def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slidx = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '', 'single') getf = GetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1) # host allocations ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, fields.dtype) eh_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs) ) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) # verify getf.get_event().wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slidx] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slidx = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '') getf = GetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1) # host allocations eh_dict = {} for sf in str_fs: eh_dict[sf] = np.random.rand(*fields.ns).astype(fields.dtype) cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, fields.get_buf(sf), eh_dict[sf]) # verify getf.get_event().wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slidx] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) self.assertEqual(np.abs(eh_dict[str_f][slidx] - getf.get_fields(str_f)).max(), 0, self.args)
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slidx = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '', 'single') getf = GetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1) # host allocations ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, fields.dtype) eh_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs) ) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) # verify getf.get_event().wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slidx] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slidx = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '') getf = GetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1) # host allocations eh_dict = {} for sf in str_fs: eh_dict[sf] = np.random.rand(*fields.ns).astype(fields.dtype) cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, fields.get_buf(sf), eh_dict[sf]) # verify getf.get_event().wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slidx] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) self.assertEqual( np.abs(eh_dict[str_f][slidx] - getf.get_fields(str_f)).max(), 0, self.args)
def runTest(self): ufunc, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float, tmax = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float) gpu.Core(fields) fields_ref = naive.Fields(nx, ny, nz, precision_float) naive.Core(fields_ref) # allocations ns = fields.ns dtype = fields.dtype strf_list = ['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'] ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype, ufunc) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) fields_ref.set_ehs(*ehs) ces, chs = common_random.generate_cs(nx, ny, nz, dtype, coeff_use) if 'e' in coeff_use: fields.set_ce_bufs(*ces) fields_ref.set_ces(*ces) if 'h' in coeff_use: fields.set_ch_bufs(*chs) fields_ref.set_chs(*chs) tmpf = np.zeros(fields.ns, dtype=dtype) # update if ufunc == 'e': for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_e() fields_ref.update_e() for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs)[:3]: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(fields_ref.get(strf) - tmpf) max_diff = np.abs(fields_ref.get(strf) - tmpf).max() self.assertEqual( norm, 0, '%s, %s, %g, %g' % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff)) elif ufunc == 'h': for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_h() fields_ref.update_h() for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs)[3:]: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(fields_ref.get(strf) - tmpf) max_diff = np.abs(fields_ref.get(strf) - tmpf).max() self.assertEqual( norm, 0, '%s, %s, %g, %g' % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff))
def runTest(self): axis, nx, ny, nz, precision_float = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '', precision_float) pbc = Pbc(fields, axis) # allocations ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, fields.dtype) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) # update fields.update_e() fields.update_h() # verify getf0, getf1 = {}, {} strfs_e = {'x':['ey', 'ez'], 'y':['ex', 'ez'], 'z':['ex', 'ey']}[axis] strfs_h = {'x':['hy', 'hz'], 'y':['hx', 'hz'], 'z':['hx', 'hy']}[axis] pt0 = (0, 0, 0) pt1 = { 'x': (0, ny-2, nz-2), \ 'y': (nx-2, 0, nz-2), \ 'z': (nx-2, ny-2, 0) }[axis] getf0['e'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_e, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (nx-1, 0, 0), \ 'y': (0, ny-1, 0), \ 'z': (0, 0, nz-1) }[axis] pt1 = { 'x': (nx-1, ny-2, nz-2), \ 'y': (nx-2, ny-1, nz-2), \ 'z': (nx-2, ny-2, nz-1) }[axis] getf1['e'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_e, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (0, 1, 1), \ 'y': (1, 0, 1), \ 'z': (1, 1, 0) }[axis] pt1 = { 'x': (0, ny-1, nz-1), \ 'y': (nx-1, 0, nz-1), \ 'z': (nx-1, ny-1, 0) }[axis] getf0['h'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_h, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (nx-1, 1, 1), \ 'y': (1, ny-1, 1), \ 'z': (1, 1, nz-1) }[axis] pt1 = (nx-1, ny-1, nz-1) getf1['h'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_h, pt0, pt1) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields() ) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, self.args, eh))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array = self.args slices = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append(cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz)) nodef = Fields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype anx = nodef.accum_nx_list getf = GetFields(nodef, str_f, (0, 0, 0), (nodef.nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1)) setf = SetFields(nodef, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array) # generate random source if is_array: shape = common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1, len(str_fs)) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(nodef.dtype) split_value = np.split(value, len(str_fs)) split_value_dict = dict(zip(str_fs, split_value)) else: value = np.random.ranf() # host allocations global_ehs = [np.zeros(nodef.ns, dtype) for i in range(6)] eh_dict = dict(zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], global_ehs)) # verify for str_f in str_fs: if is_array: eh_dict[str_f][slices] = split_value_dict[str_f] else: eh_dict[str_f][slices] = value setf.set_fields(value) gpu_getf = gpu.GetFields(mainf_list[0], str_fs, (0, 0, 0), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1)) gpu_getf.get_event().wait() getf.wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) #if norm != 0: #print '\ngpu getf\n', gpu_getf.get_fields(str_f) #print original[slices] #print copy[slices] self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g, %s' % (self.args, norm, str_f))
def runTest(self): ufunc, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float, tmax = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] qtask = cpu.QueueTask() fields = gpu.Fields(context, device, qtask, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float) gpu.Core(fields) fields_ref = naive.Fields(nx, ny, nz, precision_float, segment_nbytes=64) naive.Core(fields_ref) # allocations ns = fields.ns dtype = fields.dtype strf_list = ['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'] ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype, ufunc) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) fields_ref.set_ehs(*ehs) ces, chs = common_random.generate_cs(nx, ny, nz, dtype, coeff_use) if 'e' in coeff_use: fields.set_ce_bufs(*ces) fields_ref.set_ces(*ces) if 'h' in coeff_use: fields.set_ch_bufs(*chs) fields_ref.set_chs(*chs) tmpf = np.zeros(fields.ns_pitch, dtype=dtype) # update if ufunc == 'e': for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_e() fields_ref.update_e() qtask.enqueue_barrier() for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs)[:3]: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(fields_ref.get(strf) - tmpf) max_diff = np.abs(fields_ref.get(strf) - tmpf).max() self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %s, %g, %g' % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff) ) elif ufunc == 'h': for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_h() fields_ref.update_h() for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs)[3:]: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(fields_ref.get(strf) - tmpf) max_diff = np.abs(fields_ref.get(strf) - tmpf).max() self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %s, %g, %g' % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff) )
