예제 #1
 def mark_done(self) -> None:
     Take any required step with the crowd_provider to ensure that
     the worker can submit their work and be marked as complete via
     a call to get_status
     if self.get_status() not in AgentState.complete():
예제 #2
 def get_status(self) -> str:
     """Get the status of this agent in their work on their unit"""
     if self.db_status not in AgentState.complete():
         row = self.db.get_onboarding_agent(self.db_id)
         if row["status"] != self.db_status:
             if row["status"] in [
                 # Disconnect statuses should free any pending acts
         self.db_status = row["status"]
     return self.db_status
예제 #3
 def update_status(self, new_status: str) -> None:
     """Update the database status of this agent, and
     possibly send a message to the frontend agent informing
     them of this update"""
     if self.db_status == new_status:
         return  # Noop, this is already the case
     if self.db_status in AgentState.complete():
         print(f"Updating a final status, was {self.db_status} "
               f"and want to set to {new_status}")
     self.db.update_onboarding_agent(self.db_id, status=new_status)
     self.db_status = new_status
     if new_status in [
             AgentState.STATUS_RETURNED, AgentState.STATUS_DISCONNECT
         # Disconnect statuses should free any pending acts
예제 #4
 def _launch_and_run_unit(self, unit: "Unit", agent_info: "AgentInfo",
                          task_runner: "TaskRunner"):
     """Launch a thread to supervise the completion of an assignment"""
         agent = agent_info.agent
         assert isinstance(
             agent, Agent
         ), f"Can launch units for Agents, not OnboardingAgents, got {agent}"
         task_runner.launch_unit(unit, agent)
         if agent.get_status() not in AgentState.complete():
             if not agent.did_submit.is_set():
                 # Wait for a submit to occur
                 # TODO(#94) make submit timeout configurable
     except Exception as e:
         logger.exception(f"Cleaning up unit: {e}", exc_info=True)
예제 #5
class OnboardingAgent(ABC):
    Onboarding agents are a special extension of agents used
    in tasks that have a separate onboarding step. These agents
    are designed to work without being linked to an explicit
    unit, and instead are tied to the task run and task name. 
    Blueprints that require OnboardingAgents should implement an 
    OnboardingAgentState (to process the special task), and their 
    TaskRunners should have a run_onboarding and cleanup_onboarding

    DISPLAY_PREFIX = "onboarding_"

    def __init__(self,
                 db: "MephistoDB",
                 db_id: str,
                 row: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None):
        self.db: "MephistoDB" = db
        if row is None:
            row = db.get_onboarding_agent(db_id)
        assert row is not None, f"Given db_id {db_id} did not exist in given db"
        self.db_id: str = row["onboarding_agent_id"]
        self.db_status = row["status"]
        self.worker_id = row["worker_id"]
        self.task_type = row["task_type"]
        self.pending_observations: List["Packet"] = []
        self.pending_actions: List["Packet"] = []
        self.has_action = threading.Event()
        self.wants_action = threading.Event()
        self.has_updated_status = threading.Event()
        self.task_run_id = row["task_run_id"]
        self.task_id = row["task_id"]
        self.did_submit = threading.Event()

        # Deferred loading of related entities
        self._worker: Optional["Worker"] = None
        self._task_run: Optional["TaskRun"] = None
        self._task: Optional["Task"] = None

        # Follow-up initialization
        self.state = AgentState(self)  # type: ignore

    def get_agent_id(self) -> str:
        """Return an id to use for onboarding agent requests"""
        return f"{self.DISPLAY_PREFIX}{self.db_id}"

    def is_onboarding_id(cls, agent_id: str) -> bool:
        """return if the given id is for an onboarding agent"""
        return agent_id.startswith(cls.DISPLAY_PREFIX)

    def get_db_id_from_agent_id(cls, agent_id: str) -> str:
        """Extract the db_id for an onboarding_agent"""
        assert agent_id.startswith(
        ), f"Provided id {agent_id} is not an onboarding_id"
        return agent_id[len(cls.DISPLAY_PREFIX):]

    def get_worker(self) -> Worker:
        Return the worker that is using this agent for a task
        if self._worker is None:
            self._worker = Worker(self.db, self.worker_id)
        return self._worker

    def get_task_run(self) -> "TaskRun":
        """Return the TaskRun this agent is working within"""
        if self._task_run is None:
            from mephisto.data_model.task import TaskRun

            self._task_run = TaskRun(self.db, self.task_run_id)
        return self._task_run

    def get_task(self) -> "Task":
        """Return the Task this agent is working within"""
        if self._task is None:
            if self._task_run is not None:
                self._task = self._task_run.get_task()
                from mephisto.data_model.task import Task

                self._task = Task(self.db, self.task_id)
        return self._task

    def get_data_dir(self) -> str:
        Return the directory to be storing any agent state for
        this agent into
        task_run_dir = self.get_task_run().get_run_dir()
        return os.path.join(task_run_dir, "onboarding", self.get_agent_id())

