def cloud(request, mocked_driver): """instantiates clouds""" name = request.param def __connect_and_check(cloud): cloud._connect() assert cloud.connected if name == cloud_names[0]: dums = dummy.DummyCloud(name + "-test", None) __connect_and_check(dums) assert isinstance(dums.driver, get_driver(Provider.DUMMY)) return dums elif name == cloud_names[1]: aws_ec2 = ec2.EC2Cloud(cloud_name, config_parser(name)) aws_ec2.set_context("") __connect_and_check(aws_ec2) mocked_driver.mock_add_spec(EC2NodeDriver, True) assert isinstance(aws_ec2.driver, get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_WEST_OREGON)) aws_ec2.driver = mocked_driver return aws_ec2 elif name == cloud_names[2]: nebula = opennebula.OpenNebulaCloud(cloud_name, config_parser(name)) nebula.set_context("") __connect_and_check(nebula) mocked_driver.mock_add_spec(OpenNebulaNodeDriver, True) assert isinstance(nebula.driver, get_driver(Provider.OPENNEBULA)) # let's us iterate over the nodes mocked_driver.create_node.side_effect = __generate_nodes([3, 5]) nebula.driver = mocked_driver return nebula
def test_error_is_thrown_on_accessing_old_constant(self): for provider in DEPRECATED_RACKSPACE_PROVIDERS: try: get_driver(provider) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.assertTrue(str(e).find('has been removed') != -1) else:'Exception was not thrown')
def __init__(self, config): super(VSphereConnector, self).__init__(config) self.type = "vsphere" self.logger = logging.getLogger("hyclops.connector." + self.type) try: self.driver = get_driver("vsphere") except AttributeError: set_driver("vsphere", 'hyclops.libcloud_driver.vsphere', 'VSphereNodeDriver') self.driver = get_driver("vsphere")
def _get_driver(provider): """ Get the driver for the given provider """ _provider_exists(provider) if provider == 'ec2_us_west': driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_WEST) elif provider == 'ec2_us_east': driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_EAST) elif provider == 'rackspace': driver = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE) return driver
def connect(self, label, project): """ establishes a connection to the eucalyptus cloud, e.g. initializes the needed components to conduct subsequent queries. """ # from old eucalyptus_libcloud # path = os.environ['HOME'] + "/" + \ # self.credentials.location.replace("/eucarc", "") # os.environ['CA_CERTS_PATH'] = path #['EUCALYPTUS_CERT']) self.label = label self.project = project # copied from deprecated code # if project is None: # self.activate_project("fg82") # else: # self.activate_project(project) print("Loading", self.label, self.project) Driver = get_driver(Provider.EUCALYPTUS) self.config = cm_config() cred = self.config.get(self.label, expand=True) euca_id = cred['EC2_ACCESS_KEY'] euca_key = cred['EC2_SECRET_KEY'] ec2_url = cred['EC2_URL'] result = urlparse.urlparse(ec2_url) is_secure = (result.scheme == 'https') if ":" in result.netloc: host_port_tuple = result.netloc.split(':') host = host_port_tuple[0] port = int(host_port_tuple[1]) else: host = result.netloc port = None path = result.path self.credential = self.config.get(self.label, expand=True) pprint(self.credential) #['EUCALYPTUS_CERT']) # = False Driver = get_driver(Provider.EUCALYPTUS) = Driver( key=euca_id, secret=euca_key, secure=False, host=host, path=path, port=port)
def myConn(self, region): Driver = None if region == 'us-west-1': Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_WEST) elif region == 'us-west-2': Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_WEST_OREGON) elif region == 'eu-west-1': Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_EU_WEST) else: Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_EAST) return Driver(self.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, self.AWS_SECRET_KEY)
def _connect(self): if self.ec2_region == "": EC2Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_EAST) elif self.ec2_region == "": EC2Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_WEST_OREGON) elif self.ec2_region == "": EC2Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_EU_WEST) else: raise Exception('Unknown EC2 region: %s' % self.ec2_region) self.driver = EC2Driver(self.user, self.passwd) self.connected = True
def __chooseDestination(self , manifest , config = None , task_opts = None): """creates destination object due to config""" destination = DEST_LOCAL #choose destination if config: destination = config.get_destination_type() if destination == DEST_TEST_VHD: import LocalVhdDestination return LocalVhdDestination.LocalVhdDestination() elif destination == DEST_CLOUD: cloud_name = config.get_cloud_name() cls = get_driver(cloud_name) cloud_user = config.get_user_name() cloud_secret_key = config.get_secret_name() driver = cls(user, key) return ImagingCloudVolumeDestintaion.ImagingCloudVolumeDestintaion(driver, RawDiskImage.RawDiskImage() , manifest['import']['volume-size']*_GIG_) elif destination == DEST_LOCAL_PATH: path = config.get_local_path() if manifest.local(): path = manifest.extension.path return LocalPathDestination.LocalPathDestination(path , RawDiskImage.RawDiskImage()) #TODO: GENERATE LOCAL DESTINATION return None
def main(): from pprint import pprint from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver cls = get_driver(Provider.FEDERATION)
