def setDisplayByName(self, name): if not name: self.display = None self.displaySize = 0 return try: newDisplay = _getDisplayDriver(name) if newDisplay == self.display.__class__: # This is the same driver as was already set, so just re-initialise it. self.display.terminate() newDisplay = self.display newDisplay.__init__() else: newDisplay = newDisplay() if self.display: try: self.display.terminate() except: log.error("Error terminating previous display driver", exc_info=True) self.display = newDisplay self.displaySize = newDisplay.numCells self.enabled = bool(self.displaySize) config.conf["braille"]["display"] = name"Loaded braille display driver %s" % name) return True except: log.error("Error initializing display driver", exc_info=True) self.setDisplayByName("noBraille") return False
def setSynth(name,isFallback=False): global _curSynth,_audioOutputDevice if name is None: _curSynth.terminate() _curSynth=None return True if name=='auto': # Default to OneCore on Windows 10 and above, and eSpeak on previous Operating Systems name='oneCore' if winVersion.winVersion.major>=10 else 'espeak' if _curSynth: _curSynth.cancel() _curSynth.terminate() prevSynthName = _curSynth = None else: prevSynthName = None try: _curSynth=getSynthInstance(name) _audioOutputDevice=config.conf["speech"]["outputDevice"] if not isFallback: config.conf["speech"]["synth"]=name"Loaded synthDriver %s"%name) return True except: log.error("setSynth", exc_info=True) if prevSynthName: setSynth(prevSynthName,isFallback=True) elif name not in ('espeak','silence'): setSynth('espeak',isFallback=True) elif name=='espeak': setSynth('silence',isFallback=True) return False
def initialize(voice = default_jtalk_voice): global player, voice_args global speaker_attenuation voice_args = voice speaker_attenuation = voice_args['speaker_attenuation'] if not _espeak.espeakDLL: _espeak.initialize() log.debug("jtalk using eSpeak version %s" % _espeak.setVoiceByLanguage("en") _espeak.setVoiceAndVariant(variant=voice["espeak_variant"]) if not player: player = nvwave.WavePlayer(channels=1, samplesPerSec=voice_args['samp_rate'], bitsPerSample=16, outputDevice=config.conf["speech"]["outputDevice"]) if not _bgthread.bgThread: _bgthread.initialize() if not mecab: Mecab_initialize(, jtalk_dir, dic_dir, user_dics) jtalkPrepare.setup() jt_dll = os.path.join(jtalk_dir, 'libopenjtalk.dll') log.debug('jt_dll %s' % jt_dll) libjt_initialize(jt_dll) log.debug(libjt_version()) if os.path.isfile(voice_args['htsvoice']): libjt_load(voice_args['htsvoice'])"loaded " + voice_args['htsvoice']) else: log.error("load error " + voice_args['htsvoice']) libjt_set_alpha(voice_args['alpha']) libjt_set_beta(voice_args['beta'])
def connected_to_relay(self):"Control connector connected") beep_sequence.beep_sequence((720, 100), 50, (720, 100), 50, (720, 100)) # Translators: Presented in direct (client to server) remote connection when the controlled computer is ready. speech.speakMessage(_("Connected to control server")) self.push_clipboard_item.Enable(True) write_connection_to_config(self.control_connector.address)
def resetConfiguration(factoryDefaults=False): """Loads the configuration, installs the correct language support and initialises audio so that it will use the configured synth and speech settings. """ import config import braille import speech import languageHandler import inputCore log.debug("Terminating braille") braille.terminate() log.debug("terminating speech") speech.terminate() log.debug("terminating addonHandler") addonHandler.terminate() log.debug("Reloading config") config.load(factoryDefaults=factoryDefaults) logHandler.setLogLevelFromConfig() #Language lang = config.conf["general"]["language"] log.debug("setting language to %s"%lang) languageHandler.setLanguage(lang) # Addons addonHandler.initialize() #Speech log.debug("initializing speech") speech.initialize() #braille log.debug("Initializing braille") braille.initialize() log.debug("Reloading user and locale input gesture maps") inputCore.manager.loadUserGestureMap() inputCore.manager.loadLocaleGestureMap()"Reverted to saved configuration")
def __init__(self): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 for portType, port in _getPorts(): # Try talking to the display. try: self._ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, parity=PARITY, timeout=TIMEOUT, writeTimeout=TIMEOUT) except serial.SerialException: continue # This will cause the number of cells to be returned. self._sendMessage(MSG_INIT) # #5406: With the new USB driver, the first command is ignored after a reconnection. # Worse, if we don't receive a reply, # _handleResponses freezes for some reason despite the timeout. # Send the init message again just in case. self._sendMessage(MSG_INIT) self._handleResponses(wait=True) if not self.numCells: # HACK: When connected via bluetooth, the display sometimes reports communication not allowed on the first attempt. self._sendMessage(MSG_INIT) self._handleResponses(wait=True) if self.numCells: # A display responded."Found display with {cells} cells connected via {type} ({port})".format( cells=self.numCells, type=portType, port=port)) break else: raise RuntimeError("No display found") self._readTimer = wx.PyTimer(self._handleResponses) self._readTimer.Start(READ_INTERVAL) self._keysDown = set() self._ignoreKeyReleases = False
def _crashHandler(exceptionInfo): threadId = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCurrentThreadId() # An exception might have been set for this thread. # Clear it so that it doesn't get raised in this function. ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(threadId, None) # Write a minidump. dumpPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(globalVars.appArgs.logFileName, "..", "nvda_crash.dmp")) try: with file(dumpPath, "w") as mdf: mdExc = MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION(ThreadId=threadId, ExceptionPointers=exceptionInfo, ClientPointers=False) if not ctypes.windll.DbgHelp.MiniDumpWriteDump( ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcess(), os.getpid(), msvcrt.get_osfhandle(mdf.fileno()), 0, # MiniDumpNormal ctypes.byref(mdExc), None, None ): raise ctypes.WinError() except: log.critical("NVDA crashed! Error writing minidump", exc_info=True) else: log.critical("NVDA crashed! Minidump written to %s" % dumpPath)"Restarting due to crash") core.restart() return 1 # EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER
def _handleInputHelp(self, gesture, onlyLog=False): textList = [gesture.displayName] script = gesture.script runScript = False logMsg = "Input help: gesture %s"%gesture.logIdentifier if script: scriptName = scriptHandler.getScriptName(script) logMsg+=", bound to script %s" % scriptName scriptLocation = scriptHandler.getScriptLocation(script) if scriptLocation: logMsg += " on %s" % scriptLocation if scriptName == "toggleInputHelp": runScript = True else: desc = script.__doc__ if desc: textList.append(desc) if onlyLog: return import braille braille.handler.message("\t\t".join(textList)) # Punctuation must be spoken for the gesture name (the first chunk) so that punctuation keys are spoken. speech.speakText(textList[0], reason=controlTypes.REASON_MESSAGE, symbolLevel=characterProcessing.SYMLVL_ALL) for text in textList[1:]: speech.speakMessage(text) if runScript: script(gesture)
def __init__(self, port="auto"): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._model = None if port == "auto": tryPorts = self._getAutoPorts(hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True)) else: try: btName = next(portInfo.get("bluetoothName","") for portInfo in hwPortUtils.listComPorts() if portInfo.get("port")==port) btPrefix = next(prefix for prefix in bluetoothPrefixes if btName.startswith(prefix)) tryPorts = ((port, "bluetooth", btPrefix),) except StopIteration: tryPorts = () for port, portType, identifier in tryPorts: self.isBulk = portType=="USB bulk" # Try talking to the display. try: if self.isBulk: # onReceiveSize based on max packet size according to USB endpoint information. self._dev = hwIo.Bulk(port, 0, 1, self._onReceive, writeSize=0, onReceiveSize=64) else: self._dev = hwIo.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, parity=PARITY, timeout=self.timeout, writeTimeout=self.timeout, onReceive=self._onReceive) except EnvironmentError: log.debugWarning("", exc_info=True) continue for i in xrange(3): self._sendCellCountRequest() # Wait for an expected response. if self.isBulk: # Hims Bulk devices sometimes present themselves to the system while not yet ready. # For example, when switching the connection mode toggle on the Braille EDGE from Bluetooth to USB, # the USB device is connected but not yet ready. # Wait ten times the timeout, which is ugly, but effective. self._dev.waitForRead(self.timeout*10) else: self._dev.waitForRead(self.timeout) if self.numCells: break if not self.numCells: log.debugWarning("No response from potential Hims display") self._dev.close() continue if portType=="USB serial": self._model = SyncBraille() elif self.isBulk: self._sendIdentificationRequests(usbId=identifier) elif portType=="bluetooth" and identifier: self._sendIdentificationRequests(bluetoothPrefix=identifier) else: self._sendIdentificationRequests() if self._model: # A display responded."Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format(, type=portType, port=port)) break self._dev.close() else: raise RuntimeError("No Hims display found")
def __init__(self, port="Auto"): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._deviceID = None if port == "auto": tryPorts = self._getAutoPorts(hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True)) else: tryPorts = ((port, "serial"),) for port, portType in tryPorts: # At this point, a port bound to this display has been found. # Try talking to the display. self.isHid = portType == "USB HID" try: if self.isHid: self._dev = hwIo.Hid(port, onReceive=self._onReceive) else: self._dev = hwIo.Serial( port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, timeout=TIMEOUT, writeTimeout=TIMEOUT, onReceive=self._onReceive ) except EnvironmentError: continue if self.isHid: try: # It's essential to send protocol on for the Orbit Reader 20. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, True) except EnvironmentError: # Pronto! and VarioUltra don't support BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF. pass # Explicitly request device info. # Even where it's supported, BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF doesn't always return device info. self._sendRequest(BAUM_REQUEST_INFO, 0) else: # Serial # If the protocol is already on, sending protocol on won't return anything. # First ensure it's off. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, False) # This will cause the device id, serial number and number of cells to be returned. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, True) # Send again in case the display misses the first one. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, True) for i in xrange(3): # An expected response hasn't arrived yet, so wait for it. self._dev.waitForRead(TIMEOUT) if self.numCells and self._deviceID: break if self.numCells: # A display responded. "Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format( device=self._deviceID, type=portType, port=port ) ) break self._dev.close() else: raise RuntimeError("No Baum display found") self._keysDown = {} self._ignoreKeyReleases = False
def query_API(self): """Query the API. This method creates a new client. """"Querying the API...") self.client = Client.queryWeather("Hanford,us")
def on_connected_as_slave(self):"Control connector connected") beep_sequence.beep_sequence_async((720, 100), 50, (720, 100), 50, (720, 100)) # Translators: Presented in direct (client to server) remote connection when the controlled computer is ready. speech.speakMessage(_("Connected to control server")) self.push_clipboard_item.Enable(True) self.copy_link_item.Enable(True) configuration.write_connection_to_config(self.slave_transport.address)
