예제 #1
class MapMaker(object):
    """Create intensity raster map and PGV, PGA, and spectral contour maps.


    def __init__(self, container, topofile, layerdict, cities_file, logger):
        """Initialize MapMaker object.

            container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): ShakeMapOutputContainer object
                containing model results.
            topofile (str): Path to file containing global topography grid.
            layerdict (dict): Dictionary containing fields:

                - coast: Global coastline shapefile.
                - ocean: Global ocean shapefile.
                - lake: Global lakes shapefile.
                - country: Global country boundaries shapefile.
                - state: Global state (or equivalent) boundaries shapefile.
                - roads: Global roads directory containing directories with
                  regional shapefiles.

            cities_file (str): Path to geonames cities1000.txt file.
            logger (Logger): Python logging instance.

            KeyError: When any of layerdict keys are missing.
        req_keys = set(['coast', 'ocean', 'lake', 'country', 'state'])
        if len(set(layerdict.keys()).intersection(req_keys)) != len(req_keys):
            raise KeyError(
                'layerdict input must have all keys from %s' % str(req_keys))
        self.container = container
        self.topofile = topofile
        self.layerdict = layerdict
        cities = BasemapCities.loadFromGeoNames(cities_file)
        self.cities = cities
        self.city_cols = CITY_COLS
        self.city_rows = CITY_ROWS
        self.cities_per_grid = CITIES_PER_GRID
        self.intensity_colormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset('mmi')
        self.contour_colormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset('shaketopo')
        station_dict = container.getStationDict()
        self.stations = station_dict
        rupture_dict = container.getRuptureDict()
        info_dict = json.loads(
        event_dict = {
            'eventsourcecode': info_dict['event_id'],
            'lat': float(info_dict['latitude']),
            'lon': float(info_dict['longitude']),
            'depth': float(info_dict['depth']),
            'mag': float(info_dict['magnitude'])
        origin = Origin(event_dict)
        if rupture_dict['features'][0]['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
            rupture = PointRupture(origin)
            rupture = rupture_from_dict_and_origin(rupture_dict, origin)
        self.fault = rupture
        self.fig_width = FIG_WIDTH
        self.fig_height = FIG_HEIGHT
        self.logger = logger

        # clip all the vector data now so that map rendering will be fast
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to clip vectors.' % (t2 - t1))

    def _selectRoads(self, roads_folder, bbox):
        """Select road shapes from roads directory.

            roads_folder (str): Path to folder containing global roads data.
            bbox (tuple): Tuple of map bounds (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax).

            list: list of Shapely geometries.
        vshapes = []
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox
        bboxpoly = sPolygon([(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax),
                             (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax)])
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(roads_folder):
            for fname in files:
                if fname.endswith('.shp'):
                    filename = os.path.join(root, fname)
                    with fiona.open(filename, 'r') as f:
                        shapes = f.items(bbox=bbox)
                        for shapeidx, shape in shapes:
                            tshape = sShape(shape['geometry'])
                            intshape = tshape.intersection(bboxpoly)

        return vshapes

    def _clipBounds(self):
        Clip input vector data to bounds of map.
        # returns a list of GeoJSON-like mapping objects
        comp = self.container.getComponents('MMI')[0]
        imtdict = self.container.getIMTGrids('MMI', comp)
        geodict = imtdict['mean'].getGeoDict()
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = (geodict.xmin, geodict.xmax,
                                  geodict.ymin, geodict.ymax)
        bbox = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        bboxpoly = sPolygon([(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax),
                             (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax)])
        self.vectors = {}
        for key, value in self.layerdict.items():
            vshapes = []
            f = fiona.open(value, 'r')
            shapes = f.items(bbox=bbox)
            for shapeidx, shape in shapes:
                tshape = sShape(shape['geometry'])
                    intshape = tshape.intersection(bboxpoly)
#                except TopologicalError as te:
                except Exception as te:
                    self.logger.warn('Failure to grab %s segment: "%s"'
                                     % (key, str(te)))
            self.logger.debug('Filename is %s' % value)
            self.vectors[key] = vshapes

    def setCityGrid(self, nx=2, ny=2, cities_per_grid=10):
        """Define grid fused to limit the number of cities plotted on the map.

