def __init__(self, km, lead_goal_constraints, follower_goal_constraints, t_leader=TQPB, t_follower=TQPB, f_gen_lead_cvs=None, f_gen_follower_cvs=None, visualizer=None, controls_blacklist=set(), transition_overrides=None): lead_symbols = union( gm.free_symbols(c.expr) for c in lead_goal_constraints.values()) follower_symbols = union( gm.free_symbols(c.expr) for c in follower_goal_constraints.values()) self.lead_symbols = lead_symbols self.follower_symbols = follower_symbols self.lead_controlled_symbols = { s for s in union( gm.get_diff_symbols(c.expr) for c in lead_goal_constraints.values()) if s not in controls_blacklist } # Only update the symbols that are unique to the follower self.follower_controlled_symbols = { s for s in union( gm.get_diff_symbols(c.expr) for c in follower_goal_constraints.values()) if s not in controls_blacklist and gm.IntSymbol(s) not in lead_symbols } f_gen_lead_cvs = self.gen_controlled_values if f_gen_lead_cvs is None else f_gen_lead_cvs lead_cvs, \ lead_constraints = f_gen_lead_cvs(km, km.get_constraints_by_symbols(self.lead_controlled_symbols.union({gm.IntSymbol(s) for s in self.lead_controlled_symbols})), self.lead_controlled_symbols) f_gen_follower_cvs = self.gen_controlled_values if f_gen_follower_cvs is None else f_gen_follower_cvs follower_cvs, \ follower_constraints = f_gen_follower_cvs(km, km.get_constraints_by_symbols(self.follower_controlled_symbols.union({gm.IntSymbol(s) for s in self.follower_controlled_symbols})), self.follower_controlled_symbols) if issubclass(t_leader, GQPB): lead_world = km.get_active_geometry(lead_symbols) self.lead_qp = t_leader(lead_world, lead_constraints, lead_goal_constraints, lead_cvs, visualizer=visualizer) else: self.lead_qp = t_leader(lead_constraints, lead_goal_constraints, lead_cvs) self.sym_dt = gm.Symbol('dT') self.lead_o_symbols, \ self.lead_t_function, \ self.lead_o_controls = generate_transition_function(self.sym_dt, lead_symbols, transition_overrides) self.follower_o_symbols, \ self.follower_t_function, \ self.follower_o_controls = generate_transition_function(self.sym_dt, {gm.IntSymbol(s) for s in self.follower_controlled_symbols}, transition_overrides) self.follower_o_bounds = list(self.follower_controlled_symbols) follower_ctrl_bounds = [ sum([[c.lower, c.upper] for c in km.get_constraints_by_symbols({s}).values()], []) for s in self.follower_o_bounds ] max_bounds = max(len(row) for row in follower_ctrl_bounds) for s, row in zip(self.follower_o_bounds, follower_ctrl_bounds): row.extend([1e3] * (max_bounds - len(row))) print(f'{s}: {row}') follower_ctrl_bounds = gm.Matrix(follower_ctrl_bounds).T self.follower_ctrl_bounds_params = list( gm.free_symbols(follower_ctrl_bounds)) self.follower_ctrl_bounds_f = gm.speed_up( follower_ctrl_bounds, self.follower_ctrl_bounds_params) self.follower_delta_map = { gm.IntSymbol(s): s for s in self.follower_controlled_symbols } if issubclass(t_follower, GQPB): follower_world = km.get_active_geometry(follower_symbols) self.follower_qp = t_follower(follower_world, follower_constraints, follower_goal_constraints, follower_cvs, visualizer=visualizer) else: self.follower_qp = t_follower(follower_constraints, follower_goal_constraints, follower_cvs)
def __init__(self, observations, constraints, Q=None, transition_rules=None, trim_threshold=None): """Sets up an EKF estimating the underlying state of a set of observations. Args: observations (dict): A dict of observations. Names are mapped to any kind of symbolic expression/matrix constraints (dict): A dict of named constraints that govern the configuration space of the estimated quantities Q (matrix, optional): Process noise of the estimated quantities. Note: Quantities are expected to be ordered alphabetically transition_rules (dict, optional): Maps symbols to their transition rule. Rules will be generated automatically, if not provided here. """ state_vars = union([gm.free_symbols(o) for o in observations.values()]) self.ordered_vars = [ s for _, s in sorted((str(s), s) for s in state_vars) ] self.Q = Q if Q is not None else np.zeros( (len(self.ordered_vars), len(self.ordered_vars))) st_fn = {} for s in self.ordered_vars: st_fn[s] = gm.wrap_expr(s + gm.DiffSymbol(s) * EKFModel.DT_SYM) if transition_rules is not None: varset = set(self.ordered_vars).union( {gm.DiffSymbol(s) for s in self.ordered_vars}).union({EKFModel.DT_SYM}) for s, r in transition_rules.items(): if s in st_fn: if len(gm.free_symbols(r).difference(varset)) == 0: st_fn[s] = gm.wrap_expr(r) else: print( f'Dropping rule "{s}: {r}". Symbols missing from state: {gm.free_symbols(r).difference(varset)}' ) control_vars = union([gm.free_symbols(r) for r in st_fn.values()]) \ .difference(self.ordered_vars) \ .difference({EKFModel.DT_SYM}) self.ordered_controls = [ s for _, s in sorted((str(s), s) for s in control_vars) ] # State as column vector n * 1 temp_g_fn = gm.Matrix( [gm.extract_expr(st_fn[s]) for s in self.ordered_vars]) self.g_fn = gm.speed_up(temp_g_fn, [EKFModel.DT_SYM] + self.ordered_vars + self.ordered_controls) temp_g_prime_fn = gm.Matrix([[ gm.extract_expr(st_fn[s][d]) if d in st_fn[s] else 0 for d in self.ordered_controls ] for s in self.ordered_vars]) self.g_prime_fn = gm.speed_up(temp_g_prime_fn, [EKFModel.DT_SYM] + self.ordered_vars + self.ordered_controls) self.obs_labels = [] self.takers = [] flat_obs = [] for o_label, o in sorted(observations.items()): if gm.is_symbolic(o): if gm.is_matrix(o): if type(o) == gm.GM: components = zip( sum([[(y, x) for x in range(o.shape[1])] for y in range(o.shape[0])], []), iter(o)) else: components = zip( sum([[(y, x) for x in range(o.shape[1])] for y in range(o.shape[0])], []), o.T.elements()) # Casadi iterates vertically indices = [] for coords, c in components: if gm.is_symbolic(c): self.obs_labels.append('{}_{}_{}'.format( o_label, *coords)) flat_obs.append(gm.wrap_expr(c)) indices.append(coords[0] * o.shape[1] + coords[1]) if len(indices) > 0: self.takers.append((o_label, indices)) else: self.obs_labels.append(o_label) flat_obs.append(gm.wrap_expr(o)) self.takers.append((o_label, [0])) temp_h_fn = gm.Matrix([gm.extract_expr(o) for o in flat_obs]) self.h_fn = gm.speed_up(temp_h_fn, self.ordered_vars) temp_h_prime_fn = gm.Matrix([[ gm.extract_expr(o[d]) if d in o else 0 for d in self.ordered_controls ] for o in flat_obs]) self.h_prime_fn = gm.speed_up(temp_h_prime_fn, self.ordered_vars) state_constraints = {} for n, c in constraints.items(): if gm.is_symbol(c.expr): s = gm.free_symbols(c.expr).pop() fs = gm.free_symbols(c.lower).union(gm.free_symbols(c.upper)) if len(fs.difference({s})) == 0: state_constraints[s] = (float(gm.subs(c.lower, {s: 0})), float(gm.subs(c.upper, {s: 0}))) self.state_bounds = np.array([ state_constraints[s] if s in state_constraints else [-np.pi, np.pi] for s in self.ordered_vars ]) self.R = None # np.zeros((len(self.obs_labels), len(self.obs_labels))) self.trim_threshold = trim_threshold
def main(create_figure=False, vis_mode=False, log_csv=True, min_n_dof=1, samples=300, n_observations=25, noise_lin=0.2, noise_ang=30, noise_steps=5): wait_duration = rospy.Duration(0.1) vis = ROSBPBVisualizer('ekf_vis', 'world') if vis_mode != 'none' else None km = GeometryModel() with open(res_pkg_path('package://iai_kitchen/urdf_obj/IAI_kitchen.urdf'), 'r') as urdf_file: urdf_kitchen_str = kitchen_model = urdf_filler( URDF.from_xml_string(hacky_urdf_parser_fix(urdf_kitchen_str))) load_urdf(km, Path('kitchen'), kitchen_model) km.clean_structure() km.dispatch_events() kitchen = km.get_data('kitchen') tracking_pools = [] for name, link in kitchen.links.items(): symbols = gm.free_symbols(link.pose) if len(symbols) == 0: continue for x in range(len(tracking_pools)): syms, l = tracking_pools[x] if len(symbols.intersection(syms) ) != 0: # BAD ALGORITHM, DOES NOT