def __init__(self): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._deviceID = None # Scan all available com ports. # Try bluetooth ports last. for portInfo in sorted(hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True), key=lambda item: "bluetoothName" in item): port = portInfo["port"] hwID = portInfo["hardwareID"] if hwID.startswith(r"FTDIBUS\COMPORT"): # USB. portType = "USB" try: usbID = hwID.split("&", 1)[1] except IndexError: continue if usbID not in USB_IDS: continue elif "bluetoothName" in portInfo: # Bluetooth. portType = "bluetooth" btName = portInfo["bluetoothName"] if not any(btName.startswith(prefix) for prefix in BLUETOOTH_NAMES): continue else: continue # At this point, a port bound to this display has been found. # Try talking to the display. try: self._ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, timeout=TIMEOUT, writeTimeout=TIMEOUT) except serial.SerialException: continue # This will cause the number of cells to be returned. self._sendRequest(BAUM_DISPLAY_DATA) # Send again in case the display misses the first one. self._sendRequest(BAUM_DISPLAY_DATA) # We just sent less bytes than we should, # so we need to send another request in order for the display to know the previous request is finished. self._sendRequest(BAUM_DEVICE_ID) self._handleResponses(wait=True) if self.numCells: # A display responded. if not self._deviceID: # Bah. The response to our device ID query hasn't arrived yet, so wait for it. self._handleResponses(wait=True)"Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format( device=self._deviceID, type=portType, port=port)) break else: raise RuntimeError("No Baum display found") self._readTimer = wx.PyTimer(self._handleResponses) self._readTimer.Start(READ_INTERVAL) self._keysDown = {} self._ignoreKeyReleases = False
def initialize(): global _remoteLib, _remoteLoader64, localLib, generateBeep, VBuf_getTextInRange, lastLanguageID, lastLayoutString hkl=c_ulong(windll.User32.GetKeyboardLayout(0)).value lastLanguageID=winUser.LOWORD(hkl) KL_NAMELENGTH=9 buf=create_unicode_buffer(KL_NAMELENGTH) res=windll.User32.GetKeyboardLayoutNameW(buf) if res: lastLayoutString=buf.value localLib=cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(versionedLibPath,'nvdaHelperLocal.dll')) for name,func in [ ("nvdaController_speakText",nvdaController_speakText), ("nvdaController_cancelSpeech",nvdaController_cancelSpeech), ("nvdaController_brailleMessage",nvdaController_brailleMessage), ("nvdaControllerInternal_requestRegistration",nvdaControllerInternal_requestRegistration), ("nvdaControllerInternal_inputLangChangeNotify",nvdaControllerInternal_inputLangChangeNotify), ("nvdaControllerInternal_typedCharacterNotify",nvdaControllerInternal_typedCharacterNotify), ("nvdaControllerInternal_displayModelTextChangeNotify",nvdaControllerInternal_displayModelTextChangeNotify), ("nvdaControllerInternal_logMessage",nvdaControllerInternal_logMessage), ("nvdaControllerInternal_inputCompositionUpdate",nvdaControllerInternal_inputCompositionUpdate), ("nvdaControllerInternal_inputCandidateListUpdate",nvdaControllerInternal_inputCandidateListUpdate), ("nvdaControllerInternal_IMEOpenStatusUpdate",nvdaControllerInternal_IMEOpenStatusUpdate), ("nvdaControllerInternal_inputConversionModeUpdate",nvdaControllerInternal_inputConversionModeUpdate), ("nvdaControllerInternal_vbufChangeNotify",nvdaControllerInternal_vbufChangeNotify), ("nvdaControllerInternal_installAddonPackageFromPath",nvdaControllerInternal_installAddonPackageFromPath), ("nvdaControllerInternal_drawFocusRectNotify",nvdaControllerInternal_drawFocusRectNotify), ]: try: _setDllFuncPointer(localLib,"_%s"%name,func) except AttributeError as e: log.error("nvdaHelperLocal function pointer for %s could not be found, possibly old nvdaHelperLocal dll"%name,exc_info=True) raise e localLib.nvdaHelperLocal_initialize() generateBeep=localLib.generateBeep generateBeep.argtypes=[c_char_p,c_float,c_int,c_int,c_int] generateBeep.restype=c_int # The rest of this function (to do with injection) only applies if NVDA is not running as a Windows store application # Handle VBuf_getTextInRange's BSTR out parameter so that the BSTR will be freed automatically. VBuf_getTextInRange = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, POINTER(BSTR), c_int)( ("VBuf_getTextInRange", localLib), ((1,), (1,), (1,), (2,), (1,))) if config.isAppX:"Remote injection disabled due to running as a Windows Store Application") return #Load nvdaHelperRemote.dll but with an altered search path so it can pick up other dlls in lib h=windll.kernel32.LoadLibraryExW(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(versionedLibPath,u"nvdaHelperRemote.dll")),0,0x8) if not h: log.critical("Error loading nvdaHelperRemote.dll: %s" % WinError()) return _remoteLib=CDLL("nvdaHelperRemote",handle=h) if _remoteLib.injection_initialize( == 0: raise RuntimeError("Error initializing NVDAHelperRemote") if not _remoteLib.installIA2Support(): log.error("Error installing IA2 support") #Manually start the in-process manager thread for this NVDA main thread now, as a slow system can cause this action to confuse WX _remoteLib.initInprocManagerThreadIfNeeded() if os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432')=='AMD64': _remoteLoader64=RemoteLoader64()
def _get_numCells(self): if self._alva_NumCells==0: NumCells = c_int(0) AlvaLib.AlvaGetCells(0, byref(NumCells)) if NumCells.value==0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot obtain number of cells") self._alva_NumCells = NumCells.value"ALVA BC6xx has %d cells" %self._alva_NumCells) return self._alva_NumCells
def bmDisConnect(hBrl, port): global fConnection, numCells ret = hBrl.bmEndDisplayMode()"BmEndDisplayMode %s %d" % (port, ret)) ret = hBrl.bmEnd()"BmEnd %s %d" % (port, ret)) numCells = 0 fConnection = False return ret
def script_copyLast(self, gesture): text = self.getSequenceText(self._history[history_pos]) if config.conf['speechHistory']['trimWhitespaceFromStart']: text = text.lstrip() if config.conf['speechHistory']['trimWhitespaceFromEnd']: text = text.rstrip() if api.copyToClip(text): tones.beep(1500, 120)
def _get_numCells(self): if self._alva_NumCells == 0: NumCells = c_int(0) AlvaLib.AlvaGetCells(0, byref(NumCells)) if NumCells.value == 0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot obtain number of cells") self._alva_NumCells = NumCells.value"ALVA BC6xx has %d cells" % self._alva_NumCells) return self._alva_NumCells
def terminate(self):"MDV terminate") super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).terminate() try: mbDll.BrlTerminate() self._keyCheckTimer.Stop() self._keyCheckTimer = None except: pass
def __init__(self, driver, module_id): super().__init__(driver, module_id) driver.numCells = self.number_cells self.input_handler = self.process_main_data_packet # None for output only modules driver.mainModule = self self.cumul_d_keys = 0"VarioPro{self.number_cells} main module initialized")
