def load_from_argparse_arguments(namespace, **kwargs): """Retrieve the created plugin from the completed argparse results. Loads and creates the auth plugin from the information parsed from the command line by argparse. :param Namespace namespace: The result from CLI parsing. :returns: An auth plugin, or None if a name is not provided. :rtype: :class:`keystoneauth1.plugin.BaseAuthPlugin` :raises keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins.NoMatchingPlugin: if a plugin cannot be created. """ if not namespace.os_auth_type: return None if isinstance(namespace.os_auth_type, type): plugin = namespace.os_auth_type else: plugin = base.get_plugin_loader(namespace.os_auth_type) def _getter(opt): return getattr(namespace, 'os_%s' % opt.dest) return plugin.load_from_options_getter(_getter)
def build_auth_params(auth_plugin_name, cmd_options): if auth_plugin_name: LOG.debug('auth_type: %s', auth_plugin_name) auth_plugin_loader = base.get_plugin_loader(auth_plugin_name) auth_params = {opt.dest: opt.default for opt in base.get_plugin_options(auth_plugin_name)} auth_params.update(dict(cmd_options.auth)) # grab tenant from project for v2.0 API compatibility if auth_plugin_name.startswith("v2"): if 'project_id' in auth_params: auth_params['tenant_id'] = auth_params['project_id'] del auth_params['project_id'] if 'project_name' in auth_params: auth_params['tenant_name'] = auth_params['project_name'] del auth_params['project_name'] else: LOG.debug('no auth_type') # delay the plugin choice, grab every option auth_plugin_loader = None auth_params = dict(cmd_options.auth) plugin_options = set([o.replace('-', '_') for o in get_options_list()]) for option in plugin_options: LOG.debug('fetching option %s', option) auth_params[option] = getattr(cmd_options.auth, option, None) return (auth_plugin_loader, auth_params)
def _get_ignore_projects(self, conf): if 'auth_type' not in conf:"'auth_type' is not set assuming ignore_projects are " "only project uuid.") return list_from_csv(conf.get('ignore_projects')) if 'ignore_projects' in conf: ignore_projects = list_from_csv(conf.get('ignore_projects')) else: ignore_projects = self.DEFAULT_IGNORE_PROJECT_NAMES if not ignore_projects: return [] def opt_getter(opt): # TODO(sileht): This method does not support deprecated opt names val = conf.get( if val is None: val = conf.get(opt.dest) return val auth_type = conf.get('auth_type') plugin = ksa_base.get_plugin_loader(auth_type) auth = plugin.load_from_options_getter(opt_getter) session = ksa_session.Session().load_from_options_getter( opt_getter, auth=auth) client = KeystoneClientLoader().load_from_options_getter( opt_getter, session=session) projects = [] for name_or_id in ignore_projects: projects.extend(self._get_keystone_projects(client, name_or_id)) return projects
def load_from_argparse_arguments(namespace, **kwargs): """Retrieve the created plugin from the completed argparse results. Loads and creates the auth plugin from the information parsed from the command line by argparse. :param Namespace namespace: The result from CLI parsing. :returns: An auth plugin, or None if a name is not provided. :rtype: :py:class:`keystonauth.auth.BaseAuthPlugin` :raises keystonauth.exceptions.NoMatchingPlugin: if a plugin cannot be created. """ if not namespace.os_auth_type: return None if isinstance(namespace.os_auth_type, type): plugin = namespace.os_auth_type else: plugin = base.get_plugin_loader(namespace.os_auth_type) plugin_opts = plugin.get_options() for opt in plugin_opts: val = getattr(namespace, 'os_%s' % opt.dest) if val is not None: val = opt.type(val) kwargs.setdefault(opt.dest, val) return plugin.load_from_options(**kwargs)
def _create_authenticator(self, authenticator, auth_plugin, **args): if authenticator: return authenticator # TODO(thowe): Jamie was suggesting we should support other # ways of loading the plugin loader = ksa_loader.get_plugin_loader(auth_plugin) load_args = {} for opt in loader.get_options(): if args.get(opt.dest): load_args[opt.dest] = args[opt.dest] return loader.load_from_options(**load_args)
