예제 #1
def get_stories(projectIds):
    session = connect()

    stories = {}
    querystring = '('
    for projId in projectIds:
        if len(querystring) > 1:
            querystring += ' or '
        if len(projectIds) > 1:
            querystring += '('
        querystring += 'Project = https://' + settings.RALLY_SERVER + '/slm/webservice/' + settings.RALLY_REST_VERSION + '/project/' + projId
        if len(projectIds) > 1:
            querystring += ')'
    querystring += ')'

    print 'QueryString is ' + querystring

    start = 1
    pagesize = 200
    lastPage = False
    while not (lastPage):
        url = 'https://' + settings.RALLY_SERVER + '/slm/webservice/' + settings.RALLY_REST_VERSION + '/hierarchicalrequirement.js?query=' + urllib.quote(
            querystring) + '&fetch=true&start=' + str(
                start) + '&pagesize=' + str(pagesize)

        print 'Fetching url ' + url
        resp = session.get(url)
        print 'Got response ' + str(resp.status_code)
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception('Error returned from Rally: ' + resp.text)

        queryresult = json.loads(resp.text)

        for result in queryresult['QueryResult']['Results']:
            story = Story()
            story.rally_id = result['FormattedID']
            story.name = result['Name']
            if result['Iteration']:
                story.sprint = result['Iteration']['_refObjectName']
            stories[story.rally_id] = story

        print 'results: ' + str(
            queryresult['QueryResult']['TotalResultCount']) + ' start ' + str(
                start) + ' for pagesize ' + str(pagesize)
        if queryresult['QueryResult']['TotalResultCount'] <= start + pagesize:
            lastPage = True

        start += pagesize

    return stories
def get_stories(projectIds):
    session = connect()

    stories = {}
    querystring = '('
    for projId in projectIds:
        if len(querystring) > 1:
            querystring += ' or '
        if len(projectIds) > 1:
            querystring += '('
        querystring += 'Project = https://' + settings.RALLY_SERVER + '/slm/webservice/' + settings.RALLY_REST_VERSION + '/project/' + projId
        if len(projectIds) > 1:
            querystring += ')'
    querystring += ')'
    print 'QueryString is ' + querystring
    start = 1
    pagesize = 200
    lastPage = False
    while not(lastPage):
        url = 'https://' + settings.RALLY_SERVER + '/slm/webservice/' + settings.RALLY_REST_VERSION + '/hierarchicalrequirement.js?query=' + urllib.quote(querystring) + '&fetch=true&start=' + str(start) + '&pagesize=' + str(pagesize)

        print 'Fetching url ' + url
        resp = session.get(url)
        print 'Got response ' + str(resp.status_code)
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception('Error returned from Rally: ' + resp.text)
        queryresult = json.loads(resp.text)

        for result in queryresult['QueryResult']['Results']:
            story = Story()
            story.rally_id = result['FormattedID']
            story.name = result['Name']
            if result['Iteration']:
                story.sprint = result['Iteration']['_refObjectName']
            stories[story.rally_id] = story
        print 'results: ' + str(queryresult['QueryResult']['TotalResultCount']) + ' start ' + str(start) + ' for pagesize ' + str(pagesize)
        if queryresult['QueryResult']['TotalResultCount'] <= start + pagesize:
            lastPage = True

        start += pagesize
    return stories
def get_stories(projectIds):
    stories = {}
    start = 1
    pagesize = 200
    for projId in projectIds:
        print 'project'
        lastPage = False
        page = start
        while not (lastPage):
            storyurl = agileurl + apiurl + 'projects/' + projId + '/stories?' + get_page_query_params(
                page, pagesize)
            logger.debug('Retrieving Stories from URL: ' + storyurl)
            print storyurl
            response = requests.get(storyurl, headers=rest_header)
            processed_response = response.json()
            story_list = processed_response[u'items']
            count = len(story_list)  #processed_response[u'totalItems']
            print 'count %d' % count

            for result in story_list:
                #print result
                phase = result[u'phase']
                ignorestates = [
                    u'Backlog', u'Ready', u'Archive',
                    u'Release Candidate / Production'
                if not phase[u'name'] in ignorestates:
                    story = Story()
                    story.rally_id = result[u'id']
                    story.name = result[u'text'][0:100]
                    story.sprint = result[u'text'][0:3]
                    story.url = agileurl + 'project/' + projId + '/story/%d' % result[
                        story.sprint = '%s - %s' % (projId,
                        #story.release_date = result[u'deadline']
                        story.sprint = '%s' % projId
                        logger.debug('no deadline for story %d' %
                    stories[story.rally_id] = story

