res, estimators
        return res