CORRECTLY IDENTIFY SETS tracking_pools[x] = (syms.union(symbols), l + [(name, link.pose)]) break else: tracking_pools.append((symbols, [(name, link.pose)])) # tracking_pools = [tracking_pools[7]] # print('Identified {} tracking pools:\n{}'.format(len(tracking_pools), tracking_pools)) all_ekfs = [ EKFModel(dict(poses), km.get_constraints_by_symbols(symbols)) for symbols, poses in tracking_pools ] # np.eye(len(symbols)) * 0.001 print('Created {} EKF models'.format(len(all_ekfs))) print('\n'.join(str(e) for e in all_ekfs)) # Sanity constraint min_n_dof = min(min_n_dof, len(all_ekfs)) iteration_times = [] for u in range(min_n_dof, len(all_ekfs) + 1): if rospy.is_shutdown(): break ekfs = all_ekfs[:u] observed_poses = {} for ekf in ekfs: for link_name, _ in ekf.takers: observed_poses[link_name] = kitchen.links[link_name].pose names, poses = zip(*sorted(observed_poses.items())) state_symbols = union([gm.free_symbols(p) for p in poses]) ordered_state_vars = [ s for _, s in sorted((str(s), s) for s in state_symbols) ] state_constraints = {} for n, c in km.get_constraints_by_symbols(state_symbols).items(): if gm.is_symbol(c.expr): s = gm.free_symbols(c.expr).pop() fs = gm.free_symbols(c.lower).union(gm.free_symbols(c.upper)) if len(fs.difference({s})) == 0: state_constraints[s] = (float(gm.subs(c.lower, {s: 0})), float(gm.subs(c.upper, {s: 0}))) state_bounds = np.array([ state_constraints[s] if s in state_constraints else [-np.pi * 0.5, np.pi * 0.5] for s in ordered_state_vars ]) state_fn = gm.speed_up(gm.vstack(*poses), ordered_state_vars) subworld = km.get_active_geometry(state_symbols) # Generate observation noise print('Generating R matrices...') n_cov_obs = 400 full_log = [] dof_iters = [] # EXPERIMENT for lin_std, ang_std in [(noise_lin, noise_ang * (np.pi / 180.0))]: # zip(np.linspace(0, noise_lin, noise_steps), # np.linspace(0, noise_ang * (np.pi / 180.0), noise_steps)): if rospy.is_shutdown(): break # INITIALIZE SENSOR MODEL training_obs = [] state = np.random.uniform(state_bounds.T[0], state_bounds.T[1]) observations = state_fn.call2(state) for _ in range(n_cov_obs): noisy_obs = {} for x, noise in enumerate([ for t, r in zip( random_normal_translation(len(poses), 0, lin_std), random_rot_normal(len(poses), 0, ang_std)) ]): noisy_obs[names[x]] = observations[x * 4:x * 4 + 4, :4].dot(noise) training_obs.append(noisy_obs) for ekf in ekfs: ekf.generate_R(training_obs) # ekf.set_R(np.eye(len(ekf.ordered_vars)) * 0.1) # Generate figure gridsize = (4, samples) plot_size = (4, 4) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(gridsize[1] * plot_size[0], gridsize[0] * plot_size[1])) if create_figure else None gt_states = [] states = [[] for x in range(samples)] variances = [[] for x in range(samples)] e_obs = [[] for x in range(samples)] print('Starting iterations') for k in tqdm(range(samples)): if rospy.is_shutdown(): break state = np.random.uniform(state_bounds.T[0], state_bounds.T[1]) gt_states.append(state) observations = state_fn.call2(state).copy() gt_obs_d = { n: observations[x * 4:x * 4 + 4, :4] for x, n in enumerate(names) } subworld.update_world(dict(zip(ordered_state_vars, state))) if vis_mode == 'iter' or vis_mode == 'io': vis.begin_draw_cycle('gt', 'noise', 'estimate', 't_n', 't0') vis.draw_world('gt', subworld, g=0, b=0) vis.render('gt') estimates = [] for ekf in ekfs: particle = ekf.spawn_particle() estimates.append(particle) initial_state = dict( sum([[(s, v) for s, v in zip(ekf.ordered_vars, e.state)] for e, ekf in zip(estimates, ekfs)], [])) initial_state = np.array( [initial_state[s] for s in ordered_state_vars]) if initial_state.min() < state_bounds.T[0].min( ) or initial_state.max() > state_bounds.T[1].max(): raise Exception( 'Estimate initialization is out of bounds: {}'.format( np.vstack([initial_state, state_bounds.T]).T)) initial_delta = state - initial_state for y in range(n_observations): # Add noise to