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array = self.args slices = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append( cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz) ) nodef = Fields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype anx = nodef.accum_nx_list getf = GetFields(nodef, str_f, (0, 0, 0), (nodef.nx-1, ny-1, nz-1)) setf = SetFields(nodef, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array) # generate random source if is_array: shape = common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1, len(str_fs)) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(nodef.dtype) split_value = np.split(value, len(str_fs)) split_value_dict = dict( zip(str_fs, split_value) ) else: value = np.random.ranf() # host allocations global_ehs = [np.zeros(nodef.ns, dtype) for i in range(6)] eh_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], global_ehs) ) # verify for str_f in str_fs: if is_array: eh_dict[str_f][slices] = split_value_dict[str_f] else: eh_dict[str_f][slices] = value setf.set_fields(value) gpu_getf = gpu.GetFields(mainf_list[0], str_fs, (0, 0, 0), (nx-1, ny-1, nz-1)) gpu_getf.get_event().wait() getf.wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) #if norm != 0: #print '\ngpu getf\n', gpu_getf.get_fields(str_f) #print original[slices] #print copy[slices] self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g, %s' % (self.args, norm, str_f))
def runTest(self): ufunc, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float, tmax = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float) # allocations ns = fields.ns dtype = fields.dtype strf_list = ['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'] ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(ufunc, nx, ny, nz, dtype) pad_arr = np.zeros(fields.ns_pad, dtype=dtype) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs): eh_pitch = np.append(eh, pad_arr, 2).copy('C') cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, fields.get_buf(strf), eh_pitch) ces, chs = common_update.generate_random_cs(coeff_use, nx, ny, nz, dtype) if 'e' in coeff_use: fields.set_ce_bufs(*ces) if 'h' in coeff_use: fields.set_ch_bufs(*chs) tmpf = np.zeros(fields.ns_pitch, dtype=dtype) # update if ufunc == 'e': for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_e() common_update.update_e(ehs, ces) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs): cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slz]) max_diff = np.abs(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slz]).max() self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %s, %g, %g' % \ (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff) ) elif ufunc == 'h': for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_h() common_update.update_h(ehs, chs) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs): cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slz]) max_diff = np.abs(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slz]).max() self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %s, %g, %g' % \ (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff) )
def runTest(self): ufunc, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float, tmax = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float) # allocations ns = fields.ns dtype = fields.dtype strf_list = ["ex", "ey", "ez", "hx", "hy", "hz"] ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(ufunc, nx, ny, nz, dtype) pad_arr = np.zeros(fields.ns_pad, dtype=dtype) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs): eh_pitch = np.append(eh, pad_arr, 2).copy("C") cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, fields.get_buf(strf), eh_pitch) ces, chs = common_update.generate_random_cs(coeff_use, nx, ny, nz, dtype) if "e" in coeff_use: fields.set_ce_bufs(*ces) if "h" in coeff_use: fields.set_ch_bufs(*chs) tmpf = np.zeros(fields.ns_pitch, dtype=dtype) # update if ufunc == "e": for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_e() common_update.update_e(ehs, ces) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs): cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slz]) max_diff = np.abs(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slz]).max() self.assertEqual(norm, 0, "%s, %s, %g, %g" % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff)) elif ufunc == "h": for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_h() common_update.update_h(ehs, chs) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs): cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slz]) max_diff = np.abs(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slz]).max() self.assertEqual(norm, 0, "%s, %s, %g, %g" % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff))
def runTest(self): if len(self.args) == 6: nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args src_is_array = False elif len(self.args) == 7: nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, src_is_array = self.args slidx = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '') setf = SetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1, src_is_array) # generate random source if src_is_array: shape = list(common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1)) shape[0] *= len(str_fs) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(fields.dtype) split_value = np.split(value, len(str_fs)) split_value_dict = dict(zip(str_fs, split_value)) else: value = np.random.ranf() # host allocations eh_dict = {} for sf in str_fs: eh_dict[sf] = np.zeros(fields.ns, dtype=fields.dtype) gpu_eh = np.zeros(fields.ns, dtype=fields.dtype) # verify for str_f in str_fs: if src_is_array: eh_dict[str_f][slidx] = split_value_dict[str_f] else: eh_dict[str_f][slidx] = value setf.set_fields(value) for str_f in str_fs: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, gpu_eh, fields.get_buf(str_f)) self.assertEqual( np.abs(eh_dict[str_f] - gpu_eh).max(), 0, self.args)
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slices = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append( cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz) ) nodef = Fields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype anx = nodef.accum_nx_list getf = GetFields(nodef, str_f, pt0, pt1) # generate random source global_ehs = [np.zeros(nodef.ns, dtype) for i in range(6)] eh_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], global_ehs) ) for i, f in enumerate(mainf_list[:-1]): nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) for eh, geh in zip(ehs, global_ehs): geh[anx[i]:anx[i+1],:,:] = eh[:-1,:,:] f = mainf_list[-1] nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_ehs(*ehs) for eh, geh in zip(ehs, global_ehs): geh[anx[-2]:anx[-1]+1,:,:] = eh[:] # verify getf.wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slices] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slices = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append(cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz)) nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype anx = nodef.accum_nx_list getf = NodeGetFields(nodef, str_f, pt0, pt1) # generate random source global_ehs = [np.zeros(nodef.ns, dtype) for i in range(6)] eh_dict = dict(zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], global_ehs)) for i, f in enumerate(mainf_list[:-1]): nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) for eh, geh in zip(ehs, global_ehs): geh[anx[i]:anx[i + 1], :, :] = eh[:-1, :, :] f = mainf_list[-1] nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_ehs(*ehs) for eh, geh in zip(ehs, global_ehs): geh[anx[-2]:anx[-1] + 1, :, :] = eh[:] # verify getf.wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slices] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): if len(self.args) == 6: nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args src_is_array = False elif len(self.args) == 7: nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, src_is_array = self.args slidx = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '') setf = SetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1, src_is_array) # generate random source if src_is_array: shape = list( common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1) ) shape[0] *= len(str_fs) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(fields.dtype) split_value = np.split(value, len(str_fs)) split_value_dict = dict( zip(str_fs, split_value) ) else: value = np.random.ranf() # host allocations eh_dict = {} for sf in str_fs: eh_dict[sf] = np.zeros(fields.ns, dtype=fields.dtype) gpu_eh = np.zeros(fields.ns, dtype=fields.dtype) # verify for str_f in str_fs: if src_is_array: eh_dict[str_f][slidx] = split_value_dict[str_f] else: eh_dict[str_f][slidx] = value setf.set_fields(value) for str_f in str_fs: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, gpu_eh, fields.get_buf(str_f)) self.assertEqual(np.abs(eh_dict[str_f] - gpu_eh).max(), 0, self.args)
