def test_tokenize(): source0 = ['(define a 3)'] tokens0 = tokenize(source0) source1 = ['(+ 10 25 0)'] tokens1 = tokenize(source1) assert list(tokens0) == ['(', 'define', 'a', '3', ')'] assert list(tokens1) == ['(', '+', '10', '25', '0', ')']
def test_or_shortcircuit(): source = ['(or #t never-reached)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] try: eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) except Exception as e: assert str(e) != 'unknown variable "never-reached"'
def parse(text, display_tokens=False): tokens = tokenize(text) if display_tokens: display, tokens = tee(tokens) print(list(display)) ast = _VyperParser(text).parse(tokens) return ast
def main(): inp = """ ; (define (list . x) x) "----- START -----" (include "prelude.scm") (define prelude (import "prelude.scm")) prelude (prelude p1 str) (env) """ env = Environment([], [], basic_environment) if True: for result in repl(env,parse(tokenize([inp]))): print "$", result if False: for result in repl(env,parse(tokenize(reader_raw()))): print result
def repl(p='\n> ', i=sys.stdin, o=sys.stdout): ''' Given a stream of parse trees, evaluate each, and return the result. ''' sys.stderr.write('(…) Tali (α) ') ts = parse(tokenize(i)) while True: if p: print(p, end='', flush=True) t = next(ts) r = eval(t) print(t, flush=True) print(r, flush=True)
def test(): print "testing: parse" from lex import tokenize to_process = [ ("()" , "nil"), ("'()" , "( quote nil )"), ("'a" , "( quote a )"), ("'( a b)" , "( quote ( a b ) )"), ("()" , "nil"), ("(a)" , "( a )"), ("('a)" , "( ( quote a ) )"), ("(a b)" , "( a b )"), ("(a b c)" , "( a b c )"), ("(a b c d e f (g) h (i j) k (l m n) o (p q (r s) t) u (v (w (x (y (z))))))", "( a b c d e f ( g ) h ( i j ) k ( l m n ) o ( p q ( r s ) t ) u ( v ( w ( x ( y ( z ) ) ) ) ) )"), ("(a . b)" , "( a . b )"), ("(a b . c)" , "( a b . c )"), ('"asdf"' , '"asdf"'), ('("asdf")' , '( "asdf" )'), ('(4"asdf")' , '( 4 "asdf" )'), ('(4."asdf")' , '( 4 . "asdf" )'), ('"as df"' , '"as df"'), ('as ;' , 'as'), ('as ;abcdef12345' , 'as'), ('(as ";")' , '( as ";" )'), ('(as "; hello")' , '( as "; hello" )'), ('as ;;;;;;' , 'as'), ('as ; !" %$ 86842 "$^P~>?:@:~' , 'as'), ("(() (()()))", "( nil ( nil nil ) )")] for test, expected in to_process: tokens = tokenize([test]) result = list(parse(tokens)) assert len(result) == 1 res = str(result[0]) if res != expected: print "Mismatch" print "test :", test print "result :", res print "expected:", expected
def read_file(stream, env): # tokenize, parse and eval entire file # don't care about the result of eval # only the changed env matters no_env = env is None if no_env: # use the default (whatever that is) # extend it so that we don't needlessly have all the default # functions in out imported class. env = Environment([], [], basic_environment) for sexp in parse(tokenize(iter(stream))): sexp.scm_eval(env) # I guess we should kill the parent if there was no # env before. No need having thingslike `quote` in there. if no_env: del env.variables["__parent__"] # as the environment is a class we can just return it return env
def repl(): color_print('****************************************', 'blue') color_print(' - a simple Lisp written in Python', 'blue') color_print('(c) Nick Collins, 2013', 'blue') color_print('****************************************', 'blue') env = Environment([]) while True: try: user_input = raw_input('> ') exp = parse_tokens(tokenize([user_input]))[0] tmp_env = Environment([], env) color_print(eval_in_env(exp, tmp_env), 'green') env = tmp_env except EOFError: color_print('\nLeaving', 'blue') break except LisNameError as e: color_print(e, 'red') except LisSyntaxError as e: color_print(e, 'red') except Exception as e: color_print(e, 'red') print('*** Invalid input ***')