            if count == 0:
                lastPage = True
            page += 1

    return stories
예제 #4
def get_stories(projectIds):
    stories = {}
    start = 1
    pagesize = 200
    for projId in projectIds:
        print 'project'
        lastPage = False
        page = start
        while not (lastPage):
            storyurl = agileurl + apiurl + 'projects/' + projId + '/stories?' + get_page_query_params(
                page, pagesize)
            logger.debug('Retrieving Stories from URL: ' + storyurl)
            print storyurl
            response = requests.get(storyurl, headers=rest_header)
            processed_response = response.json()
            story_list = processed_response[u'items']
            count = len(story_list)  #processed_response[u'totalItems']
            print 'count %d' % count

            for result in story_list:
                #print result
                phase = result[u'phase']
                ignorestates = [u'Backlog']
                if not phase[u'name'] in ignorestates:
                    story = Story()
                    story.rally_id = result[u'id']
                    story.name = result[u'text'][0:100]
                    story.sprint = result[u'text'][0:3]
                    story.url = agileurl + 'project/' + projId + '/story/%d' % result[
                    project = result[u'project']
                    project_name = project[u'name']
                    projshort_name = ''
                        projshort_name = (re.search(r'\(.*?\)',
                        #expected the project name to have a short name in ()
                        #this will cut the name down to 10 characters and append ERRNOPAREN
                        projshort_name = '%s-%s' % (project_name[0:10],
                    story.sprint = '%s - %s' % (projId, projshort_name)
                    storykey = '%s-%s' % (story.rally_id, story.sprint)
                    #print 'generated key for stories list - %s' % storykey
                    stories[storykey] = story

            if count == 0:
                lastPage = True
            page += 1

    return stories
def get_stories(projectIds):
    stories = {}
    start = 1
    pagesize = 200
    for projId in projectIds:
        print 'project'
        lastPage = False
        page = start
        while not(lastPage):
            storyurl = agileurl+apiurl+'projects/'+ projId +'/stories?'+ get_page_query_params(page, pagesize)
            logger.debug('Retrieving Stories from URL: '+storyurl)
            print storyurl
            response = requests.get(storyurl, headers=rest_header)
            processed_response = response.json()
            story_list = processed_response[u'items']
            count = len(story_list) #processed_response[u'totalItems']
            print 'count %d'%count
            for result in story_list:
                #print result
                phase = result[u'phase']
                ignorestates = [u'Backlog']
                if not phase[u'name'] in ignorestates:
                    story = Story()
                    story.rally_id = result[u'id']
                    story.name = result[u'text'][0:100]
                    story.sprint = result[u'text'][0:3]
                    story.url = agileurl+'project/'+ projId +'/story/%d'%result[u'id']
                    project = result[u'project']
                    project_name = project[u'name']
                    projshort_name = ''
                        projshort_name = (re.search( r'\(.*?\)', project_name)).group()
                        #expected the project name to have a short name in ()
                        #this will cut the name down to 10 characters and append ERRNOPAREN
                        projshort_name = '%s-%s' % (project_name[0:10],'(ERRNOPAREN)')
                    story.sprint = '%s - %s' % (projId, projshort_name)
                    storykey = '%s-%s' % (story.rally_id, story.sprint)
                    #print 'generated key for stories list - %s' % storykey
                    stories[storykey] = story
            if count == 0:
                lastPage = True
            page += 1
    return stories
def get_stories(projectIds):
    stories = {}
    start = 1
    pagesize = 200
    for projId in projectIds:
        print 'project'
        lastPage = False
        page = start
        while not(lastPage):
            storyurl = agileurl+apiurl+'projects/'+ projId +'/stories?'+ get_page_query_params(page, pagesize)
            logger.debug('Retrieving Stories from URL: '+storyurl)
            print storyurl
            response = requests.get(storyurl, headers=rest_header)
            processed_response = response.json()
            story_list = processed_response[u'items']
            count = len(story_list) #processed_response[u'totalItems']
            print 'count %d'%count
            for result in story_list:
                #print result
                phase = result[u'phase']
                ignorestates = [u'Backlog', u'Ready', u'Archive',  u'Release Candidate / Production']
                if not phase[u'name'] in ignorestates:
                    story = Story()
                    story.rally_id = result[u'id']
                    story.name = result[u'text'][0:100]
                    story.sprint = result[u'text'][0:3]
                    story.url = agileurl+'project/'+ projId +'/story/%d'%result[u'id']
                        story.sprint = '%s - %s' % (projId, result[u'deadline'])
                        #story.release_date = result[u'deadline']
                        story.sprint = '%s'%projId
                        logger.debug('no deadline for story %d'%story.rally_id)
                    stories[story.rally_id] = story
            if count == 0:
                lastPage = True
            page += 1
    return stories
예제 #7
def addtostory(request):

    log = logging.getLogger("user")