            nx (int): Number of columns in grid.
            ny (int): Number of rows in grid.
            cities_per_grid (int): Maximum number of cities to plot in each
                grid cell.
        self.city_cols = nx
        self.city_rows = ny
        self.cities_per_grid = cities_per_grid

    def setFigureSize(self, figwidth, figheight):
        """Set the figure size in inches.

            figwidth (float): Figure width in inches.
            figheight (float): Figure height in inches.
        self.fig_width = figwidth
        self.fig_height = figheight

    def setCityList(self, dataframe):
        """Set the city list to an input dataframe.

            dataframe (DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame whose columns include:

                - name: Name of the city (required).
                - lat: Latitude of city (required).
                - lon: Longitude of city (required).
                - pop: Population of city (optional).
                - iscap: Boolean indicating capital status (optional).
                - placement: String indicating where city label should be
                  placed relative to city coordinates, one of: E, W, N, S, NE,
                  SE, SW, NW.
                - xoff: Longitude offset for label relative to city coordinates
                - yoff: Latitude offset for label relative to city coordinates

        self.cities = BasemapCities(dataframe)  # may raise exception
        self.city_rows = None
        self.city_cols = None
        self.cities_per_grid = None

    def _setMap(self, gd):
        """Define the map extents, figure size, etc.

            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict defining bounds/resolution of input

            Basemap: Basemap instance, Mercator projection.
        clon = gd.xmin + (gd.xmax - gd.xmin) / 2.0
        clat = gd.ymin + (gd.ymax - gd.ymin) / 2.0
        f = plt.figure(figsize=(self.fig_width, self.fig_height))
        ax = f.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])

        m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=gd.xmin, llcrnrlat=gd.ymin, urcrnrlon=gd.xmax,
                    urcrnrlat=gd.ymax, rsphere=(6378137.00, 6356752.3142),
                    resolution=BASEMAP_RESOLUTION, projection='merc',
                    lat_0=clat, lon_0=clon, lat_ts=clat, ax=ax,
        return m

    def _projectGrid(self, data, m, gd):
        """Project 2D array to map projection.

            data (ndarray): 2D Numpy array to be projected.
            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict object.

            ndarray: Input array projected to map projection.
        # set up meshgrid to project topo and mmi data
        xmin = gd.xmin
        if gd.xmax < gd.xmin:
            xmin -= 360
        lons = np.linspace(xmin, gd.xmax, gd.nx)
        # backwards so it plots right side up
        lats = np.linspace(gd.ymax, gd.ymin, gd.ny)
        llons1, llats1 = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
        pdata = m.transform_scalar(np.flipud(data), lons, lats[::-1],
                                   gd.nx, gd.ny, returnxy=False,
                                   checkbounds=False, order=1, masked=False)
        return pdata

    def _getDraped(self, data, topodata):
        """Get array of data "draped" on topography.

            data (ndarray): 2D Numpy array.
            topodata (ndarray): 2D Numpy array.

            ndarray: Numpy array of data draped on topography.

        maxvalue = self.intensity_colormap.vmax
        mmisc = data / maxvalue
        rgba_img = self.intensity_colormap.cmap(mmisc)
        rgb = np.squeeze(rgba_img[:, :, 0:3])
        # use lightsource class to make our shaded topography
        ls = LightSource(azdeg=135, altdeg=45)
        # intensity = ls.hillshade(ptopo,fraction=0.25,vert_exag=1.0)

        ls1 = LightSource(azdeg=120, altdeg=45)
        ls2 = LightSource(azdeg=225, altdeg=45)
        intensity1 = ls1.hillshade(
            topodata, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=VERT_EXAG)
        intensity2 = ls2.hillshade(
            topodata, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=VERT_EXAG)
        intensity = intensity1 * 0.5 + intensity2 * 0.5

        draped_hsv = ls.blend_hsv(rgb, np.expand_dims(intensity, 2))