def saveProfileTriggers(self): """Save profile trigger information to disk. This should be called whenever L{profilesToTriggers} is modified. """ if # Never save if running securely. return self.triggersToProfiles.parent.write()"Profile triggers saved")
def __init__(self, port="auto"): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._model = None self._ignoreKeyReleases = False self._keysDown = set() self._brailleInput = False self._hidSerialBuffer = "" if port == "auto": tryPorts = self._getAutoPorts( hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True)) else: tryPorts = ((port, "serial"), ) for port, portType in tryPorts: # At this point, a port bound to this display has been found. # Try talking to the display. self.isHid = portType.startswith("USB HID") self.isHidSerial = portType == "USB HID serial converter" try: if self.isHid: self._dev = hwIo.Hid(port, onReceive=self._onReceive) if self.isHidSerial: # This is either the standalone HID adapter cable for older displays, # or an older display with a HID - serial adapter built in # Send a flush to open the serial channel self._dev.write(HT_HID_RPT_InCommand + HT_HID_CMD_FlushBuffers) else: self._dev = hwIo.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, parity=PARITY, timeout=self.timeout, writeTimeout=self.timeout, onReceive=self._onReceive) except EnvironmentError: log.debugWarning("", exc_info=True) continue self.sendPacket(HT_PKT_RESET) for _i in xrange(3): # An expected response hasn't arrived yet, so wait for it. self._dev.waitForRead(self.timeout) if self.numCells and self._model: break if self.numCells: # A display responded. self._model.postInit()"Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format(, type=portType, port=port)) break self._dev.close() else: raise RuntimeError("No Handy Tech display found")
def __init__(self, port="auto"): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._deviceID: Optional[str] = None for portType, portId, port, portInfo in self._getTryPorts(port): # At this point, a port bound to this display has been found. # Try talking to the display. self.isHid = portType == bdDetect.KEY_HID try: if self.isHid: self._dev = hwIo.Hid(port, onReceive=self._onReceive) else: self._dev = hwIo.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, timeout=TIMEOUT, writeTimeout=TIMEOUT, onReceive=self._onReceive) except EnvironmentError: log.debugWarning("", exc_info=True) continue if self.isHid: try: # It's essential to send protocol on for the Orbit Reader 20. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, True) except EnvironmentError: # Pronto! and VarioUltra don't support BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF. pass # Explicitly request device info. # Even where it's supported, BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF doesn't always return device info. self._sendRequest(BAUM_REQUEST_INFO, 0) else: # Serial # If the protocol is already on, sending protocol on won't return anything. # First ensure it's off. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, False) # This will cause the device id, serial number and number of cells to be returned. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, True) # Send again in case the display misses the first one. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, True) for i in range(3): # An expected response hasn't arrived yet, so wait for it. self._dev.waitForRead(TIMEOUT) if self.numCells and self._deviceID: break if self.numCells: # A display responded."Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format( device=self._deviceID, type=portType, port=port)) break self._dev.close() else: raise RuntimeError("No Baum display found") self._keysDown = {} self._ignoreKeyReleases = False
def innerFunc(*args, **kwargs): func(*args, **kwargs) try: clips = initClipSfile() clip = api.getClipData() clips['recent'].insert(0, clip) writeClips(clips) except OSError: pass
def connectUSB(self,devlist): """try to connect to usb device,is triggered when BRXCOM is not installed and bluetooth connection could not be established""" try: self._dev = ftdi2.open_ex(devlist[0]) self._dev.set_baud_rate(self._baud) self._dev.inWaiting = self._dev.get_queue_status"connectUSB success") except: log.debugWarning("connectUSB failed")
def testForExitRequired(): """This function tests if NVDA should never have been started automatically after session logon. If this is the case, it logs an info message and exits. """ if ((not config.getStartAfterLogon()) and globalVars.appArgs.easeOfAccess == True): 'Startup option workaround: NVDA was not set to start automatically after logon so it will shut down immediately.' ) wx.GetApp().ExitMainLoop()
def onEndSession(evt): # NVDA will be terminated as soon as this function returns, so save configuration if appropriate. config.saveOnExit() speech.cancelSpeech() if not globalVars.appArgs.minimal and config.conf["general"]["playStartAndExitSounds"]: try: nvwave.playWaveFile("waves\\exit.wav",async=False) except: pass"Windows session ending")
def connectUSB(self, devlist: List[bytes]): """Try to connect to usb device, this is triggered when bluetooth connection could not be established""" try: self._dev = ftdi2.open_ex(devlist[0]) self._dev.set_baud_rate(self._baud) self._dev.inWaiting = self._dev.get_queue_status"connectUSB success") except: log.debugWarning("connectUSB failed")
def __init__(self, port="auto"): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._model = None for match in self._getTryPorts(port): portType, portId, port, portInfo = match self.isBulk = portType == bdDetect.KEY_CUSTOM # Try talking to the display. try: if self.isBulk: # onReceiveSize based on max packet size according to USB endpoint information. self._dev = hwIo.Bulk(port, 0, 1, self._onReceive, writeSize=0, onReceiveSize=64) else: self._dev = hwIo.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, parity=PARITY, timeout=self.timeout, writeTimeout=self.timeout, onReceive=self._onReceive) except EnvironmentError: log.debugWarning("", exc_info=True) continue for i in xrange(3): self._sendCellCountRequest() # Wait for an expected response. if self.isBulk: # Hims Bulk devices sometimes present themselves to the system while not yet ready. # For example, when switching the connection mode toggle on the Braille EDGE from Bluetooth to USB, # the USB device is connected but not yet ready. # Wait ten times the timeout, which is ugly, but effective. self._dev.waitForRead(self.timeout * 10) else: self._dev.waitForRead(self.timeout) if self.numCells: break if not self.numCells: log.debugWarning("No response from potential Hims display") self._dev.close() continue self._sendIdentificationRequests(match) if self._model: # A display responded."Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format(, type=portType, port=port)) break self._dev.close() else: raise RuntimeError("No Hims display found")
