예제 #1
class TileImage():
    def __init__(self, source):
        self.tile_size = (126, 126)
        self.texture = Image(source=source).texture

    #def _set_texture(self, value):
    #filename = resource_find(self.source)
    #self.texture = CoreImage(filename)
    #(x,y,width,height) = self.select_region()
    #self.texture = self.texture.get_region(x,y,width,height)
    #Logger.info('hi ' + str(self.texture) + ' ' + str(x) + ':' + str(y))

    def get_region(self, pos):
        num_wide = self.texture.size[0] / self.tile_size[0]
        num_high = self.texture.size[1] / self.tile_size[1]
        if num_high == 0 or num_wide == 0:
            return (0, 0, 1, 1)
        if pos > num_wide * num_high:
            return None
            #this is an error
            #(x,y) = (0,0)
            x = pos % num_wide * self.tile_size[0]
            y = pos / num_wide * self.tile_size[1]
            Logger.info('%d %d %d, %d %d', pos, num_wide, num_high, x, y)
            #self.texture = self.image.texture.get_region(x,y,width,height)
            r = Image(size=self.tile_size)
            r.texture = self.texture.get_region(x, y, self.tile_size[0],
            return r
예제 #2
def load_walls(state, base_name, background_file, tile_file, with_collisions=True):
        tile_size = screen.get_tile_size(state)
        int_tile_size = int(tile_size)
        background_texture = Image(source=background_file).texture
        walls_texture = Image(source=tile_file).texture
        for tile_name, origin_xy, collision in tiles_origin_table:
                full_tile_name = base_name + tile_name
                wall_texture = walls_texture.get_region(
                        origin_xy[0] * int_tile_size,
                        origin_xy[1] * int_tile_size,

                tile_texture = Texture.create(size=(int_tile_size, int_tile_size), colorfmt='rgba')
                fbo = Fbo(size=(int_tile_size, int_tile_size), texture=tile_texture)
                with fbo:
                        Color(1, 1, 1)
                        Rectangle(pos=(0, 0), size=tile_texture.size, texture=background_texture)
                        Rectangle(pos=(0, 0), size=tile_texture.size, texture=wall_texture)
                if not with_collisions:
                        collision = None
                tiles.add_tile_def(state, full_tile_name, tile_texture, collision)
class CustomImageClass(Widget):
    image_size = ListProperty([0, 0])

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(CustomImageClass, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.background_ = Image(source='Asset 1test.png').texture

    def update_image_size(self, *args):
        x = self.width
        y = (self.background_.size[1] * x) / self.background_.size[0]
        self.image_size = [x, y]

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        pos = [
            touch.pos[0] / self.width * self.background_.size[0],
            touch.pos[1] / self.height * self.background_.size[1]
        pixel = self.background_.get_region(*pos, 1, 1)
        raw_pixel = pixel.pixels
        data = struct.unpack('4B', raw_pixel)
        adjusted = [float('%.3f' % (a / 255)) for a in data]
        #print('raw pixel data', raw_pixel)
        print('unpacked data', data)
        print('adjusted', adjusted)
        # print('hex color', get_hex_from_color(adjusted))
        #print('pixel color:', [a / 255 for a in data], '\n')
        return False
예제 #4
파일: player.py 프로젝트: rusch95/calypso
    def __init__(self, init_pos, camera, collision, controller):
        super(Player, self).__init__()

        self.pos = init_pos
        self.y_vel = 0

        self.texture_size = (150, 150)
        self.size = (100, 150)

        self.frame = 0
        texture = Image(source='../../data/kramer_sprites.png').texture
        #texture.mag_filter = 'nearest'
        self.frames = [
            TextureHolder(texture.get_region(x, 0, 150, 200))
            for x in [0, 150, 300, 450]

        self.sprite = Rectangle(texture=self.frames[0].texture,
        self.add(Color(1, 1, 1))

        self.controller = controller
        self.collision = collision
        self.camera = camera

        self.can_jump = True
        self.og_jump_f = 800
        self.jump_f = self.og_jump_f
예제 #5
class TileImage():

	def __init__(self, source):
		self.tile_size = (126,126)
		self.texture = Image(source=source).texture