        return draped_hsv

    def _drawBoundaries(self, m):
        """Draw all country/state boundaries on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        allshapes = self.vectors['country'] + self.vectors['state']
        for shape in allshapes:
            # shape is a geojson-like mapping thing
                if hasattr(shape, 'exterior'):
                    blon, blat = zip(*shape.exterior.coords[:])
                    blon, blat = zip(*shape.coords[:])
                bx, by = m(blon, blat)
                m.plot(bx, by, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)
            except NotImplementedError:
                for tshape in shape:
                        blon, blat = zip(*tshape.exterior.coords[:])
                        bx, by = m(blon, blat)
                        m.plot(bx, by, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)
                    except NotImplementedError:

    def _drawRoads(self, m):
        """Draw all roads on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        allshapes = self.vectors['roads']
        xmin = 9999999
        ymin = xmin
        xmax = -99999999
        ymax = xmax
        for shape in allshapes:
            # shape is a shapely geometry
            if isinstance(shape, (MultiLineString, GeometryCollection)):
                blon = []
                blat = []
                for mshape in shape:
                    tlon, tlat = zip(*mshape.coords[:])
                    blon += tlon
                    blat += tlat
                blon, blat = zip(*shape.coords[:])

            if not len(blon):
            if min(blon) < xmin:
                xmin = min(blon)
            if min(blat) < ymin:
                ymin = min(blat)
            if max(blon) > xmax:
                xmax = max(blon)
            if max(blat) > ymax:
                ymax = max(blat)
            bx, by = m(blon, blat)
            m.plot(bx, by, '#808080', zorder=ROAD_ZORDER)

    def _drawLakes(self, m, gd):
        """Draw all lakes on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        lakes = self.vectors['lake']
        for lake in lakes:
            ppatches = getProjectedPatches(lake, m, edgecolor='k')
            for ppatch in ppatches:

    def _drawOceans(self, m, gd):
        """Draw all oceans on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        if len(self.vectors['ocean']):
            ocean = self.vectors['ocean'][0]  # this is one shapely polygon
            ppatches = getProjectedPatches(ocean, m)
            for ppatch in ppatches:

    def _drawMapScale(self, m, gd):
        """Draw a map scale in the lower left corner of the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict instance.
        # where to set the center of the scale bar
        scalex = gd.xmin + (gd.xmax - gd.xmin) / 5.0
        scaley = gd.ymin + (gd.ymax - gd.ymin) / 10.0

        # how tall should scale bar be, in map units (km)?
        yoff = (0.01 * (m.ymax - m.ymin))

        # where should scale apply (center of map)
        clon = (gd.xmin + gd.xmax) / 2.0
        clat = (gd.ymin + gd.ymax) / 2.0

        # figure out a scalebar length that is approximately 30% of total
        # width in km
        map_width = (m.xmax - m.xmin) / 1000  # km
        lengths = np.array([25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250])
        lfracs = lengths / map_width
        length = lengths[np.abs(lfracs - 0.3).argmin()]

        m.drawmapscale(scalex, scaley, clon, clat, length,
                       barstyle='fancy', yoffset=yoff, zorder=SCALE_ZORDER)

    def _drawCoastlines(self, m, gd):
        """Draw all coastlines on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict instance.

        coasts = self.vectors['coast']
        for coast in coasts:  # these are polygons?
            if isinstance(coast, sPolygon):
                clon, clat = zip(*coast.exterior.coords[:])
                cx, cy = m(clon, clat)
                m.plot(cx, cy, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)
            elif isinstance(coast, LineString):
                clon, clat = zip(*coast.coords[:])
                cx, cy = m(clon, clat)
                m.plot(cx, cy, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)
                for tshape in coast:
                    clon, clat = zip(*tshape.coords[:])
                    cx, cy = m(clon, clat)
                    m.plot(cx, cy, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)

    def _drawGraticules(self, m, gd):
        """Draw meridian/parallels on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict instance.