def resetConfiguration(factoryDefaults=False): """Loads the configuration, installs the correct language support and initialises audio so that it will use the configured synth and speech settings. """ import config import braille import brailleInput import speech import vision import inputCore import tones log.debug("Terminating vision") vision.terminate() log.debug("Terminating braille") braille.terminate() log.debug("Terminating brailleInput") brailleInput.terminate() log.debug("terminating speech") speech.terminate() log.debug("terminating tones") tones.terminate() log.debug("terminating addonHandler") addonHandler.terminate() log.debug("Reloading config") config.conf.reset(factoryDefaults=factoryDefaults) logHandler.setLogLevelFromConfig() # Language if languageHandler.isLanguageForced(): lang = globalVars.appArgs.language else: lang = config.conf["general"]["language"] log.debug("setting language to %s" % lang) languageHandler.setLanguage(lang) # Addons addonHandler.initialize() # Tones tones.initialize() #Speech log.debug("initializing speech") speech.initialize() #braille log.debug("Initializing brailleInput") brailleInput.initialize() log.debug("Initializing braille") braille.initialize() # Vision log.debug("initializing vision") vision.initialize() log.debug("Reloading user and locale input gesture maps") inputCore.manager.loadUserGestureMap() inputCore.manager.loadLocaleGestureMap() import audioDucking if audioDucking.isAudioDuckingSupported(): audioDucking.handlePostConfigProfileSwitch()"Reverted to saved configuration")
def onOk(self,evt): super(ActivateEmoticonsDialog, self).onOk(evt) conf["Activation settings"]["activateAtStart"] = self.activateList.GetSelection() try: conf.validate(val, copy=True) conf.write()"Emoticons add-on configuration saved.") except Exception, e: log.warning("Could not save Emoticons add-on configuration.") log.debugWarning("", exc_info=True) raise e
def onLabel(self, evt): idCategory = self.categories.GetSelection() idLabel = self.labels.GetSelection() key = "%d:%s" % (idCategory, self.getIDFromIndex(idCategory, idLabel)) label = self.label.GetValue() if idCategory >= 0 and idLabel >= 0: if self.getLabelFromID() == label: if key in self.roleLabels.keys():"%s deleted" % self.roleLabels.pop(key)) else: self.roleLabels[key] = label
def __init__(self): _espeak.initialize()"Using eSpeak version %s" % lang=languageHandler.getLanguage() _espeak.setVoiceByLanguage(lang) self._language=lang self._variantDict=_espeak.getVariantDict() self.variant="max" self.rate=30 self.pitch=40 self.inflection=75
def __contains__(self, data): if self._useVirtualBuffer: #"Searching for node offset %d in a %d length collection" %(data.offset, len(self._collection))) for x in self._collection: if x == data: return True else: "operator __contains__ not supported for non-virtualbuffer wcgd!ts" ) return False
def __init__(self): self.__lib=load_tts_library() self.__cancel_flag=threading.Event() self.__player=audio_player(self.__cancel_flag) self.__sample_rate_callback=sample_rate_callback(self.__lib,self.__player) self.__c_sample_rate_callback=RHVoice_callback_types.set_sample_rate(self.__sample_rate_callback) self.__speech_callback=speech_callback(self.__lib,self.__player,self.__cancel_flag) self.__c_speech_callback=RHVoice_callback_types.play_speech(self.__speech_callback) self.__mark_callback=mark_callback(self.__lib) self.__c_mark_callback=RHVoice_callback_types.process_mark(self.__mark_callback) resource_paths=[os.path.join(addon.path,"data").encode("UTF-8") for addon in addonHandler.getRunningAddons() if ("RHVoice-language") or"RHVoice-voice"))] c_resource_paths=(c_char_p*(len(resource_paths)+1))(*(resource_paths+[None])) init_params=RHVoice_init_params(None, config_path.encode("utf-8"), c_resource_paths, RHVoice_callbacks(self.__c_sample_rate_callback, self.__c_speech_callback, self.__c_mark_callback, cast(None,RHVoice_callback_types.word_starts), cast(None,RHVoice_callback_types.word_ends), cast(None,RHVoice_callback_types.sentence_starts), cast(None,RHVoice_callback_types.sentence_ends), cast(None,RHVoice_callback_types.play_audio)), 0) self.__tts_engine=self.__lib.RHVoice_new_tts_engine(byref(init_params)) if not self.__tts_engine: raise RuntimeError("RHVoice: initialization error") nvda_language=languageHandler.getLanguage().split("_")[0] number_of_voices=self.__lib.RHVoice_get_number_of_voices(self.__tts_engine) native_voices=self.__lib.RHVoice_get_voices(self.__tts_engine) self.__voice_languages=dict() self.__languages=set() for i in range(number_of_voices): native_voice=native_voices[i] self.__voice_languages["utf-8")]=native_voice.language.decode("utf-8") self.__languages.add(native_voice.language.decode("utf-8")) self.__profile=None self.__profiles=list() number_of_profiles=self.__lib.RHVoice_get_number_of_voice_profiles(self.__tts_engine) native_profile_names=self.__lib.RHVoice_get_voice_profiles(self.__tts_engine) for i in range(number_of_profiles): name=native_profile_names[i].decode("utf-8") self.__profiles.append(name) if (self.__profile is None) and (nvda_language==self.__voice_languages[name.split("+")[0]]): self.__profile=name if self.__profile is None: self.__profile=self.__profiles[0] self.__rate=50 self.__pitch=50 self.__volume=50 self.__tts_queue=Queue.Queue() self.__tts_thread=TTSThread(self.__tts_queue) self.__tts_thread.start()"Using RHVoice version {}".format(self.__lib.RHVoice_get_version()))
def script_custom(self, gesture): webApp = self.markerQuery.markerManager.webApp if not hasattr(self.markerQuery, "customActionName"): ui.message(_("customAction not found")) return action = "action_%s" % self.markerQuery.customActionName"custom webapp : %s" % webApp) if hasattr(webApp, action): getattr(webApp, action)(self) else: ui.message(u"%s introuvable" % action)
