def testExceptions(self): """ Test to make sure that methods complain when incorrect data types are passed. """ obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=55.0, pointingDec=-72.0, mjd=53467.8) raFloat = 1.1 raList = np.array([0.2, 0.3]) decFloat = 1.1 decList = np.array([0.2, 0.3]) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils._altAzPaFromRaDec, raList, decFloat, obs) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils._altAzPaFromRaDec, raFloat, decList, obs) utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(raFloat, decFloat, obs) utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(raList, decList, obs) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils._raDecFromAltAz, raList, decFloat, obs) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils._raDecFromAltAz, raFloat, decList, obs) utils._raDecFromAltAz(raFloat, decFloat, obs) utils._raDecFromAltAz(raList, decList, obs) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.altAzPaFromRaDec, raList, decFloat, obs) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.altAzPaFromRaDec, raFloat, decList, obs) utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(raFloat, decFloat, obs) utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(raList, decList, obs) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.raDecFromAltAz, raList, decFloat, obs) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.raDecFromAltAz, raFloat, decList, obs) utils.raDecFromAltAz(raFloat, decFloat, obs) utils.raDecFromAltAz(raList, decList, obs)
def setUp(self): self.tempDB = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'PhoSimTestDatabase.db') self.obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(size=10, filename=self.tempDB) self.bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.diskDB = testGalaxyDiskDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.agnDB = testGalaxyAgnDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.starDB = testStarsDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) filter_translation = {'u': 0, 'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3, 'z': 4, 'y': 5} alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(self.obs_metadata.pointingRA, self.obs_metadata.pointingDec, self.obs_metadata, includeRefraction=False) self.control_header = [ 'moondec %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moondec']), 'rottelpos %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['rottelpos']), 'declination %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.pointingDec, 'moonalt %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moonalt']), 'rotskypos %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.rotSkyPos, 'moonra %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moonra']), 'sunalt %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['sunalt']), 'mjd %.17f\n' % (self.obs_metadata.mjd.TAI + 16.5 / 86400.0), 'azimuth %.17f\n' % az, 'rightascension %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.pointingRA, 'dist2moon %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['dist2moon']), 'filter %d\n' % filter_translation[self.obs_metadata.bandpass], 'altitude %.17f\n' % alt ]
def test_raDecAltAz_noRefraction_degVsRadians(self): """ Check that raDecFromAltAz and altAzPaFromRaDec are consistent in a degrees-versus-radians sense when refraction is turned off """ rng = np.random.RandomState(34) n_samples = 10 ra_in = rng.random_sample(n_samples)*360.0 dec_in = rng.random_sample(n_samples)*180.0 - 90.0 mjd = 43000.0 obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd) alt, az, pa = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(ra_in, dec_in, obs, includeRefraction=False) alt_rad, az_rad, pa_rad = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(np.radians(ra_in), np.radians(dec_in), obs, includeRefraction=False) distance = utils.haversine(az_rad, alt_rad, np.radians(az), np.radians(alt)) self.assertLess(utils.arcsecFromRadians(distance).min(), 0.001) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pa, np.degrees(pa_rad), decimal=12) ra, dec = utils.raDecFromAltAz(alt, az, obs, includeRefraction=False) ra_rad, dec_rad = utils._raDecFromAltAz(alt_rad, az_rad, obs, includeRefraction=False) distance = utils.haversine(ra_rad, dec_rad, np.radians(ra), np.radians(dec)) self.assertLess(utils.arcsecFromRadians(distance).min(), 0.001)