def test_parse_define_lambda(): source = ['(define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))'] tokens = tokenize(source) exp = parse_tokens(tokens) assert exp == [['define', 'add', ['lambda', ['x', 'y'], ['+', 'x', 'y']]]]
curr_statement.line_number = t.line_number statement_list.append(curr_statement) if not curr_statement.op: warnings_list.append(_create_parse_warning( t.line_number, "empty statement" )) curr_statement = Statement() next_is_semicolon = False is_in_args = False if not curr_statement.is_new(): warnings_list.append(_create_parse_warning( -1, "last statement not empty" )) return (statement_list,warnings_list) if __name__ == '__main__': text="LOOP: ADD 12 3 R0;\n" +\ " ADD 5 R0 R1;\n" +\ " GOTO LOOP;;\n" print("Program:") print(text) token_list = tokenize(text, SymbolTable()) s,w = parse_tokenlist(token_list) print("Parsed:") for l in s: print(l) print("Warnings:") for l in w: print(l)
def test_parse_define(): source = ['(define a 3)'] tokens = tokenize(source) exp = parse_tokens(tokens) assert exp == [['define', 'a', 3]]
from lex import tokenize import tree from code_gen import compile_all file = "source.txt" code = open(file).read() tokens = tokenize(code) ast = tree.tree(tokens) # ast.display() c_code = compile_all(ast) f = open('output.c', 'w').write(c_code) # print(tree.name_types)
def test_or_false(): source = ['(or (> 2 10) (= 1 2) #f)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) == False
def test_add(): source = ['(+ 1 3 5)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) == 9
def test_nullcheck(): source = ['(null? null)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, []) == True
def test_list(): source = ['(list 1 2 (+ 1 2) 4)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, []) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
def test_cdr(): source = ['(cdr (cons 1 null))'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, []) == []
def test_car(): source = ['(car (cons 1 null))'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) == 1
''' This is a very thin, executable wrapper around lexical analysis. ''' import sys import lex if __name__ == '__main__': print(*list(lex.tokenize(sys.stdin)), sep='\n')
''' This is a very thin, executable wrapper around syntactic analysis. ''' import sys from lex import tokenize from parse import parse if __name__ == '__main__': print(list(parse(tokenize(sys.stdin))))
#! /usr/bin/env python3 from lex import tokenize from parser import parse_tokenlist from table import SymbolTable from sys import argv if __name__ == '__main__': sym = SymbolTable() if len(argv) <= 1: text="LOOP: ADD 12 3 R0;\n" +\ " ADD 5 R0 R1;\n" +\ " GOTO LOOP;;\n" print("Program:") print(text) token_list = tokenize(text, sym) s,w = parse_tokenlist(token_list) print("Parsed:") for l in s: print(l) print("Warnings:") for l in w: print(l) else: for fn in argv[1:]: print("File name: {}".format(fn)) with open(fn) as f: token_list = tokenize(, sym) s,w = parse_tokenlist(token_list) print("Parsed:") for l in s:
def test_divide(): source = ['(/ 10 3)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) == 3
def test_gt(): source0, source1 = ['(> 2 2)'], ['(> 3 2)'] exp0 = parse_tokens(tokenize(source0))[0] exp1 = parse_tokens(tokenize(source1))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp0, Environment([])) == False assert eval_in_env(exp1, Environment([])) == True
def test_nullcheck_2(): source = ['(null? (cons 1 null))'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, []) == False
def test_and_false(): source = ['(and (> 2 1) (= 1 2) #t)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) == False
def test_nullcheck_3(): source = ['(null? (cdr (list 1)))'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, []) == True