def __init__(self): _espeak.initialize()"Using eSpeak NG version %s" % lang=languageHandler.getLanguage() _espeak.setVoiceByLanguage(lang) self._language=lang self._variantDict=_espeak.getVariantDict() self.variant="max" self.rate=30 self.pitch=40 self.inflection=75
def run(self): while self.running: try: except self.run_except: log.debugWarning("Connection failed", exc_info=True) time.sleep(self.connect_delay) continue else: time.sleep(self.connect_delay)"Ending control connector thread %s" %
def __init__(self): super(GlobalPlugin, self).__init__() if return if config.isAppX: return _config.load_json() location.load_region_code()"Accurate weather plugin initialized") gui.settingsDialogs.NVDASettingsDialog.categoryClasses.append( settingsGUI.AccurateWeatherPanel)
def _handleReadError(self, error: int) -> bool: if error == 995: # Broken I/O pipe, terminate and allow restart if not self._restarting: # Will not cause a data race since this driver runs on one thread self._restarting = True "Freedom Scientific display implicitly disconnected by suspend, reinitializing" ) self.terminate() self.__init__() return True return False
def __init__(self): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() for portInfo in hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True): port = portInfo["port"] hwID = portInfo["hardwareID"]"Found port {port} with hardwareID {hwID}".format(port=port, hwID=hwID)) if not hwID.startswith(r"FTDIBUS\COMPORT"): continue try: usbID = hwID.split("&", 1)[1] except IndexError: continue if usbID not in HEDO_USB_IDS: continue # At this point, a port bound to this display has been found. # Try talking to the display. try: self._ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=HEDO_BAUDRATE, timeout=HEDO_TIMEOUT, writeTimeout=HEDO_TIMEOUT, parity=serial.PARITY_ODD, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE) except serial.SerialException: continue # Prepare a blank line totalCells: int = HEDO_CELL_COUNT + HEDO_CELL_COUNT cells: bytes = HEDO_INIT + bytes(totalCells) # Send the blank line twice self._ser.write(cells) self._ser.flush() self._ser.write(cells) self._ser.flush() # Read out the input buffer ackS: bytes = if HEDO_ACK in ackS:"Found hedo ProfiLine connected via {port}".format( port=port)) break else: raise RuntimeError("No hedo display found") self._readTimer = wx.PyTimer(self.handleResponses) self._readTimer.Start(HEDO_READ_INTERVAL) self._keysDown = set() self._ignoreKeyReleases = False
def __init__(self, port="auto"): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._model = None self._ignoreKeyReleases = False self._keysDown = set() self.brailleInput = False self._dotFirmness = 1 self._hidSerialBuffer = b"" self._atc = False self._sleepcounter = 0 for portType, portId, port, portInfo in self._getTryPorts(port): # At this point, a port bound to this display has been found. # Try talking to the display. self.isHid = portType == bdDetect.KEY_HID self.isHidSerial = portId in USB_IDS_HID_CONVERTER self.port = port try: if self.isHidSerial: # This is either the standalone HID adapter cable for older displays, # or an older display with a HID - serial adapter built in self._dev = hwIo.Hid(port, onReceive=self._hidSerialOnReceive) # Send a flush to open the serial channel self._dev.write(HT_HID_RPT_InCommand + HT_HID_CMD_FlushBuffers) elif self.isHid: self._dev = hwIo.Hid(port, onReceive=self._hidOnReceive) else: self._dev = hwIo.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, parity=PARITY, timeout=self.timeout, writeTimeout=self.timeout, onReceive=self._serialOnReceive) except EnvironmentError: log.debugWarning("", exc_info=True) continue self.sendPacket(HT_PKT_RESET) for _i in range(3): # An expected response hasn't arrived yet, so wait for it. self._dev.waitForRead(self.timeout) if self.numCells and self._model: break if self.numCells: # A display responded. self._model.postInit()"Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format(, type=portType, port=port)) # Create the message window on the ui thread. wx.CallAfter(self.create_message_window) break self._dev.close() else: raise RuntimeError("No Handy Tech display found")
def __init__(self, port="Auto"): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._deviceID = None if port == "auto": tryPorts = self._getAutoPorts( hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True)) else: tryPorts = ((port, "serial"), ) for port, portType in tryPorts: # At this point, a port bound to this display has been found. # Try talking to the display. self.isHid = portType == "USB HID" try: if self.isHid: self._dev = hwIo.Hid(port, onReceive=self._onReceive) else: self._dev = hwIo.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, timeout=TIMEOUT, writeTimeout=TIMEOUT, onReceive=self._onReceive) except EnvironmentError: continue if self.isHid: # Some displays don't support BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF. self._sendRequest(BAUM_REQUEST_INFO, 0) else: # If the protocol is already on, sending protocol on won't return anything. # First ensure it's off. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, False) # This will cause the device id, serial number and number of cells to be returned. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, True) # Send again in case the display misses the first one. self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, True) for i in xrange(3): # An expected response hasn't arrived yet, so wait for it. self._dev.waitForRead(TIMEOUT) if self.numCells and self._deviceID: break if self.numCells: # A display responded."Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format( device=self._deviceID, type=portType, port=port)) break self._dev.close() else: raise RuntimeError("No Baum display found") self._keysDown = {} self._ignoreKeyReleases = False
def getAnalyze(textInfo, unit):"getAnalyse: %s, %s" % (unit, textInfo.text)) errorPositions = {} if _NVDAConfigManager.toggleReportSymbolMismatchAnalysisOption(False): checkSymbolsDiscrepancies(textInfo, errorPositions) if _NVDAConfigManager.toggleReportAnomaliesOption(False): checkAnomalies(textInfo, unit, errorPositions) if _NVDAConfigManager.toggleReportFormattingChangesOption(False): checkFormatingChanges(textInfo, unit, errorPositions) alertCount = getAlertCount(errorPositions) textList = getReportText(errorPositions) return (alertCount, textList)
