class PasswordStore: def __init__(self, chain="login", account=None, service=None): if account is None: account = keyinfo.account if service is None: service = keyinfo.realm self.chain = chain self.account = account self.service = service self.keychain = Keychain() def unlock(self): self.keychain.unlockkeychain(self.chain) def lock(self): self.keychain.lockkeychain(chain) def password(self, account=None): if account is None: account = self.account _, password = self.keychain.getgenericpassword(self.chain, account, self.service) return password def save_password(self, password, account=None): if account is None: account = keyinfo.account self.keychain.setgenericpassword(self.chain, account, password, self.service)
class Preferences(NSWindowController): # IBOutlets email = IBOutlet() password = IBOutlet() def init(self): NSLog('Preferences: init') self = super(Preferences, self).init() self.initWithWindowNibName_('Preferences') return self def awakeFromNib(self): NSLog('Preferences: awakeFromNib') self.keychain = Keychain() # We need to get the account email so we can do the keychain lookup try: f = open('account') except IOError: pass else: account = f.readline() # If there is no value then the details haven't been set yet if account != '': account = account.replace('\n', '') key = self.keychain.getgenericpassword('login', account) # If the keychain exists then we can set the default value for the fields if key != False: NSLog('Preferences: awakeFromNib - keychain exists, setting fields')['account']) self.password.setStringValue_(key['password']) @IBAction def problem_(self, sender): NSLog('Preferences: problem_') ws = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() url = NSURL.URLWithString_('') ws.openURL_(url) @IBAction def showWindow_(self, sender): NSLog('Preferences: showWindow') super(Preferences, self).showWindow_(sender) @IBAction def save_(self, sender): NSLog('Preferences: save_') self.keychain.setgenericpassword('login',, self.password.stringValue(), 'GFGain') # Save the account email so we can use it later f = open('account', 'w') f.write( f.close() self.close()
class AppDelegate(NSObject): gf = False now = preferences = False keychain = False def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender): NSLog('AppDelegate: applicationDidFinishLaunching') # Set this up as a class attribute so we can modify it later NSLog('AppDelegate: applicationDidFinishLaunching - setting up statusItem') self.statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength_(NSVariableStatusItemLength) self.statusItem.setHighlightMode_(TRUE) self.statusItem.setEnabled_(TRUE) self.statusItem.retain() # self.GetGain() # Build a simple menu for the statusItem NSLog('AppDelegate: applicationDidFinishLaunching - setting up menu') menu = NSMenu.alloc().init() menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_('Preferences', 'launchPreferences:', '') menu.addItem_(menuitem) menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_('Quit', 'terminate:', '') menu.addItem_(menuitem) self.statusItem.setMenu_(menu) # Set up the timer to periodically update the details # Timer help from NSLog('AppDelegate: applicationDidFinishLaunching - setting up timer') self.timer = NSTimer.alloc().initWithFireDate_interval_target_selector_userInfo_repeats_(, 60.0, self, 'tick:', None, True) NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().addTimer_forMode_(self.timer, NSDefaultRunLoopMode) def GetGain(self): NSLog('AppDelegate: GetGain') if == False: NSLog('AppDelegate: GetGain - gf == False') # We need to get the account email so we can do the keychain lookup try: f = open('account') except IOError: pass else: account = f.readline() # If there is no value then the details haven't been set yet if account != '': account = account.replace('\n', '') # Don't need the trailing newline character if self.keychain == False: NSLog('AppDelegate: GetGain - keychain == false') self.keychain = Keychain() key = self.keychain.getgenericpassword('login', account) print key # Can we create the GoogleFinance object from the keychain? if key != False: NSLog('AppDelegate: GetGain - Keychain details exist') = GoogleFinance(key['account'], key['password']) else: NSLog('AppDelegate: GetGain - Keychain details don\'t exist') if != False: # GoogleFinance exists so we can reget the gain data NSLog('AppDelegate: GetGain - Getting gain') self.statusItem.setTitle_('Updating...') gain = '%.2f' % self.statusItem.setTitle_(gain) else: # User needs to set their prefs NSLog('AppDelegate: GetGain - gf == false (again)') self.statusItem.setTitle_('Click to set prefs') def launchPreferences_(self, notification): NSLog('AppDelegate: launchPreferences') self.preferences = Preferences.alloc().init() self.preferences.showWindow_(self) def tick_(self, notification): NSLog('AppDelegate: tick') # We only want to get the gain again if trading is ongoing (i.e. Mon - Fri 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m EST) utc = time.gmtime() # Determine whether it is DST or not because if it is then the UTC offset will be different if utc[8] == 0: # EST = UTC - 5 hours (18000 seconds) NSLog('AppDelegate: tick - Timezone = EST') est = time.mktime(utc) - 18000 marketTime = time.gmtime(est) else: # If DST then EDT # EDT = UTC - 4 hours (14400 seconds) NSLog('AppDelegate: tick - Timezone = EDT') edt = time.mktime(utc) - 14400 marketTime = time.gmtime(edt) # If it is Fri or Sat, don't bother getting data if marketTime[6] == 5 or marketTime[6] == 6: NSLog('AppDelegate: tick - It\'s the weekend! Yay') open = False else: NSLog('AppDelegate: tick - Mon - Fri') # If it's after 9.30am then open, otherwise closed! if marketTime[3] == 9: if marketTime[4] >= 30: NSLog('AppDelegate: tick -') open = True else: NSLog('AppDelegate: tick - 9...closed') open = False # Define which hours are open to make it easier than devising crazy hour based logic hoursOpen = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] # So if it is within 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm or 3pm then it's open. Before and after those closed if marketTime[3] not in hoursOpen: NSLog('AppDelegate: tick - closed') open = False else: NSLog('AppDelegate: tick - open') open = True; if open == True: self.GetGain()