예제 #1
    def _execute(self, x):
        # similar algorithm to that within self.stop_training()
        #  refer there for notes & comments on code
        N = self.data.shape[0]
        Nx = x.shape[0]
        W = numx.zeros((Nx, N), dtype=self.dtype)

        k, r = self.k, self.r
        d_out = self.output_dim
        Q_diag_idx = numx.arange(k)

        for row in range(Nx):
            #find nearest neighbors of x in M
            M_xi = self.data - x[row]
            nbrs = numx.argsort((M_xi**2).sum(1))[:k]
            M_xi = M_xi[nbrs]

            #find corrected covariance matrix Q
            Q = mult(M_xi, M_xi.T)
            if r is None and k > d_out:
                sig2 = (svd(M_xi, compute_uv=0))**2
                r = numx.sum(sig2[d_out:])
                Q[Q_diag_idx, Q_diag_idx] += r
            if r is not None:
                Q[Q_diag_idx, Q_diag_idx] += r

            #solve for weights
            w = self._refcast(numx_linalg.solve(Q, numx.ones(k)))
            w /= w.sum()
            W[row, nbrs] = w

        #multiply weights by result of SVD from training
        return numx.dot(W, self.training_projection)
예제 #2
    def _execute(self, x):
        # similar algorithm to that within self.stop_training()
        #  refer there for notes & comments on code
        N = self.data.shape[0]
        Nx = x.shape[0]
        W = numx.zeros((Nx, N), dtype=self.dtype)

        k, r = self.k, self.r
        d_out = self.output_dim
        Q_diag_idx = numx.arange(k)

        for row in range(Nx):
            #find nearest neighbors of x in M
            M_xi = self.data-x[row]
            nbrs = numx.argsort( (M_xi**2).sum(1) )[:k]
            M_xi = M_xi[nbrs]

            #find corrected covariance matrix Q
            Q = mult(M_xi, M_xi.T)
            if r is None and k > d_out:
                sig2 = (svd(M_xi, compute_uv=0))**2
                r = numx.sum(sig2[d_out:])
                Q[Q_diag_idx, Q_diag_idx] += r
            if r is not None:
                Q[Q_diag_idx, Q_diag_idx] += r

            #solve for weights
            w = self._refcast(numx_linalg.solve(Q , numx.ones(k)))
            w /= w.sum()
            W[row, nbrs] = w

        #multiply weights by result of SVD from training
        return numx.dot(W, self.training_projection)
예제 #3
    def _stop_training(self):

        if self.verbose:
            msg = ('training LLE on %i points'
                   ' in %i dimensions...' %
                   (self.data.shape[0], self.data.shape[1]))
            print msg

        # some useful quantities
        M = self.data
        N = M.shape[0]
        k = self.k
        r = self.r

        # indices of diagonal elements
        W_diag_idx = numx.arange(N)
        Q_diag_idx = numx.arange(k)

        if k > N:
            err = ('k=%i must be less than or '
                   'equal to number of training points N=%i' % (k, N))
            raise TrainingException(err)

        # determines number of output dimensions: if desired_variance
        # is specified, we need to learn it from the data. Otherwise,
        # it's easy
        learn_outdim = False
        if self.output_dim is None:
            if self.desired_variance is None:
                self.output_dim = self.input_dim
                learn_outdim = True

        # do we need to automatically determine the regularization term?
        auto_reg = r is None

        # determine number of output dims, precalculate useful stuff
        if learn_outdim:
            Qs, sig2s, nbrss = self._adjust_output_dim()

        # build the weight matrix
        #XXX future work:
        #XXX   for faster implementation, W should be a sparse matrix
        W = numx.zeros((N, N), dtype=self.dtype)

        if self.verbose:
            print ' - constructing [%i x %i] weight matrix...' % W.shape

        for row in range(N):
            if learn_outdim:
                Q = Qs[row, :, :]
                nbrs = nbrss[row, :]
                # -----------------------------------------------
                #  find k nearest neighbors
                # -----------------------------------------------
                M_Mi = M - M[row]
                nbrs = numx.argsort((M_Mi**2).sum(1))[1:k + 1]
                M_Mi = M_Mi[nbrs]
                # compute covariance matrix of distances
                Q = mult(M_Mi, M_Mi.T)

            # -----------------------------------------------
            #  compute weight vector based on neighbors
            # -----------------------------------------------

            #Covariance matrix may be nearly singular:
            # add a diagonal correction to prevent numerical errors
            if auto_reg:
                # automatic mode: correction is equal to the sum of
                # the (d_in-d_out) unused variances (as in deRidder &
                # Duin)
                if learn_outdim:
                    sig2 = sig2s[row, :]
                    sig2 = svd(M_Mi, compute_uv=0)**2
                r = numx.sum(sig2[self.output_dim:])
                Q[Q_diag_idx, Q_diag_idx] += r
                # Roweis et al instead use "a correction that
                #   is small compared to the trace" e.g.:
                # r = 0.001 * float(Q.trace())
                # this is equivalent to assuming 0.1% of the variance is unused
                Q[Q_diag_idx, Q_diag_idx] += r * Q.trace()

            #solve for weight
            # weight is w such that sum(Q_ij * w_j) = 1 for all i
            # XXX refcast is due to numpy bug: floats become double
            w = self._refcast(numx_linalg.solve(Q, numx.ones(k)))
            w /= w.sum()

            #update row of the weight matrix
            W[nbrs, row] = w

        if self.verbose:
            msg = (' - finding [%i x %i] null space of weight matrix\n'
                   '     (may take a while)...' % (self.output_dim, N))
            print msg

        self.W = W.copy()
        #to find the null space, we need the bottom d+1
        #  eigenvectors of (W-I).T*(W-I)
        #Compute this using the svd of (W-I):
        W[W_diag_idx, W_diag_idx] -= 1.