observations noisy_obs = {} for x, noise in enumerate([ for t, r in zip( random_normal_translation( len(poses), 0, lin_std), random_rot_normal(len(poses), 0, ang_std)) ]): noisy_obs[names[x]] = observations[x * 4:x * 4 + 4, :4].dot(noise) if vis_mode in {'iter', 'iter-trail'} or (vis_mode == 'io' and y == 0): for n, t in noisy_obs.items(): subworld.named_objects[Path( ('kitchen', 'links', n))].np_transform = t if vis_mode != 'iter-trail': vis.begin_draw_cycle('noise') vis.draw_world('noise', subworld, r=0, g=0, a=0.1) vis.render('noise') start_time = time() for estimate, ekf in zip(estimates, ekfs): if y > 0: control = np.zeros(len(ekf.ordered_controls)) estimate.state, estimate.cov = ekf.predict( estimate.state.flatten(), estimate.cov, control) obs_vector = ekf.gen_obs_vector(noisy_obs) estimate.state, estimate.cov = ekf.update( estimate.state, estimate.cov, ekf.gen_obs_vector(noisy_obs)) if vis_mode in {'iter', 'iter-trail'}: subworld.update_world({ s: v for s, v in zip(ekf.ordered_vars, estimate.state) }) else: obs_vector = ekf.gen_obs_vector(noisy_obs) for _ in range(1): h_prime = ekf.h_prime_fn.call2(estimate.state) obs_delta = obs_vector.reshape( (len(obs_vector), 1)) - ekf.h_fn.call2( estimate.state) estimate.state += ( * 0.1).reshape( estimate.state.shape) if vis_mode in {'iter', 'io'}: subworld.update_world({ s: v for s, v in zip(ekf.ordered_vars, estimate.state) }) if vis_mode != 'none' and y == 0: vis.draw_world('t0', subworld, b=0, a=1) vis.render('t0') elif vis_mode in {'iter', 'iter-trail'}: if vis_mode != 'iter-trail': vis.begin_draw_cycle('t_n') vis.draw_world('t_n', subworld, b=0, a=1) vis.render('t_n') if log_csv or fig is not None: e_state_d = dict( sum([[(s, v) for s, v in zip(ekf.ordered_vars, e.state)] for e, ekf in zip(estimates, ekfs)], [])) covs = dict( sum([[(s, v) for s, v in zip( ekf.ordered_vars, np.sqrt(np.trace(e.cov)))] for e, ekf in zip(estimates, ekfs)], [])) e_state = np.hstack([ e_state_d[s] for s in ordered_state_vars ]).reshape((len(e_state_d), )) if log_csv: full_log.append( np.hstack( ([lin_std, ang_std], state, e_state.flatten(), np.array([ covs[s] for s in ordered_state_vars ])))) if fig is not None: e_obs[k].append( np.array([ np.abs( ekf.gen_obs_vector(gt_obs_d) - ekf.h_fn.call2(e.state)).max() for e, ekf in zip(estimates, ekfs) ])) states[k].append(e_state) variances[k].append( np.array([covs[s] for s in ordered_state_vars])) else: if vis_mode == 'io': for estimate, ekf in zip(estimates, ekfs): subworld.update_world({ s: v for s, v in zip(ekf.ordered_vars, estimate.state) }) vis.draw_world('t_n', subworld, r=0, b=0, a=1) vis.render('t_n') dof_iters.append(time() - start_time) if fig is not None: axes = [ plt.subplot2grid(gridsize, (y, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=1) for y in range(gridsize[0]) ] axes = np.array( sum([[ plt.subplot2grid(gridsize, (y, x), colspan=1, rowspan=1, sharey=axes[y]) for y in range(gridsize[0]) ] for x in range(1, gridsize[1])], axes)).reshape( (gridsize[1], gridsize[0])) for x, (gt_s, state, variance, obs_delta, (ax_s, ax_d, ax_o, ax_v)) in enumerate( zip(gt_states, states, variances, e_obs, axes)): for y in gt_s: ax_s.axhline(y, xmin=0.97, xmax=1.02) ax_s.set_title('State; Sample: {}'.format(x)) ax_d.set_title('Delta from GT; Sample: {}'.format(x)) ax_o.set_title('Max Delta in Obs; Sample: {}'.format(x)) ax_v.set_title('Standard Deviation; Sample: {}'.format(x)) ax_s.plot(state) ax_d.plot(gt_s - np.vstack(state)) ax_o.plot(obs_delta) ax_v.plot(variance) ax_s.grid(True) ax_d.grid(True) ax_o.grid(True) ax_v.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig( res_pkg_path( 'package://kineverse_experiment_world/test/ekf_object_tracker_{}_{}.png' .format(lin_std, ang_std))) iteration_times.append(dof_iters) if log_csv: df = pd.DataFrame( columns=['lin_std', 'ang_std'] + ['gt_{}'.format(x) for x in range(len(state_symbols))] + ['ft_{}'.format(x) for x in range(len(state_symbols))] + ['var_{}'.format(x) for x in range(len(state_symbols))], data=full_log) df.to_csv(res_pkg_path( 'package://kineverse_experiment_world/test/ekf_object_tracker.csv' ), index=False) df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[str(x) for x in range(1, len(iteration_times) + 1)], data=np.vstack(iteration_times).T) df.to_csv(res_pkg_path( 'package://kineverse_experiment_world/test/ekf_object_tracker_performance.csv' ), index=False)