def test_parse_add(): source = ['(define a (+ 3 3))'] tokens = tokenize(source) exp = parse_tokens(tokens) assert exp == [['define', 'a', ['+', 3, 3]]]
def test_cons(): source = ['(cons (+ 1 3 5) null)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) == [9]
def testall(): to_test = [ # -------------------------------------- Special Symbols ("nil" , "()" ), ("nil" , "nil" ), ("true" , "true" ), ("false" , "false" ), # -------------------------------------- Self Evaluating ("4" , "4" ), ("-455" , "-455" ), # -------------------------------------- Use of Special Forms ("hi" , "(quote hi)"), ("( + 3 4 )" , "(quote (+ 3 4))"), ("hello" , "'hello"), ("( hello )" , "'(hello)"), ("nil" , "(define x 20)" ), ("20" , "x" ), ("nil" , "(set! x 44)" ), ("44" , "x" ), ("nil" , "(define m 2)" ), ("nil" , "(define (add8 y) (+ 8 y) )" ), ("nil" , "(define (getspoon) 'spoon )" ), ("nil" , "(define (rac x y z) (+ x (* y z) ))" ), ("10" , "(add8 m)" ), ("1001" , "(rac 1 10 100)" ), ("y" , "(if true 'y 'n)" ), ("y" , "(if true 'y)" ), ("nil" , "(if false 'y)" ), ("5" , "(if (= 2 3) (- 3) (+ 2 3) )" ), # ("#PROC" , "(lambda (z) (+ 3 z))" ), ("13" , "((lambda (z) (+ 3 z)) 10)" ), # ("#PROC" , "(lambda () 5)" ), ("222" , "((lambda (x) (+ 111 x) 222) 333)"), ("5" , "((lambda () 5))" ), ("5" , "(begin 2 3 4 5)" ), ("nil" , "(begin (+ x 3) nil)"), ("4" , "(begin (set! x -99) 4)"), ("-99" , "x" ), # -------------------------------------- Pairs ("( 4 . 5 )" , "(cons 4 5)"), ("( nil . 6 )" , "(cons () 6)"), ("4" , "(car (cons 4 5))"), ("5" , "(cdr (cons 4 5))"), # -------------------------------------- Nesting ("10" , "(if true (if true 10 20) 30 )"), ("nil" , "(define (add13 y) (+ ((lambda (z) (+ 3 z)) 10) y) )" ), ("15" , "(add13 (- 0(- 0 2)) )" ), # -------------------------------------- Shorthand quote ("hi" , "'hi"), ("( + 3 4 )" , "'(+ 3 4)"), # -------------------------------------- Random # ("#PROC" , "(lambda () (+ 3 -4))" ), ("nil" , "(define meep (lambda () (+ 2 -6)))" ), ("-4" , "(meep)" ), ("( 45 . 32 )" , "'(45 . 32)" ), ("( as . nd )" , "'(as.nd)" ), ("nil" , "(display 'hello)"), ("6" , "((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 5)"), ("nil" , "(define aax 2)"), ("154" , "((lambda (moose) (set! aax moose) 154) -73)"), ("-73" , "aax"), # -------------------------------------- Maths ("true" , "(< 4 5)"), ("false" , "(< 5 4)"), ("false" , "(< 5 5)"), ("false" , "(> 4 5)"), ("true" , "(> 5 4)"), ("false" , "(> 5 5)"), ("false" , "(= 5 4)"), ("false" , "(= 4 5)"), ("true" , "(= 5 5)"), # -------------------------------------- Recurse (works but spams) ("nil" , "(define (xxx x) (display 'in) (if (< x 10) (xxx (+ x 1))))"), # ("nil" , "(xxx 0)"), # ("nil" , "(xxx 1)"), # ("nil" , "(xxx 9)"), # -------------------------------------- Factorial ("nil" , """(define (factorial n) (if (= n 0) 1 (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))))"""), ("1" ,"(factorial 0)"), ("1" ,"(factorial 1)"), ("2" ,"(factorial 2)"), ("6" ,"(factorial 3)"), ("40320" ,"(factorial 8)"), # -------------------------------------- Nested Define ("nil" , """(define (outer w x) (define (inner y z) (+ w (+ y z))) (inner x 1))"""), ("111" ,"(outer 10 100)"), # -------------------------------------- Fibonacci James ("nil" , """(define (fibonacci-james n) (define (fib n1 n2 aaaaaa) (if (= aaaaaa n) n1 (fib n2 (+ n1 n2) (+ aaaaaa 1)))) (fib 0 1 0))"""), ("55" ,"(fibonacci-james 10)"), # -------------------------------------- Fibonacci ("nil" , """(define fibonacci (lambda (n) (define fib (lambda (n1 n2 cnt) (if (= cnt n) n1 (fib n2 (+ n1 n2) (+ cnt 1))))) (fib 0 1 0)))"""), ("55" ,"(fibonacci 10)"), # -------------------------------------- String ('"jam"' , '"jam"'), ('"jam"' , '(car (cons "jam" "spoon"))'), ('"jam"' , '\'"jam"'), # -------------------------------------- Basic