    def update_status(self, new_status: str) -> None:
        """Update the database status of this agent, and
        possibly send a message to the frontend agent informing
        them of this update"""
        if self.db_status == new_status:
            return  # Noop, this is already the case
        if self.db_status in AgentState.complete():
            print(f"Updating a final status, was {self.db_status} "
                  f"and want to set to {new_status}")
        self.db.update_onboarding_agent(self.db_id, status=new_status)
        self.db_status = new_status
        if new_status in [
                AgentState.STATUS_RETURNED, AgentState.STATUS_DISCONNECT
            # Disconnect statuses should free any pending acts

    def observe(self, packet: "Packet") -> None:
        Pass the observed information to the AgentState, then
        queue the information to be pushed to the user
        sending_packet = packet.copy()
        sending_packet.receiver_id = self.get_agent_id()

    def act(self, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional["Packet"]:
        Request information from the Agent's frontend. If non-blocking,
        (timeout is None) should return None if no actions are ready
        to be returned.
        if len(self.pending_actions) == 0:
            if timeout is None or timeout == 0:
                return None

        if len(self.pending_actions) == 0:
            # various disconnect cases
            status = self.get_status()
            if status == AgentState.STATUS_DISCONNECT:
                raise AgentDisconnectedError(self.db_id)
            elif status == AgentState.STATUS_RETURNED:
                raise AgentReturnedError(self.db_id)
            raise AgentTimeoutError(timeout, self.db_id)
        assert len(
            self.pending_actions) > 0, "has_action released without an action!"

        act = self.pending_actions.pop(0)

        if "MEPHISTO_is_submit" in act.data and act.data["MEPHISTO_is_submit"]:

        if len(self.pending_actions) == 0:
        return act

    def get_status(self) -> str:
        """Get the status of this agent in their work on their unit"""
        if self.db_status not in AgentState.complete():
            row = self.db.get_onboarding_agent(self.db_id)
            if row["status"] != self.db_status:
                if row["status"] in [
                    # Disconnect statuses should free any pending acts
            self.db_status = row["status"]
        return self.db_status

    def mark_done(self) -> None:
        """Mark this agent as done by setting the status to a terminal onboarding state"""
        # TODO the logic for when onboarding gets marked as waiting or approved/rejected
        # should likely be cleaned up to remove these conditionals.
        if self.get_status not in [

    def new(db: "MephistoDB", worker: Worker,
            task_run: "TaskRun") -> "OnboardingAgent":
        Create an OnboardingAgent for a worker to use as part of a task run
        db_id = db.new_onboarding_agent(worker.db_id, task_run.task_id,
                                        task_run.db_id, task_run.task_type)
        return OnboardingAgent(db, db_id)
예제 #6
class Agent(ABC):
    This class encompasses a worker as they are working on an individual assignment.
    It maintains details for the current task at hand such as start and end time,
    connection status, etc.
    def __init__(self,
                 db: "MephistoDB",
                 db_id: str,
                 row: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None):
        self.db: "MephistoDB" = db
        if row is None:
            row = db.get_agent(db_id)
        assert row is not None, f"Given db_id {db_id} did not exist in given db"
        self.db_id: str = row["agent_id"]
        self.db_status = row["status"]
        self.worker_id = row["worker_id"]
        self.unit_id = row["unit_id"]
        self.task_type = row["task_type"]
        self.provider_type = row["provider_type"]
        self.pending_observations: List["Packet"] = []
        self.pending_actions: List["Packet"] = []
        self.has_action = threading.Event()
        self.wants_action = threading.Event()
        self.has_updated_status = threading.Event()
        self.assignment_id = row["assignment_id"]
        self.task_run_id = row["task_run_id"]
        self.task_id = row["task_id"]
        self.did_submit = threading.Event()

        # Deferred loading of related entities
        self._worker: Optional["Worker"] = None
        self._unit: Optional["Unit"] = None
        self._assignment: Optional["Assignment"] = None
        self._task_run: Optional["TaskRun"] = None
        self._task: Optional["Task"] = None

        # Follow-up initialization
        self.state = AgentState(self)  # type: ignore

    def __new__(cls,
                db: "MephistoDB",
                db_id: str,
                row: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) -> "Agent":
        The new method is overridden to be able to automatically generate
        the expected Agent class without needing to specifically find it
        for a given db_id. As such it is impossible to create a base Agent
        as you will instead be returned the correct Agent class according to
        the crowdprovider associated with this Agent.
        from mephisto.core.registry import get_crowd_provider_from_type

        if cls == Agent:
            # We are trying to construct a Agent, find what type to use and
            # create that instead
            if row is None:
                row = db.get_agent(db_id)
            assert row is not None, f"Given db_id {db_id} did not exist in given db"
            correct_class = get_crowd_provider_from_type(
            return super().__new__(correct_class)
            # We are constructing another instance directly
            return super().__new__(cls)

    def get_agent_id(self) -> str:
        """Return this agent's id"""
        return self.db_id

    def get_worker(self) -> Worker:
        Return the worker that is using this agent for a task
        if self._worker is None:
            self._worker = Worker(self.db, self.worker_id)
        return self._worker

    def get_unit(self) -> "Unit":
        Return the Unit that this agent is working on.
        if self._unit is None:
            from mephisto.data_model.assignment import Unit