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array = self.args slidx = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] qtask = QueueTask() fields = Fields(context, device, qtask, nx, ny, nz, '', 'single') setf = SetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array) # generate random source if is_array: shape = common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1, len(str_fs)) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(fields.dtype) split_value = np.split(value, len(str_fs)) split_value_dict = dict( zip(str_fs, split_value) ) else: value = np.random.ranf() # host allocations ehs = [np.zeros(fields.ns, dtype=fields.dtype) for i in range(6)] eh_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs) ) gpu_eh = np.zeros(fields.ns_pitch, dtype=fields.dtype) # verify for str_f in str_fs: if is_array: eh_dict[str_f][slidx] = split_value_dict[str_f] else: eh_dict[str_f][slidx] = value setf.set_fields(value) setf.mainf.enqueue_barrier() for str_f in str_fs: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, gpu_eh, fields.get_buf(str_f)) original = eh_dict[str_f] copy = gpu_eh[:,:,fields.slice_z] norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array = self.args slices = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) # generate random source if is_array: shape = common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(np.float32) else: value = np.random.ranf() # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append(cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz)) nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype anx = nodef.accum_nx_list tfunc = lambda tstep: np.sin(0.03 * tstep) incident = NodeDirectIncident(nodef, str_f, pt0, pt1, tfunc, value) # allocations for verify eh = np.zeros(nodef.ns, dtype) getf = NodeGetFields(nodef, str_f, pt0, pt1) # verify eh[slices] = dtype(value) * dtype(tfunc(1)) e_or_h = str_f[0] nodef.update_e() nodef.update_h() getf.wait() original = eh[slices] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array = self.args slices = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) # generate random source if is_array: shape = common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(np.float32) else: value = np.random.ranf() # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append( cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz) ) nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype anx = nodef.accum_nx_list tfunc = lambda tstep: np.sin(0.03*tstep) incident = NodeDirectIncident(nodef, str_f, pt0, pt1, tfunc, value) # allocations for verify eh = np.zeros(nodef.ns, dtype) getf = NodeGetFields(nodef, str_f, pt0, pt1) # verify eh[slices] = dtype(value) * dtype(tfunc(1)) e_or_h = str_f[0] nodef.update_e() nodef.update_h() getf.wait() original = eh[slices] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array = self.args slice_xyz = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) # generate random source if is_array: shape = common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(np.float32) else: value = np.random.ranf() # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] qtask = QueueTask() fields = Fields(context, device, qtask, nx, ny, nz, '', 'single') tfunc = lambda tstep: np.sin(0.03 * tstep) incident = IncidentDirect(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1, tfunc, value) # host allocations eh = np.zeros(fields.ns_pitch, dtype=fields.dtype) # verify eh[slice_xyz] = fields.dtype(value) * fields.dtype(tfunc(1)) fields.update_e() fields.update_h() fields.enqueue_barrier() copy_eh_buf = fields.get_buf(str_f) copy_eh = np.zeros_like(eh) cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, copy_eh, copy_eh_buf) original = eh[slice_xyz] copy = copy_eh[slice_xyz] norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1, is_array = self.args slice_xyz = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) # generate random source if is_array: shape = common.shape_two_points(pt0, pt1) value = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(np.float32) else: value = np.random.ranf() # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] qtask = QueueTask() fields = Fields(context, device, qtask, nx, ny, nz, '', 'single') tfunc = lambda tstep: np.sin(0.03*tstep) incident = IncidentDirect(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1, tfunc, value) # host allocations eh = np.zeros(fields.ns_pitch, dtype=fields.dtype) # verify eh[slice_xyz] = fields.dtype(value) * fields.dtype(tfunc(1)) fields.update_e() fields.update_h() fields.enqueue_barrier() copy_eh_buf = fields.get_buf(str_f) copy_eh = np.zeros_like(eh) cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, copy_eh, copy_eh_buf) original = eh[slice_xyz] copy = copy_eh[slice_xyz] norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz = self.args # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append( cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz) ) nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype # buffer instance nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, ny, nz, mpi_type='x-')) nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, nodef.nx, nz, mpi_type='y+')) nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, nodef.nx, nz, mpi_type='y-')) nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, nodef.nx, ny, mpi_type='z+')) nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, nodef.nx, ny, mpi_type='z-')) exchange = NodeExchange(nodef) # generate random source for f in mainf_list[:-1]: nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) for f in nodef.cpuf_dict.values(): nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_ehs(*ehs) # verify exchange.update_e() exchange.update_h() getf0, getf1 = {}, {} # mainf list self.gpu, self.cpu = gpu, cpu for f0, f1 in zip(mainf_list[:-1], mainf_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f0.nx-1, 0, 0), (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-2, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (0, 0, 0), (0, f1.ny-2, getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f0.nx-1, 1, 1), (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-1, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, 1, 1), (0, f1.ny-1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm(getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g, %s, %s, %s' % \ (self.args, norm, 'mainf', \ getf0[eh].mainf.device_type, getf1[eh].mainf.device_type) ) # buffer 'x-' f0, f1 = nodef.cpuf_dict['x-'], mainf_list[0] getf0['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f0.nx-1, 0, 0), (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-2, getf1['e'] = gpu.GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (1, 0, 0), (1, f1.ny-2, getf0['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f0.nx-2, 1, 1), (f0.nx-2, f0.ny-1, getf1['h'] = gpu.GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, 1, 1), (0, f1.ny-1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'x-', eh) ) # buffer 'y+' anx_list = nodef.accum_nx_list f1 = nodef.cpuf_dict['y+'] for f0, anx0, anx1 in zip(mainf_list, anx_list[:-1], anx_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['ex', 'ez'], \ (0, f0.ny-1, 0), (f0.nx-2, f0.ny-1, getf1['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (1, anx0, 0), (1, anx1-1, getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['hx', 'hz'], \ (1, f0.ny-2, 1), (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-2, getf1['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, anx0+1, 1), (0, anx1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y+', eh) ) # buffer 'y-' f0 = nodef.cpuf_dict['y-'] for