        par = np.arange(np.ceil(gd.ymin), np.floor(gd.ymax) + 1, 1.0)
        mer = np.arange(np.ceil(gd.xmin), np.floor(gd.xmax) + 1, 1.0)
        merdict = m.drawmeridians(mer, labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], fontsize=10,
                                  linewidth=0.5, color='gray',
        pardict = m.drawparallels(par, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], fontsize=10,
                                  linewidth=0.5, color='gray',

        # loop over meridian and parallel dicts, change/increase font, draw
        # ticks
        xticks = []
        for merkey, mervalue in merdict.items():
            merline, merlablist = mervalue
            merlabel = merlablist[0]

        yticks = []
        for parkey, parvalue in pardict.items():
            parline, parlablist = parvalue
            parlabel = parlablist[0]

        # plt.tick_params(axis='both',color='k',direction='in')
        plt.xticks(xticks, ())
        plt.yticks(yticks, ())

    def _drawTitle(self, imt):
        """Draw the map title.

            imt (str): IMT that is being drawn on the map ('MMI', 'PGV',
                'PGA', 'SA(x.y)').
            isContour (bool): If true, use input imt, otherwise use MMI.

        # Add a title
        origin = self.fault.getOrigin()
        hlon = origin.lon
        hlat = origin.lat
        edict = json.loads(self.container.getString(
        eloc = edict['event_description']
        etime = datetime.strptime(
            edict['origin_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        timestr = etime.strftime('%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')
        mag = origin.mag
        if hlon < 0:
            lonstr = 'W%.2f' % np.abs(hlon)
            lonstr = 'E%.2f' % hlon
        if hlat < 0:
            latstr = 'S%.2f' % np.abs(hlat)
            latstr = 'N%.2f' % hlat
        dep = origin.depth
        eid = edict['event_id']
        tpl = (timestr, mag, latstr, lonstr, dep, eid)
        fmt = ('USGS ShakeMap (%s): %s\n %s UTC M%.1f %s %s '
               'Depth: %.1fkm ID:%s')
        tstr = fmt % (imt, eloc, timestr, mag, latstr, lonstr, dep, eid)
        # plt.suptitle('USGS ShakeMap (%s): %s' % (layername, eloc),
        #              fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', y=0.95)
        # plt.title('%s UTC M%.1f %s %s Depth: %.1fkm ID:%s' %
        #           tpl, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='bottom')
        # plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
        # matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']=[r"\usepackage{amsmath}"]
        plt.title(tstr, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='bottom')
        # plt.title(r"\TeX\ is Number "
        #   r"$\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{-e^{i\pi}}{2^n}$!",
        #   fontsize=16, color='gray')

    def _drawStations(self, m, fill=False, imt='PGA'):
        """Draw station locations on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            fill (bool): Whether or not to fill symbols.
            imt (str): One of ('MMI', 'PGA', 'PGV', or 'SA(x.y')
        dimt = imt.lower()

        # get the locations and values of the MMI observations
        mmi_dict = {'lat': [], 'lon': [], 'mmi': []}
        inst_dict = {'lat': [], 'lon': [], dimt: []}
        # get the locations and values of the observed/instrumented
        # observations
        for feature in self.stations['features']:
            lon, lat = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
            net = feature['properties']['network'].lower()
            if net in ['dyfi', 'mmi', 'intensity', 'ciim']:
                channel = feature['properties']['channels'][0]
                for amplitude in channel['amplitudes']:
                    if amplitude['name'] != 'mmi':
                channel = feature['properties']['channels'][0]
                for amplitude in channel['amplitudes']:
                    if amplitude['name'] != dimt:

        mmidf = pd.DataFrame(mmi_dict)
        instdf = pd.DataFrame(inst_dict)

        if not fill:
            # plot MMI as small circles
            mmilat = mmidf['lat'].as_matrix()
            mmilon = mmidf['lon'].as_matrix()
            m.plot(mmilon, mmilat, 'ko', latlon=True, fillstyle='none',
                   markersize=4, zorder=STATIONS_ZORDER)