            self._unit = Unit(self.db, self.unit_id)
        return self._unit

    def get_assignment(self) -> "Assignment":
        """Return the assignment this agent is working on"""
        if self._assignment is None:
            if self._unit is not None:
                self._assignment = self._unit.get_assignment()
                from mephisto.data_model.assignment import Assignment

                self._assignment = Assignment(self.db, self.assignment_id)
        return self._assignment

    def get_task_run(self) -> "TaskRun":
        """Return the TaskRun this agent is working within"""
        if self._task_run is None:
            if self._unit is not None:
                self._task_run = self._unit.get_task_run()
            elif self._assignment is not None:
                self._task_run = self._assignment.get_task_run()
                from mephisto.data_model.task import TaskRun

                self._task_run = TaskRun(self.db, self.task_run_id)
        return self._task_run

    def get_task(self) -> "Task":
        """Return the Task this agent is working within"""
        if self._task is None:
            if self._unit is not None:
                self._task = self._unit.get_task()
            elif self._assignment is not None:
                self._task = self._assignment.get_task()
            elif self._task_run is not None:
                self._task = self._task_run.get_task()
                from mephisto.data_model.task import Task

                self._task = Task(self.db, self.task_id)
        return self._task

    def get_data_dir(self) -> str:
        Return the directory to be storing any agent state for
        this agent into
        assignment_dir = self.get_assignment().get_data_dir()
        return os.path.join(assignment_dir, self.db_id)

    def update_status(self, new_status: str) -> None:
        """Update the database status of this agent, and
        possibly send a message to the frontend agent informing
        them of this update"""
        if self.db_status == new_status:
            return  # Noop, this is already the case
        if self.db_status in AgentState.complete():
            print(f"Updating a final status, was {self.db_status} "
                  f"and want to set to {new_status}")
        self.db.update_agent(self.db_id, status=new_status)
        self.db_status = new_status
        if new_status in [
                AgentState.STATUS_RETURNED, AgentState.STATUS_DISCONNECT
            # Disconnect statuses should free any pending acts

    def _register_agent(db: "MephistoDB", worker: Worker, unit: "Unit",
                        provider_type: str) -> "Agent":
        Create this agent in the mephisto db with the correct setup
        db_id = db.new_agent(
        a = Agent(db, db_id)
        return a

    # Specialized child cases may need to implement the following

    def new_from_provider_data(
        db: "MephistoDB",
        worker: Worker,
        unit: "Unit",
        provider_data: Dict[str, Any],
    ) -> "Agent":
        Wrapper around the new method that allows registering additional
        bookkeeping information from a crowd provider for this agent
        agent = cls.new(db, worker, unit)
        unit.worker_id = worker.db_id
        agent._unit = unit
        return agent

    def observe(self, packet: "Packet") -> None:
        Pass the observed information to the AgentState, then
        queue the information to be pushed to the user
        sending_packet = packet.copy()
        sending_packet.receiver_id = self.db_id

    def act(self, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional["Packet"]:
        Request information from the Agent's frontend. If non-blocking,
        (timeout is None) should return None if no actions are ready
        to be returned.
        if len(self.pending_actions) == 0:
            if timeout is None or timeout == 0:
                return None

        if len(self.pending_actions) == 0:
            # various disconnect cases
            status = self.get_status()
            if status == AgentState.STATUS_DISCONNECT:
                raise AgentDisconnectedError(self.db_id)
            elif status == AgentState.STATUS_RETURNED:
                raise AgentReturnedError(self.db_id)
            raise AgentTimeoutError(timeout, self.db_id)
        assert len(
            self.pending_actions) > 0, "has_action released without an action!"

        act = self.pending_actions.pop(0)

        if "MEPHISTO_is_submit" in act.data and act.data["MEPHISTO_is_submit"]:

        if len(self.pending_actions) == 0:
        return act

    def get_status(self) -> str:
        """Get the status of this agent in their work on their unit"""
        if self.db_status not in AgentState.complete():
            row = self.db.get_agent(self.db_id)
            if row["status"] != self.db_status:
                if row["status"] in [
                    # Disconnect statuses should free any pending acts
            self.db_status = row["status"]
        return self.db_status

    # Children classes should implement the following methods

    def approve_work(self) -> None:
        """Approve the work done on this agent's specific Unit"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def soft_reject_work(self) -> None:
        Pay a worker for attempted work, but mark it as below the 
        quality bar for this assignment
        # TODO(OWN) extend this method to assign a soft block
        # qualification automatically if a threshold of
        # soft rejects as a proportion of total accepts
        # is exceeded

    def reject_work(self, reason) -> None:
        """Reject the work done on this agent's specific Unit"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def mark_done(self) -> None:
        Take any required step with the crowd_provider to ensure that
        the worker can submit their work and be marked as complete via
        a call to get_status
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def new(db: "MephistoDB", worker: Worker, unit: "Unit") -> "Agent":
        Create an agent for this worker to be used for work on the given Unit.

        Implementation should return the result of _register_agent when sure the agent
        can be successfully created to have it put into the db.
        raise NotImplementedError()