	#def _set_texture(self, value):
		#filename = resource_find(self.source)
		#self.texture = CoreImage(filename)
		#(x,y,width,height) = self.select_region()
		#self.texture = self.texture.get_region(x,y,width,height)
		#Logger.info('hi ' + str(self.texture) + ' ' + str(x) + ':' + str(y))

	def get_region(self, pos):
		num_wide = self.texture.size[0] / self.tile_size[0]
		num_high = self.texture.size[1] / self.tile_size[1]
		if num_high == 0 or num_wide == 0:
			return (0,0,1,1)
		if pos > num_wide * num_high:
			return None
			#this is an error
			#(x,y) = (0,0)
			x = pos % num_wide * self.tile_size[0]
			y = pos / num_wide * self.tile_size[1]
			Logger.info('%d %d %d, %d %d',pos, num_wide, num_high, x, y )
			#self.texture = self.image.texture.get_region(x,y,width,height)
			r = Image(size=self.tile_size)
			r.texture = self.texture.get_region(x,y,self.tile_size[0],self.tile_size[1])
			return r
예제 #6
파일: text.py 프로젝트: hanez/yapyg
def load_font(state, font_name, font_path, font_w, font_h):
        font_texture = Image(source=font_path).texture
        code = 32
        for y in xrange(8):
                for x in xrange(12):
                        texture_name = font_name + "-" + str(code)
                        texture_db.insert(state, texture_name, font_texture.get_region(x * font_w, (7 - y) * font_h, font_w, font_h))
                        code += 1
        state[IDX_STATE_TEXT][font_name] = [font_w, font_h]
예제 #7
def init_pieces_images():
    s = 45
    pieces_image = Image(source='chess.png').texture

    for x, piece in enumerate([King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn]):
        piece._images = [
            pieces_image.get_region(s * x, s * y, s, s) for y in range(6)

    for preference, piece in enumerate(
        [King, Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen]):
        piece.move_preference = preference
예제 #8
 def getSpriteListFromAtlas(source,sqs):
     #sqs = 'square size'
     atlas = Image(source=source).texture
     atlas.mag_filter = 'nearest'
     regions_x = atlas.width/sqs
     regions_y = atlas.height/sqs
     spriteList = []
     for i in range(0,regions_y):
         for b in range(0,regions_x):
             coords = b*sqs,i*sqs,sqs,sqs
             region = atlas.get_region(coords[0],coords[1],coords[2],coords[3])
     return spriteList
예제 #9
파일: show.py 프로젝트: zx013/mota-2
	def load_image(self):
		self.data = {}
		for path, dir_list, file_list in os.walk(self.image_dir):
			for file_name in file_list:
				name = '/'.join((path, file_name)).replace('\\', '/')
				texture = Image(source=name).texture
				x, y = texture.size
				x_time = x / ShowBase.size
				y_time = y / ShowBase.size
				x_size = x / x_time
				y_size = y / y_time
				x_offset = x_size - ShowBase.size
				y_offset = y_size - ShowBase.size
				self.data[name] = {}
				for i in xrange(x_time):
					for j in xrange(y_time):
						self.data[name][(i, j)] = texture.get_region(i * x_size + x_offset, j * y_size + y_offset, ShowBase.size, ShowBase.size)
예제 #10
파일: tmx.py 프로젝트: richarddun/zipper
    def add_image(self, base_path, file):
        if not os.path.exists(file):
            file = os.path.join(base_path, file)
        texture = Image(source=file).texture
        texture.mag_filter = 'nearest'
        if texture is None:
            sys.exit('failed to locate image file %r' % file)

        id = self.firstgid
        th = self.tile_height + self.spacing
        tw = self.tile_width + self.spacing
        for j in xrange(texture.height / th):
            for i in xrange(texture.width / tw):
                x = (i * tw) + self.margin
                # convert the y coordinate to OpenGL (0 at bottom of texture)
                y = texture.height - ((j + 1) * th)
                tile = texture.get_region(x, y, self.tile_width, self.tile_height)
                self.tiles.append(Tile(id, tile, self))
                id += 1
예제 #11
    def add_image(self, base_path, file):
        if not os.path.exists(file):
            file = os.path.join(base_path, file)
        texture = Image(source=file).texture
        texture.mag_filter = 'nearest'
        if texture is None:
            sys.exit('failed to locate image file %r' % file)

        id = self.firstgid
        th = self.tile_height + self.spacing
        tw = self.tile_width + self.spacing
        for j in xrange(texture.height / th):
            for i in xrange(texture.width / tw):
                x = (i * tw) + self.margin
                # convert the y coordinate to OpenGL (0 at bottom of texture)
                y = texture.height - ((j + 1) * th)
                tile = texture.get_region(x, y, self.tile_width,
                self.tiles.append(Tile(id, tile, self))
                id += 1
예제 #12
 def explode(self, obj):
     tex = Image(source='asssts/explosion_animate.png').texture
     tex = tex.get_region(0, 0, 32, 32)
     x = Rectangle(size=obj.size, pos=obj.pos, texture=tex)
예제 #13
파일: Enemy.py 프로젝트: osmidy/Dischord
class Enemy(InstructionGroup):
    def __init__(self, spawn_x, key = Notes.C, speed=1.0, audio_callback=None, hurt_player_callback=None, dmg_rect_on_hit_callback=None, add_sound=None, remove_sound=None, clear_prog=None):
        super(Enemy, self).__init__()