f1, anx0, anx1 in zip(mainf_list, anx_list[:-1], anx_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f0.nx-1, anx0, 0), (f0.nx-1, anx1-1, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['ex', 'ez'], \ (0, 1, 0), (f1.nx-2, 1, getf0['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f0.nx-2, anx0+1, 1), (f0.nx-2, anx1, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['hx', 'hz'], \ (1, 0, 1), (f1.nx-1, 0, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y-', eh) ) # buffer 'z+' f1 = nodef.cpuf_dict['z+'] for f0, anx0, anx1 in zip(mainf_list, anx_list[:-1], anx_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['ex', 'ey'], \ (0, 0,, (f0.nx-2, f0.ny-2, getf1['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (1, anx0, 0), (1, anx1-1, getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['hx', 'hy'], \ (1, 1,, (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-1, getf1['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, anx0+1, 1), (0, anx1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'z+', eh) ) # buffer 'z-' f0 = nodef.cpuf_dict['z-'] for f1, anx0, anx1 in zip(mainf_list, anx_list[:-1], anx_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f0.nx-1, anx0, 0), (f0.nx-1, anx1-1, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['ex', 'ey'], \ (0, 0, 1), (f1.nx-2, f1.ny-2, 1)) getf0['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f0.nx-2, anx0+1, 1), (f0.nx-2, anx1, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['hx', 'hy'], \ (1, 1, 0), (f1.nx-1, f1.ny-1, 0)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'z-', eh) )
size = comm.Get_size() is_plot = False #nx, ny, nz = 240, 256, 256 # 540 MB #nx, ny, nz = 544, 544, 544 # 5527 MB #nx, ny, nz = 512, 512, 512 # 4608 MB #nx, ny, nz = 480, 480, 480 # 3796 MB nx, ny, nz = 800, 256, 256 # 576 MB #nx, ny, nz = 128, 128, 128 # 72 MB coeff_use = 'e' precision_float = 'single' # instances gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] qtask = cpu.QueueTask() fields = Fields(context, device, qtask, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float) Core(fields) tmax = 250 if is_plot else 1000 if rank == 0: direction = '+' elif rank == size - 1: direction = '-' else: direction = '+-' #exch = node.ExchangeMpiNonBlock(fields, direction) #exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferBlock(fields, direction) #exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferBlockSplit(fields, direction)
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz = self.args # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append(cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz)) nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype # buffer instance nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, ny, nz, mpi_type='x-')) nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, nodef.nx, nz, mpi_type='y+')) nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, nodef.nx, nz, mpi_type='y-')) nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, nodef.nx, ny, mpi_type='z+')) nodef.append_buffer_fields(cpu.Fields(3, nodef.nx, ny, mpi_type='z-')) exchange = NodeExchange(nodef) # generate random source for f in mainf_list[:-1]: nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) for f in nodef.cpuf_dict.values(): nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_ehs(*ehs) # verify exchange.update_e() exchange.update_h() getf0, getf1 = {}, {} # mainf list self.gpu, self.cpu = gpu, cpu for f0, f1 in zip(mainf_list[:-1], mainf_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f0.nx-1, 0, 0), (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-2, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (0, 0, 0), (0, f1.ny-2, getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f0.nx-1, 1, 1), (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-1, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, 1, 1), (0, f1.ny-1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm(getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g, %s, %s, %s' % \ (self.args, norm, 'mainf', \ getf0[eh].mainf.device_type, getf1[eh].mainf.device_type) ) # buffer 'x-' f0, f1 = nodef.cpuf_dict['x-'], mainf_list[0] getf0['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f0.nx-1, 0, 0), (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-2, getf1['e'] = gpu.GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (1, 0, 0), (1, f1.ny-2, getf0['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f0.nx-2, 1, 1), (f0.nx-2, f0.ny-1, getf1['h'] = gpu.GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, 1, 1), (0, f1.ny-1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'x-', eh)) # buffer 'y+' anx_list = nodef.accum_nx_list f1 = nodef.cpuf_dict['y+'] for f0, anx0, anx1 in zip(mainf_list, anx_list[:-1], anx_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['ex', 'ez'], \ (0, f0.ny-1, 0), (f0.nx-2, f0.ny-1, getf1['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (1, anx0, 0), (1, anx1-1, getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['hx', 'hz'], \ (1, f0.ny-2, 1), (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-2, getf1['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, anx0+1, 1), (0, anx1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y+', eh)) # buffer 'y-' f0 = nodef.cpuf_dict['y-'] for f1, anx0, anx1 in zip(mainf_list, anx_list[:-1], anx_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f0.nx-1, anx0, 0), (f0.nx-1, anx1-1, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['ex', 'ez'], \ (0, 1, 0), (f1.nx-2, 1, getf0['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f0.nx-2, anx0+1, 1), (f0.nx-2, anx1, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['hx', 'hz'], \ (1, 0, 1), (f1.nx-1, 0, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y-', eh)) # buffer 'z+' f1 = nodef.cpuf_dict['z+'] for f0, anx0, anx1 in zip(mainf_list, anx_list[:-1], anx_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['ex', 'ey'], \ (0, 0,, (f0.nx-2, f0.ny-2, getf1['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (1, anx0, 0), (1, anx1-1, getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['hx', 'hy'], \ (1, 1,, (f0.nx-1, f0.ny-1, getf1['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, anx0+1, 1), (0, anx1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'z+', eh)) # buffer 'z-' f0 = nodef.cpuf_dict['z-'] for f1, anx0, anx1 in zip(mainf_list, anx_list[:-1], anx_list[1:]): getf0['e'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f0.nx-1, anx0, 0), (f0.nx-1, anx1-1, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['ex', 'ey'], \ (0, 0, 1), (f1.nx-2, f1.ny-2, 1)) getf0['h'] = cpu.GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f0.nx-2, anx0+1, 1), (f0.nx-2, anx1, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['hx', 'hy'], \ (1, 1, 0), (f1.nx-1, f1.ny-1, 0)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'z-', eh))
def runTest(self): ufunc, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float, tmax = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float) core = Core(fields) # allocations ns = fields.ns dtype = fields.dtype strf_list = ['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'] ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype, ufunc) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) ces, chs = common_update.generate_random_cs(coeff_use, nx, ny, nz, dtype) if 'e' in coeff_use: fields.set_ce_bufs(*ces) if 'h' in coeff_use: fields.set_ch_bufs(*chs) tmpf = np.zeros(fields.ns_pitch, dtype=dtype) # update if ufunc == 'e': for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_e() common_update.update_e(ehs, ces) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs)[:3]: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slice_z]) max_diff = np.abs(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slice_z]).max() self.assertEqual( norm, 0, '%s, %s, %g, %g' % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff)) if fields.pad != 0: if strf == 'ez': norm2 = np.linalg.norm(tmpf[:, :, -fields.pad:]) else: norm2 = np.linalg.norm(tmpf[:, :, -fields.pad - 1:]) self.assertEqual( norm2, 0, '%s, %s, %g, padding' % (self.args, strf, norm2)) elif ufunc == 'h': for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_h() common_update.update_h(ehs, chs) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs)[3:]: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slice_z]) max_diff = np.abs(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slice_z]).max() self.assertEqual( norm, 0, '%s, %s, %g, %g' % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff)) if fields.pad != 0: if strf == 'hz': norm2 = np.linalg.norm(tmpf[:, :, -fields.pad:]) else: norm2 = np.linalg.norm(tmpf[:, :, -fields.pad:]) self.assertEqual( norm2, 0, '%s, %s, %g, padding' % (self.args, strf, norm2))