def test_degrees(self): nside = 64 hpids = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)) ra, dec = utils.hpid2RaDec(nside, hpids) mjd = 59852. obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd) alt1, az1, pa1 = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs) alt2, az2 = utils.approx_RaDec2AltAz(ra, dec,,, mjd) # Check that the fast is similar to the more precice transform tol = 2 # Degrees tol_mean = 1. separations = utils.angularSeparation(az1, alt1, az2, alt2) self.assertLess(np.max(separations), tol) self.assertLess(np.mean(separations), tol_mean) # Check that the fast can nearly round-trip ra_back, dec_back = utils.approx_altAz2RaDec(alt2, az2,,, mjd) separations = utils.angularSeparation(ra, dec, ra_back, dec_back) self.assertLess(np.max(separations), tol) self.assertLess(np.mean(separations), tol_mean)
def test_raDecFromAltAz_noref(self): """ test that raDecFromAltAz correctly inverts altAzPaFromRaDec, even when refraction is turned off """ rng = np.random.RandomState(55) n_samples = 10 n_batches = 10 for i_batch in range(n_batches): d_sun = 0.0 while d_sun < 45.0: # because ICRS->Observed transformation breaks down close to the sun alt_in = rng.random_sample(n_samples)*50.0 + 20.0 az_in = rng.random_sample(n_samples)*360.0 obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(mjd=43000.0) ra_in, dec_in = utils.raDecFromAltAz(alt_in, az_in, obs=obs, includeRefraction=False) d_sun = utils.distanceToSun(ra_in, dec_in, obs.mjd).min() alt_out, az_out, pa_out = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(ra_in, dec_in, obs=obs, includeRefraction=False) dd = utils.haversine(np.radians(alt_out), np.radians(az_out), np.radians(alt_in), np.radians(az_in)) self.assertLess(utils.arcsecFromRadians(dd).max(), 0.01)
def test_altAzPaFromRaDec_no_refraction(self): """ Test that altAzPaFromRaDec gives a sane answer when you turn off refraction. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(44) n_samples = 10 n_batches = 10 for i_batch in range(n_batches): # first, generate some sane RA, Dec values by generating sane # Alt, Az values with refraction and converting them into # RA, Dec alt_sane = rng.random_sample(n_samples)*45.0 + 45.0 az_sane = rng.random_sample(n_samples)*360.0 mjd_input = rng.random_sample(n_samples)*10000.0 + 40000.0 mjd_list = utils.ModifiedJulianDate.get_list(TAI=mjd_input) ra_sane = [] dec_sane = [] obs_sane = [] for alt, az, mjd in zip(alt_sane, az_sane, mjd_list): obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd) ra, dec = utils.raDecFromAltAz(alt, az, obs) ra_sane.append(ra) dec_sane.append(dec) obs_sane.append(obs) # Now, loop over our refracted RA, Dec, Alt, Az values. # Convert from RA, Dec to unrefracted Alt, Az. Then, apply refraction # with our applyRefraction method. Check that the resulting refracted # zenith distance is: # 1) within 0.1 arcsec of the zenith distance of the already refracted # alt value calculated above # # 2) closer to the zenith distance calculated above than to the # unrefracted zenith distance for ra, dec, obs, alt_ref, az_ref in \ zip(ra_sane, dec_sane, obs_sane, alt_sane, az_sane): alt, az, pa = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs, includeRefraction = False) tanz, tanz3 = utils.refractionCoefficients( refracted_zd = utils.applyRefraction(np.radians(90.0-alt), tanz, tanz3) # Check that the two independently refracted zenith distances agree # to within 0.1 arcsec self.assertLess(np.abs(utils.arcsecFromRadians(refracted_zd) - utils.arcsecFromRadians(np.radians(90.0-alt_ref))), 0.1) # Check that the two refracted zenith distances are closer to each other # than to the unrefracted zenith distance self.assertLess(np.abs(np.degrees(refracted_zd)-(90.0-alt_ref)), np.abs((90.0-alt_ref) - (90.0-alt))) self.assertLess(np.abs(np.degrees(refracted_zd)-(90.0-alt_ref)), np.abs(np.degrees(refracted_zd) - (90.0-alt)))