        self.time = 0.0

        # pos3D is 3D cartesian coords
        self.pos3D = [spawn_x,0,-D]

        # pos2D is for actual position on screen
        self.pos2D = self.convert_to_pos2D(self.pos3D)

        self.size = np.array((200,380))*Window.height/600

        self.speed = speed

        # Callback Functions
        self.hurt_player_callback = hurt_player_callback
        self.dmg_rect_on_hit_callback = dmg_rect_on_hit_callback
        self.clear_prog = clear_prog

        # Visuals #

        self.texture = Image(source='../data/ogre.png').texture
        self.textures = []
        self.texture_a = self.texture.get_region(0,435,107,145);
        self.texture_b = self.texture.get_region(107,435,107,145);
        self.texture_c = self.texture.get_region(215,435,107,145);
        self.texture_d = self.texture.get_region(322,435,107,145);

        self.anim_switch_time = 0.270
        self.anim_time = self.anim_switch_time
        self.anim_frame = randint(0,100)%len(self.textures)

        s = self.size*self.scale_with_z()
        self.cbrect = CBRectangle(texture=self.textures[self.anim_frame], cbpos=(self.pos2D[0],self.pos2D[1]), cbsize=(s[0],s[1]))
        self.color = Color(0.65,0.65,0.65)

        # self.color = Color(1,0.1,0.1)
        # s = self.size*self.scale_with_z()
        # self.cbrect = CBRectangle( cbpos=(self.pos2D[0],self.pos2D[1]), cbsize=(s[0],s[1]) )
        # self.add(self.color)
        # self.add(self.cbrect)

        # If currently targeted by crosshair
        self.is_targeted = False

        self.is_dead = False

        # TODO: list of textures for different animation states
        # TODO: eventually replace with textures
        # self.texture = Image(source='../data/find_a_picture.png').texture
        # self.rect = Rectangle(texture=self.texture, pos=(0,0), size=(100,100))

        # Audio & Music #

        self.key = key
        self.chord = Chord(key)
        self.dissonantPitches = self.chord.pitches

        # Assigned when this Enemy is killed
        self.resolvedPitches = []

        #TODO: these are example pitches; we need to add the pitches from the notes of chord...
        self.seq = add_sound(self.dissonantPitches, self.get_closeness)

        # Note Display
        self.ND = Note_Display(key, self.dissonantPitches, self.pos2D[0], self.pos2D[1]+s[1])

        # Callback Functions
        self.audio_callback = audio_callback
        self.add_sound = add_sound
        self.remove_sound = remove_sound

    def get_closeness(self):
        z = self.map(self.pos3D[2], 0, -D, 100, 0)
        return z

    def lit(self):
        self.color.rgb = (0.4,0.4,1)

    def un_lit(self):
        self.color.rgb = (0.65,0.65,0.65)
    def on_update(self, dt):
        self.time += dt

        # Check if enemy is dead, and return false immediately if so
        if self.is_dead:
            return False

        # Animate the Enemy's frames
        self.anim_time -= dt
        if self.anim_time <= 0.0:
            self.anim_time = self.anim_switch_time + self.anim_time
            self.anim_frame += 1
            self.cbrect.texture = self.textures[self.anim_frame%len(self.textures)]

        # Move Enemy down toward the player
        if self.pos3D[2] < 0:
            s = dt*self.speed*30
            self.change3D(0, 0, s)
            self.is_dead = True

        # Move Note Display to follow enemy
        s = self.size*self.scale_with_z()
        self.ND.on_update( dt, self.pos2D[0], self.pos2D[1]+s[1] )

        return True

    # Called when a crosshair first hovers over an enemy
    def on_target(self):
        if (self.is_targeted):

        if self.audio_callback:

    # Called immediately before dying when an enemy is hit by a player
    # Return True if successfully killed by the player, else False
    def on_hit(self, pitch):
        # Sub in the pitch for the note is closest to in the chord
        minDist = float("inf")
        minPitch = None
        for chordPitch in self.dissonantPitches:
            dist = abs(pitch - chordPitch)
            if dist < minDist:
                minDist = dist
                minPitch = chordPitch

        idx = self.dissonantPitches.index(minPitch)
        comparisonPitches = list(self.dissonantPitches)
        comparisonPitches[idx] = pitch

        playbackPitches = comparisonPitches
        killed = False

        if Chord.is_valid_chord(self.key, comparisonPitches):
            self.resolvedPitches = comparisonPitches
            self.is_dead = True
            killed = True

        if self.audio_callback:

        return killed

    def set_is_targeted(self, val):
        self.is_targeted = val

    def get_is_targeted(self):
        return self.is_targeted

    def change3D(self, a, b, c):
        self.pos3D = (self.pos3D[0] + a, self.pos3D[1] + b, self.pos3D[2] + c)
        self.pos2D = self.convert_to_pos2D(self.pos3D)
        self.cbrect.cbpos = self.pos2D
        s = self.size*self.scale_with_z()
        self.cbrect.size = (s[0],s[1])

    def scale_with_z(self, z=None):
        if z == None:
            z = self.pos3D[2]
            #print z
        #D = 500.0   # D should be the abs value of most negative z for enemies to spawn at
        # note: z is negative for values in the field for enemies, with player at z=0
        #return 2*z/(3*D) + 1.0
        Y = Window.height*0.68
        # magic numbers, as far as the eye can see!!! ignore magic numbers below!!!! :D
        #return self.map(-Y/(D*D) * (z+D)*(z+D) + Y, 0.0, D/(D*12.7/5000), 1.0, 1/10)
        s = np.power(1.002,z)
        #print s
        return s

    def convert_to_pos2D(self, pos3D):
        #D = 500.0
        Y = Window.height*0.68
        X = Subwindow.width()
        x = pos3D[0]
        y = pos3D[1]
        z = pos3D[2]

        #j = -Y/(D*D) * (z+D)*(z+D) + Y
        j = Y - Y*np.power(1.002,z)
        c = self.map(j, 0, Y, 1, 1/3)
        i = self.map(x+X/2, 0, X, X/2*(1-c), X/2*(1+c))
        return (i,j)

    def map(self, x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
        return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
예제 #14
파일: chess.py 프로젝트: yairchu/chess2
            yield [(a, y + delta)]

    def en_passant(self, x, y):
        for a in [x - 1, x + 1]:
            piece = self.game.board.get((a, y))
            if type(piece) != Pawn:
            if piece.player % 2 == self.player % 2:
                # Same team
            if piece.last_move_time is None:
            if self.game.player_last_move[self.player] > piece.last_move_time:
                # Already moved after this pawn
            yield piece

first_row = [Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Rook]

pieces_image = Image(source='chess.png').texture
S = pieces_image.size[1] / 2

for x, piece in enumerate([King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, Pawn]):
    piece._images = [
        pieces_image.get_region(S * x, S * y, S, S) for y in range(2)

for preference, piece in enumerate([King, Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen]):
    piece.move_preference = preference
예제 #15
파일: player.py 프로젝트: rusch95/calypso
    def __init__(self, init_pos, level):
        super(Player, self).__init__()

        #Level Reference for Animation
        self.level = level

        # Set the physics of the person
        self.init_pos = init_pos
        self.pos = init_pos
        self.y_vel = 0
        self.can_jump = True
        self.jump_vel = 15
        self.gravity = -.5
        self.jumped = False

        # Create a Person
        self.size = (PLAYER_W, PLAYER_H)
        self.color_idx = 0

        red = Image(source='../../data/player/player_red.png').texture
        green = Image(source='../../data/player/player_green.png').texture
        blue = Image(source='../../data/player/player_blue.png').texture
        red_duck = Image(
        green_duck = Image(
        blue_duck = Image(
        red_frames = [
            TextureHolder(red.get_region(64 * x, 0, 64, 128))
            for x in xrange(8)
        green_frames = [
            TextureHolder(green.get_region(64 * x, 0, 64, 128))
            for x in xrange(8)
        blue_frames = [
            TextureHolder(blue.get_region(64 * x, 0, 64, 128))
            for x in xrange(8)
        red_duck_frames = [
            TextureHolder(red_duck.get_region(64 * x, 0, 64, 102))
            for x in xrange(8)
        green_duck_frames = [
            TextureHolder(green_duck.get_region(64 * x, 0, 64, 102))
            for x in xrange(8)
        blue_duck_frames = [
            TextureHolder(blue_duck.get_region(64 * x, 0, 64, 102))
            for x in xrange(8)

        self.normal_frames = [red_frames, green_frames, blue_frames]
        self.duck_frames = [
            red_duck_frames, green_duck_frames, blue_duck_frames
        self.cur_frames = self.normal_frames

        self.person = Rectangle(texture=red_frames[0].texture,
        self.add(Color(1, 1, 1))
        self.dir_right = True