def runTest(self): axis, nx, ny, nz = self.args self.gpu, self.cpu = gpu, cpu # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) \ for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append(cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz)) nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype pbc = NodePbc(nodef, axis) exchange = NodeExchange(nodef) # generate random source for f in mainf_list[:-1]: nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) for f in nodef.cpuf_dict.values(): nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_ehs(*ehs) # verify for mainf in mainf_list: mainf.update_e() pbc.update_e() exchange.update_e() for mainf in mainf_list: mainf.update_h() pbc.update_h() exchange.update_h() mainf_list[-1].enqueue_barrier() getf0, getf1 = {}, {} if axis == 'x': f0, f1 = mainf_list[0], mainf_list[-1] getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (0, 0, 0), (0, f0.ny-2, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['ey', 'ez'], \ (f1.nx-1, 0, 0), (f1.nx-1, f1.ny-2, getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (0, 1, 1), (0, f0.ny-1, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields(f1, ['hy', 'hz'], \ (f1.nx-1, 1, 1), (f1.nx-1, f1.ny-1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm(getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'x', eh)) elif axis == 'y': for f in mainf_list: getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ['ex', 'ez'], \ (0, 0, 0), (f.nx-2, 0, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ['ex', 'ez'], \ (0, f.ny-1, 0), (f.nx-2, f.ny-1, getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ['hx', 'hz'], \ (1, 0, 1), (f.nx-1, 0, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ['hx', 'hz'], \ (1, f.ny-1, 1), (f.nx-1, f.ny-1, for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual( norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y', eh, f.device_type)) elif axis == 'z': for f in mainf_list: getf0['e'] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ['ex', 'ey'], \ (0, 0,, (f.nx-2, f.ny-2, getf1['e'] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ['ex', 'ey'], \ (0, 0, 0), (f.nx-2, f.ny-2, 0)) getf0['h'] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ['hx', 'hy'], \ (1, 1,, (f.nx-1, f.ny-1, getf1['h'] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ['hx', 'hy'], \ (1, 1, 0), (f.nx-1, f.ny-1, 0)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'z', eh))
def test_y_pbc_x_exchange(self): # instance nx, ny, nz = 40, 50, 60 #nx, ny, nz = 3, 4, 5 gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) gpuf = gpu.Fields(context, gpu_devices[0], nx, ny, nz) cpuf = cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz) mainf_list = [gpuf, cpuf] nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) core = NodeCore(nodef) pbc = NodePbc(nodef, 'y') exchange = NodeExchange(nodef) # generate random source ehs_gpu = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, nodef.dtype) gpuf.set_eh_bufs(*ehs_gpu) ehs_gpu_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs_gpu) ) ehs_cpu = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, nodef.dtype) cpuf.set_ehs(*ehs_cpu) ehs_cpu_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs_cpu) ) # verify for mainf in mainf_list: mainf.update_e() pbc.update_e() exchange.update_e() for mainf in mainf_list: mainf.update_h() pbc.update_h() exchange.update_h() mainf_list[-1].enqueue_barrier() getf0, getf1 = {}, {} # x-axis exchange getf0['e'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['ey', 'ez'], (nx-1, 0, 0), (nx-1, ny-2, nz-2)) getf1['e'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['ey', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (0, ny-2, nz-2)) getf0['h'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['hy', 'hz'], (nx-1, 1, 1), (nx-1, ny-1, nz-1)) getf1['h'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['hy', 'hz'], (0, 1, 1), (0, ny-1, nz-1)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: g0 = getf0[eh].get_fields() g1 = getf1[eh].get_fields() norm = np.linalg.norm(g0 - g1) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'x-axis exchange', eh)) # y-axis pbc gpu getf0['e'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['ex', 'ez'], (0, ny-1, 0), (nx-2, ny-1, nz-2)) getf1['e'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['ex', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (nx-2, 0, nz-2)) getf0['h'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['hx', 'hz'], (1, ny-1, 1), (nx-1, ny-1, nz-1)) getf1['h'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['hx', 'hz'], (1, 0, 1), (nx-1, 0, nz-1)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: g0 = getf0[eh].get_fields() g1 = getf1[eh].get_fields() norm = np.linalg.norm(g0 - g1) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y-axis pbc gpu', eh)) # y-axis pbc cpu getf0['e'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['ex', 'ez'], (0, ny-1, 0), (nx-2, ny-1, nz-2)) getf1['e'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['ex', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (nx-2, 0, nz-2)) getf0['h'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['hx', 'hz'], (1, ny-1, 1), (nx-1, ny-1, nz-1)) getf1['h'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['hx', 'hz'], (1, 0, 1), (nx-1, 0, nz-1)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: g0 = getf0[eh].get_fields() g1 = getf1[eh].get_fields() norm = np.linalg.norm(g0 - g1) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y-axis pbc cpu', eh))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz = self.args # instances buffer_dict = {} buffer_dict['x+'] = cpu.BufferFields('x+', ny, nz, '', 'single') buffer_dict['x-'] = cpu.BufferFields('x-', ny, nz, '', 'single') import pyopencl as cl from kemp.fdtd3d.util import common_gpu from kemp.fdtd3d import gpu gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [ gpu.Fields(context, gpu_devices[0], nx, ny, nz) ] #mainf_list = [ cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz) ] nodef = node.Fields(mainf_list, buffer_dict) # generate random source dtype = nodef.dtype ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) buf_ehs_p = common_random.generate_ehs(3, ny, nz, dtype) buf_ehs_m = common_random.generate_ehs(3, ny, nz, dtype) nodef.mainf_list[0].set_eh_bufs(*ehs) #nodef.mainf_list[0].set_ehs(*ehs) nodef.buffer_dict['x+'].set_ehs(*buf_ehs_p) nodef.buffer_dict['x-'].set_ehs(*buf_ehs_m) node.Core(nodef) # allocations for verify getf_dict = {'x+': {}, 'x-': {}} getf_buf_dict = {'x+': {}, 'x-': {}} getf_dict['x+']['e'] = gpu.GetFields(nodef.mainf_list[0], ['ey', 'ez'], (nx-1, 0, 0), (nx-1, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_dict['x+']['h'] = gpu.GetFields(nodef.mainf_list[0], ['hy', 'hz'], (nx-2, 0, 0), (nx-2, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_buf_dict['x+']['e'] = cpu.GetFields(nodef.buffer_dict['x+'], ['ey', 'ez'], (1, 0, 0), (1, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_buf_dict['x+']['h'] = cpu.GetFields(nodef.buffer_dict['x+'], ['hy', 'hz'], (0, 0, 0), (0, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_dict['x-']['e'] = gpu.GetFields(nodef.mainf_list[0], ['ey', 'ez'], (1, 0, 0), (1, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_dict['x-']['h'] = gpu.GetFields(nodef.mainf_list[0], ['hy', 'hz'], (0, 0, 0), (0, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_buf_dict['x-']['e'] = cpu.GetFields(nodef.buffer_dict['x-'], ['ey', 'ez'], (2, 0, 0), (2, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_buf_dict['x-']['h'] = cpu.GetFields(nodef.buffer_dict['x-'], ['hy', 'hz'], (1, 0, 0), (1, ny-1, nz-1)) # verify nodef.update_e() nodef.update_h() print 'nodef, instance_list', nodef.instance_list print 'mainf_list[0], instance_list', nodef.mainf_list[0].instance_list for direction in ['x+', 'x-']: for e_or_h in ['e', 'h']: getf = getf_dict[direction][e_or_h] getf_buf = getf_buf_dict[direction][e_or_h] getf.get_event().wait() getf_buf.get_event().wait() original = getf.get_fields() copy = getf_buf.get_fields() norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g, %s, %s' % (self.args, norm, direction, e_or_h))
