예제 #1
 def get_parser(self):
     """docstring for get_root_parser"""
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='tornado')
     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser', help='sub-command help')
     for name, command in get_commands().items():
         command   = command()
         subparser = subparsers.add_parser(name, help=command.get_help())#, parents=parents) #, aliases=command.get_aliases())
         command._add_arguments(self, subparser)
     return parser
예제 #2
 def autocomplete(self):
     Output completion suggestions for BASH.
     The output of this function is passed to BASH's `COMREPLY` variable and
     treated as completion suggestions. `COMREPLY` expects a space
     separated string as the result.
     The `COMP_WORDS` and `COMP_CWORD` BASH environment variables are used
     to get information about the cli input. Please refer to the BASH
     man-page for more information about this variables.
     Subcommand options are saved as pairs. A pair consists of
     the long option string (e.g. '--exclude') and a boolean
     value indicating if the option requires arguments. When printing to
     stdout, a equal sign is appended to options which require arguments.
     Note: If debugging this function, it is recommended to write the debug
     output in a separate file. Otherwise the debug output will be treated
     and formatted as potential completion suggestions.
     # Don't complete if user hasn't sourced bash_completion file.
     if 'TORNADO_AUTO_COMPLETE' not in os.environ:
     cwords = os.environ['COMP_WORDS'].split()[1:]
     cword = int(os.environ['COMP_CWORD'])
         curr = cwords[cword-1]
     except IndexError:
         curr = ''
     envs = self.get_envs()
     subcommands = get_commands().keys() + envs + ['help']
     options = [('--help', None)]
     # subcommand
     if cword == 1:
         print ' '.join(sorted(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(curr), subcommands)))
     # subcommand options
     # special case: the 'help' subcommand has no options
     elif cwords[0] in subcommands and cwords[0] != 'help':
         subcommand_cls = self.fetch_command(cwords[0])
         # special case: 'runfcgi' stores additional options as
         # 'key=value' pairs
         if cwords[0] == 'runfcgi':
             from django.core.servers.fastcgi import FASTCGI_OPTIONS
             options += [(k, 1) for k in FASTCGI_OPTIONS]
         # special case: add the names of installed apps to options
         elif cwords[0] in ('dumpdata', 'reset', 'sql', 'sqlall',
                            'sqlclear', 'sqlcustom', 'sqlindexes',
                            'sqlreset', 'sqlsequencereset', 'test'):
                 from django.conf import settings
                 # Get the last part of the dotted path as the app name.
                 options += [(a.split('.')[-1], 0) for a in settings.INSTALLED_APPS]
             except ImportError:
                 # Fail silently if DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE isn't set. The
                 # user will find out once they execute the command.
         options += [(s_opt.get_opt_string(), s_opt.nargs) for s_opt in
         # filter out previously specified options from available options
         prev_opts = [x.split('=')[0] for x in cwords[1:cword-1]]
         options = filter(lambda (x, v): x not in prev_opts, options)
         # filter options by current input
         options = sorted([(k, v) for k, v in options if k.startswith(curr)])
         for option in options:
             opt_label = option[0]
             # append '=' to options which require args
             if option[1]:
                 opt_label += '='
             print opt_label