def __init__( self, user, secret, endpointConfig, imageConfig ): """ Multiple constructor depending on the passed parameters :Parameters: **user** - `string` username that will be used on the authentication **secret** - `string` password used on the authentication If secret is None then user actually is: **proxyPath** - `string` path to the valid X509 proxy **endpointConfig** - `dict` dictionary with the endpoint configuration ( WMS.Utilities.Configuration.NovaConfiguration ) **imageConfig** - `dict` dictionary with the image configuration ( WMS.Utilities.Configuration.ImageConfiguration ) """ # logger self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ ) self.endpointConfig = endpointConfig self.imageConfig = imageConfig # Variables needed to contact the service ex_force_auth_url = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_force_auth_url', None ) ex_force_service_region = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_force_service_region', None ) ex_force_auth_version = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_force_auth_version', None ) ex_tenant_name = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_tenant_name', None ) # we force SSL cacert, if defined ex_force_ca_cert = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_force_ca_cert', None ) if ex_force_ca_cert is not None: security.CA_CERTS_PATH = [ ex_force_ca_cert ] # get openstack driver openstack_driver = get_driver( Provider.OPENSTACK ) if secret == None: # with VOMS (from Alvaro Lopez trunk proxyPath=user username = password = None self.__driver = openstack_driver( username, password, ex_force_auth_url = ex_force_auth_url, ex_force_service_region = ex_force_service_region, ex_force_auth_version = ex_force_auth_version, ex_tenant_name = ex_tenant_name, ex_voms_proxy = proxyPath ) else: # with user password username = user password = secret self.__driver = openstack_driver( username, password, ex_force_auth_url = ex_force_auth_url, ex_force_service_region = ex_force_service_region, ex_force_auth_version = ex_force_auth_version, ex_tenant_name = ex_tenant_name )
def get_rackspace_driver(rackspace): """ Get a libcloud Rackspace driver given some credentials and other configuration. """ rackspace = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE)(rackspace["username"], rackspace["key"], region=rackspace["region"]) return rackspace
def initialize(self): print 'Initializing AWS driver.' from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver AWS = get_driver(Provider.EC2_EU_WEST) self.driver = AWS (self.get_property('ACCESS_ID'), self.get_property('SECRET_ID'))
def upload(self, raw): """ Takes a raw image file and registers it as an AMI in each EC2 region. """ # TODO: Check here to confirm that image is proper format (RAW)? # TODO: Make sure that once we create an AMI, we copy it to other # regions via region-to-region copy rather than remake the AMI # in each region (might just be copying image though). for ami in self.amis: cls = get_driver(ami['prov']) driver = cls(fedimg.AWS_ACCESS_ID, fedimg.AWS_SECRET_KEY) # select the desired node attributes sizes = driver.list_sizes() size_id = 't1.micro' # The smallest one for now. # check to make sure we have access to that size node size = [s for s in sizes if == size_id][0] image = NodeImage(id=ami['ami'], name=None, driver=driver) # create node # must be EBS-backed for AMI registration to work name = 'fedimg AMI builder' # TODO: will add raw image title node = driver.create_node(name=name, image=image, size=size, ex_iamprofile=fedimg.AWS_IAM_PROFILE, ex_ebs_optimized=True) # create a volume for the uploaded image to be written to vol_name = 'fedimg AMI volume' # TODO; will add raw image title # TODO: might need to provide availability zone in the below call vol = driver.create_volume(10, vol_name) # new 10 GB volume # Attach the new volume to the node # TODO: Check to see if it's faster to have the second volume # in the block device mappings when the instance is spun up. driver.attach_volume(node, vol, device='/dev/sdb')
def _thread_create_node(name): Driver = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE) conn = Driver('username', 'api key') image = conn.list_images()[0] size = conn.list_sizes()[0] node = conn.create_node(name=name, image=image, size=size) return node
def rackspace_provisioner(username, key, region, keyname): """ Create a LibCloudProvisioner for provisioning nodes on rackspace. :param bytes username: The user to connect to rackspace with. :param bytes key: The API key associated with the user. :param bytes region: The rackspace region in which to launch the instance. :param bytes keyname: The name of an existing ssh public key configured in rackspace. The provision step assumes the corresponding private key is available from an agent. """ # Import these here, so that this can be imported without # installng libcloud. from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver, Provider monkeypatch() driver = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE)( key=username, secret=key, region=region) provisioner = LibcloudProvisioner( driver=driver, keyname=keyname, image_names=IMAGE_NAMES, create_node_arguments=lambda **kwargs: { "ex_config_drive": "true", }, provision=provision_rackspace, default_size="performance1-8", get_default_user=get_default_username, ) return provisioner
def destroy_volume(name): driver = get_driver() volume = get_volume(name) # check to see if this is a valid volume if volume.state != "notfound":"Destroying volume %s", name) driver.destroy_volume(volume)
def create_servers(size_id, image_id, num, event_id): username, apikey, region = get_creds() Driver = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE) driver = Driver(username, apikey, region=region) size = list(filter(lambda size: == size_id, driver.list_sizes()))[0] image = list(filter(lambda img: == image_id, driver.list_images()))[0] for i in range(num): node = driver.create_node( name=datetime.strftime(, "gmas-%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), image=image, size=size) password = node.extra["password"] _, ip = driver.wait_until_running([node])[0] server = Server(ip[0], password, event_id) server.available = True db.session.add(server) db.session.commit() event = Event.query.filter( if not event: continue event.image_name = event.size_name = db.session.add(event) db.session.commit() return i
