예제 #1
    def test_get_pixel_bottom_right(self):
        """Test getting the bottom left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == WIDTH - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == HEIGHT - 1)
def reduce_width(pic, reducing_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is horizontally 
        compressed by an Integer reducing_factor''' 
    # Create a new Picture with the appropriate old height and new width, and
    # initialize the colour to black (all colour components are zero).
    new_width = (pic.get_width() - 1) / reducing_factor + 1
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height, media.black)
    # Iterate through all the Pixels in the large image, and copy
    # a portion of that Pixel's colour components into the correct 
    # Pixel position in the smaller image.
    for pixel in pic:
        # Find the corresponding Pixel in the new Picture.
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel)/reducing_factor;
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel);
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(newpic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        # Add the appropriate fraction of this Pixel's colour components
        # to the components of the corresponding Pixel in the new Picture.
        new_red = newpixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red()/reducing_factor
        new_blue = newpixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue()/reducing_factor
        new_green = newpixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green()/reducing_factor
        media.set_red(newpixel, int(new_red))
        media.set_blue(newpixel, int(new_blue))
        media.set_green(newpixel, int(new_green))
    return newpic
예제 #3
    def test_get_pixel_top_left(self):
        """Test getting the top left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, 0, 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == 0)
예제 #4
    def test_get_pixel_top_left(self):
        """Test getting the top left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, 0, 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == 0)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == 0)
예제 #5
    def test_get_pixel_bottom_right(self):
        """Test getting the bottom left pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_x(p) == WIDTH - 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_y(p) == HEIGHT - 1)
def chromakey(person, background):
    '''Replace blue pixels in the person picture with the corresponding
    pixels in the background picture.  The pictures must have the same dimensions.'''
    colour = media.get_color(media.get_pixel(person, 60, 60))
    for p in person:
		# 42 is a guess. Other values might work much better.
        if media.distance(media.get_color(p), colour) < 42:
            x = media.get_x(p)
            y = media.get_y(p)
            background_px = media.get_pixel(background, x, y)
            media.set_color(p, media.get_color(background_px))
예제 #7
def count_stars(pic, intensity):
    '''Count stars in Picture pic brighter than int intensity.'''
    count = 0
    for pixel in pic:
        if get_intensity(pixel) > intensity:
            count += 1
            x = media.get_x(pixel)
            y = media.get_y(pixel)
            flood_fill(pic, x, y, intensity, media.darkblue)
    return count
예제 #8
def simple_difference(pic, pic2):
    '''Return an int that is the sum of the differences between each pixel in 
    pic and pic2.'''
    sum_difference = 0
    for pixel in pic:
        x_pic = media.get_x(pixel)
        y_pic = media.get_y(pixel)
        pixel2 = media.get_pixel(pic2, x_pic, y_pic)
        difference = distance(pixel, pixel2)
        sum_difference += difference
    return sum_difference
def simple_difference(pic_1, pic_2):
    ''' Return an integer value indicating the difference between two Pictures,
        pic_1 and pic_2, with the same dimensions'''
    sum_diff = 0
    #sum up all the distances for the corresponding pixels in the two pictures.
    #(add up all RGB value differences between pixels in the two pics)
    for pixel in pic_1:
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel) 
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel)
        sum_diff += distance(media.get_pixel(pic_1, x_coordinate, y_coordinate),
                             media.get_pixel(pic_2, x_coordinate, y_coordinate))
    return sum_diff
def chromakey(person, background):
    '''Replace blue pixels in the person picture with the corresponding
    pixels in the background picture. The pictures must have the same

    for pixel in person:

        # If the blue dominates the pixel, replace its colour with the colour of
        # the corresponding pixel from the background picture.
        if media.get_blue(pixel) > media.get_green(pixel) and \
                media.get_blue(pixel) > media.get_red(pixel):
            x = media.get_x(pixel)
            y = media.get_y(pixel)
            background_px = media.get_pixel(background, x, y)
            media.set_color(pixel, media.get_color(background_px))
def expand_width(pic, expanding_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is horizontally 
        stretched by an Integer expanding_factor'''  
    new_width = (pic.get_width()) * expanding_factor
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height, media.black)
    for pixel in newpic:
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel) / expanding_factor
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel)
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        new_color = media.get_color(newpixel)
        media.set_color(pixel, new_color)
    return newpic
def expand_height(pic, expanding_factor):
    ''' Take Picture pic and return a duplicate of it that is vertically 
        stretched by an Integer expanding_factor'''
    new_width = pic.get_width()
    new_height = pic.get_height() * expanding_factor
    #create a new pic with new width, height and color black
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height, media.black)
    #in new pic, align the x/y coordinate to that of old pic, get pixel and
    #use that pixel to get its color and set it as the new color for new pic
    for pixel in newpic:
        x_coordinate = media.get_x(pixel)
        y_coordinate = media.get_y(pixel) / expanding_factor
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
        new_color = media.get_color(newpixel)
        media.set_color(pixel, new_color)  
    return newpic
예제 #13
def overlay_picture(pic, pic2):
    '''(Pic, Pic2) -> Picture Return a new picture with each pixel's 
    color values made up of 80% of the color values of the corresponding pixel 
    in the first picture and 20% of the color values of the corresponding pixel 
    in the second picture'''

    new_pic = media.copy(pic)

    for pix in new_pic:
        x = media.get_x(pix)
        y = media.get_y(pix)
        p1 = media.get_pixel(pic, x, y)
        p2 = media.get_pixel(pic2, x, y)
        red = (int(p1.get_red()) * 0.8) + (int(p2.get_red()) * 0.2)
        green = (int(p1.get_green()) * 0.8) + (int(p2.get_green()) * 0.2)
        blue = (int(p1.get_blue()) * 0.8) + (int(p2.get_blue()) * 0.2)
        new_color = media.create_color(red, green, blue)
        media.set_color(pix, new_color)
    return new_pic
예제 #14
파일: a1.py 프로젝트: Zhaeong/School
def overlay_picture(pic, pic2):
    '''(Pic, Pic2) -> Picture Return a new picture with each pixel's 
    color values made up of 80% of the color values of the corresponding pixel 
    in the first picture and 20% of the color values of the corresponding pixel 
    in the second picture'''

    for pix in new_pic:
        x = media.get_x(pix)
        y = media.get_y(pix)
        p1 = media.get_pixel(pic, x,y)
        p2 = media.get_pixel(pic2,x,y)
        red   = (int(p1.get_red()) * 0.8) + (int(p2.get_red()) * 0.2)
        green = (int(p1.get_green()) * 0.8) + (int(p2.get_green()) * 0.2)
        blue  = (int(p1.get_blue()) * 0.8) + (int(p2.get_blue()) * 0.2)        
        new_color = media.create_color(red, green, blue)
        media.set_color(pix, new_color)
    return new_pic
예제 #15
def reduce_width(pic, factor):
    '''Create a new picture newpic that has a reduced width of pic by a 
    factor of factor.'''
    new_height = pic.get_height()
    new_width = (pic.get_width() + factor - 1) / factor
    newpic = media.create_picture(new_width, new_height, media.black)
    for pixel in pic:
        x = media.get_x(pixel)
        y = media.get_y(pixel)
        newpixel = media.get_pixel(newpic, x/factor, y)
        new_red = newpixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red()/factor
        new_blue = newpixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue()/factor
        new_green = newpixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green()/factor
        media.set_red(newpixel, new_red)
        media.set_blue(newpixel, new_blue)
        media.set_green(newpixel, new_green)
    return newpic
예제 #16
def expand_width(pic, expand_factor):
    '''Create a new picture new_pic that has an expanded width of pic by a 
     factor of expand_factor.'''
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = expand_factor * media.get_width(pic)
    new_pic = media.create_picture(width, height, media.black) 
    for pixel in new_pic:
        x = media.get_x(pixel)
        y = media.get_y(pixel)
        new_pixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x / expand_factor, y )
        new_red = new_pixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red() 
        new_blue = new_pixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue() 
        new_green = new_pixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green() 
        media.set_red(pixel, new_red)
        media.set_blue(pixel, new_blue)
        media.set_green(pixel, new_green)
    return new_pic