def register_argparse_arguments(parser, argv, default=None): """Register CLI options needed to create a plugin. The function inspects the provided arguments so that it can also register the options required for that specific plugin if available. :param parser: the parser to attach argparse options to. :type parser: argparse.ArgumentParser :param list argv: the arguments provided to the appliation. :param str/class default: a default plugin name or a plugin object to use if one isn't specified by the CLI. default: None. :returns: The plugin class that will be loaded or None if not provided. :rtype: :class:`keystoneauth1.plugin.BaseAuthPlugin` :raises keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins.NoMatchingPlugin: if a plugin cannot be created. """ in_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) env_plugin = os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_TYPE', os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_PLUGIN', default)) for p in (in_parser, parser): p.add_argument('--os-auth-type', '--os-auth-plugin', metavar='<name>', default=env_plugin, help='Authentication type to use') options, _args = in_parser.parse_known_args(argv) if not options.os_auth_type: return None if isinstance(options.os_auth_type, base.BaseLoader): msg = 'Default Authentication options' plugin = options.os_auth_type else: msg = 'Options specific to the %s plugin.' % options.os_auth_type plugin = base.get_plugin_loader(options.os_auth_type) group = parser.add_argument_group('Authentication Options', msg) _register_plugin_argparse_arguments(group, plugin) return plugin
def load_from_conf_options(conf, group, **kwargs): """Load a plugin from an oslo_config CONF object. Each plugin will register their own required options and so there is no standard list and the plugin should be consulted. The base options should have been registered with register_conf_options before this function is called. :param conf: A conf object. :type conf: oslo_config.cfg.ConfigOpts :param string group: The group name that options should be read from. :returns: An authentication Plugin or None if a name is not provided :rtype: :py:class:`keystonauth.auth.BaseAuthPlugin` :raises keystonauth.exceptions.NoMatchingPlugin: if a plugin cannot be created. """ # NOTE(jamielennox): plugins are allowed to specify a 'section' which is # the group that auth options should be taken from. If not present they # come from the same as the base options were registered in. if conf[group].auth_section: group = conf[group].auth_section name = conf[group].auth_type if not name: return None plugin = base.get_plugin_loader(name) plugin_opts = plugin.get_options() oslo_opts = [o._to_oslo_opt() for o in plugin_opts] conf.register_opts(oslo_opts, group=group) for opt in plugin_opts: val = conf[group][opt.dest] if val is not None: val = opt.type(val) kwargs.setdefault(opt.dest, val) return plugin.load_from_options(**kwargs)
def populate_parser(parser): plugins = loading_base.get_available_plugin_names() default_auth = "v3password" parser.add_argument( "--os-auth-type", "--os-auth-plugin", metavar="<name>", default=utils.env("OS_AUTH_TYPE", default=default_auth), choices=plugins, help="Authentication type to use, available " "types are: %s" % ", ".join(plugins), ) # arguments come from session and plugins loading_session.register_argparse_arguments(parser) for plugin_name in plugins: plugin = loading_base.get_plugin_loader(plugin_name) # NOTE(aloga): we do not want a project to be passed from the # CLI, as we will iterate over it for each configured VO and # project. However, as the plugin is expecting them when # parsing the arguments we need to set them to None before # calling the load_auth_from_argparse_arguments method in the # __init__ method of this class. for opt in filter( lambda x: not in ("project-name", "project-id"), plugin.get_options(), ): parser.add_argument(*opt.argparse_args, default=opt.argparse_default, metavar="<auth-%s>" %,, dest="os_%s" % opt.dest.replace("-", "_")) parser.add_argument( "--insecure", default=utils.env("NOVACLIENT_INSECURE", default=False), action="store_true", help="Explicitly allow novaclient to perform 'insecure' " "SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will " "not be verified against any certificate authorities. " "This option should be used with caution.", ) parser.add_argument( "--os-cacert", metavar="<ca-certificate>", default=utils.env("OS_CACERT", default=requests.certs.where()), help="Specify a CA bundle file to use in " "verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. " "Defaults to env[OS_CACERT].", ) parser.add_argument( "--os-cert", metavar="<certificate>", default=utils.env("OS_CERT", default=None), help="Defaults to env[OS_CERT].", ) parser.add_argument( "--os-key", metavar="<key>", default=utils.env("OS_KEY", default=None), help="Defaults to env[OS_KEY].", ) parser.add_argument( "--timeout", default=600, metavar="<seconds>", help="Set request timeout (in seconds).", ) parser.add_argument( "--select-flavors", default="all", choices=["all", "public", "private"], help="Select all (default), public or private flavors/templates.", ) parser.add_argument( "--all-images", action="store_true", default=False, help=("If set, include information about all images (including " "snapshots), otherwise only publish images with cloudkeeper " "metadata, ignoring the others."), )