    results = {"success": False}

    if request.method == u"GET":
        story = None
            storyId = request.GET["storyId"]
            if storyId == "null":
                storyId = ""
            storyName = request.GET["storyName"]
            storyRallyId = request.GET["storyRallyId"]
            storyURL = request.GET["storyURL"]

            if len(storyId) > 0 or len(storyRallyId) > 0:

                if len(storyId) > 0:
                        story = Story.objects.get(id=storyId)
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:

                if not story and len(storyRallyId) > 0:
                        story = Story.objects.get(rally_id=storyRallyId)
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:

                if not story:
                    story = Story()
                    if len(storyRallyId) > 0:
                        story.rally_id = storyRallyId
                        story.url = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/detail/" + story.rally_id
                    if len(storyURL) > 0:
                        story.url = storyURL

                if len(storyName) > 0:
                    story.name = storyName


            objectIds = request.GET.getlist("itemid")

            objects = DeployableObject.objects.filter(id__in=objectIds)
            for object in objects:
                if story:
                    object.release_status = "p"

            transIds = request.GET.getlist("transid")

            translations = DeployableTranslation.objects.filter(id__in=transIds)
            for translation in translations:
                if story:
                    translation.release_status = "p"

            results = {"success": True}
        except Exception as ex:
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
            results = {"success": False, "error": "ERROR: " + tb}

    json = simplejson.dumps(results)
    return HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json")
예제 #8
def addtostory(request):

    log = logging.getLogger('user')

    results = {'success':False}

    if request.method == u'GET':
        story = None
            storyId = request.GET['storyId']
            if (storyId == 'null'):
                storyId = ''
            storyName = request.GET['storyName']
            storyRallyId = request.GET['storyRallyId']
            storyURL = request.GET['storyURL']

            if len(storyId) > 0 or len(storyRallyId) > 0:

                if len(storyId) > 0:
                        story = Story.objects.get(id=storyId)
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:

                if not story and len(storyRallyId) > 0:
                        story = Story.objects.get(rally_id=storyRallyId)
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:

                if not story:
                    story = Story()
                    if len(storyRallyId) > 0:
                        story.rally_id = storyRallyId
                        story.url = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/detail/" + story.rally_id
                    if len(storyURL) > 0:
                        story.url = storyURL

                if len(storyName) > 0:
                    story.name = storyName
            objectIds = request.GET.getlist('itemid');

            objects = DeployableObject.objects.filter(id__in=objectIds)
            for object in objects:
                if story:
                    object.release_status = 'p'

            transIds = request.GET.getlist('transid');

            translations = DeployableTranslation.objects.filter(id__in=transIds)
            for translation in translations:
                if story:
                    translation.release_status = 'p'

            results = {'success':True}
        except Exception as ex:
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
            results = {'success':False, 'error':'ERROR: ' + tb}

    json = simplejson.dumps(results)
    return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='application/json')
예제 #9
def get_stories(projectIds):
    urllib2 = connect()

    stories = {}
    for projId in projectIds:
        url = 'https://' + settings.RALLY_SERVER + '/slm/webservice/' + settings.RALLY_REST_VERSION + '/project/' + projId + '.js'
        logger.debug('Fetching url ' + url)
        pcprojjson = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
        pcproj = json.loads(pcprojjson)
        logger.debug('Processing project ' + pcproj['Project']['_refObjectName'])

        sprint_data = {}        
        sprint_names = {}        
        sprints = []
        for iteration in pcproj['Project']['Iterations']:
            sprdet = urllib2.urlopen(iteration['_ref']).read()
            sprint = json.loads(sprdet)
            # 2010-07-12T00:00:00.000Z
            sprintName = iteration['_refObjectName']
            startDate = sprint['Iteration']['StartDate'][0:10]
            logger.debug('Looking at sprint ' + sprintName)
            logger.debug('Date is ' + startDate)
            sprint_data[startDate + '_' + sprintName] = sprint
            sprint_names[startDate + '_' + sprintName] = sprintName
            sprints.append(startDate + '_' + sprintName)
        for sprint_key in sprints:
            logger.debug('Processing ' + sprint_key)
            sprint = sprint_data[sprint_key]
            sprintName = sprint_names[sprint_key]
            hist = urllib2.urlopen(sprint['Iteration']['RevisionHistory']['_ref']).read()
            history = json.loads(hist)
            revisions = list()
            for rev in history['RevisionHistory']['Revisions']:
            for rev in revisions:
                if rev['Description'].startswith('Scheduled ') or rev['Description'].startswith('Unscheduled '):
                    ral_id = rev['Description'].split('[')[1].split(']')[0].partition(':')[0]
                    ral_name = rev['Description'][rev['Description'].find(':') + 2:150]
                    if ral_name.endswith(']'):
                        ral_name = ral_name[0:ral_name.rfind(']')]
                    if rev['Description'].startswith('Scheduled '):
                        logger.debug('Add [' + ral_id + '] ' + ral_name)
                        if ral_id not in stories:
                            story = Story()
                            story.rally_id = ral_id
                            story.name = ral_name
                            story.sprint = sprintName
                            stories[ral_id] = story
                            story = stories[ral_id]
                            story.sprint = sprintName
                    if rev['Description'].startswith('Unscheduled '):
                        logger.debug('Remove [' + ral_id + '] ' + ral_name)
                        if ral_id in stories:
                            story = stories[ral_id]
                            if story.sprint == sprintName:
                                story.sprint = ''