            # plot MMI as slightly larger triangles
            instlat = instdf['lat'].as_matrix()
            instlon = instdf['lon'].as_matrix()
            m.plot(instlon, instlat, 'k^', latlon=True, fillstyle='none',
                   markersize=6, zorder=STATIONS_ZORDER)
            for idx, value in enumerate(mmidf['lat']):
                mlat = mmidf['lat'][idx]
                mlon = mmidf['lon'][idx]
                mmi = mmidf['mmi'][idx]
                mcolor = self.intensity_colormap.getDataColor(mmi)
                m.plot(mlon, mlat, 'o', latlon=True,
                       markerfacecolor=mcolor, markeredgecolor='k',
                       markersize=4, zorder=STATIONS_ZORDER)

            for idx, value in enumerate(instdf['lat']):
                mlat = instdf['lat'][idx]
                mlon = instdf['lon'][idx]
                # TODO: Make the fill color correspond to the mmi
                # obtained from the IMT.
#                dmmi = instdf[dimt][idx]
#                mcolor = self.intensity_colormap.getDataColor(dmmi)
                m.plot(mlon, mlat, '^', latlon=True,
                       markerfacecolor='w', markeredgecolor='k',
                       markersize=6, zorder=STATIONS_ZORDER)

    def _drawFault(self, m):
        """Draw fault rupture on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        lats = self.fault.lats
        lons = self.fault.lons
        x, y = m(lons, lats)
        m.plot(x, y, 'k', lw=2, zorder=FAULT_ZORDER)

    def drawIntensityMap(self, outfolder):
        Render the MMI data as intensity draped over topography, with oceans,
        coastlines, etc.

            outfolder (str): Path to directory where output map should be

            str: Path to output intensity map.
        t0 = time.time()
        # resample shakemap to topogrid
        # get the geodict for the topo file
        topodict = GMTGrid.getFileGeoDict(self.topofile)[0]
        # get the geodict for the ShakeMap
        comp = self.container.getComponents('MMI')[0]
        imtdict = self.container.getIMTGrids('MMI', comp)
        mmigrid = imtdict['mean']
        smdict = mmigrid.getGeoDict()
        # get a geodict that is aligned with topo, but inside shakemap
        sampledict = topodict.getBoundsWithin(smdict)

        mmigrid = mmigrid.interpolateToGrid(sampledict)

        gd = mmigrid.getGeoDict()

        # establish the basemap object
        m = self._setMap(gd)

        # get topo layer and project it
        topogrid = GMTGrid.load(
            self.topofile, samplegeodict=sampledict, resample=False)
        topodata = topogrid.getData().copy()
        ptopo = self._projectGrid(topodata, m, gd)

        # get intensity layer and project it
        imtdata = mmigrid.getData().copy()
        pimt = self._projectGrid(imtdata, m, gd)

        # get the draped intensity data
        draped_hsv = self._getDraped(pimt, ptopo)  # where will 10.0 come from

        # draw the draped intensity data
        m.imshow(draped_hsv, interpolation='none', zorder=IMG_ZORDER)

        # draw country/state boundaries

        # draw whatever road data is available
        # self.logger.debug('Drawing roads...')
        # self._drawRoads(m)
        # self.logger.debug('Done drawing roads...')

        # draw lakes
        self._drawLakes(m, gd)

        # draw oceans (pre-processed with islands taken out)
        t1 = time.time()
        self._drawOceans(m, gd)
        t2 = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to render oceans.' % (t2 - t1))

        # draw coastlines
        self._drawCoastlines(m, gd)

        # draw meridians, parallels, labels, ticks
        self._drawGraticules(m, gd)

        # draw map scale
        self._drawMapScale(m, gd)

        # draw fault polygon, if present
        self._drawFault(m)  # get the fault loaded

        # draw epicenter
        origin = self.fault.getOrigin()
        hlon = origin.lon
        hlat = origin.lat
        m.plot(hlon, hlat, 'k*', latlon=True, fillstyle='none',
               markersize=22, mew=1.2, zorder=EPICENTER_ZORDER)