def update(self, location): self.check_interval(location) weather_url = self.get_api_url(location) data = util.get_data_from_url(weather_url) self.raw = json.loads(data) if self.raw["status"] != "ok": ui.message(_("Quota exceeded please try tomorrow")) return None for e in self.supported_realtime_entries: location[e] = self.__getattribute__(str(e)) location["last_provider"] = self.provider_id
def checkExtraWhiteSpace(info, unit, errorPositions): text = info.text"checkExtraWhiteSpace: %s" % text) if hasattr(info.bookmark, "_end"): curEndPos = info.bookmark._end._endOffset else: curEndPos = info.bookmark.endOffset tempInfo = info.copy() tempInfo.collapse() tempInfo.expand(textInfos.UNIT_STORY) if hasattr(tempInfo.bookmark, "_end"): storyEndPos = tempInfo.bookmark._end._endOffset else: storyEndPos = tempInfo.bookmark.endOffset if unit == textInfos.UNIT_WORD: text = text.strip() else: text = text.replace("\r", "") text = text.replace("\n", "") if len(text) == 0: return eol = False if len(text) != len(info.text) or curEndPos == storyEndPos: # there is end of line. eol = True # replacing non-breaking space by simple space text = text.replace(chr(0xA0), " ") if _NVDAConfigManager.spaceOrTabAtEndAnomalyOption(): if text[-1] == "\t" and eol: if len(text) not in errorPositions: errorPositions[len(text)] = [] errorPositions[len(text)].append(("tabAtEnd", None)) elif text[-1].isspace() and eol: if len(text) not in errorPositions: errorPositions[len(text)] = [] errorPositions[len(text)].append(("spaceAtEnd", None)) if _NVDAConfigManager.multipleContigousSpacesAnomalyOption(): end = False temp = text dec = 0 while not end: index = temp.find(" ") if index < 0: break pos = index + dec + 1 if pos not in errorPositions: errorPositions[pos] = [] errorPositions[pos].append(("multipleSpaces", None)) temp = temp[index:].lstrip() if len(temp) == 0: break dec = text.find(temp)
def MTAThreadFunc(self): try: oledll.ole32.CoInitializeEx(None,comtypes.COINIT_MULTITHREADED) isUIA8=False try: self.clientObject=CoCreateInstance(CUIAutomation8._reg_clsid_,interface=IUIAutomation,clsctx=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) isUIA8=True except (COMError,WindowsError,NameError): self.clientObject=CoCreateInstance(CUIAutomation._reg_clsid_,interface=IUIAutomation,clsctx=CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) if isUIA8: # #8009: use appropriate interface based on highest supported interface. # #8338: made easier by traversing interfaces supported on Windows 8 and later in reverse. for interface in reversed(CUIAutomation8._com_interfaces_): try: self.clientObject=self.clientObject.QueryInterface(interface) break except COMError: pass # Windows 10 RS5 provides new performance features for UI Automation including event coalescing and connection recovery. # Enable all of these where available. if isinstance(self.clientObject,IUIAutomation6): self.clientObject.CoalesceEvents=CoalesceEventsOptions_Enabled self.clientObject.ConnectionRecoveryBehavior=ConnectionRecoveryBehaviorOptions_Enabled"UIAutomation: %s"%self.clientObject.__class__.__mro__[1].__name__) self.windowTreeWalker=self.clientObject.createTreeWalker(self.clientObject.CreateNotCondition(self.clientObject.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_NativeWindowHandlePropertyId,0))) self.windowCacheRequest=self.clientObject.CreateCacheRequest() self.windowCacheRequest.AddProperty(UIA_NativeWindowHandlePropertyId) self.UIAWindowHandleCache={} self.baseTreeWalker=self.clientObject.RawViewWalker self.baseCacheRequest=self.windowCacheRequest.Clone() import UIAHandler self.ItemIndex_PropertyId=NVDAHelper.localLib.registerUIAProperty(byref(ItemIndex_Property_GUID),u"ItemIndex",1) self.ItemCount_PropertyId=NVDAHelper.localLib.registerUIAProperty(byref(ItemCount_Property_GUID),u"ItemCount",1) for propertyId in (UIA_FrameworkIdPropertyId,UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId,UIA_ClassNamePropertyId,UIA_ControlTypePropertyId,UIA_ProviderDescriptionPropertyId,UIA_ProcessIdPropertyId,UIA_IsTextPatternAvailablePropertyId,UIA_IsContentElementPropertyId,UIA_IsControlElementPropertyId): self.baseCacheRequest.addProperty(propertyId) self.baseCacheRequest.addPattern(UIA_TextPatternId) self.rootElement=self.clientObject.getRootElementBuildCache(self.baseCacheRequest) self.reservedNotSupportedValue=self.clientObject.ReservedNotSupportedValue self.ReservedMixedAttributeValue=self.clientObject.ReservedMixedAttributeValue self.clientObject.AddFocusChangedEventHandler(self.baseCacheRequest,self) self.clientObject.AddPropertyChangedEventHandler(self.rootElement,TreeScope_Subtree,self.baseCacheRequest,self,UIAPropertyIdsToNVDAEventNames.keys()) for x in UIAEventIdsToNVDAEventNames.iterkeys(): self.clientObject.addAutomationEventHandler(x,self.rootElement,TreeScope_Subtree,self.baseCacheRequest,self) # #7984: add support for notification event (IUIAutomation5, part of Windows 10 build 16299 and later). if isinstance(self.clientObject, IUIAutomation5): self.clientObject.AddNotificationEventHandler(self.rootElement,TreeScope_Subtree,self.baseCacheRequest,self) except Exception as e: self.MTAThreadInitException=e finally: self.MTAThreadInitEvent.set() self.MTAThreadStopEvent.wait() self.clientObject.RemoveAllEventHandlers()
def initialize(): """ Initializes the add-ons subsystem. """ if config.isAppX:"Add-ons not supported when running as a Windows Store application") return loadState() removeFailedDeletions() completePendingAddonRemoves() completePendingAddonInstalls() # #3090: Are there add-ons that are supposed to not run for this session? disableAddonsIfAny() saveState() getAvailableAddons(refresh=True)
def setFocusToWebApp(srcApp, webAppName): global activeWebApp if activeWebApp == srcApp:"Posting setFocus event to ourself is not allowed.") return True for app in webModuleHandler.getWebModules(): if == webAppName: sendWebAppEvent('event_webApp_setFocus', srcApp, app) return True"Set focus to webApp %s failed: Application not found.", webAppName) return False