def upload(self, raw_url): """ Takes a URL to a .raw.xz file and registers it as an image in each Rackspace region. """ cls = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE) driver = cls(fedimg.RACKSPACE_USER, fedimg.RACKSPACE_API_KEY, region=self.regions[0])
def initialize(self): OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK) self.__conn=OpenStack(self.access_id,self.secret_key, ex_force_auth_url='', ex_force_auth_version='2.0_password', ex_tenant_name='facebook853050102', ex_tenant_id='3af07bd87fdd4845bdbe93ca49a0a255')
def get_driver(self, auth_data): """ Get the driver from the auth data Arguments: - auth(Authentication): parsed authentication tokens. Returns: a :py:class:`libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver` or None in case of error """ if self.driver: return self.driver else: auth = auth_data.getAuthInfo(self.type) if auth and 'username' in auth[0] and 'password' in auth[0] and 'project' in auth[0]: cls = get_driver(Provider.GCE) # Patch to solve some client problems with \\n auth[0]['password'] = auth[0]['password'].replace('\\n','\n') lines = len(auth[0]['password'].replace(" ","").split()) if lines < 2: raise Exception("The certificate provided to the GCE plugin has an incorrect format. Check that it has more than one line.") driver = cls(auth[0]['username'], auth[0]['password'], project=auth[0]['project']) self.driver = driver return driver else: self.logger.error("No correct auth data has been specified to GCE: username, password and project") self.logger.debug(auth) raise Exception("No correct auth data has been specified to GCE: username, password and project")
def __init__(self, plan_file): try: with open(plan_file) as plan: self.config = yaml.safe_load( self.deployment = DeploymentTool(plan_file, manage=True) except IndexError: raise Exception("You need to specify a deployment plan.") except IOError: raise Exception("Unable to read specified deployment plan.") except Exception as exc: print "Management exception: %s" % exc else: self.driver = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE) self.conn = self.driver(RACKSPACE_USER, RACKSPACE_APIKEY, region=self.config.get('region', DEFAULT_REGION)) self.servers = [] self.nodes = self.conn.list_nodes() for depl in self.deployment.deployments: for node in self.nodes: if == self.servers.append(node)
def test_driver_instantiation(self): urls = [ '', # http, default port '', # https, default port '', # https, custom port '', # https, custom port '' # https, default port ] expected_values = [ {'host': '', 'port': 80, 'path': '/compute1'}, {'host': '', 'port': 443, 'path': '/compute2'}, {'host': '', 'port': 8888, 'path': '/compute3'}, {'host': '', 'port': 8787, 'path': '/compute4'}, {'host': '', 'port': 443, 'path': '/compute/endpoint'} ] cls = get_driver(Provider.CLOUDSTACK) for url, expected in zip(urls, expected_values): driver = cls('key', 'secret', url=url) self.assertEqual(, expected['host']) self.assertEqual(driver.path, expected['path']) self.assertEqual(driver.connection.port, expected['port'])
def get_cloud_driver(ctx): auth_config = _get_auth_from_context(ctx) api_key = auth_config['API_KEY'] api_secret_key = auth_config['API_SECRET_KEY'] driver = get_driver(Provider.EXOSCALE) = False return driver(api_key, api_secret_key)
def main(): aws_key = os.environ.get('AWS_KEY') aws_secret = os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET') if not (aws_key and aws_secret): print 'AWS_KEY and AWS_SECRET must both be set in the environment.' exit(1) # Set up EC2 driver. cls = get_driver(Provider.EC2_AP_SOUTHEAST2) driver = cls(aws_key, aws_secret) # Get desired size and the AMI image to base the instance on. size = [x for x in driver.list_sizes() if 'micro' in][0] image = [x for x in driver.list_images() if == XILINX_AMI][0] # Here: set up SSH pairs (or load a key from EC2), create deployment, etc... # Create instance from the found AMI. node = driver.create_node(name='xilinx_ec2', size=size, image=image) try: nodes = driver.wait_until_running([node]) for running_node, ip_addr in nodes: node_created(running_node, ip_addr) except: raise finally: # Terminate the instance. node.destroy()
def authenticateGCE(): ComputeEngine = get_driver(Provider.GCE) # Datacenter is set to 'us-central1-a' as an example, but can be set to any # zone, like 'us-central1-b' or 'europe-west1-a' driver = ComputeEngine(datacenter='europe-west1-b', project='theone-agens') return driver
def _openstack_region(provider, service_name, region, cred): username, password, auth_version, keystone_url, tenant_name = _openstack_cred(cred) url = urlparse.urlparse(keystone_url) service_type = 'compute' cls = get_driver(provider) driver = cls( username, password, ex_force_auth_url=url.geturl(), ex_tenant_name=tenant_name, ex_force_auth_version=auth_version, ex_force_service_region=region, ex_force_service_type=service_type, ex_force_service_name=service_name, ) cloud_nodes = _libcloud_list_nodes(driver) timestamp = int(time.time()) nodes = list() for cloud_node in cloud_nodes: if cloud_node.state != NodeState.RUNNING: continue node = { 'instance_id':, 'instance_type': cloud_node.extra['flavorId'], 'os': None } nodes.append(node) return { 'region': region, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'nodes': nodes } if nodes else dict()