def runTest(self): ufunc, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float, tmax = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float) core = Core(fields) # allocations ns = fields.ns dtype = fields.dtype strf_list = ["ex", "ey", "ez", "hx", "hy", "hz"] ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype, ufunc) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) ces, chs = common_update.generate_random_cs(coeff_use, nx, ny, nz, dtype) if "e" in coeff_use: fields.set_ce_bufs(*ces) if "h" in coeff_use: fields.set_ch_bufs(*chs) tmpf = np.zeros(fields.ns_pitch, dtype=dtype) # update if ufunc == "e": for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_e() common_update.update_e(ehs, ces) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs)[:3]: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slice_z]) max_diff = np.abs(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slice_z]).max() self.assertEqual(norm, 0, "%s, %s, %g, %g" % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff)) if fields.pad != 0: if strf == "ez": norm2 = np.linalg.norm(tmpf[:, :, -fields.pad :]) else: norm2 = np.linalg.norm(tmpf[:, :, -fields.pad - 1 :]) self.assertEqual(norm2, 0, "%s, %s, %g, padding" % (self.args, strf, norm2)) elif ufunc == "h": for tstep in xrange(0, tmax): fields.update_h() common_update.update_h(ehs, chs) for strf, eh in zip(strf_list, ehs)[3:]: cl.enqueue_copy(fields.queue, tmpf, fields.get_buf(strf)) norm = np.linalg.norm(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slice_z]) max_diff = np.abs(eh - tmpf[:, :, fields.slice_z]).max() self.assertEqual(norm, 0, "%s, %s, %g, %g" % (self.args, strf, norm, max_diff)) if fields.pad != 0: if strf == "hz": norm2 = np.linalg.norm(tmpf[:, :, -fields.pad :]) else: norm2 = np.linalg.norm(tmpf[:, :, -fields.pad :]) self.assertEqual(norm2, 0, "%s, %s, %g, padding" % (self.args, strf, norm2))
def __init__(self, geometry_h5_path, max_tstep, mpi_shape, pbc_axes='', target_device='all', precision_float='single', **kargs): """ """ common.check_type('geometry_h5_path', geometry_h5_path, str) common.check_type('max_tstep', max_tstep, int) common.check_type('mpi_shape', mpi_shape, (list, tuple), int) common.check_type('pbc_axes', pbc_axes, str) common.check_type('target_device', target_device, str) common.check_value('precision_float', precision_float, ['single', 'double']) # import modules global is_mpi, is_gpu is_mpi = False if mpi_shape == (1, 1, 1) else True if is_mpi: global network, common_mpi, comm, size, rank, coord from mpi4py import MPI from kemp.fdtd3d import network from kemp.fdtd3d.util import common_mpi comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() coord = common_mpi.my_coord(rank, mpi_shape) is_master = False if is_mpi and rank != 0 else True is_cpu = True if target_device == 'all' or 'cpu' in target_device else False is_gpu = True if target_device == 'all' or 'gpu' in target_device else False if is_mpi: if reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, mpi_shape) != size: if is_master: print("The MPI size %d is not matched the mpi_shape %s" % (size, mpi_shape)) sys.exit() if is_gpu: try: global cl, gpu, common_gpu import pyopencl as cl from kemp.fdtd3d import gpu from kemp.fdtd3d.util import common_gpu except: if is_master: print("The 'pyopencl' module is not found.") if is_cpu: if is_master: print("The CPU is only used.") target_device = 'cpu' is_gpu = False else: sys.exit() # read from the h5 file try: h5f = h5py.File(geometry_h5_path, 'r') coeff_use = h5f.attrs['coeff_use'] nx = h5f.attrs['nx'] ny = h5f.attrs['ny'] nz = h5f.attrs['nz'] except: if is_master: print(repr(sys.exc_info())) print("To load the geometry HDF5 file '%s' is failed." % geometry_h5_path) sys.exit() # local variables device_nx_list = kargs['device_nx_list'] if kargs.has_key( 'device_nx_list') else None ny_list = kargs['ny_list'] if kargs.has_key('ny_list') else None nz_list = kargs['nz_list'] if kargs.has_key('nz_list') else None # Set the number of device and the device_n_list ndev = 1 if is_cpu else 0 if is_gpu: try: gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) ndev += len(gpu_devices) except Exception as errinst: if is_master: print(repr(sys.exc_info())) print( "To get the GPU devices is failed. The CPU is only used." ) target_device = 'cpu' is_gpu = False if is_mpi: mi, mj, mk = coord dnx_list = device_nx_list[mi * ndev:(mi + 1) * ndev] dny = ny_list[mj] dnz = nz_list[mk] else: dnx_list = device_nx_list dny = ny_list[0] dnz = nz_list[0] total_ndev = mpi_shape[0] * ndev if len(device_nx_list) != total_ndev: if is_master: print( "The device_nx_list %s is not matched with the number of total devices %d." % (device_nx_list, total_ndev)) sys.exit() # create the mainf_list and the buffer_dict buffer_dict = {} if is_mpi: # create BufferFields instances snx = sum(dnx_list) - ndev + 1 sny, snz = dny, dnz mpi_target_dict = common_mpi.mpi_target_dict( rank, mpi_shape, pbc_axes) for direction, target_rank in mpi_target_dict.items(): if target_rank != None: n0, n1 = { 'x': (sny, snz), 'y': (snx, snz), 'z': (snx, sny) }[direction[0]] bufferf = cpu.BufferFields(direction, target_rank, n0, n1, coeff_use, precision_float) buffer_dict[direction] = bufferf #network.ExchangeMpi(bufferf, target_rank, max_tstep) #network.ExchangeMpiNoSplitBlock(bufferf, target_rank) #network.ExchangeMpiBlock(bufferf, target_rank) mainf_list = [] if is_cpu: mainf_list += [ cpu.Fields(dnx_list.pop(0), dny, dnz, coeff_use, precision_float, use_cpu_core=1) ] if is_gpu: mainf_list += [ gpu.Fields(context, gpu_device, dnx, dny, dnz, coeff_use, precision_float) for gpu_device, dnx in zip(gpu_devices, dnx_list) ] # create node.Fields instance nodef = node.Fields(mainf_list, buffer_dict) # create nodePbc instance node_pbc_axes = ''.join([ axis for i, axis in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']) if mpi_shape[i] == 1 and axis in pbc_axes ]) if node_pbc_axes != '': node.Pbc(nodef, node_pbc_axes) # create update instances node.Core(nodef) for bufferf in nodef.buffer_dict.values(): #network.ExchangeMpiSplitBlock(bufferf) network.ExchangeMpiSplitNonBlock(bufferf, max_tstep) ''' if rank == 0: direction = 'x+' target_rank = 1 elif rank == 1: direction = 'x-' target_rank = 0 #network.ExchangeMpiNoBufferBlock(nodef, target_rank, direction) # no buffer, block self.mpi_instance_list = [] self.mpi_instance_list.append( network.ExchangeMpiNoBufferNonBlock(nodef, target_rank, direction) ) ''' # accum_sub_ns_dict, node_pts if is_mpi: asn_dict = common_mpi.accum_sub_ns_dict(mpi_shape, ndev, device_nx_list, ny_list, nz_list) axes = ['x', 'y', 'z'] node_pt0 = [asn_dict[ax][m] for ax, m in zip(axes, coord)] node_pt1 = [asn_dict[ax][m + 1] - 1 for ax, m in zip(axes, coord)] # global variables self.max_tstep = max_tstep self.mpi_shape = mpi_shape #self.ns = (nx, ny, nz) self.ns = (asn_dict['x'][-1], asn_dict['y'][-1], asn_dict['z'][-1]) if is_mpi else nodef.ns self.nodef = nodef self.is_master = is_master if is_mpi: self.asn_dict = asn_dict self.node_pt0 = node_pt0 self.node_pt1 = node_pt1 # for savefields self.savef_tag_list = [] self.savef_list = []