def testAltAzPaFromRaDec(self): mjd = 57432.7 obs = ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=Site(longitude=self.lon,, name='LSST')) altRad, azRad, paRad = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(self.raList, self.decList, obs) altDeg, azDeg, paDeg = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(np.degrees(self.raList), np.degrees(self.decList), obs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(altRad, np.radians(altDeg), 10) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(azRad, np.radians(azDeg), 10) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(paRad, np.radians(paDeg), 10) altRad, azRad, paRad = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(self.raList, self.decList, obs) altDeg, azDeg, paDeg = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(np.degrees(self.raList), np.degrees(self.decList), obs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(altRad, np.radians(altDeg), 10) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(azRad, np.radians(azDeg), 10) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(paRad, np.radians(paDeg), 10) for ra, dec, in zip(self.raList, self.decList): altRad, azRad, paRad = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs) altDeg, azDeg, paDeg = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec( np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec), obs) self.assertAlmostEqual(altRad, np.radians(altDeg), 10) self.assertAlmostEqual(azRad, np.radians(azDeg), 10) self.assertAlmostEqual(paRad, np.radians(paDeg), 10)
def testAltAzPaFromRaDec(self): mjd = 57432.7 obs = ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=Site(longitude=self.lon,, name='LSST')) altRad, azRad, paRad = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(self.raList, self.decList, obs) altDeg, azDeg, paDeg = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(np.degrees(self.raList), np.degrees(self.decList), obs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(altRad, np.radians(altDeg), 10) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(azRad, np.radians(azDeg), 10) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(paRad, np.radians(paDeg), 10) altRad, azRad, paRad = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(self.raList, self.decList, obs) altDeg, azDeg, paDeg = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(np.degrees(self.raList), np.degrees(self.decList), obs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(altRad, np.radians(altDeg), 10) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(azRad, np.radians(azDeg), 10) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(paRad, np.radians(paDeg), 10) for ra, dec, in zip(self.raList, self.decList): altRad, azRad, paRad = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs) altDeg, azDeg, paDeg = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec), obs) self.assertAlmostEqual(altRad, np.radians(altDeg), 10) self.assertAlmostEqual(azRad, np.radians(azDeg), 10) self.assertAlmostEqual(paRad, np.radians(paDeg), 10)
def testAltAzRADecRoundTrip(self): """ Test that altAzPaFromRaDec and raDecFromAltAz really invert each other """ mjd = 58350.0 alt_in = [] az_in = [] for alt in np.arange(0.0, 90.0, 10.0): for az in np.arange(0.0, 360.0, 10.0): alt_in.append(alt) az_in.append(az) alt_in = np.array(alt_in) az_in = np.array(az_in) for lon in (0.0, 90.0, 135.0): for lat in (60.0, 30.0, -60.0, -30.0): obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=utils.Site(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, name='LSST')) ra_in, dec_in = utils.raDecFromAltAz(alt_in, az_in, obs) self.assertIsInstance(ra_in, np.ndarray) self.assertIsInstance(dec_in, np.ndarray) self.assertFalse(np.isnan(ra_in).any(), msg='there were NaNs in ra_in') self.assertFalse(np.isnan(dec_in).any(), msg='there were NaNs in dec_in') # test that passing them in one at a time gives the same answer for ix in range(len(alt_in)): ra_f, dec_f = utils.raDecFromAltAz(alt_in[ix], az_in[ix], obs) self.assertIsInstance(ra_f, np.float) self.assertIsInstance(dec_f, np.float) self.assertAlmostEqual(ra_f, ra_in[ix], 12) self.assertAlmostEqual(dec_f, dec_in[ix], 12) alt_out, az_out, pa_out = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(ra_in, dec_in, obs) self.assertFalse(np.isnan(pa_out).any(), msg='there were NaNs in pa_out') for alt_c, az_c, alt_t, az_t in \ zip(np.radians(alt_in), np.radians(az_in), np.radians(alt_out), np.radians(az_out)): distance = utils.arcsecFromRadians(utils.haversine(az_c, alt_c, az_t, alt_t)) self.assertLess(distance, 0.2)