def populate_parser(parser): plugins = loading_base.get_available_plugin_names() default_auth = "v3password" parser.add_argument('--os-auth-type', '--os-auth-plugin', metavar='<name>', default=utils.env('OS_AUTH_TYPE', default=default_auth), choices=plugins, help='Authentication type to use, available ' 'types are: %s' % ", ".join(plugins)) # arguments come from session and plugins loading_session.register_argparse_arguments(parser) for plugin_name in plugins: plugin = loading_base.get_plugin_loader(plugin_name) # NOTE(aloga): we do not want a project to be passed from the # CLI, as we will iterate over it for each configured VO and # project. However, as the plugin is expecting them when # parsing the arguments we need to set them to None before # calling the load_auth_from_argparse_arguments method in the # __init__ method of this class. for opt in filter(lambda x: not in ("project-name", "project-id"), plugin.get_options()): parser.add_argument(*opt.argparse_args, default=opt.argparse_default, metavar='<auth-%s>' %,, dest='os_%s' % opt.dest.replace("-", "_")) parser.add_argument( '--insecure', default=utils.env('NOVACLIENT_INSECURE', default=False), action='store_true', help="Explicitly allow novaclient to perform 'insecure' " "SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will " 'not be verified against any certificate authorities. ' 'This option should be used with caution.') parser.add_argument( '--os-cacert', metavar='<ca-certificate>', default=utils.env('OS_CACERT', default=requests.certs.where()), help='Specify a CA bundle file to use in ' 'verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. ' 'Defaults to env[OS_CACERT].') parser.add_argument( '--os-cert', metavar='<certificate>', default=utils.env('OS_CERT', default=None), help='Defaults to env[OS_CERT].') parser.add_argument( '--os-key', metavar='<key>', default=utils.env('OS_KEY', default=None), help='Defaults to env[OS_KEY].') parser.add_argument( '--timeout', default=600, metavar='<seconds>', help='Set request timeout (in seconds).') parser.add_argument( '--select-flavors', default='all', choices=['all', 'public', 'private'], help='Select all (default), public or private flavors/templates.') parser.add_argument( '--all-images', action='store_true', default=False, help=('If set, include information about all images (including ' 'snapshots), otherwise only publish images with cloudkeeper ' 'metadata, ignoring the others.'))
def populate_parser(parser): default_auth = "v3password" parser.add_argument('--os-auth-type', '--os-auth-plugin', metavar='<name>', default=default_auth, help='Authentication type to use') plugin = loading_base.get_plugin_loader(default_auth) for opt in plugin.get_options(): # FIXME(aloga): the code below has been commented. This commit has # been cherry picked from another branch that took into account the # VOs and configured projects. The code below needs to be # uncommented whenever Glue2.1 is in place. # NOTE(aloga): we do not want a project to be passed from the CLI, # as we will iterate over it for each configured VO and project. # However, as the plugin is expecting them when parsing the # arguments we need to set them to None before calling the # load_auth_from_argparse_arguments method in the __init__ method # of this class. # if in ("project-name", "project-id"): # continue parser.add_argument(*opt.argparse_args, default=opt.argparse_default, metavar=opt.metavar,, dest='os_%s' % opt.dest) parser.add_argument( '--insecure', default=utils.env('NOVACLIENT_INSECURE', default=False), action='store_true', help="Explicitly allow novaclient to perform 'insecure' " "SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will " 'not be verified against any certificate authorities. ' 'This option should be used with caution.') parser.add_argument( '--os-cacert', metavar='<ca-certificate>', default=utils.env('OS_CACERT', default=requests.certs.where()), help='Specify a CA bundle file to use in ' 'verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. ' 'Defaults to env[OS_CACERT].') parser.add_argument( '--os-cert', metavar='<certificate>', default=utils.env('OS_CERT', default=None), help='Defaults to env[OS_CERT].') parser.add_argument( '--os-key', metavar='<key>', default=utils.env('OS_KEY', default=None), help='Defaults to env[OS_KEY].') parser.add_argument( '--timeout', default=600, metavar='<seconds>', help='Set request timeout (in seconds).') parser.add_argument( '--legacy-occi-os', default=False, action='store_true', help="Generate information and ids compatible with OCCI-OS, " "e.g. using the flavor name instead of the flavor id.")