    return stories
예제 #10
def addtostory(request):

    log = logging.getLogger('user')

    results = {'success':False}

    if request.method == u'GET':
        story = None
            storyId = request.GET['storyId']
            if (storyId == 'null'):
                storyId = ''
            storyName = request.GET['storyName']
            storyRallyId = request.GET['storyRallyId']
            storyURL = request.GET['storyURL']

            if len(storyId) > 0 or len(storyRallyId) > 0:

                if len(storyId) > 0:
                        story = Story.objects.get(id=storyId)
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:

                if not story and len(storyRallyId) > 0:
                        story = Story.objects.get(rally_id=storyRallyId)
                    except ObjectDoesNotExist:

                if not story:
                    story = Story()
                    if len(storyRallyId) > 0:
                        story.rally_id = storyRallyId
                        story.url = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/detail/" + story.rally_id
                    if len(storyURL) > 0:
                        story.url = storyURL

                if len(storyName) > 0:
                    story.name = storyName
            objectIds = request.GET.getlist('itemid');

            objects = DeployableObject.objects.filter(id__in=objectIds)
            for object in objects:
                if story:
                    object.release_status = 'p'

            transIds = request.GET.getlist('transid');

            translations = DeployableTranslation.objects.filter(id__in=transIds)
            for translation in translations:
                if story:
                    translation.release_status = 'p'

            results = {'success':True}
        except Exception as ex:
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
            results = {'success':False, 'error':'ERROR: ' + tb}

    json = simplejson.dumps(results)
    return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='application/json')
예제 #11
def get_stories(projectIds):
    urllib2 = connect()

    stories = {}
    for projId in projectIds:
        url = 'https://' + settings.RALLY_SERVER + '/slm/webservice/' + settings.RALLY_REST_VERSION + '/project/' + projId + '.js'
        logger.debug('Fetching url ' + url)
        pcprojjson = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
        pcproj = json.loads(pcprojjson)
        logger.debug('Processing project ' +

        sprint_data = {}
        sprint_names = {}
        sprints = []

        for iteration in pcproj['Project']['Iterations']:
            sprdet = urllib2.urlopen(iteration['_ref']).read()
            sprint = json.loads(sprdet)
            # 2010-07-12T00:00:00.000Z
            sprintName = iteration['_refObjectName']
            startDate = sprint['Iteration']['StartDate'][0:10]
            logger.debug('Looking at sprint ' + sprintName)
            logger.debug('Date is ' + startDate)
            sprint_data[startDate + '_' + sprintName] = sprint
            sprint_names[startDate + '_' + sprintName] = sprintName
            sprints.append(startDate + '_' + sprintName)

        for sprint_key in sprints:
            logger.debug('Processing ' + sprint_key)
            sprint = sprint_data[sprint_key]
            sprintName = sprint_names[sprint_key]

            hist = urllib2.urlopen(
            history = json.loads(hist)

            revisions = list()
            for rev in history['RevisionHistory']['Revisions']:

            for rev in revisions:
                if rev['Description'].startswith('Scheduled ') or rev[
                        'Description'].startswith('Unscheduled '):
                    ral_id = rev['Description'].split('[')[1].split(
                    ral_name = rev['Description'][rev['Description'].
                                                  find(':') + 2:150]
                    if ral_name.endswith(']'):
                        ral_name = ral_name[0:ral_name.rfind(']')]
                    if rev['Description'].startswith('Scheduled '):
                        logger.debug('Add [' + ral_id + '] ' + ral_name)
                        if ral_id not in stories:
                            story = Story()
                            story.rally_id = ral_id
                            story.name = ral_name
                            story.sprint = sprintName
                            stories[ral_id] = story
                            story = stories[ral_id]
                            story.sprint = sprintName
                    if rev['Description'].startswith('Unscheduled '):
                        logger.debug('Remove [' + ral_id + '] ' + ral_name)
                        if ral_id in stories:
                            story = stories[ral_id]
                            if story.sprint == sprintName:
                                story.sprint = ''

    return stories