def run(self, simData): # Add new columns to simData. simData = self._addStackers(simData) simData['nObservatories'] = 0 for obs in self.telescopes: obsCount = simData['nObservatories']*0 for step in self.timeSteps: alt,az,pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(simData[self.raCol], simData[self.decCol], np.radians(obs['lon']), np.radians(obs['lat']), simData[self.expMJDCol]+step/24.) airmass = 1./(np.cos(np.pi/2.-alt)) good = np.where((airmass <= self.airmassLimit) & (airmass >= 1.) ) obsCount[good] = 1 simData['nObservatories'] += obsCount return simData
def run(self, simData): # Add new columns to simData. simData = self._addStackers(simData) simData['nObservatories'] = 0 for obs in self.telescopes: obsCount = simData['nObservatories'] * 0 for step in self.timeSteps: alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec( simData[self.raCol], simData[self.decCol], np.radians(obs['lon']), np.radians(obs['lat']), simData[self.expMJDCol] + step / 24.) airmass = 1. / (np.cos(np.pi / 2. - alt)) good = np.where((airmass <= self.airmassLimit) & (airmass >= 1.)) obsCount[good] = 1 simData['nObservatories'] += obsCount return simData
def get_val_from_obs(tag, obs): """ tag is the name of a data column obs is an ObservationMetaData returns the value of 'tag' for this obs """ if tag == 'fieldRA': return obs.pointingRA elif tag == 'fieldDec': return obs.pointingDec elif tag == 'rotSkyPos': return obs.rotSkyPos elif tag == 'expMJD': return obs.mjd.TAI elif tag == 'airmass': alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(obs.pointingRA, obs.pointingDec, obs) return 1.0 / (np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 - np.radians(alt))) elif tag == 'm5': return obs.m5[obs.bandpass] elif tag == 'skyBrightness': return obs.skyBrightness elif tag == 'seeing': return obs.seeing[obs.bandpass] elif tag == 'telescopeFilter': return obs.bandpass transforms = { 'dist2Moon': np.degrees, 'moonAlt': np.degrees, 'sunAlt': np.degrees, 'moonRA': np.degrees, 'moonDec': np.degrees } if tag in transforms: return transforms[tag](obs.OpsimMetaData[tag]) return obs.OpsimMetaData[tag]
def get_val_from_obs(tag, obs): """ tag is the name of a data column obs is an ObservationMetaData returns the value of 'tag' for this obs """ if tag == 'fieldRA': return obs.pointingRA elif tag == 'fieldDec': return obs.pointingDec elif tag == 'rotSkyPos': return obs.rotSkyPos elif tag == 'expMJD': return obs.mjd.TAI elif tag == 'airmass': alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(obs.pointingRA, obs.pointingDec, obs) return 1.0/(np.cos(np.pi/2.0-np.radians(alt))) elif tag == 'm5': return obs.m5[obs.bandpass] elif tag == 'skyBrightness': return obs.skyBrightness elif tag == 'seeing': return obs.seeing[obs.bandpass] elif tag == 'telescopeFilter': return obs.bandpass transforms = {'dist2Moon': np.degrees, 'moonAlt': np.degrees, 'sunAlt': np.degrees, 'moonRA': np.degrees, 'moonDec': np.degrees} if tag in transforms: return transforms[tag](obs.OpsimMetaData[tag]) return obs.OpsimMetaData[tag]
def setUp(self): self.tempDB = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'PhoSimTestDatabase.db') self.obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(size=10, filename=self.tempDB) self.bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.diskDB = testGalaxyDiskDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.agnDB = testGalaxyAgnDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.starDB = testStarsDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) filter_translation = {'u': 0, 'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3, 'z': 4, 'y': 5} alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(self.obs_metadata.pointingRA, self.obs_metadata.pointingDec, self.obs_metadata, includeRefraction=False) self.control_header = ['moondec %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moondec']), 'rottelpos %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['rottelpos']), 