def get_controls(self): return union([e.command_vars for e in self.estimators])
def __init__(self, km, observations, transition_rules=None, max_iterations=20, num_samples=7): """Sets up an EKF estimating the underlying state of a set of observations. Args: km (ArticulationModel): Articulation model to query for constraints observations (dict): A dict of observations. Names are mapped to any kind of symbolic expression/matrix transition_rules (dict, optional): Maps symbols to their transition rule. Rules will be generated automatically, if not provided here. """ state_vars = union([gm.free_symbols(o) for o in observations.values()]) self.num_samples = num_samples self.ordered_vars, \ self.transition_fn, \ self.transition_args = generate_transition_function(QPStateModel.DT_SYM, state_vars, transition_rules) self.command_vars = {s for s in self.transition_args if s not in state_vars and str(s) != str(QPStateModel.DT_SYM)} obs_constraints = {} obs_switch_vars = {} # State as column vector n * 1 self.switch_vars = {} self._obs_state = {} self.obs_vars = {} self.takers = {} flat_obs = [] for o_label, o in sorted(observations.items()): if gm.is_symbolic(o): obs_switch_var = gm.Symbol(f'{o_label}_observed') self.switch_vars[o_label] = obs_switch_var if o_label not in obs_constraints: obs_constraints[o_label] = {} if o_label not in self.obs_vars: self.obs_vars[o_label] = [] if gm.is_matrix(o): if type(o) == gm.GM: components = zip(sum([[(y, x) for x in range(o.shape[1])] for y in range(o.shape[0])], []), iter(o)) else: components = zip(sum([[(y, x) for x in range(o.shape[1])] for y in range(o.shape[0])], []), o.T.elements()) # Casadi iterates vertically indices = [] for coords, c in components: if gm.is_symbolic(c): obs_symbol = gm.Symbol('{}_{}_{}'.format(o_label, *coords)) obs_error = gm.abs(obs_symbol - c) constraint = SC(-obs_error - (1 - obs_switch_var) * 1e3, -obs_error + (1 - obs_switch_var) * 1e3, 1, obs_error) obs_constraints[o_label][f'{o_label}:{Path(obs_symbol)}'] = constraint self.obs_vars[o_label].append(obs_symbol) indices.append(coords[0] * o.shape[1] + coords[1]) if len(indices) > 0: self.takers[o_label] = indices else: obs_symbol = gm.Symbol(f'{o_label}_value') obs_error = gm.abs(obs_symbol - c) constraint = SC(-obs_error - obs_switch_var * 1e9, -obs_error + obs_switch_var * 1e9, 1, obs_error) obs_constraints[o_label][f'{o_label}:{Path(obs_symbol)}'] = constraint self.obs_vars[o_label].append(obs_symbol) self.takers[o_label] = [0] state_constraints = km.get_constraints_by_symbols(state_vars) cvs, hard_constraints = generate_controlled_values(state_constraints, {gm.DiffSymbol(s) for s in state_vars if gm.get_symbol_type(s) != gm.TYPE_UNKNOWN}) flat_obs_constraints = dict(sum([list(oc.items()) for oc in obs_constraints.values()], [])) self.qp = TQPB(hard_constraints, flat_obs_constraints, cvs) st_bound_vars, st_bounds, st_unbounded = static_var_bounds(km, state_vars) self._state = {s: 0 for s in st_unbounded} # np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0) for s in st_unbounded} for vb, (lb, ub) in zip(st_bound_vars, st_bounds): self._state[vb] = np.random.uniform(lb, ub) self._state_buffer = [] self._state.update({s: 0 for s in self.transition_args}) self._obs_state = {s: 0 for s in sum(self.obs_vars.values(), [])} self._obs_count = 0 self._stamp_last_integration = None self._max_iterations = 10 self._current_error = 1e9