def test_driver(self): token = self.mocks['m_auth_token'].return_value self.mocks['m_auth_token'].return_value.__enter__.return_value = token token.value = None obj = cloud.get_provider('my_provider') assert isinstance(obj.driver, get_driver('openstack')) assert obj._auth_token.value is None
def get_driver_by_provider_name(provider_name): """ Get a driver by provider name If the provider is unknown, will raise an exception. :param drivers: Dictionary containing valid providers. :param provider: object that contain supported provider :type providers: :class:`libcloud.compute.types.Provider` :param provider_name: String with a provider name (required) :type provider_name: ``str`` :return: :class:`NodeDriver` """ provider_name = provider_name.upper() if ((provider_name == 'RACKSPACE_NOVA_DFW') or (provider_name == 'RACKSPACE_NOVA_BETA') or (provider_name == 'RACKSPACE_NOVA_ORD') or (provider_name == 'RACKSPACE_NOVA_LON')): provider_name = 'RACKSPACE' elif ((provider_name == 'RACKSPACE_UK')): provider_name = 'RACKSPACE_FIRST_GEN' else: "Name conflict" provider = getattr(Provider, provider_name, None) try: Driver = get_driver(provider) except AttributeError: raise ProviderNotSupportedError(provider=provider_name) return Driver
def __init__(self, creds): """ @param creds: Credentials """ super(EC2_EU_WEST_Driver, self).__init__(creds) self.driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2_EU_WEST)
def get_conn(): ''' Return a conn object for the passed VM data ''' vm_ = get_configured_provider() driver = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA) region = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'region', vm_, __opts__ ) user_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'user_id', vm_, __opts__ ) key = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'key', vm_, __opts__ ) if key is not None: log.debug('DimensionData authenticating using password') return driver( user_id, key, region=region )
def create(self): lgr.debug('creating exoscale cloudstack connector') api_key = self.config['authentication']['api_key'] api_secret_key = self.config['authentication']['api_secret_key'] cls = get_driver(Provider.EXOSCALE) return cls(api_key, api_secret_key)
__author__ = 'syedaali' ''' This is a sample program that shows you how to connection to GCP using Apache libcloud. ''' from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver Driver = get_driver(Provider.GCE) #replace email with service account email #replace private-key-filename with private key filename #replace region with GCP region #replace project with GCP project name gce = Driver('email', 'private-key-filename', datacenter='region', project='project') sizes = gce.list_sizes() images = gce.list_images() print images
from pprint import pprint from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver apikey = 'your api key' secretkey = 'your secret key' Driver = get_driver(Provider.IKOULA) driver = Driver(key=apikey, secret=secretkey) # This returns a list of CloudStackNetwork objects nets = driver.ex_list_networks() # List the images/templates available # This returns a list of NodeImage objects images = driver.list_images() # List the instance types # This returns a list of NodeSize objects sizes = driver.list_sizes() # Create the node # This returns a Node object node = driver.create_node(name='libcloud', image=images[0], size=sizes[0], networks=[nets[0]]) # The node has a private IP in the guest network used # No public IPs and no rules
i = i + 1 files[i % number].write('>' + name + '\n' + seq + '\n') for f in files: f.close() return filenames SIZE = 'c1.xlarge' job = 'lab_meeting_demo' number = 8 processors = 8 input_file = 'input.fasta' main_Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2) main_conn = main_Driver(credentials.EC2_ACCESS_ID, credentials.EC2_SECRET_KEY) my_image = [ i for i in main_conn.list_images() if == credentials.WORKER_AMI ][0] my_size = [i for i in main_conn.list_sizes() if == SIZE][0] print('destroying old nodes...') destroy_worker_nodes(main_conn) print('done destroying old nodes') filenames = split_fasta(input_file, number) for i in range(number): print('starting thread ' + str(i))
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver # First we need to instantiate desired libcoud driver. cls = get_driver(Provider.ONEANDONE) token = 'your_token' # Then pass in your security token drv = cls(key=token)
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver from libcloud.compute.deployment import MultiStepDeployment from libcloud.compute.deployment import ScriptDeployment, SSHKeyDeployment # Path to the public key you would like to install KEY_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/') # Shell script to run on the remote server SCRIPT = '''#!/usr/bin/env bash apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install puppet ''' RACKSPACE_USER = '******' RACKSPACE_KEY = 'your key' Driver = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE) conn = Driver(RACKSPACE_USER, RACKSPACE_KEY) with open(KEY_PATH) as fp: content = # Note: This key will be added to the authorized keys for the root user # (/root/.ssh/authorized_keys) step_1 = SSHKeyDeployment(content) # A simple script to install puppet post boot, can be much more complicated. step_2 = ScriptDeployment(SCRIPT) msd = MultiStepDeployment([step_1, step_2]) images = conn.list_images()