'declination %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.pointingDec, 'moonalt %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moonalt']), 'rotskypos %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.rotSkyPos, 'moonra %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moonra']), 'sunalt %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['sunalt']), 'mjd %.17f\n' % (self.obs_metadata.mjd.TAI+16.5/86400.0), 'azimuth %.17f\n' % az, 'rightascension %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.pointingRA, 'dist2moon %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['dist2moon']), 'filter %d\n' % filter_translation[self.obs_metadata.bandpass], 'altitude %.17f\n' % alt]
def testAltAzRADecRoundTrip(self): """ Test that altAzPaFromRaDec and raDecFromAltAz really invert each other """ np.random.seed(42) mjd = 58350.0 alt_in = [] az_in = [] for alt in np.arange(0.0, 90.0, 10.0): for az in np.arange(0.0, 360.0, 10.0): alt_in.append(alt) az_in.append(az) alt_in = np.array(alt_in) az_in = np.array(az_in) for lon in (0.0, 90.0, 135.0): for lat in (60.0, 30.0, -60.0, -30.0): obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=utils.Site(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, name='LSST')) ra_in, dec_in = utils.raDecFromAltAz(alt_in, az_in, obs) self.assertFalse(np.isnan(ra_in).any()) self.assertFalse(np.isnan(dec_in).any()) alt_out, az_out, pa_out = utils.altAzPaFromRaDec(ra_in, dec_in, obs) self.assertFalse(np.isnan(pa_out).any()) for alt_c, az_c, alt_t, az_t in \ zip(np.radians(alt_in), np.radians(az_in), np.radians(alt_out), np.radians(az_out)): distance = utils.arcsecFromRadians(utils.haversine(az_c, alt_c, az_t, alt_t)) self.assertLess(distance, 0.2) # not sure why 0.2 arcsec is the limiting precision of this test
umjd = np.unique(data['mjd']) left = np.searchsorted(data['mjd'], umjd) right = np.searchsorted(data['mjd'], umjd, side='right') altaz = np.zeros(data.size, dtype=zip(['alt', 'az'], [float] * 2)) moonAlt = np.zeros(data.size, dtype=float) print 'computing alts and azs' for j, (le, ri, mjd) in enumerate(zip(left, right, umjd)): = mjd2djd(mjd) sun.compute(Observatory) alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(data['ra'][le:ri], data['dec'][le:ri], telescope.lon,, mjd) az = wrapRA(az - altaz['alt'][le:ri] += alt altaz['az'][le:ri] += az moon.compute(Observatory) moonAlt[le:ri] += moon.alt print 'making maps' good = np.where(moonAlt < 0) magMap[:, i] = healbin(altaz['az'][good], altaz['alt'][good], data['sky'][good], nside=nside, reduceFunc=np.median) rmsMap[:, i] = healbin(altaz['az'][good],
from lsst.sims.utils import raDecFromAltAz from lsst.sims.utils import altAzPaFromRaDec from lsst.sims.utils import ObservationMetaData obs_pointing = ObservationMetaData(mjd=59580.0) alt_pointing = 66.0 az_pointing = 11.0 (ra_pointing, dec_pointing) = raDecFromAltAz(alt_pointing, az_pointing, obs_pointing) (alt_check, az_check, pa_pointing) = altAzPaFromRaDec(ra_pointing, dec_pointing, obs_pointing) from lsst.sims.utils import angularSeparation dd = angularSeparation(alt_pointing, az_pointing, alt_check, az_check) assert dd < 1.0e-6 import numpy as np from lsst.sims.utils import getRotTelPos def write_header(file_handle, rot_sky, obshistid): file_handle.write('rightascension %.7f\n' % ra_pointing) file_handle.write('declination %.7f\n' % dec_pointing) file_handle.write('mjd %.5f\n' % obs_pointing.mjd.TAI) file_handle.write('altitude %.7f\n' % alt_pointing)
def write_phoSim_header(obs, file_handle, phosim_header_map): """ Write the data contained in an ObservationMetaData as a header in a PhoSim InstanceCatalog. obs is the ObservationMetaData file_handle points to the catalog being written. """ if phosim_header_map is None: raw_opsim_contents = "" if obs.OpsimMetaData is not None: sorted_opsim_metadata = list(obs.OpsimMetaData.keys()) sorted_opsim_metadata.sort() for tag in sorted_opsim_metadata: raw_opsim_contents += "%s\n" % tag raise RuntimeError("You have tried to write a PhoSim InstanceCatalog without specifying " "a phoSimHeaderMap in your call to write_catalog().