def extract_query(infile_list):
    featureID = 0
    imageID = 0
    totalDescriptors = 0
    f = open('./pig/query.csv', 'w')
    for file_name in infile_list:

        img = cv2.imread(file_name, 0)
        kp = orb.detect(img, None)
        kp, des = orb.compute(img, kp)

        numDescriptors = des.shape[0]
        totalDescriptors = totalDescriptors + numDescriptors
        contig = numpy.ascontiguousarray(des, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        hashes = lsh.hash(contig)

        # for each descriptor, get the 20 hash values
        cnt = 0
        for descriptor in xrange(0, numDescriptors):
            f.write("%u, %u, " % (featureID, imageID))
            for hash in xrange(0, NUMBER_OF_TABLES):
                f.write("%u, " % (hashes[cnt]))
                cnt = cnt + 1
            featureID = featureID + 1
        imageID = imageID + 1
    print "Wrote %u descriptor records\n" % (totalDescriptors)
        kp = orb.detect(img, None)

        # compute the descriptors for the keypoints and store in a matrix
        kp, des = orb.compute(img, kp)
        # get the number of descriptors returned (number of rows)
        numDescriptors = des.shape[0]

        # keep track of the total number of descriptors processed
        totalDescriptors = totalDescriptors + numDescriptors

        # LSH requires access to a contiguous array for matrix processing
        contig = numpy.ascontiguousarray(des, dtype=numpy.uint8)

        # generate the hash values for all features in the descriptor matrix
        hashes = lsh.hash(contig)

        cnt = 0
        # for each descriptor
        for descriptor in xrange(0, numDescriptors):
            # write out the FeatureID and ImageID
            f.write("%u, %u, " % (featureID, imageID)) 
            # for each hash table
            for hash in xrange(0, NUMBER_OF_TABLES):
                # write out hash value for this image in this hash tab;e
                f.write("%u, " % (hashes[cnt]))
                cnt = cnt + 1
            featureID = featureID + 1    
        imageID = imageID + 1
        kp = orb.detect(img, None)

        # compute the descriptors for the keypoints and store in a matrix
        kp, des = orb.compute(img, kp)

        # get the number of descriptors returned (number of rows)
        numDescriptors = des.shape[0]

        # keep track of the total number of descriptors processed
        totalDescriptors = totalDescriptors + numDescriptors

        # LSH requires access to a contiguous array for matrix processing
        contig = numpy.ascontiguousarray(des, dtype=numpy.uint8)

        # generate the hash values for all features in the descriptor matrix
        hashes = lsh.hash(contig)

        cnt = 0
        # for each descriptor
        for descriptor in xrange(0, numDescriptors):
            # write out the FeatureID and ImageID
            f.write("%u, %u, " % (featureID, imageID))
            # for each hash table
            for hash in xrange(0, NUMBER_OF_TABLES):
                # write out hash value for this image in this hash tab;e
                f.write("%u, " % (hashes[cnt]))
                cnt = cnt + 1
            featureID = featureID + 1
        imageID = imageID + 1