        # draw cities
        # reduce the number of cities to those whose labels don't collide
        # set up cities
        if self.city_cols is not None:
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByBounds(
                (gd.xmin, gd.xmax, gd.ymin, gd.ymax))
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByGrid(
                nx=self.city_cols, ny=self.city_rows,
            # self.logger.debug("Available fonts: ", self.cities._fontlist)
            if 'Times New Roman' in self.cities._fontlist:
                font = 'Times New Roman'
                font = 'DejaVu Sans'
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByMapCollision(m, fontname=font)
        self.cities.renderToMap(m.ax, zorder=CITIES_ZORDER)

        # draw title and supertitle

        # draw station and macroseismic locations
        self._drawStations(m)  # need stationlist object

        # save plot to file
        outfile = os.path.join(outfolder, 'intensity.pdf')
        tn = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to render entire map.' % (tn - t0))
        return outfile

    def _getShaded(self, ptopo):
        """Get shaded topography.

            ptopo (ndarray): Numpy array of projected topography data.

            ndarray: Numpy array of light-shaded topography.

        maxvalue = self.contour_colormap.vmax
        ls1 = LightSource(azdeg=120, altdeg=45)
        ls2 = LightSource(azdeg=225, altdeg=45)
        intensity1 = ls1.hillshade(ptopo, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=VERT_EXAG)
        intensity2 = ls2.hillshade(ptopo, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=VERT_EXAG)
        intensity = intensity1 * 0.5 + intensity2 * 0.5

        ptoposc = ptopo / maxvalue
        rgba = self.contour_colormap.cmap(ptoposc)
        rgb = np.squeeze(rgba)

        draped_hsv = ls1.blend_hsv(rgb, np.expand_dims(intensity, 2))

        return draped_hsv

    def round_to(self, n, precision):
        """Round number to nearest level desired precision.

        Example: round_to(22.1,10) => 20.

            n (float): Input number to round.
            precision (int): Desired precision.

            int: Rounded value.

        correction = 0.5 if n >= 0 else -0.5
        return int(n / precision + correction) * precision

    def getContourLevels(self, dmin, dmax, imt):
        """Get contour levels given min/max values and desired IMT.

            dmin (float): Minimum value of data to contour.
            dmax (float): Maximum value of data to contour.
            imt (str): String IMT (one of PGV,PGA, etc.)

            ndarray: Numpy array of contour levels.

        # groupings taken from table on
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_ground_acceleration
        if imt == 'PGV':
            # table of minimum dmax and dinc levels
            dmax_dinc = OrderedDict([(1.1, 0.1),
                                     (3.4, 0.25),
                                     (8.1, 0.5),
                                     (16.0, 2.0),
                                     (31.0, 5.0),
                                     (60.0, 10.0),
                                     (116.0, 10.0),
                                     (200.0, 25.0)])
            keys = np.array(list(dmax_dinc.keys()))
            didx = np.where(keys < dmax)[0].max()
            dinc = dmax_dinc[keys[didx]]
            newdmin = self.round_to(dmin, dinc)
            newdmax = self.round_to(dmax, dinc)
            dmax_dinc = OrderedDict([(0.0017 * 100, 0.1),
                                     (0.014 * 100, 0.1),
                                     (0.039 * 100, 0.5),
                                     (0.092 * 100, 1.0),
                                     (0.18 * 100, 2.5),
                                     (0.34 * 100, 5.0),
                                     (0.65 * 100, 10.0),
                                     (1.24 * 100, 15.0),
                                     (3.0 * 100, 37.5)])
            keys = np.array(list(dmax_dinc.keys()))
            didx = np.where(keys < dmax)[0].max()
            dinc = dmax_dinc[keys[didx]]
            newdmin = self.round_to(dmin, dinc)
            newdmax = self.round_to(dmax, dinc)
        levels = np.arange(newdmin, newdmax + dinc, dinc)
        return levels

    def drawContourMap(self, imt, outfolder, cmin=None, cmax=None):
        Render IMT data as contours over topography, with oceans, coastlines,