\n" "\n" "A phoSimHeaderMap is a dict that maps between columns stored in the " "OpSim database from which an ObservationMetaData was created and " "header parameters expected by PhoSim. The dict is keyed on the names of PhoSim " "parameters. The values of the dict are either straight values, in which " "case those values are written to the PhoSim InstanceCatalog header, or tuples " "containing the name of the OpSim column which should be use to calculate " "the PhoSim parameter and any transformation needed to go from OpSim " "units to PhoSim units (the transform is 'None' if no transform is needed).\n" "\n" "To add a phoSimHeaderMap, simple assign it to the 'phoSimHeaderMap' " "member variable of your catalog with (for instance):\n" "\n" "myCat.phoSimHeaderMap = my_phosim_header_map\n" "\n" "Before calling write_catalog()\n" "\n" "The header parameters expected by PhoSim can be found at\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "The contents of the OpSim database's Summary table can be found at\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "If you do not wish to use any of these columns, you can just pass in an empty " "dict. If you want to use a pre-made mapping, use the DefaultPhoSimHeaderMap " "imported from lsst.sims.catUtils.exampleCatalogDefinitions\n" "\n" "Note: do not specify ra, dec, alt, az, mjd, filter, or rotSkyPos in your " "phoSimHeaderMap. These are handled directly by the ObservationMetaData " "to ensure self-consistency.\n" "\n" "For reference, the OpSim columns you can choose to map (i.e. those contained " "in your ObservationMetaData) are:\n\n" + raw_opsim_contents + "\n(Even if your ObservationMetaData contains no extra OpSim Columns " "you may wish to consider adding default PhoSim parameters through " "the phoSimHeaderMap)") try: # PhoSim wants the MJD at the middle of the visit (i.e. between the two exposures # in our two-snap model). OpSim gives the MJD at the start of the visit. # below we calculate the change in MJD necessary to transform the OpSim value # into the PhoSim value vistime = evaluate_phosim_header('vistime', phosim_header_map, obs) if vistime is not None: delta_t = 0.5*vistime else: delta_t = 16.5 # half of the default 33 seconds file_handle.write('rightascension %.7f\n' % obs.pointingRA) file_handle.write('declination %.7f\n' % obs.pointingDec) file_handle.write('mjd %.7f\n' % (obs.mjd.TAI + delta_t/86400.0)) alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(obs.pointingRA, obs.pointingDec, obs, includeRefraction=False) file_handle.write('altitude %.7f\n' % alt) file_handle.write('azimuth %.7f\n' % az) file_handle.write('filter %d\n' % {'u': 0, 'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3, 'z': 4, 'y': 5}[obs.bandpass]) file_handle.write('rotskypos %.7f\n' % obs.rotSkyPos) except: print("\n\n") print("The ObservationMetaData you tried to write a PhoSim header from") print("lacks one of the required parameters") print("(pointingRA, pointingDec, mjd, bandpass, rotSkyPos)\n") raise # sort the header map keys so that PhoSim headers generated with the same # map always have parameters in the same order. sorted_header_keys = list(phosim_header_map.keys()) sorted_header_keys.sort() for name in sorted_header_keys: val = evaluate_phosim_header(name, phosim_header_map, obs) if val is not None: if isinstance(val, float) or isinstance(val, np.float): file_handle.write('%s %.7f\n' % (name, val)) elif isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, file_handle.write('%s %d\n' % (name, val)) elif isinstance(val, int): file_handle.write('%s %ld\n' % (name, val)) else: file_handle.write('%s %s\n' % (name, str(val)))
from __future__ import with_statement from lsst.sims.utils import raDecFromAltAz from lsst.sims.utils import altAzPaFromRaDec from lsst.sims.utils import ObservationMetaData obs_pointing = ObservationMetaData(mjd=59580.0) alt_pointing = 66.0 az_pointing = 11.0 (ra_pointing, dec_pointing) = raDecFromAltAz(alt_pointing, az_pointing, obs_pointing) (alt_check, az_check, pa_pointing) = altAzPaFromRaDec(ra_pointing, dec_pointing, obs_pointing) from lsst.sims.utils import angularSeparation dd = angularSeparation(alt_pointing, az_pointing, alt_check, az_check) assert dd < 1.0e-6 import numpy as np from lsst.sims.utils import getRotTelPos def write_header(file_handle, rot_sky, obshistid): file_handle.write('rightascension %.7f\n' % ra_pointing) file_handle.write('declination %.7f\n' % dec_pointing)