def populate_parser(parser): default_auth = "v3password" parser.add_argument('--os-auth-type', '--os-auth-plugin', metavar='<name>', default=default_auth, help='Authentication type to use') plugin = loading_base.get_plugin_loader(default_auth) for opt in plugin.get_options(): # FIXME(aloga): the code below has been commented. This commit has # been cherry picked from another branch that took into account the # VOs and configured projects. The code below needs to be # uncommented whenever Glue2.1 is in place. # NOTE(aloga): we do not want a project to be passed from the CLI, # as we will iterate over it for each configured VO and project. # However, as the plugin is expecting them when parsing the # arguments we need to set them to None before calling the # load_auth_from_argparse_arguments method in the __init__ method # of this class. # if in ("project-name", "project-id"): # continue parser.add_argument(*opt.argparse_args, default=opt.argparse_default, metavar=opt.metavar,, dest='os_%s' % opt.dest) parser.add_argument( '--insecure', default=utils.env('NOVACLIENT_INSECURE', default=False), action='store_true', help="Explicitly allow novaclient to perform 'insecure' " "SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will " 'not be verified against any certificate authorities. ' 'This option should be used with caution.') parser.add_argument('--os-cacert', metavar='<ca-certificate>', default=utils.env('OS_CACERT', default=requests.certs.where()), help='Specify a CA bundle file to use in ' 'verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. ' 'Defaults to env[OS_CACERT].') parser.add_argument('--os-cert', metavar='<certificate>', default=utils.env('OS_CERT', default=None), help='Defaults to env[OS_CERT].') parser.add_argument('--os-key', metavar='<key>', default=utils.env('OS_KEY', default=None), help='Defaults to env[OS_KEY].') parser.add_argument('--timeout', default=600, metavar='<seconds>', help='Set request timeout (in seconds).') parser.add_argument( '--legacy-occi-os', default=False, action='store_true', help="Generate information and ids compatible with OCCI-OS, " "e.g. using the flavor name instead of the flavor id.") parser.add_argument( '--select-flavors', default='all', choices=['all', 'public', 'private'], help='Select all (default), public or private flavors/templates.')
def populate_parser(parser): plugins = loading_base.get_available_plugin_names() default_auth = "v3password" parser.add_argument('--os-auth-type', '--os-auth-plugin', metavar='<name>', default=utils.env('OS_AUTH_TYPE', default=default_auth), choices=plugins, help='Authentication type to use, available ' 'types are: %s' % ", ".join(plugins)) # arguments come from session and plugins loading_session.register_argparse_arguments(parser) for plugin_name in plugins: plugin = loading_base.get_plugin_loader(plugin_name) for opt in plugin.get_options(): # NOTE(aloga): we do not want a project to be passed from the # CLI, as we will iterate over it for each configured VO and # project. However, as the plugin is expecting them when # parsing the arguments we need to set them to None before # calling the load_auth_from_argparse_arguments method in the # __init__ method of this class. if in ("project-name", "project-id"): continue parser.add_argument(*opt.argparse_args, default=opt.argparse_default, metavar='<auth-%s>' %,, dest='os_%s' % opt.dest.replace("-", "_")) parser.add_argument( '--insecure', default=utils.env('NOVACLIENT_INSECURE', default=False), action='store_true', help="Explicitly allow novaclient to perform 'insecure' " "SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will " 'not be verified against any certificate authorities. ' 'This option should be used with caution.') parser.add_argument('--os-cacert', metavar='<ca-certificate>', default=utils.env('OS_CACERT', default=requests.certs.where()), help='Specify a CA bundle file to use in ' 'verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. ' 'Defaults to env[OS_CACERT].') parser.add_argument('--os-cert', metavar='<certificate>', default=utils.env('OS_CERT', default=None), help='Defaults to env[OS_CERT].') parser.add_argument('--os-key', metavar='<key>', default=utils.env('OS_KEY', default=None), help='Defaults to env[OS_KEY].') parser.add_argument('--timeout', default=600, metavar='<seconds>', help='Set request timeout (in seconds).') parser.add_argument( '--select-flavors', default='all', choices=['all', 'public', 'private'], help='Select all (default), public or private flavors/templates.') parser.add_argument( '--all-images', action='store_true', default=False, help=('If set, include information about all images (including ' 'snapshots), otherwise only publish images with cloudkeeper ' 'metadata, ignoring the others.'))