def __init__(self, geometry_h5_path, max_tstep, mpi_shape, pbc_axes='', target_device='all', precision_float='single', **kargs): """ """ common.check_type('geometry_h5_path', geometry_h5_path, str) common.check_type('max_tstep', max_tstep, int) common.check_type('mpi_shape', mpi_shape, (list, tuple), int) common.check_type('pbc_axes', pbc_axes, str) common.check_type('target_device', target_device, str) common.check_value('precision_float', precision_float, ['single', 'double']) # import modules global is_mpi, is_gpu is_mpi = False if mpi_shape == (1, 1, 1) else True if is_mpi: global network, common_mpi, comm, size, rank, coord from mpi4py import MPI from kemp.fdtd3d import network from kemp.fdtd3d.util import common_mpi comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() coord = common_mpi.my_coord(rank, mpi_shape) is_master = False if is_mpi and rank != 0 else True is_cpu = True if target_device == 'all' or 'cpu' in target_device else False is_gpu = True if target_device == 'all' or 'gpu' in target_device else False if is_mpi: if reduce(lambda a,b:a*b, mpi_shape) != size: if is_master: print("The MPI size %d is not matched the mpi_shape %s" % (size, mpi_shape) ) sys.exit() if is_gpu: try: global cl, gpu, common_gpu import pyopencl as cl from kemp.fdtd3d import gpu from kemp.fdtd3d.util import common_gpu except: if is_master: print("The 'pyopencl' module is not found.") if is_cpu: if is_master: print("The CPU is only used.") target_device = 'cpu' is_gpu = False else: sys.exit() # read from the h5 file try: h5f = h5py.File(geometry_h5_path, 'r') coeff_use = h5f.attrs['coeff_use'] nx = h5f.attrs['nx'] ny = h5f.attrs['ny'] nz = h5f.attrs['nz'] except: if is_master: print( repr(sys.exc_info()) ) print("To load the geometry HDF5 file '%s' is failed." % geometry_h5_path) sys.exit() # local variables device_nx_list = kargs['device_nx_list'] if kargs.has_key('device_nx_list') else None ny_list = kargs['ny_list'] if kargs.has_key('ny_list') else None nz_list = kargs['nz_list'] if kargs.has_key('nz_list') else None # Set the number of device and the device_n_list ndev = 1 if is_cpu else 0 if is_gpu: try: gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) ndev += len(gpu_devices) except Exception as errinst: if is_master: print( repr(sys.exc_info()) ) print("To get the GPU devices is failed. The CPU is only used.") target_device = 'cpu' is_gpu = False if is_mpi: mi, mj, mk = coord dnx_list = device_nx_list[mi*ndev:(mi+1)*ndev] dny = ny_list[mj] dnz = nz_list[mk] else: dnx_list = device_nx_list dny = ny_list[0] dnz = nz_list[0] total_ndev = mpi_shape[0] * ndev if len(device_nx_list) != total_ndev: if is_master: print("The device_nx_list %s is not matched with the number of total devices %d." % (device_nx_list, total_ndev) ) sys.exit() # create the mainf_list and the buffer_dict buffer_dict = {} if is_mpi: # create BufferFields instances snx = sum(dnx_list) - ndev + 1 sny, snz = dny, dnz mpi_target_dict = common_mpi.mpi_target_dict(rank, mpi_shape, pbc_axes) for direction, target_rank in mpi_target_dict.items(): if target_rank != None: n0, n1 = {'x': (sny, snz), 'y': (snx, snz), 'z': (snx, sny)}[direction[0]] bufferf = cpu.BufferFields(direction, target_rank, n0, n1, coeff_use, precision_float) buffer_dict[direction] = bufferf #network.ExchangeMpi(bufferf, target_rank, max_tstep) #network.ExchangeMpiNoSplitBlock(bufferf, target_rank) #network.ExchangeMpiBlock(bufferf, target_rank) mainf_list = [] if is_cpu: mainf_list += [cpu.Fields(dnx_list.pop(0), dny, dnz, coeff_use, precision_float, use_cpu_core=1)] if is_gpu: mainf_list += [gpu.Fields(context, gpu_device, dnx, dny, dnz, coeff_use, precision_float) for gpu_device, dnx in zip(gpu_devices, dnx_list)] # create node.Fields instance nodef = node.Fields(mainf_list, buffer_dict) # create nodePbc instance node_pbc_axes = ''.join([axis for i, axis in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']) if mpi_shape[i] == 1 and axis in pbc_axes]) if node_pbc_axes != '': node.Pbc(nodef, node_pbc_axes) # create update instances node.Core(nodef) for bufferf in nodef.buffer_dict.values(): #network.ExchangeMpiSplitBlock(bufferf) network.ExchangeMpiSplitNonBlock(bufferf, max_tstep) ''' if rank == 0: direction = 'x+' target_rank = 1 elif rank == 1: direction = 'x-' target_rank = 0 #network.ExchangeMpiNoBufferBlock(nodef, target_rank, direction) # no buffer, block self.mpi_instance_list = [] self.mpi_instance_list.append( network.ExchangeMpiNoBufferNonBlock(nodef, target_rank, direction) ) ''' # accum_sub_ns_dict, node_pts if is_mpi: asn_dict = common_mpi.accum_sub_ns_dict(mpi_shape, ndev, device_nx_list, ny_list, nz_list) axes = ['x', 'y', 'z'] node_pt0 = [asn_dict[ax][m] for ax, m in zip(axes, coord)] node_pt1 = [asn_dict[ax][m+1] - 1 for ax, m in zip(axes, coord)] # global variables self.max_tstep = max_tstep self.mpi_shape = mpi_shape #self.ns = (nx, ny, nz) self.ns = (asn_dict['x'][-1], asn_dict['y'][-1], asn_dict['z'][-1]) if is_mpi else nodef.ns self.nodef = nodef self.is_master = is_master if is_mpi: self.asn_dict = asn_dict self.node_pt0 = node_pt0 self.node_pt1 = node_pt1 # for savefields self.savef_tag_list = [] self.savef_list = []
def test_y_pbc_x_exchange(self): # instance nx, ny, nz = 40, 50, 60 #nx, ny, nz = 3, 4, 5 gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) gpuf = gpu.Fields(context, gpu_devices[0], nx, ny, nz) cpuf = cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz) mainf_list = [gpuf, cpuf] nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) core = NodeCore(nodef) pbc = NodePbc(nodef, 'y') exchange = NodeExchange(nodef) # generate random source ehs_gpu = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, nodef.dtype) gpuf.set_eh_bufs(*ehs_gpu) ehs_gpu_dict = dict(zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs_gpu)) ehs_cpu = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, nodef.dtype) cpuf.set_ehs(*ehs_cpu) ehs_cpu_dict = dict(zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs_cpu)) # verify for mainf in mainf_list: mainf.update_e() pbc.update_e() exchange.update_e() for mainf in mainf_list: mainf.update_h() pbc.update_h() exchange.update_h() mainf_list[-1].enqueue_barrier() getf0, getf1 = {}, {} # x-axis exchange getf0['e'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['ey', 'ez'], (nx - 1, 0, 0), (nx - 1, ny - 2, nz - 2)) getf1['e'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['ey', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (0, ny - 2, nz - 2)) getf0['h'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['hy', 'hz'], (nx - 1, 1, 1), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1)) getf1['h'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['hy', 'hz'], (0, 1, 1), (0, ny - 1, nz - 1)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: g0 = getf0[eh].get_fields() g1 = getf1[eh].get_fields() norm = np.linalg.norm(g0 - g1) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'x-axis exchange', eh)) # y-axis pbc gpu getf0['e'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['ex', 'ez'], (0, ny - 1, 0), (nx - 2, ny - 1, nz - 2)) getf1['e'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['ex', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (nx - 2, 0, nz - 2)) getf0['h'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['hx', 'hz'], (1, ny - 1, 1), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1)) getf1['h'] = gpu.GetFields(gpuf, ['hx', 'hz'], (1, 0, 1), (nx - 1, 0, nz - 1)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: g0 = getf0[eh].get_fields() g1 = getf1[eh].get_fields() norm = np.linalg.norm(g0 - g1) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y-axis pbc gpu', eh)) # y-axis pbc cpu getf0['e'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['ex', 'ez'], (0, ny - 1, 0), (nx - 2, ny - 1, nz - 2)) getf1['e'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['ex', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (nx - 2, 0, nz - 2)) getf0['h'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['hx', 'hz'], (1, ny - 1, 1), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1)) getf1['h'] = cpu.GetFields(cpuf, ['hx', 'hz'], (1, 0, 1), (nx - 1, 0, nz - 1)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: g0 = getf0[eh].get_fields() g1 = getf1[eh].get_fields() norm = np.linalg.norm(g0 - g1) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, 'y-axis pbc cpu', eh))