def upload(self): """ Registers the image in each EC2 region. """'EC2 upload process started') # Get a starting utility AMI in some region to use as an origin ami = self.util_amis[0] # Select the starting AMI to begin self.destination = 'EC2 ({region})'.format(region=ami['region']) fedimg.messenger.message('image.upload', self.build_name, self.destination, 'started') try: # Connect to the region through the appropriate libcloud driver cls = get_driver(ami['prov']) driver = cls(fedimg.AWS_ACCESS_ID, fedimg.AWS_SECRET_KEY) # select the desired node attributes sizes = driver.list_sizes() reg_size_id = 'm1.large' # check to make sure we have access to that size node # TODO: Add try/except if for some reason the size isn't # available? size = [s for s in sizes if == reg_size_id][0] base_image = NodeImage(id=ami['ami'], name=None, driver=driver) # Name the utility node name = 'Fedimg AMI builder' # Block device mapping for the utility node # (Requires this second volume to write the image to for # future registration.) mappings = [{ 'VirtualName': None, # cannot specify with Ebs 'Ebs': { 'VolumeSize': fedimg.AWS_UTIL_VOL_SIZE, 'VolumeType': 'standard', 'DeleteOnTermination': 'false' }, 'DeviceName': '/dev/sdb' }] # Read in the SSH key with open(fedimg.AWS_PUBKEYPATH, 'rb') as f: key_content = # Add key to authorized keys for root user step_1 = SSHKeyDeployment(key_content) # Add script for deployment # Device becomes /dev/xvdb on instance script = "touch test" # this isn't so important for the util inst. step_2 = ScriptDeployment(script) # Create deployment object (will set up SSH key and run script) msd = MultiStepDeployment([step_1, step_2])'Deploying utility instance') while True: try: self.util_node = driver.deploy_node( name=name, image=base_image, size=size, ssh_username=fedimg.AWS_UTIL_USER, ssh_alternate_usernames=[''], ssh_key=fedimg.AWS_KEYPATH, deploy=msd, kernel_id=ami['aki'], ex_metadata={'build': self.build_name}, ex_keyname=fedimg.AWS_KEYNAME, ex_security_groups=['ssh'], ex_ebs_optimized=True, ex_blockdevicemappings=mappings) except KeyPairDoesNotExistError: # The keypair is missing from the current region. # Let's install it and try again. log.exception('Adding missing keypair to region') driver.ex_import_keypair(fedimg.AWS_KEYNAME, fedimg.AWS_PUBKEYPATH) continue except Exception as e: # We might have an invalid security group, aka the 'ssh' # security group doesn't exist in the current region. The # reason this is caught here is because the related # exception that prints`InvalidGroup.NotFound is, for # some reason, a base exception. if 'InvalidGroup.NotFound' in e.message: log.exception('Adding missing security' 'group to region') # Create the ssh security group driver.ex_create_security_group('ssh', 'ssh only') driver.ex_authorize_security_group( 'ssh', '22', '22', '') continue else: raise break # Wait until the utility node has SSH running while not ssh_connection_works(fedimg.AWS_UTIL_USER, self.util_node.public_ips[0], fedimg.AWS_KEYPATH): sleep(10)'Utility node started with SSH running') # Connect to the utility node via SSH client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(self.util_node.public_ips[0], username=fedimg.AWS_UTIL_USER, key_filename=fedimg.AWS_KEYPATH) # Curl the .raw.xz file down from the web, decompressing it # and writing it to the secondary volume defined earlier by # the block device mapping. # curl with -L option, so we follow redirects cmd = "sudo sh -c 'curl -L {0} | xzcat > /dev/xvdb'".format( self.raw_url) chan = client.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() # Request a pseudo-term to get around requiretty'Executing utility script') # Run the above command and wait for its exit status chan.exec_command(cmd) status = chan.recv_exit_status() if status != 0: # There was a problem with the SSH command log.error('Problem writing volume with utility instance') raise EC2UtilityException("Problem writing image to" " utility instance volume." " Command exited with" " status {0}.\n" "command: {1}".format(status, cmd)) client.close() # Get volume name that image was written to vol_id = [ x['ebs']['volume_id'] for x in self.util_node.extra['block_device_mapping'] if x['device_name'] == '/dev/sdb' ][0]'Destroying utility node') # Terminate the utility instance driver.destroy_node(self.util_node) # Wait for utility node to be terminated while ssh_connection_works(fedimg.AWS_UTIL_USER, self.util_node.public_ips[0], fedimg.AWS_KEYPATH): sleep(10) # Wait a little longer since loss of SSH connectivity doesn't mean # that the node's destroyed # TODO: Check instance state rather than this lame sleep thing sleep(45) # Take a snapshot of the volume the image was written to self.util_volume = [ v for v in driver.list_volumes() if == vol_id ][0] snap_name = 'fedimg-snap-{0}'.format(self.build_name)'Taking a snapshot of the written volume') self.snapshot = driver.create_volume_snapshot(self.util_volume, name=snap_name) snap_id = str( while self.snapshot.extra['state'] != 'completed': # Re-obtain snapshot object to get updates on its state self.snapshot = [ s for s in driver.list_snapshots() if == snap_id ][0] sleep(10)'Snapshot taken') # Delete the volume now that we've got the snapshot driver.destroy_volume(self.util_volume) # make sure Fedimg knows that the vol is gone self.util_volume = None'Destroyed volume') # Actually register image'Registering image as an AMI') if self.virt_type == 'paravirtual': image_name = "{0}-{1}-PV-0".format(self.build_name, ami['region']) test_size_id = 'm1.medium' # test_amis will include AKIs of the appropriate arch registration_aki = [ a['aki'] for a in self.test_amis if a['region'] == ami['region'] ][0] reg_root_device_name = '/dev/sda' else: # HVM image_name = "{0}-{1}-HVM-0".format(self.build_name, ami['region']) test_size_id = 'm3.medium' # Can't supply a kernel image with HVM registration_aki = None reg_root_device_name = '/dev/sda1' # For this