            outfolder (str): Path to directory where output map should be

            str: Path to output IMT map.
        if self.contour_colormap is None:
            raise Exception('MapMaker.setGMTColormap() has not been called.')
        t0 = time.time()
        # resample shakemap to topogrid
        # get the geodict for the topo file
        topodict = GMTGrid.getFileGeoDict(self.topofile)[0]
        # get the geodict for the ShakeMap
        comp = self.container.getComponents(imt)[0]
        imtdict = self.container.getIMTGrids(imt, comp)
        imtgrid = imtdict['mean']
        smdict = imtgrid.getGeoDict()
        # get a geodict that is aligned with topo, but inside shakemap
        sampledict = topodict.getBoundsWithin(smdict)

        imtgrid = imtgrid.interpolateToGrid(sampledict)

        gd = imtgrid.getGeoDict()

        # establish the basemap object
        m = self._setMap(gd)

        # get topo layer and project it
        topogrid = GMTGrid.load(
            self.topofile, samplegeodict=sampledict, resample=False)
        topodata = topogrid.getData().copy()
        ptopo = self._projectGrid(topodata, m, gd)

        # get contour layer and project it1
        imtdata = imtgrid.getData().copy()

        # convert units if necessary
        if imt == 'MMI':
        elif imt == 'PGV':
            imtdata = np.exp(imtdata)
            imtdata = np.exp(imtdata) * 100

        pimt = self._projectGrid(imtdata, m, gd)

        # get the draped intensity data
        hillshade = self._getShaded(ptopo)

        # draw the draped intensity data
        m.imshow(hillshade, interpolation='none', zorder=IMG_ZORDER)

        # draw the contours of imt data
        xmin = gd.xmin
        if gd.xmax < gd.xmin:
            xmin -= 360
        lons = np.linspace(xmin, gd.xmax, gd.nx)
        # backwards so it plots right side up
        lats = np.linspace(gd.ymax, gd.ymin, gd.ny)
        x, y = m(*np.meshgrid(lons, lats))
        pimt = gaussian_filter(pimt, 5.0)
        dmin = pimt.min()
        dmax = pimt.max()
        levels = self.getContourLevels(dmin, dmax, imt)
        cs = m.contour(x, y, np.flipud(pimt), colors='w',
                       cmap=None, levels=levels, zorder=CONTOUR_ZORDER)
        clabels = plt.clabel(cs, colors='k', fmt='%.1f',
                             fontsize=8.0, zorder=CONTOUR_ZORDER)
        for cl in clabels:
            bbox = dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor='white', edgecolor='w')

        # draw country/state boundaries

        # draw lakes
        self._drawLakes(m, gd)

        # draw oceans (pre-processed with islands taken out)
        t1 = time.time()
        self._drawOceans(m, gd)
        t2 = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to render oceans.' % (t2 - t1))

        # draw coastlines
        self._drawCoastlines(m, gd)

        # draw meridians, parallels, labels, ticks
        self._drawGraticules(m, gd)

        # draw filled symbols for MMI and instrumented measures
        self._drawStations(m, fill=True, imt=imt)

        # draw map scale
        self._drawMapScale(m, gd)

        # draw fault polygon, if present
        self._drawFault(m)  # get the fault loaded

        # draw epicenter
        origin = self.fault.getOrigin()
        hlon = origin.lon
        hlat = origin.lat
        m.plot(hlon, hlat, 'k*', latlon=True, fillstyle='none',
               markersize=22, mew=1.2, zorder=EPICENTER_ZORDER)

        # draw cities
        # reduce the number of cities to those whose labels don't collide
        # set up cities
        if self.city_cols is not None:
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByBounds(
                (gd.xmin, gd.xmax, gd.ymin, gd.ymax))
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByGrid(
                nx=self.city_cols, ny=self.city_rows,
            if 'Times New Roman' in self.cities._fontlist:
                font = 'Times New Roman'
                font = 'DejaVu Sans'
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByMapCollision(m, fontname=font)
        self.cities.renderToMap(m.ax, zorder=CITIES_ZORDER)

        # draw title and supertitle

        # save plot to file
        fileimt = oq_to_file(imt)
        outfile = os.path.join(outfolder, 'contour_%s.pdf' %
        tn = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to render entire map.' % (tn - t0))
        return outfile