        #XXX future work:
        #XXX  use of upcoming ARPACK interface for bottom few eigenvectors
        #XXX   of a sparse matrix will significantly increase the speed
        #XXX   of the next step
        if self.svd:
            sig, U = nongeneral_svd(W.T, range=(2, self.output_dim + 1))
            # the following code does the same computation, but uses
            # symeig, which computes only the required eigenvectors, and
            # is much faster. However, it could also be more unstable...
            WW = mult(W, W.T)
            # regularizes the eigenvalues, does not change the eigenvectors:
            WW[W_diag_idx, W_diag_idx] += 0.1
            sig, U = symeig(WW, range=(2, self.output_dim + 1), overwrite=True)

        self.training_projection = U
예제 #4
    def _stop_training(self):

        if self.verbose:
            msg = ('training LLE on %i points'
                   ' in %i dimensions...' % (self.data.shape[0],
            print msg

        # some useful quantities
        M = self.data
        N = M.shape[0]
        k = self.k
        r = self.r

        # indices of diagonal elements
        W_diag_idx = numx.arange(N)
        Q_diag_idx = numx.arange(k)

        if k > N:
            err = ('k=%i must be less than or '
                   'equal to number of training points N=%i' % (k, N))
            raise TrainingException(err)

        # determines number of output dimensions: if desired_variance
        # is specified, we need to learn it from the data. Otherwise,
        # it's easy
        learn_outdim = False
        if self.output_dim is None:
            if self.desired_variance is None:
                self.output_dim = self.input_dim
                learn_outdim = True

        # do we need to automatically determine the regularization term?
        auto_reg = r is None

        # determine number of output dims, precalculate useful stuff
        if learn_outdim:
            Qs, sig2s, nbrss = self._adjust_output_dim()

        # build the weight matrix
        #XXX future work:
        #XXX   for faster implementation, W should be a sparse matrix
        W = numx.zeros((N, N), dtype=self.dtype)

        if self.verbose:
            print ' - constructing [%i x %i] weight matrix...' % W.shape

        for row in range(N):
            if learn_outdim:
                Q = Qs[row, :, :]
                nbrs = nbrss[row, :]
                # -----------------------------------------------
                #  find k nearest neighbors
                # -----------------------------------------------
                M_Mi = M-M[row]
                nbrs = numx.argsort((M_Mi**2).sum(1))[1:k+1]
                M_Mi = M_Mi[nbrs]
                # compute covariance matrix of distances
                Q = mult(M_Mi, M_Mi.T)

            # -----------------------------------------------
            #  compute weight vector based on neighbors
            # -----------------------------------------------

            #Covariance matrix may be nearly singular:
            # add a diagonal correction to prevent numerical errors
            if auto_reg:
                # automatic mode: correction is equal to the sum of
                # the (d_in-d_out) unused variances (as in deRidder &
                # Duin)
                if learn_outdim:
                    sig2 = sig2s[row, :]
                    sig2 = svd(M_Mi, compute_uv=0)**2
                r = numx.sum(sig2[self.output_dim:])
                Q[Q_diag_idx, Q_diag_idx] += r
                # Roweis et al instead use "a correction that
                #   is small compared to the trace" e.g.:
                # r = 0.001 * float(Q.trace())
                # this is equivalent to assuming 0.1% of the variance is unused
                Q[Q_diag_idx, Q_diag_idx] += r*Q.trace()

            #solve for weight
            # weight is w such that sum(Q_ij * w_j) = 1 for all i
            # XXX refcast is due to numpy bug: floats become double
            w = self._refcast(numx_linalg.solve(Q, numx.ones(k)))
            w /= w.sum()

            #update row of the weight matrix
            W[nbrs, row] = w

        if self.verbose:
            msg = (' - finding [%i x %i] null space of weight matrix\n'
                   '     (may take a while)...' % (self.output_dim, N))
            print msg

        self.W = W.copy()
        #to find the null space, we need the bottom d+1
        #  eigenvectors of (W-I).T*(W-I)
        #Compute this using the svd of (W-I):
        W[W_diag_idx, W_diag_idx] -= 1.

        #XXX future work:
        #XXX  use of upcoming ARPACK interface for bottom few eigenvectors
        #XXX   of a sparse matrix will significantly increase the speed
        #XXX   of the next step
        if self.svd:
            sig, U = nongeneral_svd(W.T, range=(2, self.output_dim+1))
            # the following code does the same computation, but uses
            # symeig, which computes only the required eigenvectors, and
            # is much faster. However, it could also be more unstable...
            WW = mult(W, W.T)
            # regularizes the eigenvalues, does not change the eigenvectors:
            WW[W_diag_idx, W_diag_idx] += 0.1
            sig, U = symeig(WW, range=(2, self.output_dim+1), overwrite=True)

        self.training_projection = U