block device mapping, we have our volume be # based on the snapshot's ID mapping = [{ 'DeviceName': reg_root_device_name, 'Ebs': { 'SnapshotId': snap_id, 'VolumeSize': fedimg.AWS_TEST_VOL_SIZE, 'VolumeType': 'standard', 'DeleteOnTermination': 'true' } }] # Avoid duplicate image name by incrementing the number at the # end of the image name if there is already an AMI with that name. # TODO: This process could be written nicer. while True: try: if self.dup_count > 0: # Remove trailing '-0' or '-1' or '-2' or... image_name = '-'.join(image_name.split('-')[:-1]) # Re-add trailing dup number with new count image_name += '-{0}'.format(self.dup_count) # Try to register with that name self.images.append( driver.ex_register_image( image_name, description=self.image_desc, root_device_name=reg_root_device_name, block_device_mapping=mapping, virtualization_type=self.virt_type, kernel_id=registration_aki, architecture=self.image_arch)) except Exception as e: # Check if the problem was a duplicate name if 'InvalidAMIName.Duplicate' in e.message: # Keep trying until an unused name is found self.dup_count += 1 continue else: raise break'Completed image registration') # Emit success fedmsg for image in self.images: fedimg.messenger.message('image.upload', self.build_name, self.destination, 'completed', extra={'id':}) # Now, we'll spin up a node of the AMI to test: # Add script for deployment # Device becomes /dev/xvdb on instance script = "touch test" step_2 = ScriptDeployment(script) # Create deployment object msd = MultiStepDeployment([step_1, step_2])'Deploying test node') # Pick a name for the test instance name = 'Fedimg AMI tester' # Select the appropriate size for the instance size = [s for s in sizes if == test_size_id][0] # Actually deploy the test instance self.test_node = driver.deploy_node( # TODO: Test all images name=name, image=self.images[0], size=size, ssh_username=fedimg.AWS_TEST_USER, ssh_alternate_usernames=['root'], ssh_key=fedimg.AWS_KEYPATH, deploy=msd, kernel_id=registration_aki, ex_metadata={'build': self.build_name}, ex_keyname=fedimg.AWS_KEYNAME, ex_security_groups=['ssh'], ) # Wait until the test node has SSH running while not ssh_connection_works(fedimg.AWS_TEST_USER, self.test_node.public_ips[0], fedimg.AWS_KEYPATH): sleep(10)'Starting AMI tests') # Alert the fedmsg bus that an image test has started fedimg.messenger.message('image.test', self.build_name, self.destination, 'started') client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(self.test_node.public_ips[0], username=fedimg.AWS_TEST_USER, key_filename=fedimg.AWS_KEYPATH) # Run /bin/true on the test instance as a simple "does it # work" test cmd = "/bin/true" chan = client.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() # Request a pseudo-term to get around requiretty'Running AMI test script') chan.exec_command(cmd) # Again, wait for the test command's exit status if chan.recv_exit_status() != 0: # There was a problem with the SSH command log.error('Problem testing new AMI') raise EC2AMITestException("Tests on AMI failed.") client.close()'AMI test completed') fedimg.messenger.message( 'image.test', self.build_name, self.destination, 'completed', # TODO: Update this line when # we test all images extra={'id': self.images[0].id}) # Let this EC2Service know that the AMI test passed, so # it knows how to proceed. self.test_success = True'Destroying test node') # Destroy the test node driver.destroy_node(self.test_node) # Make AMIs public for image in self.images: driver.ex_modify_image_attribute( image, {'LaunchPermission.Add.1.Group': 'all'}) except EC2UtilityException as e: fedimg.messenger.message('image.upload', self.build_name, self.destination, 'failed') log.exception("Failure") if fedimg.CLEAN_UP_ON_FAILURE: self._clean_up(driver, delete_images=fedimg.DELETE_IMAGES_ON_FAILURE) return 1 except EC2AMITestException as e: fedimg.messenger.message('image.test', self.build_name, self.destination, 'failed') log.exception("Failure") if fedimg.CLEAN_UP_ON_FAILURE: self._clean_up(driver, delete_images=fedimg.DELETE_IMAGES_ON_FAILURE) return 1 except DeploymentException as e: fedimg.messenger.message('image.upload', self.build_name, self.destination, 'failed') log.exception("Problem deploying node: {0}".format(e.value)) if fedimg.CLEAN_UP_ON_FAILURE: self._clean_up(driver, delete_images=fedimg.DELETE_IMAGES_ON_FAILURE) return 1 except Exception as e: # Just give a general failure message. fedimg.messenger.message('image.upload', self.build_name, self.destination, 'failed') log.exception("Unexpected exception") if fedimg.CLEAN_UP_ON_FAILURE: self._clean_up(driver, delete_images=fedimg.DELETE_IMAGES_ON_FAILURE) return 1 else: self._clean_up(driver) if self.test_success: # Copy the AMI to every other region if tests passed copied_images = list() # completed image copies (ami: image) # Use the AMI list as a way to cycle through the regions for ami in self.test_amis[1:]: # we don't need the origin region # Choose an appropriate destination name for the copy alt_dest = 'EC2 ({region})'.format(region=ami['region']) fedimg.messenger.message('image.upload', self.build_name, alt_dest, 'started') # Connect to the libcloud EC2 driver for the region we # want to copy into alt_cls = get_driver(ami['prov']) alt_driver = alt_cls(fedimg.AWS_ACCESS_ID, fedimg.AWS_SECRET_KEY) # Construct the full name for the image copy if self.virt_type == 'paravirtual': image_name = "{0}-{1}-PV-0".format(self.build_name, ami['region']) else: # HVM image_name = "{0}-{1}-HVM-0".format( self.build_name, ami['region'])'AMI copy to {0} started'.format(ami['region'])) # Avoid duplicate image name by incrementing the number at