data.sort(order='mjd') umjd = np.unique(data['mjd']) left = np.searchsorted(data['mjd'], umjd) right = np.searchsorted(data['mjd'], umjd, side='right') altaz = np.zeros(data.size, dtype=zip(['alt','az'], [float]*2)) moonAlt = np.zeros(data.size, dtype=float) print 'computing alts and azs' for j, (le, ri, mjd) in enumerate(zip(left,right,umjd)): = mjd2djd(mjd) sun.compute(Observatory) alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(data['ra'][le:ri], data['dec'][le:ri], telescope.lon,, mjd) az = wrapRA(az - altaz['alt'][le:ri] += alt altaz['az'][le:ri] += az moon.compute(Observatory) moonAlt[le:ri] += moon.alt print 'making maps' good = np.where(moonAlt < 0) magMap[:,i] = healbin(altaz['az'][good],altaz['alt'][good], data['sky'][good], nside=nside, reduceFunc=np.median) rmsMap[:,i] = healbin(altaz['az'][good],altaz['alt'][good],data['sky'][good], nside=nside, reduceFunc=robustRMS) print 'saving maps' np.savez('TwilightMaps/twiMaps_%s.npz' % filterName, magMap=magMap, rmsMap=rmsMap, sunAlts=sunAlts)
cmin = 18. cmax = 21.5 zp = 12.11 #zps = [] counter = 0 maxI = np.size(dateIDs) for i,dateID in enumerate(dateIDs): skydata, mjd = sb.allSkyDB(dateID , filt=band)#2744 airmass = 1./np.cos(np.radians(90.-skydata['alt'])) skydata = skydata[np.where((airmass < 2.1) & (airmass >= 1.))] alt,az,pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(np.radians(skydata['ra']), np.radians(skydata['dec']), telescope.lon,, mjd) skyhp = healplots.healbin(az, alt, skydata['sky'], nside=nside) sm.setRaDecMjd(np.radians(skydata['ra']), np.radians(skydata['dec']), mjd, degrees=False) if sm.sunAlt < np.radians(-12.): sm.computeSpec() mags = sm.computeMags(canonDict[band]) good = np.where(mags > 0) if np.size(good[0]) > 10: modelhp = healplots.healbin(az[good], alt[good], mags[good], nside=nside) zp = np.median(mags[good] - skydata['sky'][good]) #zps.append(zp) fig = plt.figure(num=1) hp.mollview(skyhp+zp, rot=(0,90), sub=(2,1,1), fig=1, title='Cannon '+band+' mjd=%0.2f'%sm.mjd,
cmin = 18. cmax = 21.5 zp = 12.11 #zps = [] counter = 0 maxI = np.size(dateIDs) for i, dateID in enumerate(dateIDs): skydata, mjd = sb.allSkyDB(dateID, filt=band) #2744 airmass = 1. / np.cos(np.radians(90. - skydata['alt'])) skydata = skydata[np.where((airmass < 2.1) & (airmass >= 1.))] alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(np.radians(skydata['ra']), np.radians(skydata['dec']), telescope.lon,, mjd) skyhp = healplots.healbin(az, alt, skydata['sky'], nside=nside) sm.setRaDecMjd(np.radians(skydata['ra']), np.radians(skydata['dec']), mjd, degrees=False) if sm.sunAlt < np.radians(-12.): sm.computeSpec() mags = sm.computeMags(canonDict[band]) good = np.where(mags > 0) if np.size(good[0]) > 10: modelhp = healplots.healbin(az[good],
for i_m in range(len(mags) - 1): print('%.4e ' % (mags[i_m] - mags[i_m + 1])) print('\n') sed_names = rng.choice(sed_candidates, size=len(ra), replace=True) opsim_meta_data = obs_root.OpsimMetaData ref_made = False ref_handle = None mjd_grid = np.arange(59580.0, 59580.0 + 3652.5, 100.0) mjd_good = [] for mjd in mjd_grid: obs_dummy = ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd) alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(obs_root.pointingRA, obs_root.pointingDec, obs_dummy) if alt > 40.0: mjd_good.append(mjd) if len(mjd_good) > 20: break rot_sky_pos = rng.random_sample(len(mjd_good)) * 360.0 for i_mjd, mjd in enumerate(mjd_good): for i_filter in range(6): for all_same in (True, False): obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=obs_root.pointingRA, pointingDec=obs_root.pointingDec, rotSkyPos=rot_sky_pos[i_mjd], mjd=mjd_good[i_mjd],, bandpassName='ugrizy'[i_filter])