Functions ("nil" , "(define (test0) 0)"), ("0" , "(test0)"), ("nil" , "(define (test1 x) x)"), ("-5" , "(test1 -5)"), ("nil" , "(define (test2 x y) (cons x y))"), ("( 6 . hi )", "(test2 6 'hi)"), ("nil" , "(define (test3 x y z) (set! x y) z)"), ("hi" , "(test3 x 6 'hi)"), ("nil" , "(define (test4 x y z) (+ x y) z)"), ("56" , "(test4 12 34 56)"), ("nil" , "(define (test5 x y z) (+ x y) z (+ 2 4) (+ 7 z))"), ("9" , "(test5 4 3 2)"), # -------------------------------------- Dotted Function Calling ("nil" , "(define (test6 . all) all)"), ("( 1 )" , "(test6 1)"), ("( 1 2 )" , "(test6 1 2)"), ("( ( a . b ) )" , "(test6 '(a . b))"), ("nil" , "(define (list . x) x)"), ("nil" , "(define (test7 a . all) (list all a))"), ("( nil 1 )" , "(test7 1)"), ("( ( 2 ) 1 )" , "(test7 1 2)"), ("( ( 2 3 4 5 6 ) 1 )" , "(test7 1 2 3 4 5 6)"), # -------------------------------------- Dotted Lambda Calling ("( 1 )" , "((lambda all all) 1)"), ("( 1 2 )" , "((lambda all all) 1 2)"), ("( ( a . b ) )" , "((lambda all all) '(a . b))"), ("( nil 1 )" , "((lambda (a . all) (list all a)) 1)"), ("( ( 2 ) 1 )" , "((lambda (a . all) (list all a)) 1 2)"), ("( ( 2 3 4 5 6 ) 1 )" , "((lambda (a . all) (list all a)) 1 2 3 4 5 6)"), # -------------------------------------- Quine ("( ( lambda ( x ) ( list x ( list ( quote quote ) x ) ) ) ( quote ( lambda ( x ) ( list x ( list ( quote quote ) x ) ) ) ) )", "( ( lambda ( x ) ( list x ( list ( quote quote ) x ) ) ) ( quote ( lambda ( x ) ( list x ( list ( quote quote ) x ) ) ) ) )"), # -------------------------------------- Class ("<#class-1#>" , "BaseClass" ), ("nil" , "(define Point (class BaseClass))"), ("nil" , "(class-define! Point '_x)"), ("nil" , "(class-define! Point '_y)"), ("nil" , "(class-define! Point 'length)"), ("nil" , "(class-define! Point 'total)"), ("nil" , "(class-define! Point 'thing)"), ("nil" , "(class-set! Point 'length 2)"), ("nil" , "(class-set! Point 'total (lambda () (+ (self _x) (self _y))))"), ("nil" , "(class-set! Point 'thing (lambda (mm) (+ mm (self total))))"), ("2" , "(Point length)"), ("nil" , "(define p1 (class Point))"), ("nil" , "(class-set! p1 '_x 4)"), ("nil" , "(class-set! p1 '_y 6)"), ("4" , "(p1 _x)"), ("6" , "(p1 _y)"), ("10" , "(p1 total)"), ("110" , "(p1 thing 100)"), # -------------------------------------- Macros ("<#procedure#>" , "(mac (yyx) (+ 3 yyx))" ), ("3" , "((mac (x) x) (+ 1 2))" ), ("nil" , "(define ggg 835)" ), ("835" , "((mac (ggg) 'ggg) (+ 1 2))" ), ("nil" , "(define when (mac (test . body) (list 'if test (cons 'begin body))))" ), ("jam" , "(when (= 4 4) 'jam)" ), ("nil" , "(when (= 3 4) 'jam)" ), # -------------------------------------- Quasiquote ("a" , "(quasiquote a)" ), ("( a )" , "(quasiquote (a))" ), ("( a b )" , "(quasiquote (a b))" ), ("( a b c )" , "(quasiquote (a b c))" ), ("( a . b )" , "(quasiquote (a . b))" ), ("( a b c )" , "(quasiquote (a b c))" ), ("( a b . c )" , "(quasiquote (a b . c))" ), ("( a b a b )" , "(quasiquote (a b . (a b)))" ), ("( quote a )" , "(quasiquote 'a)" ), ("a" , "(quasiquote (unquote 'a))" ), ("( ( quote a ) b )" , "(quasiquote ( 'a (unquote 'b)))" ), ("( list 3 4 )" , "(quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))" ), ("( a b 3 4 )" , "(quasiquote (a . (b (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4)))" ), ("( a ( quasiquote ( b ( unquote c ) d ) ) e )" , "(quasiquote ( a (quasiquote ( b (unquote c) d)) e ))" ), # -------------------------------------- Quasiquote (Sugar) ("a" , "`a" ), ("( a )" , "`(a)" ), ("( a b )" , "`(a b)" ), ("( a b c )" , "`(a b c)" ), ("( a . b )" , "`(a . b)" ), ("( a b c )" , "`(a b c)" ), ("( a b . c )" , "`(a b . c)" ), ("( a b a b )" , "`(a b . (a b))" ), # tested on plt-scheme ("( quote a )" , "`'a" ), ("a" , "`,'a" ), ("( ( quote a ) b )" , "`( 'a ,'b)" ), ("( list 3 4 )" , "`(list ,(+ 1 2) 4)" ), ("( a b 3 4 )" , "`(a . (b ,(+ 1 2) 4))" ), ("( a ( quasiquote ( b ( unquote c ) d ) ) e )" , "`(a`(b,c d)e)" ), # -------------------------------------- Done ("nil" , "()" )] env = Environment([], [], basic_environment) print "testing: toplevel" for n, (expected, inp) in enumerate(to_test): if DEBUG: print "----" if DEBUG: print "input ", inp if DEBUG: print "expected ", expected tok = tokenize([inp]) tok = list(tok) exp = parse(tok) exp = list(exp) results = list(repl(env,exp)) assert len(results) == 1, str(results) res = results[0] if DEBUG: print "result ", res if str(res) != expected: print "Mismatch Error!" print " > input ", inp print " > expected ", expected # print " > sexp ", exp print " > result ", res print "-------------"
import io import lex as l import parse as p import interpret as i test1 = '' \ '(f: +,' \ ' a: (a: 1,' \ 'b: 2))' print(list([x for x in l.tokenize(io.StringIO(test1))])) print(p.parse(l.tokenize(io.StringIO(test1)))) #print('\n\n') # #tree = p.parse(l.tokenize(test1)) #print('\n\n') # #print(tree)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json # Importando arquivos import lex import ocr import frequency import mysql import archive documents = lex.tokenize(archive.get_text("exemplo1.docx", "docs/docx/")) connection = mysql.connect() mysql.saveTokens(connection, 'documents.txt', archive.get_text("exemplo1.docx", "docs/docx/"), json.dumps({"exe01.txt": documents})) print(documents) # archive = open("documents.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8') # archive.write(json.dumps({"exe01.txt":documents}, ensure_ascii=False)) # archive.close() # archive = open("documents.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8') # text = json.loads( # archive.close() # print('\n\ntext',text['exe01.txt']) # connection = mysql.connect() # mysql.saveTokens(connection, 'documents.txt', json.dumps({"exe01.txt":documents})) # tokens = mysql.getTokens(connection, 'documents.txt')
def test_multiply(): source = ['(* 1 3 5)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) == 15
env = tmp_env except EOFError: color_print('\nLeaving', 'blue') break except LisNameError as e: color_print(e, 'red') except LisSyntaxError as e: color_print(e, 'red') except Exception as e: color_print(e, 'red') print('*** Invalid input ***') # RUN INTERPRETER ====================== if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('source', nargs = '?', default=None, help='source file') args = parser.parse_args() if args.source: try: with open(args.source, 'r') as source: tokens = tokenize(source) program = parse_tokens(tokens) eval_loop(program) except IOError as e: color_print(e, 'red') color_print('Invalid source file', 'red') else: repl()
def test_subtract(): source = ['(- 10 14)'] exp = parse_tokens(tokenize(source))[0] assert eval_in_env(exp, Environment([])) == -4
def get_tokens(text, language='portuguese'): if type(text) != str: return "Erro, argument text != string" return tokenize(text, language)
def test_parse_unexpected_closing_paren(): source = ['(define add 3))'] tokens = tokenize(source) with pytest.raises(LisSyntaxError) as e: exp = parse_tokens(tokens)
def t_error(t): print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0]) t.lexer.skip(1) class Ex351Lexer: data = None lexer = None def __init__(self): self.lexer = lex.lex() def setData(self, data): = data self.lexer.input(data) def tokenize(self): tokens = [] while True: tok = self.lexer.token() if not tok: break # No more input tokens.append(tok) return tokens if __name__ == '__main__': lex = Ex351Lexer() lex.setData("if x then 3 <= 4 else 20 >= 1") print(lex.tokenize())
def parse(self, stream): return self.exprs(lex.tokenize(stream)) def exprs(self, ts):