the # end of the image name if there is already an AMI with # that name. # TODO: Again, this could be written better while True: try: if self.dup_count > 0: # Remove trailing '-0' or '-1' or '-2' or... image_name = '-'.join(image_name.split('-')[:-1]) # Re-add trailing dup number with new count image_name += '-{0}'.format(self.dup_count) # Actually run the image copy from the origin region # to the current region. for image in self.images: image_copy = alt_driver.copy_image( image, self.test_amis[0]['region'], name=image_name, description=self.image_desc) # Add the image copy to a list so we can work with # it later. copied_images.append(image_copy)'AMI {0} copied to AMI {1}'.format( image, image_name)) except Exception as e: # Check if the problem was a duplicate name if 'InvalidAMIName.Duplicate' in e.message: # Keep trying until an unused name is found. # This probably won't trigger, since it seems # like EC2 doesn't mind duplicate AMI names # when they are being copied, only registered. # Strange, but apprently true. self.dup_count += 1 continue else: # TODO: Catch a more specific exception log.exception('Image copy to {0} failed'.format( ami['region'])) fedimg.messenger.message('image.upload', self.build_name, alt_dest, 'failed') break # Now cycle through and make all of the copied AMIs public # once the copy process has completed. Again, use the test # AMI list as a way to have region and arch data: # We don't need the origin region, since the AMI was made there: self.test_amis = self.test_amis[1:] for image in copied_images: ami = self.test_amis[copied_images.index(image)] alt_cls = get_driver(ami['prov']) alt_driver = alt_cls(fedimg.AWS_ACCESS_ID, fedimg.AWS_SECRET_KEY) # Get an appropriate name for the region in question alt_dest = 'EC2 ({region})'.format(region=ami['region']) # Need to wait until the copy finishes in order to make # the AMI public. while True: try: # Make the image public alt_driver.ex_modify_image_attribute( image, {'LaunchPermission.Add.1.Group': 'all'}) except Exception as e: if 'InvalidAMIID.Unavailable' in e.message: # The copy isn't done, so wait 20 seconds # and try again. sleep(20) continue break'Made {0} public'.format( fedimg.messenger.message('image.upload', self.build_name, alt_dest, 'completed', extra={'id':}) return 0
def _init(cls): for name, value in cls._ENUMS.iteritems(): m = cls.Maaper(get_driver(name)) for k, v in value.iteritems(): setattr(m, k, v) setattr(cls, name, m)
from pprint import pprint from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver from libcloud.common.nttcis import NttCisFirewallAddress import # Get nttcis driver = True cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS) driver = cls('myusername', 'mypassword', region='eu') domain_name = 'sdk_test_1' domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location='EU6') net_domain = [d for d in domains if == domain_name] source_firewall_address = NttCisFirewallAddress(any_ip='ANY') dest_firewall_address = NttCisFirewallAddress(ip_address='', ip_prefix_size='16', port_begin='8000', port_end='8080') rule = driver.ex_create_firewall_rule(net_domain[0], 'sdk_test_firewall_rule_2', 'ACCEPT_DECISIVELY', 'IPV4', 'TCP', source_firewall_address, dest_firewall_address, 'LAST') pprint(rule)
# to a magical number, which is 280 (4 minutes). This is 1 minute less than the # timeouts for production settings that should allow enough time to handle the # exception and return a response socket.setdefaulttimeout(280) # FIXME # At the time this example was written, # was using a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) which is # not included in the default Ubuntu certificates bundle (ca-certificates). # Note: Code like this poses a security risk (MITM attack) and that's the # reason why you should never use it for anything else besides testing. You # have been warned. # signed cert installed : # = False OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK) class InvalidHostName(Exception): pass class NodeErrorState(Exception): pass class GetIPError(Exception): pass class ResourceNotFound(Exception):
# # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver import json import time """ Address of the bootstrap node with driver V0 """ Snooze = get_driver(Provider.SNOOZE) driver = Snooze("", "5000") resp = driver.get_and_set_groupleader() print "group leader address %s : %s" % (resp.get("address"), resp.get("port")) """ We create a first VM using the template fashion """ n1 = driver.create_node( libvirt_template= "/home/msimonin/Images-VM/Snooze-images/vmtemplates/debian1.xml", tx=12800, rx=12800) driver.shutdown(n1) time.sleep(2) driver.list_nodes()
def _connect(self): host = dnat(, return get_driver(Provider.VSPHERE)(host=host,,
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.ONAPP)(,,
def get_gce_driver(): driver = get_driver(Provider.GCE)(*args, **kwargs) return driver
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.PACKET)(,
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.EC2)(,,
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.HOSTVIRTUAL)(
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.VULTR)(
