def check_orthonormal(basis1, basis2, basis3): """ Return True if bases are mutually orthogonal, False otherwise , does not indicate which criterion fails """ orthogonal = round_small(vec_proj(basis1, basis2)) == 0 and round_small( vec_proj(basis1, basis3)) == 0 and round_small(vec_proj( basis2, basis3)) == 0 # dbgLog(-1, round_small( vec_proj(basis1,basis2) ) , round_small( vec_proj(basis1,basis3) ) , round_small( vec_proj(basis2,basis3) ) ) normal = eq(vec_mag(basis1), 1) and eq(vec_mag(basis2), 1) and eq( vec_mag(basis3), 1) # dbgLog(-1, vec_mag(basis1) , vec_mag(basis2) , vec_mag(basis3) ) return orthogonal and normal
def shortest_btn_vecs(v1, v2): """ Return the Quaternion representing the shortest rotation from vector 'v1' to vector 'v2' """ # print "DEBUG , Got vectors: " , v1 , v2 # print "DEBUG , Crossed vectors: " , np.cross( v1 , v2 ) # print "DEBUG , Crossed unit vec:" , vec_unit( np.cross( v1 , v2 ) ) # print "DEBUG , Angle between: " , vec_angle_between( v1 , v2 ) angle = vec_angle_between(v1, v2) if eq(angle, 0.0): return Quaternion.no_turn_quat() elif eq(angle, pi): # If we are making a pi turn, then just pick any axis perpendicular to the opposing vectors and make the turn # The axis that is picked will result in different poses return Quaternion.k_rot_to_Quat(vec_unit(np.cross(v1, [1, 0, 0])), angle) else: return Quaternion.k_rot_to_Quat(vec_unit(np.cross(v1, v2)), angle)
def joint_homog( pitch , q ): """ Return the joint homogeneous transform matrix for a joint with 'pitch' and joint variable 'q' """ # See page 135 of [3] for the homogeneous transformations for each type if eq( pitch , 0.0 ): # Revolute Joint : Implements pure rotation E = z_trn( q ) r = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] elif pitch == infty: #- Prismatic Joint : Implements pure translation E = np.eye( 3 ) r = [ 0 , 0 , q ] else: # --------------- Helical Joint : Implements a screwing motion E = z_trn( q ) r = [ 0 , 0 , pitch * q ] return homog_xform( E , r )
def joint_spatl( pitch , q ): # Featherstone: jcalc """ Return the joint spatial coordinate transform and subspace matrix for a joint with 'pitch' and joint variable 'q' """ # NOTE : This function is for transform coordinate bases , not positions if eq( pitch , 0.0 ): # Revolute Joint : Implements pure rotation E = z_trn( q ) # E = z_rot( q ) r = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] s_i = [ 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] XJ_s = sp_rot_xfrm( E ) # XJ_s = sp_rot_xfrm_alt( E ) elif pitch == infty: #- Prismatic Joint : Implements pure translation E = np.eye( 3 ); r = [ 0 , 0 , q ] s_i = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ] XJ_s = sp_trn_xfrm_mtn( r ) else: # --------------- Helical Joint : Implements a screwing motion E = z_trn( q ); r = [ 0 , 0 , pitch * q ] s_i = [ 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , pitch ] XJ_s = sp_rot_xfrm( E ) , sp_trn_xfrm_mtn( r ) ) return XJ_s , s_i
def eq(p, q): """ Determine if two quaterions are equal enough """ return eq(p.sclr, q.sclr) and vec_eq(p._vctr, q._vctr)