def displayStatus(): _, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) if isVPNConnected(): debugTrace("VPN is connected, displaying the connection info") if fakeConnection(): xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( addon_name, "Faked connection to a VPN in " + country + "\nUsing profile " + getVPNProfileFriendly() + "\nExternal IP address is " + ip + "\nService Provider is " + isp) else: server = getVPNServer() if not server == "": server = ", " + server + "\n" else: server = "\n" xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( addon_name, "Connected to a VPN in " + country + "\nUsing profile " + getVPNProfileFriendly() + server + "External IP address is " + ip + "\nService Provider is " + isp) else: debugTrace("VPN is not connected, displaying the connection info") xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( addon_name, "Disconnected from VPN.\nNetwork location is " + country + ".\nIP address is " + ip + ".\nService Provider is " + isp) return
def displayStatus(): # Create a busy dialog whilst the data is retrieved. It # could take a while to deduce that the network is bad... xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(busydialognocancel)') try: _, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) if isVPNConnected(): debugTrace("VPN is connected, displaying the connection info") xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialognocancel)') if fakeConnection(): # Kodi18 bug, this should be a single multi line call, but \n doesn't work xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "[B]Faked connection to a VPN[/B]", "Using " + ip + ", located in " + country, "Service Provider is " + isp) else: server = getVPNServer() if not server == "": server = ", " + server + "\n" else: server = "\n" # Kodi18 bug, this should be a single multi line call, but \n doesn't work xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "[B]Connected to a VPN[/B]", "Using " + ip + ", located in " + country, "Service Provider is " + isp) else: debugTrace("VPN is not connected, displaying the connection info") xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialognocancel)') # Kodi18 bug, this should be a single multi line call, but \n doesn't work xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "[B]Disconnected from VPN[/B]", "Using " + ip + ", located in " + country, "Service Provider is " + isp) except Exception: xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialognocancel)') return
def displayStatus(): # Create a busy dialog whilst the data is retrieved. It # could take a while to deduce that the network is bad... xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(busydialognocancel)') try: _, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) if isVPNConnected(): debugTrace("VPN is connected, displaying the connection info") xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialognocancel)') # Display the server if enhanced system info is switched on server = "" if addon.getSetting("vpn_server_info") == "true": server = getVPNURL() if not server == "": server = "\nServer is " + server + "\n" else: server = "\n" ovpn_name = getVPNProfileFriendly() if fakeConnection(): xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "[B]Faked connection to a VPN[/B]\nProfile is " + ovpn_name + server + "Using " + ip + ", located in " + country + "\nService Provider is " + isp) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "[B]Connected to a VPN[/B]\nProfile is " + ovpn_name + server + "Using " + ip + ", located in " + country + "\nService Provider is " + isp) else: debugTrace("VPN is not connected, displaying the connection info") xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialognocancel)') xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "[B]Disconnected from VPN[/B]\nUsing " + ip + ", located in " + country +"+\nService Provider is " + isp) except Exception: xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialognocancel)') return
def displayStatus(): _, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) if isVPNConnected(): debugTrace("VPN is connected, displaying the connection info") xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "Connected to a VPN in " + country + ".\nUsing profile " + getVPNProfileFriendly() + ".\nExternal IP address is " + ip + ".\nService Provider is " + isp) else: debugTrace("VPN is not connected, displaying the connection info") xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon_name, "Disconnected from VPN.\nNetwork location is " + country + ".\nIP address is " + ip + ".\nService Provider is " + isp) return
def displayStatus(): xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(busydialog)") _, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) if isVPNConnected(): debugTrace("VPN is connected, displaying the connection info") xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( addon_name, "Connected to PureVPN in " + country + ".\nUsing profile " + getVPNProfileFriendly() + ".\nIP address is " + ip + ".") else: debugTrace("VPN is not connected, displaying the connection info") xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( addon_name, "Not connected to PureVPN.\nNetwork location is " + country + ".\nIP address is " + ip + ".") xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(busydialog)") return
def listSystem(): lines = [] site, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) lines.append("[B][COLOR ff0099ff]Connection[/COLOR][/B]") if isVPNConnected(): lines.append("Connected using profile " + getVPNProfileFriendly()) lines.append("VPN provider is " + addon.getSetting("vpn_provider")) else: lines.append("Not connected to a VPN") lines.append("Connection location is " + country) lines.append("External IP address is " + ip) lines.append("Service Provider is " + isp) lines.append("Location sourced from " + site) lines.append("[B][COLOR ff0099ff]Network[/COLOR][/B]") lines.append("IP address is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.IPAddress")) lines.append("Gateway is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.GatewayAddress")) lines.append("Subnet mask is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.SubnetMask")) lines.append("Primary DNS is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.DNS1Address")) lines.append("Secondary DNS