def connectBluetooth(self): """try to connect to bluetooth device first, bluetooth is only supported on Braillex Trio""" if(self._baud == 0 and self._dev is None): for portInfo in sorted(hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True), key=lambda item: "bluetoothName" in item): port = portInfo["port"] hwID = portInfo["hardwareID"] if "bluetoothName" in portInfo: if portInfo["bluetoothName"][0:14] == "braillex trio " or portInfo["bluetoothName"][0:13] == "braillex live": try: self._dev = serial.Serial(port, baudrate = 57600,timeout = BLUETOOTH_TIMEOUT, writeTimeout = BLUETOOTH_TIMEOUT)"connectBluetooth success") except: log.debugWarning("connectBluetooth failed")
def __init__(self, port="auto"): super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__() self.numCells = 0 self._model = None self._ignoreKeyReleases = False self._keysDown = set() self._brailleInput = False self._hidSerialBuffer = "" if port == "auto": tryPorts = self._getAutoPorts(hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True)) else: tryPorts = ((port, "serial"),) for port, portType in tryPorts: # At this point, a port bound to this display has been found. # Try talking to the display. self.isHid = portType.startswith("USB HID") self.isHidSerial = portType == "USB HID serial converter" try: if self.isHid: self._dev = hwIo.Hid(port, onReceive=self._onReceive) if self.isHidSerial: # This is either the standalone HID adapter cable for older displays, # or an older display with a HID - serial adapter built in # Send a flush to open the serial channel self._dev.write(HT_HID_RPT_InCommand + HT_HID_CMD_FlushBuffers) else: self._dev = hwIo.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, parity=PARITY, timeout=self.timeout, writeTimeout=self.timeout, onReceive=self._onReceive) except EnvironmentError: log.debugWarning("", exc_info=True) continue self.sendPacket(HT_PKT_RESET) for _i in xrange(3): # An expected response hasn't arrived yet, so wait for it. self._dev.waitForRead(self.timeout) if self.numCells and self._model: break if self.numCells: # A display responded. self._model.postInit()"Found {device} connected via {type} ({port})".format(, type=portType, port=port)) break self._dev.close() else: raise RuntimeError("No Handy Tech display found")
def _doSynthVoiceDictBackupAndMove(synthName, oldFileNameToNewFileNameList=None): """ Move all files for the synth to the backup dir for each file in the backup dir copy it to the synthvoice dir using the new name if it we have one. """ import shutil if not os.path.isdir(voiceDictsPath): os.makedirs(voiceDictsPath) if not os.path.isdir(voiceDictsBackupPath): os.makedirs(voiceDictsBackupPath) newDictPath = os.path.join(voiceDictsPath,synthName) needsUpgrade = not os.path.isdir(newDictPath) if needsUpgrade:"Upgrading voice dictionaries for %s"%synthName) # always make the new directory, this prevents the upgrade from # occuring more than once. os.makedirs(newDictPath) # look for files that need to be upgraded in the old voice # dicts diectory voiceDictGlob=os.path.join( speechDictsPath, r"{synthName}*".format(synthName=synthName) ) log.debug("voiceDictGlob: %s"%voiceDictGlob) for actualPath in glob.glob(voiceDictGlob): log.debug("processing file: %s" % actualPath) # files will be copied here before we modify them so as to avoid # any data loss. shutil.copy(actualPath, voiceDictsBackupPath) actualBasename = os.path.basename(actualPath) log.debug("basename: %s" % actualBasename) renameTo = actualBasename if oldFileNameToNewFileNameList: for oldFname, newFname in oldFileNameToNewFileNameList: if oldFname == actualBasename: log.debug("renaming {} to {} and moving to {}".format( actualPath, newFname, newDictPath )) renameTo = newFname break shutil.move(actualPath, os.path.join(newDictPath, renameTo))
def initialize(): global handler config.addConfigDirsToPythonPackagePath(brailleDisplayDrivers)"Using liblouis version %s" % louis.version()) handler = BrailleHandler() handler.setDisplayByName(config.conf["braille"]["display"]) # Update the display to the current focus/review position. if not handler.enabled or not api.getDesktopObject(): # Braille is disabled or focus/review hasn't yet been initialised. return if handler.tether == handler.TETHER_FOCUS: handler.handleGainFocus(api.getFocusObject()) else: handler.handleReviewMove()
def script_announceOWMForecast(self, gesture): if self.fetcher.client is None: ui.message("Loading, please wait and try again in a few seconds...") return client = self.fetcher.client if client.error: ui.message("{0} {1}".format(client.statusCode, client.errorReason)) self.fetcher.valid = False self.fetcher = Fetcher() self.fetcher.start() else: forecast = client.forecast message = forecast.getMessage() ui.message(message)
def connectBrxCom(self):#connect to brxcom server (provided by papenmeier) try: brxcomkey=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\FHP\\BrxCom") value, vtype = _winreg.QueryValueEx(brxcomkey, "InstallPath") _winreg.CloseKey(brxcomkey) self._brxnvda = c.cdll.LoadLibrary(str(value+"\\brxnvda.dll")) if(self._brxnvda.brxnvda_init(str(value+"\\BrxCom.dll").decode("mbcs"))==0): self._baud=1 #prevent bluetooth from connecting self.numCells=self._brxnvda.brxnvda_numCells(); self._voffset=self._brxnvda.brxnvda_numVertCells();"Found Braille Display connected via BRXCom") self.startTimer() return None except: log.debugWarning("BRXCom is not installed") self._brxnvda = None
def save(self): """Save all modified profiles and the base configuration to disk. """ if # Never save the config if running securely. return try: self.profiles[0].write()"Base configuration saved") for name in self._dirtyProfiles: self._profileCache[name].write()"Saved configuration profile %s" % name) self._dirtyProfiles.clear() except Exception as e: log.warning("Error saving configuration; probably read only file system") log.debugWarning("", exc_info=True) raise e
def onOWMSettings(self, event): """Pop a dialog with OWM settings.""" locations = locationList.retrieve() selected = configFile['location'] locationName = locationList.get(selected).name locationValues = {} for location in locations: locationValues[] = (, dialog = LocationDialog(gui.mainFrame, -1, "Select OWM Location", locationValues, locationName) gui.mainFrame.prePopup() ret = dialog.ShowModal() gui.mainFrame.postPopup() if ret == wx.ID_OK:"Focused {0}, {1}".format(locationList.path, dialog.location.focusedLocationName))