def write_fits_file(self, outfile, overwrite=True, run_number=None, lsst_num='LCA-11021_RTM-000', compress=True, image_type='SKYEXP', added_keywords=None): """ Write the processed eimage data as a multi-extension FITS file. Parameters ---------- outfile: str Name of the output FITS file. overwrite: bool [True] Flag whether to overwrite an existing output file. run_number: int [None] Run number. If None, then the visit number is used. compress: bool [True] Use RICE_1 compression for each image HDU. image_type: str ['SKYEXP'] Image type to write to the `OBSTYPE` and `IMGTYPE` keywords. added_keywords: dict [None] Python dict of key/value pairs to add to the primary HDU. These will be set just before writing the FITS file, so they will override any existing keywords. """ output = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU()) output[0].header = self.eimage[0].header # Since `.header` acts like an unordered dict when set like # this, we need to re-insert the WCSAXES keyword to precede # any other WCS keywords as stipulated in the FITS Standard, # version 4.0, section 8.2. wcsaxes = output[0].header['WCSAXES'] del output[0].header['WCSAXES'] output[0].header.insert(5, ('WCSAXES', wcsaxes, '')) if run_number is None: run_number = self.visit output[0].header['RUNNUM'] = str(run_number) output[0].header['DARKTIME'] = output[0].header['EXPTIME'] output[0].header['TIMESYS'] = 'TAI' output[0].header['LSST_NUM'] = lsst_num output[0].header['TESTTYPE'] = 'IMSIM' output[0].header['IMGTYPE'] = image_type output[0].header['OBSTYPE'] = output[0].header['IMGTYPE'] output[0].header['MONOWL'] = -1 raft, ccd = output[0].header['CHIPID'].split('_') output[0].header['RAFTNAME'] = raft output[0].header['SENSNAME'] = ccd output[0].header['OUTFILE'] = os.path.basename(outfile) # Add boresight pointing angles and rotskypos (angle of sky # relative to Camera coordinates) from which obs_lsst can # infer the CCD-wide WCS. output[0].header['RATEL'] = self.ratel output[0].header['DECTEL'] = self.dectel output[0].header['ROTANGLE'] = self.rotangle # Add various keywords needed for jointcal, including hour angle # and airmass values at the start and end of the observation. mjd_obs = output[0].header['MJD-OBS'] mjd_end = astropy.time.Time(output[0].header['DATE-END'], format='isot', scale='tai').mjd observatory = LsstObservatory() output[0].header['HASTART'] \ = getHourAngle(observatory, mjd_obs, self.ratel) output[0].header['HAEND'] \ = getHourAngle(observatory, mjd_end, self.ratel) # Set the airmass from the start of the observation using the # opsim db value and compute the airmass from the altitude at # the end of the observation. output[0].header['AMSTART'] = output[0].header['AIRMASS'] obs_md = ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd_end, pointingRA=self.ratel, pointingDec=self.dectel, rotSkyPos=self.rotangle) alt_end, _, _ = altAzPaFromRaDec(self.ratel, self.dectel, obs_md) output[0].header['AMEND'] = airmass(alt_end) # Write the added_keywords. if added_keywords is not None: for key, value in added_keywords.items(): output[0].header[key] = value # Write the seed used by the read noise and dark current. output[0].header['RN_SEED'] = self.seed # Use seg_ids to write the image extensions in the order # specified by LCA-10140. seg_ids = '10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00'.split() for seg_id in seg_ids: amp_name = '_C'.join((self.sensor_id, seg_id)) output.append(self.get_amplifier_hdu(amp_name, compress=compress)) output[-1].header['EXTNAME'] = 'Segment%s' % seg_id # Set the imSim version and LSST Stack product versions and # tags in the primary HDU. output[0].header.update(get_version_keywords()) self.fits_atomic_write(output, outfile, overwrite=overwrite)
if __name__ == "__main__": rng = np.random.RandomState(61) ra_list = rng.random_sample(50) * 360.0 dec_list = rng.random_sample(50) * 180.0 - 90.0 rot_list = rng.random_sample(50) * 360.0 mjd_list = rng.random_sample(50) * 10000.0 + 59580.0 for ra, dec, rot, mjd in zip(ra_list, dec_list, rot_list, mjd_list): obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=ra, pointingDec=dec, rotSkyPos=rot, mjd=mjd) alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs) ra_corner, dec_corner = fovCorners(obs, side_length=20.0) print ra_corner print dec_corner max_orthogonal = -1.0 for ix1, ix2 in zip((0, 0, 1, 2), (1, 3, 2, 3)): dd = distance_in_arcminutes(ra_corner[ix1], dec_corner[ix1], ra_corner[ix2], dec_corner[ix2]) if np.abs(dd - 20.0) > max_orthogonal: max_orthogonal = np.abs(dd - 20.0) dd = distance_in_arcminutes(ra_corner[2], dec_corner[2], ra_corner[0],