def runTest(self): axis, nx, ny, nz = self.args self.gpu, self.cpu = gpu, cpu # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [gpu.Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) for device in gpu_devices] mainf_list.append(cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz)) nodef = NodeFields(mainf_list) dtype = nodef.dtype pbc = NodePbc(nodef, axis) exchange = NodeExchange(nodef) # generate random source for f in mainf_list[:-1]: nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) for f in nodef.cpuf_dict.values(): nx, ny, nz = f.ns ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) f.set_ehs(*ehs) # verify for mainf in mainf_list: mainf.update_e() pbc.update_e() exchange.update_e() for mainf in mainf_list: mainf.update_h() pbc.update_h() exchange.update_h() mainf_list[-1].enqueue_barrier() getf0, getf1 = {}, {} if axis == "x": f0, f1 = mainf_list[0], mainf_list[-1] getf0["e"] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ["ey", "ez"], (0, 0, 0), (0, f0.ny - 2, - 2)) getf1["e"] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields( f1, ["ey", "ez"], (f1.nx - 1, 0, 0), (f1.nx - 1, f1.ny - 2, - 2) ) getf0["h"] = getattr(self, f0.device_type).GetFields(f0, ["hy", "hz"], (0, 1, 1), (0, f0.ny - 1, - 1)) getf1["h"] = getattr(self, f1.device_type).GetFields( f1, ["hy", "hz"], (f1.nx - 1, 1, 1), (f1.nx - 1, f1.ny - 1, - 1) ) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ["e", "h"]: norm = np.linalg.norm(getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, "%g, %s, %s" % (norm, "x", eh)) elif axis == "y": for f in mainf_list: getf0["e"] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ["ex", "ez"], (0, 0, 0), (f.nx - 2, 0, - 2)) getf1["e"] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields( f, ["ex", "ez"], (0, f.ny - 1, 0), (f.nx - 2, f.ny - 1, - 2) ) getf0["h"] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ["hx", "hz"], (1, 0, 1), (f.nx - 1, 0, - 1)) getf1["h"] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields( f, ["hx", "hz"], (1, f.ny - 1, 1), (f.nx - 1, f.ny - 1, - 1) ) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ["e", "h"]: norm = np.linalg.norm(getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, "%g, %s, %s, %s" % (norm, "y", eh, f.device_type)) elif axis == "z": for f in mainf_list: getf0["e"] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields( f, ["ex", "ey"], (0, 0, - 1), (f.nx - 2, f.ny - 2, - 1) ) getf1["e"] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ["ex", "ey"], (0, 0, 0), (f.nx - 2, f.ny - 2, 0)) getf0["h"] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields( f, ["hx", "hy"], (1, 1, - 1), (f.nx - 1, f.ny - 1, - 1) ) getf1["h"] = getattr(self, f.device_type).GetFields(f, ["hx", "hy"], (1, 1, 0), (f.nx - 1, f.ny - 1, 0)) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ["e", "h"]: norm = np.linalg.norm(getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields()) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, "%g, %s, %s" % (norm, "z", eh))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz = self.args tmax = 10 # instances buffer_dict = {} if rank == 0: buffer_dict['x+'] = cpu.BufferFields('x+', ny, nz, '', 'single') elif rank == 1: buffer_dict['x-'] = cpu.BufferFields('x-', ny, nz, '', 'single') import pyopencl as cl from kemp.fdtd3d.util import common_gpu from kemp.fdtd3d import gpu gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) mainf_list = [ gpu.Fields(context, gpu_devices[0], nx, ny, nz) ] #mainf_list = [ cpu.Fields(nx, ny, nz, use_cpu_core=1) ] nodef = node.Fields(mainf_list, buffer_dict) # generate random source dtype = nodef.dtype ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, dtype) buf_ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(3, ny, nz, dtype) #nodef.cpuf.set_ehs(*ehs) nodef.mainf_list[0].set_eh_bufs(*ehs) other = {0: 1, 1: 0}[rank] if rank == 0: #nodef.buffer_dict['x+'].set_ehs(*buf_ehs) ExchangeMpi(nodef.buffer_dict['x+'], other, tmax) elif rank == 1: #nodef.buffer_dict['x-'].set_ehs(*buf_ehs) ExchangeMpi(nodef.buffer_dict['x-'], other, tmax) node.Core(nodef) # allocations for verify if rank == 0: getf_e = cpu.GetFields(nodef.buffer_dict['x+'], ['ey', 'ez'], (2, 0, 0), (2, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_h = cpu.GetFields(nodef.buffer_dict['x+'], ['hy', 'hz'], (1, 0, 0), (1, ny-1, nz-1)) elif rank == 1: getf_e = cpu.GetFields(nodef.buffer_dict['x-'], ['ey', 'ez'], (1, 0, 0), (1, ny-1, nz-1)) getf_h = cpu.GetFields(nodef.buffer_dict['x-'], ['hy', 'hz'], (0, 0, 0), (0, ny-1, nz-1)) # verify print 'nodef, instance_list', rank, nodef.instance_list print 'f0, instance_list', rank, nodef.mainf_list[0].instance_list exch = nodef.instance_list[0] main_core = nodef.mainf_list[0].instance_list[0] if rank == 0: #nodef.buffer_dict['x+'].instance_list.pop(0) print 'bufferf x+, instance_list', rank, nodef.buffer_dict['x+'].instance_list core, mpi = nodef.buffer_dict['x+'].instance_list elif rank == 1: #nodef.buffer_dict['x-'].instance_list.pop(0) print 'bufferf x-, instance_list', rank, nodef.buffer_dict['x-'].instance_list core, mpi = nodef.buffer_dict['x-'].instance_list for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1): #if rank == 0: print 'tstep', tstep #nodef.update_e() main_core.update_e() if rank == 0: #print tstep, rank, 'core upE' core.update_e('') #print tstep, rank, 'mpi upE' mpi.update_e('') elif rank == 1: #print tstep, rank, 'core upE pre' core.update_e('pre') #print tstep, rank, 'mpi upE pre' mpi.update_e('pre') #print tstep, rank, 'core upE post' core.update_e('post') #print tstep, rank, 'mpi upE post' mpi.update_e('post') exch.update_e() # verify the buffer #print tstep, rank, 'pre get' getf_h.get_event().wait() #print tstep, rank, 'after get' if rank == 1: #print tstep, rank, 'pre save''rank1_h_%d' % tstep, getf_h.get_fields()) #print tstep, rank, 'after save' elif rank == 0: no_exist_npy = True while no_exist_npy: try: arr1 = np.load('rank1_h_%d.npy' % tstep) no_exist_npy = False except: sleep(0.5) arr0 = getf_h.get_fields() #print tstep, 'h arr0\n', arr0 #print tstep, 'h arr1\n', arr1 norm = np.linalg.norm(arr0 - arr1) if norm != 0: print tstep, 'h norm', norm #if tstep > 1: self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g, h' % (self.args, norm)) #nodef.update_h() main_core.update_h() if rank == 0: #print tstep, rank, 'core upH pre' core.update_h('pre') #print tstep, rank, 'mpi upH pre' mpi.update_h('pre') #print tstep, rank, 'core upH post' core.update_h('post') #print tstep, rank, 'mpi upH post' mpi.update_h('post') elif rank == 1: #print tstep, rank, 'core upH' core.update_h('') #print tstep, rank, 'mpi upH' mpi.update_h('') exch.update_h() getf_e.get_event().wait() if rank == 1:'rank1_e_%d' % tstep, getf_e.get_fields()) elif rank == 0: no_exist_npy = True while no_exist_npy: try: arr1 = np.load('rank1_e_%d.npy' % tstep) no_exist_npy = False except: sleep(0.5) arr0 = getf_e.get_fields() norm = np.linalg.norm(arr0 - arr1) if norm != 0: print tstep, 'e norm', norm #self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g, e' % (self.args, norm)) '''
is_plot = False #nx, ny, nz = 240, 256, 256 # 540 MB #nx, ny, nz = 544, 544, 544 # 5527 MB #nx, ny, nz = 512, 512, 512 # 4608 MB #nx, ny, nz = 480, 480, 480 # 3796 MB nx, ny, nz = 800, 256, 256 # 576 MB #nx, ny, nz = 128, 128, 128 # 72 MB coeff_use = 'e' precision_float = 'single' # instances gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] qtask = cpu.QueueTask() fields = Fields(context, device, qtask, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use, precision_float) Core(fields) tmax = 250 if is_plot else 1000 if rank == 0: direction = '+' elif rank == size - 1: direction = '-' else: direction = '+-' #exch = node.ExchangeMpiNonBlock(fields, direction) #exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferBlock(fields, direction) #exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferBlockSplit(fields, direction)
def runTest(self): axis, nx, ny, nz, precision_float = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '', precision_float) pbc = Pbc(fields, axis) # allocations ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, fields.dtype) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) # update fields.update_e() fields.update_h() # verify getf0, getf1 = {}, {} strfs_e = { 'x': ['ey', 'ez'], 'y': ['ex', 'ez'], 'z': ['ex', 'ey'] }[axis] strfs_h = { 'x': ['hy', 'hz'], 'y': ['hx', 'hz'], 'z': ['hx', 'hy'] }[axis] pt0 = (0, 0, 0) pt1 = { 'x': (0, ny-2, nz-2), \ 'y': (nx-2, 0, nz-2), \ 'z': (nx-2, ny-2, 0) }[axis] getf0['e'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_e, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (nx-1, 0, 0), \ 'y': (0, ny-1, 0), \ 'z': (0, 0, nz-1) }[axis] pt1 = { 'x': (nx-1, ny-2, nz-2), \ 'y': (nx-2, ny-1, nz-2), \ 'z': (nx-2, ny-2, nz-1) }[axis] getf1['e'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_e, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (0, 1, 1), \ 'y': (1, 0, 1), \ 'z': (1, 1, 0) }[axis] pt1 = { 'x': (0, ny-1, nz-1), \ 'y': (nx-1, 0, nz-1), \ 'z': (nx-1, ny-1, 0) }[axis] getf0['h'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_h, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (nx-1, 1, 1), \ 'y': (1, ny-1, 1), \ 'z': (1, 1, nz-1) }[axis] pt1 = (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1) getf1['h'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_h, pt0, pt1) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields() ) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, self.args, eh))