def get_gce_driver(self): """Determine the GCE authorization settings and return a libcloud driver. """ gce_ini_default_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "gce.ini") gce_ini_path = os.environ.get('GCE_INI_PATH', gce_ini_default_path) # Create a ConfigParser. # This provides empty defaults to each key, so that environment # variable configuration (as opposed to INI configuration) is able # to work. config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(defaults={ 'gce_service_account_email_address': '', 'gce_service_account_pem_file_path': '', 'gce_project_id': '', 'libcloud_secrets': '', }) if 'gce' not in config.sections(): config.add_section('gce') # Attempt to get GCE params from a configuration file, if one # exists. secrets_path = config.get('gce', 'libcloud_secrets') secrets_found = False try: import secrets args = list(getattr(secrets, 'GCE_PARAMS', [])) kwargs = getattr(secrets, 'GCE_KEYWORD_PARAMS', {}) secrets_found = True except: pass if not secrets_found and secrets_path: if not secrets_path.endswith(''): err = "Must specify libcloud secrets file as " err += "/absolute/path/to/" print(err) sys.exit(1) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(secrets_path)) try: import secrets args = list(getattr(secrets, 'GCE_PARAMS', [])) kwargs = getattr(secrets, 'GCE_KEYWORD_PARAMS', {}) secrets_found = True except: pass if not secrets_found: args = [ config.get('gce','gce_service_account_email_address'), config.get('gce','gce_service_account_pem_file_path') ] kwargs = {'project': config.get('gce', 'gce_project_id')} # If the appropriate environment variables are set, they override # other configuration; process those into our args and kwargs. args[0] = os.environ.get('GCE_EMAIL', args[0]) args[1] = os.environ.get('GCE_PEM_FILE_PATH', args[1]) kwargs['project'] = os.environ.get('GCE_PROJECT', kwargs['project']) # Retrieve and return the GCE driver. gce = get_driver(Provider.GCE)(*args, **kwargs) gce.connection.user_agent_append( '%s/%s' % (USER_AGENT_PRODUCT, USER_AGENT_VERSION), ) return gce
config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") credential = config['cloudmesh']['clouds'][cloud]['credentials'] clouddefault = config['cloudmesh']['clouds'][cloud]['default'] # pprint(dict(credential)) auth_url = credential["EC2_URL"] data = re.match(r'^http[s]?://(.+):([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z/]*)', auth_url, re.M | re.I) host, port, path =,, print("host: " + host) print("port: " + port) print("path: " + path) extra_args = {'path': path} cls = get_driver(Provider.EC2_US_EAST) driver = cls(credential['EC2_ACCESS_KEY'], credential['EC2_SECRET_KEY'], host=host, port=port, **extra_args) print("DRIVER", driver) pprint(dict(credential)) # list VMs nodes = driver.list_nodes() pprint(nodes) # THIS FUNCTION TAKES TIME TO LOAD 40K+ IMAGES
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.AZURE_ARM)(,,,
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.GCE)(,,
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.NEPHOSCALE)(,
def _connect(self): tmp_cert_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tmp_cert_file.write( tmp_cert_file.close() return get_driver(Provider.AZURE)(,
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.LINODE)(
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.SOFTLAYER)(,
class DoCmds(CommonCloudFunctions): @trace def __init__(self, pid, osci, expid=None): CommonCloudFunctions.__init__(self, pid, osci) = pid self.osci = osci self.access_url = False self.ft_supported = False self.lock = False self.expid = expid self.locations = False self.sizes = False self.images = False self.cache_mutex = threading.Lock() @trace def get_description(self): return "DigitalOcean" @trace def connect(self, access_token): # libcloud is totally not thread-safe. bastards. cbdebug("Checking libcloud connection...") try: getattr(catalogs, "digitalocean") except Exception, e: cbdebug("Initializing thread local connection.") catalogs.digitalocean = False self.cache_mutex.acquire() try: _status = 100 if not catalogs.digitalocean: cbdebug("Connecting to DigitalOcean...") driver = get_driver(Provider.DIGITAL_OCEAN) _status = 110 catalogs.digitalocean = driver(access_token, api_version='v2') else: cbdebug("DigitalOcean Already connected.") cbdebug( "Caching DigitalOcean locations, sizes, and images. If stale, then restart..." ) if not self.locations: cbdebug("Caching DigitalOcean Locations...", True) self.locations = catalogs.digitalocean.list_locations() if not self.sizes: cbdebug("Caching DigitalOcean Sizes...", True) self.sizes = catalogs.digitalocean.list_sizes() if not self.images: cbdebug( "Caching DigitalOcean Images (can take a minute or so)...", True) self.images = catalogs.digitalocean.list_images() assert (self.images) assert (self.sizes) assert (self.locations) cbdebug("Done caching.") _status = 0 except Exception, e: _msg = "Error connecting DigitalOcean: " + str(e) cbdebug(_msg, True) _status = 23
def _connect(self): return get_driver(Provider.DIGITAL_OCEAN)(
from pprint import pprint from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver # Import the deployment specific modules from libcloud.compute.deployment import ScriptDeployment from libcloud.compute.deployment import MultiStepDeployment cls = get_driver(Provider.EXOSCALE) driver = cls('api key', 'api secret key') image = driver.list_images()[0] size = driver.list_sizes()[0] # Define the scripts that you want to run during deployment script = ScriptDeployment('/bin/date') msd = MultiStepDeployment([script]) node = driver.deploy_node(name='test', image=image, size=size, ssh_key='~/.ssh/id_rsa_test', ex_keyname='test-keypair', deploy=msd) # The stdout of the deployment can be checked on the `script` object pprint(script.stdout)
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver cls = get_driver(Provider.CLOUDSIGMA) driver = cls('username', 'password', region='zrh', api_version='2.0') tags = driver.ex_list_tags() tag = [tag for tag in tags if == 'database-server'][0] nodes = driver.list_nodes(ex_tag=tag) policy = driver.ex_list_firewall_policies()[0] for node in nodes: driver.ex_attach_firewall_policy(policy=policy, node=node)