is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.DNS2Address")) lines.append("[B][COLOR ff0099ff]PureVPN monitor[/COLOR][/B]") lines.append("PureVPN monitor verison is " + addon.getAddonInfo("version")) lines.append("PureVPN monitor behaviour is " + getPlatformString()) if isVPNMonitorRunning(): lines.append("PureVPN monitor add-on split tunneling is playing") else: lines.append("PureVPN monitor add-on split tunneling is stopped") lines.append("[B][COLOR ff0099ff]System[/COLOR][/B]") lines.append("Kodi build version is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion")) lines.append("System name is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.FriendlyName")) lines.append("System date is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.Date")) lines.append("System time is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.Time")) lines.append("Platform is " + sys.platform) lines.append("Free memory is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.FreeMemory")) lines.append("Disk is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.TotalSpace") + ", " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.UsedSpace")) for line in lines: url = base_url + "?back" li = xbmcgui.ListItem(line, iconImage=getIconPath() + "enhanced.png") xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=addon_handle, url=url, listitem=li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(addon_handle) return
def listSystem(): lines = [] site, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) lines.append("[B][COLOR ff0099ff]Connection[/COLOR][/B]") if isVPNConnected(): lines.append("Connected using profile " + getVPNProfileFriendly()) lines.append("VPN provider is " + addon.getSetting("vpn_provider")) else: lines.append("Not connected to a VPN") lines.append("Connection location is " + country) lines.append("External IP address is " + ip) lines.append("Service Provider is " + isp) lines.append("Location sourced from " + site) lines.append("[B][COLOR ff0099ff]Network[/COLOR][/B]") lines.append("IP address is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.IPAddress")) lines.append("Gateway is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.GatewayAddress")) lines.append("Subnet mask is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.SubnetMask")) lines.append("Primary DNS is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.DNS1Address")) lines.append("Secondary DNS is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("Network.DNS2Address")) lines.append("[B][COLOR ff0099ff]VPN Manager[/COLOR][/B]") lines.append("VPN Manager verison is " + addon.getAddonInfo("version")) lines.append("VPN Manager behaviour is " + getPlatformString()) if isVPNMonitorRunning(): lines.append("VPN Manager add-on filtering is running") else: lines.append("VPN Manager add-on filtering is paused") lines.append("[B][COLOR ff0099ff]System[/COLOR][/B]") lines.append("Kodi build version is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion")) lines.append("System name is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.FriendlyName")) lines.append("System date is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.Date")) lines.append("System time is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.Time")) lines.append("Platform is " + sys.platform) lines.append("Free memory is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.FreeMemory")) lines.append("Disk is " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.TotalSpace") + ", " + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.UsedSpace")) for line in lines: url = base_url + "?back" li = xbmcgui.ListItem(line, iconImage=getIconPath()+"enhanced.png") xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=addon_handle, url=url, listitem=li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(addon_handle) return
# Surpress a reconnection to the same unless it's become disconnected if (not getVPNRequestedProfile() == getVPNProfile()) or ( getVPNRequestedProfile() == getVPNProfile() and not isVPNConnected()): # Stop any media playing before switching VPNs around if player.isPlaying(): player.stop() # Stop any existing VPN debugTrace( "Stopping VPN before any new connection attempt") if getVPNState() == "started": stopVPNConnection() if getVPNRequestedProfile( ) == "Disconnect" and display_location_info == "true": _, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( addon_name, "Not connected to PureVPN. Service Provider is " + isp + " in " + country + ". IP is " + ip + ".", getAddonPath(True, "/resources/disconnected.png"), 20000, False) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( addon_name, "Not connected", getAddonPath(True, "/resources/disconnected.png"), 3000, False) infoTrace("", "Disconnect from VPN")
forceCycleLock() debugTrace("Got forced cycle lock in connection part of service") # Stop the VPN and reset the connection timer # Surpress a reconnection to the same unless it's become disconnected if (not getVPNRequestedProfile() == getVPNProfile()) or (getVPNRequestedProfile() == getVPNProfile() and not isVPNConnected()): # Stop any media playing before switching VPNs around if player.isPlaying(): player.stop() # Stop any existing VPN debugTrace("Stopping VPN before any new connection attempt") if getVPNState() == "started": stopVPNConnection() if getVPNRequestedProfile() == "Disconnect" and addon.getSetting("display_location_on_connect") == "true": _, ip, country, isp = getIPInfo(addon) xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(addon_name, "Disconnected from VPN. Service Provider is " + isp + " in " + country + ". IP is " + ip + ".", getAddonPath(True, "/resources/disconnected.png"), 20000, False) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(addon_name, "Disconnected", getAddonPath(True, "/resources/disconnected.png"), 3000, False) infoTrace("", "Disconnect from VPN") else: # Just incase we're in a weird unknown state, this should clear things up stopVPNConnection() debugTrace("Unconnected state, " + getVPNState() + " so disconnected anyway") timer = 0 # Don't reconnect if this is a disconnect request, or there is nothing to connect to (primary not set) if not getVPNRequestedProfile() == "Disconnect": if not getVPNRequestedProfile() == "": infoTrace("", "Connecting to VPN profile " + getVPNRequestedProfile())